grace-freemont · 6 years
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“Given the town that you’re in, did you really expect anything different?” He replied with a smirk, lingering because she wanted him to leave. “This is a free country, is it not? I don’t have to go, Grace. Wouldn’t you rather spend your time off from my sister with another one of the Blackwell family?”
“From the town, no. From you? Eh.” She shrugged her shoulders, a smirk of her own coming to her lips. “Last I checked it was, but I’ll have to Google it later. You never know how things change with the cheeto in charge.” Scoffing slightly, Grace shook her head. “I’d rather be Blackwell free. But lucky me, seems like this is my life now.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“Why would Jos care?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow slightly, before smirking. “If anything, she’d appreciate my taste.” 
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“Because you’re bothering me.” She smirked, bending down into downward dog. “And standing around, bothering and oggling her assistant, isn’t exactly a look Jos would be fond of.” She didn’t care if she was lying, she’d put up with listening to him and Jos have sex at work too many times, she was going to mess with him now.
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grace-freemont · 6 years
Mina made a little face at Grace’s question before shaking her head. “Nope-I don’t have to go to work and it’s my day off from school,” she answered. “And if it’s called yoga, how come people have mats and it looks like they can go to sleep?” she couldn’t help but ask.
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Grace’s head hung as she switched into another position. “Okay...” She said as she let out a breath, “I don’t know, I didn’t name it. It’s Indian. And these mats are so thin they’re obviously not for sleeping. They’re just for grip.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“Oh…” Lorelei spoke, turning to see the idiots that she’d been addressing. They seemed to realize they were unwanted and sauntered off. Lorelei returned her attention back to Grace, returning her soft smile. She was happy that Elvis had turned into such a friendly dog, even if he was a troublemaker at times. “I’d still say that’s pretty impressive. I did it for a couple weeks in college but kinda fell out of it… almost literally,” she joked. “Been meaning to get back into it but just can’t find the motivation,” she admitted with a small frown. “What makes it so enjoyable for you?” Lor asked curiously.
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Lowering herself into a sitting position onto the mat, Grace continued to pet the pup as she spoke with it’s owner. “You give me too much credit. I started... and continue, honestly, how of sheer boredom. I’m not even sure if it relaxes me more as just passes the time.” Chuckling softly, Grace leaned back on her hands. “I don’t blame you, honestly. Take up drinking, it’s much more fun.” She mused. “Um... honestly, I don’t know. Like I said, I’m not even sure if I enjoy it. It’s just... something to do that I don’t have to think about and isn’t work related. I guess that’s what makes it appealing.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“I can’t say I don’t feel the same way. Somewhere completely isolated, where no one knows your name.” she sighed wistfully, eyes briefly flickering closed. “Well, yeah but then again that would mean the world was simple, and its not. Sucks, I know. Can I do anything to help?”
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Moving to take a seat down next to the other woman, Grace’s eyes rolled as her phone began to vibrate in her hand again, signaling another couple of emails coming in. “Somewhere without cell service would be ideal.” She sighed, opening up the phone and beginning to read and respond to the emails quickly. “Unless you know a notable photographer in New York City who can shoot a magazine spread within the next half an hour, unfortunately, no.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“Maybe I was just hoping for you to have moved on by now.” he commented, “Then again, I was foolish enough to think you weren’t my friend.” he replied, before sighing softly. “Not in the slightest. Well, I am old remember, it’s okay to forget.”
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“Now, now. Lying is unbecoming on your Nicholas. You’ve known me long enough now to know that wasn’t going to happen.” She smirked. “Oh, no. You don’t get to dispute your old age and then use it to your advantage. It’s one or the other, babe.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“I try too, but sometimes I feel odd coming alone.” she replied, laying out her mat, as she began to stretch. “Do you?” 
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“You shouldn’t. It’s the idiots who stop and stare who should feel weird.” Switching positions once more, Grace lowered herself down onto her stomach and into the cobra pose. “Not really, but today’s weather kind of demanded it.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
Zoe chuckled.  “I mean I could make that comment if you’d rather,” she teased her.  Shaking her head, Zoe smiled.  “But no, I’ve wanted to get into yoga but haven’t had the time.”
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“Only compliments. I won’t ever turn down compliments.” She chuckled. “Well I went to a bunch of classes in New York... now I just use YouTube or stand around in a park looking like an idiot with her arms raised above her head. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Just get a massage.” 
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grace-freemont · 6 years
Joslyn paused as she looked at Grace. “Don’t you have a home for this? Do I not pay you enough?” Joslyn asked looking horrified to see her protege doing random stretching in the middle of town.
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“No, my boss is real stingy and doesn’t pay me a living wage. You’re actually standing in my living room right now.” Grace said, tone free of sarcasm even though her words were filled with it. “I just wanted to be outside. I miss Central Park. If you’re going to be a judgey bitch about it, at least bring food.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
Wyatt gave a soft shrug at her words. Where she was right, he was never one to lie when asked a question. Bend the truth, yes, but never flat out lie. “I’m probably going to work up a contract at some point with the bakery anyway. Start selling their stuff which is better and will be a lot more fresh.” Some people might have been offended by the unsolicited help, but Wyatt had a tendency to notice when people were trying to help out even when correcting him. “But I will take that under advisement, you know, to shut up about it until then.”
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Breaking off a piece of the pastry, Grace popped it into her mouth and chewed slowly. He was right, the pastry wasn’t anything to write home about, but she hadn’t been expecting more so she wasn’t disappointed. “Well see, that’s smart business.” She complimented, soft smile on her features as she washed down the bite of pastry with a sip of coffee as she turned her gaze back to her laptop, perfectly manicured fingers typing quickly as she responded to yet another email about this month’s issue. “So has this place been around long?” She asked, fingers still moving as she glanced up at Wyatt with a gentle smile. “You guys have the best coffee I’ve been able to find since leaving New York.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“Wow, something tells me you are not relaxed. Remember the most important part is to breathe.” A quick roll of her eyes was all she gave in response and instead of leaving she threw her body down onto a nearby bench. “I usually hate when people say this because let’s be real here it’s not completely true but– it’s a free country. I get the best selfie lighting here.”
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“Well aren’t you astute.” She said with her own roll of her eyes. “Well I’m not sure if this has ever, you know crossed your perky blonde brain, but you don’t actually have to speak when you take a selfie.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“I could could just walk away. Or, get more booze, really stink it up.” he replied with a shrug as he continued to tap lightly on the wood of the guitar. “Ah, but eternity can be a long time and I can get equally as annoying you wait. You’ll get grumpy with your old age eventually, the chirpy ones always do and I will be there to annoy the shit out of you.” he replied, “Since when were we friends?”
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“You could, but I feel like if you were gonna do either of those things they would have happened already.” Bringing her coffee cup up to her lips, Grace took a drink from it as her eyes drifted down to the guitar in his hands. “Aw.” She said, hand coming up to rest flat on her chest over her heart, “You do care. I knew it.” She teased, a slight laugh leaving her lips. “Oh you didn’t know? I kinda snuck in there. Happened a while ago, actually, keep up Adler.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“You just looked… a million miles away.” she admitted, tilting her head a little as she watched the other woman with a smile. “Rough day?” 
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“I wish I was a million miles away.” Grace admitted with a tight smile. “Something like that, yeah. If people could just get their shit together and be where they’re supposed to be when they’re supposed to be, my life would be so much easier.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
“Yeah, it’s a performance art piece,” she said, flashing her a smile and shrugging. “What exactly is creepy about it? This is a public space, I have every right to stand here. If you have issues with someone watching you do your soccer mom stretches, you could have done them…” She paused, as if searching for the right word. “Inside? Or if you desperately needed to be that cliched hippie in touch with Mother Earth, there are plenty of clearings in the woods.”
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“No sweetie, that would be your outfit.” She replied, arms coming down to cross over her chest. “When someone clearly doesn’t want you watching them and you choose to continue to do so, it’s creepy. Like I get your whole... I’m a bitch and I’m gonna try and assert my dominance shithead vibe you have going but it’s not a good look.” Turning her back to the woman to lean down and grab her water bottle from her bag, Grace slowly opened up the cap before taking her time in bringing the bottle to her lips and taking a drink from it. “While I appreciate the unwanted advice, since you know, being unwanted seems to be your thing, the park here would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for your creeptastic vibes. So why don’t you go ahead and continue on, because honestly, this is pointless and I’m done with it. And you.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
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“A dinosaur, that’s absolutely cutting.” He gasped softly, placing both hands over his heart on his chest in a mocking show of sadness. “I’m aware of what yoga is. What I’m not aware of is this attempt of it you’re trying. What is it they say now? You get an A for effort. Which leads to my next point, what’s interesting is how ridiculous you look.”
Grace rolled her eyes, lowering her hands back down to cross them over her chest as she looked at him. “I don’t look anywhere near as ridiculous as you would.” She countered rather childishly. “Besides, I don’t care. I was enjoying myself until you came along... so please, go find someone else to amuse you.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
Wyatt looked at the wall full of colorful chalk doodles and quotes and just random signatures. He’d liked the idea of having a place where people could add their own flare to the cafe (besides, he’d only had to erase a few penis drawings), and the only thing of his that was on that wall was the password at the top so it wasn’t strange for people not to see it. At her question he gave a small nod. “We do but I gotta tell you, the ones at the bakery are way better.” As soon as the words left his mouth, the barista that was standing behind the counter and close enough to hear, cleared her throat and gave Wyatt an “are you kidding?!” look. He couldn’t deny that Luna made better pastries than the vendor he had. So he just rolled his eyes at the girl and replied “It’s true, I’m not going to lie to a valued customer!” Whether the vampire sitting across from him was valued or not was unknown to Wyatt but he stuck by his words just the same.
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Grace watched the interaction between the man and the barista, slightly amused smile pulling at the corners of her lips. “Honestly, a chocolate croissant is a chocolate croissant. Unless the bakery gets them shipped from Paris then they’re both going to taste exactly the same.” Rising from her seat, Grace walked over to the aforementioned barista and ordered the pastry, pulling the change from her coffee out of her pocket and handing it over. She tossed the rest of her change into the tip jar and waited for the warmed up croissant to be presented back to her; once it was, she thanked the barista with a soft smile and headed back to the table. “You know, she’s right.” She said to Wyatt, taking a sip of her coffee before speaking again. “Telling your customers to take their business elsewhere is incredibly counter productive to your bottom line.”
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grace-freemont · 6 years
Anya raised an eyebrow. “Ma’am, yes ma’am,” she said, snapping into a military salute. She relaxed and folded her arms across her chest, leaning against a tree. Looking around, she frowned as though confused. “Huh, would you look at that? Doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere. How weird.”
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Grace’s eyebrows raised at the woman, not even bothering to fight the eye roll that forced its way onto her features. “So you make it a habit to be the creepy bitch in the park, then?” She asked, tone and facial expression remaining unaffected by the woman and her actions. “That’s kind of pathetic.”
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