goopiferart · 12 days
do you ever plan on selling any of your homestuck fanmerch? 🙇
That's the dream!
Unfortunately, I don't think the designs I wanna make have the mass appeal to justify putting in a large enough order to keep costs affordable to people. I just want merch that sucks that only I like.
BUT nothing is impossible, and I may put out some feelers for interest eventually lmmaooo... I'll try to get some new stuff out too.
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goopiferart · 4 months
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Part of my gift from last year's Cringlefuck Exchange with the book club but I haven't posted any photos of it yet... (IT'S ON THE WAY FLANN IM SORRY LMAO).
Kinda want to get one for myself so that's on my to-do list nowewww
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goopiferart · 5 months
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Happy 4/13 everypony 🏠
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goopiferart · 7 months
The sburb sweater looks so good! did you screen print it by hand or had it printed somewhere?
I had them printed somewhere! I haven't screenprinted by hand in a long time...
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goopiferart · 7 months
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THEY'RE HERE (preview for now while I ship them out and get a better photo of them later)
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Working on something for ME (and my friends I GUESS...)
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goopiferart · 7 months
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goopiferart · 7 months
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Finally.... my acceptance letter...
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goopiferart · 8 months
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uHhhhhhhhhhh wip for "something" uiuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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goopiferart · 10 months
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Working on something for ME (and my friends I GUESS...)
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goopiferart · 10 months
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Classpect analysis notes under the cut!
Spent the last 2-3 weeks classpecting with the Book Club and here's what we largely came to agree on for MY classpects. I came to the discussion thinking "Thief of Doom" but I guess things just change! Most of us went into this with "which classpect would present the biggest challenge for me" so most of my notes take on... challenging qualities.
I'll try to post everyone else's final classpects + notes in this blog eventually (soon).
Princes are individuals who either lack their Aspect or outright reject their Aspect and are defined by their struggle to come to terms with it
The Prince of Blood may start out as an individual who struggles with relationships
They would have difficulties forging new friendships, maintaining bonds, and finding meaning within the company of others
They resent the ties that bind them to people, most likely due to their overwhelming need to honor obligations at any cost
Their highly competent nature is sought out by others but is rarely rewarded, putting this Prince at risk of being exploited if they are not discriminating in the company they keep (like Pages)
The Prince’s mean independence streak can border on the extreme if they don’t have social anchors to ground them
They have a fetishistic need to burn bridges at the slightest inconvenience, selfishly preferring to indulge in their maladapted coping instinct over rationally working things through with others
They are equally avoidant and combative, lacking the meekness of Rogues but also their knack for charm and levity
The Prince of Blood’s natural instinct is to avoid confrontation not out of fear of others but of themselves
“Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. Especially me!”
What little people they manage to keep around them are at risk of being put on a gilded pedestal
The Prince’s loyalty to those that they deem worthy is all-consuming and dangerous, to both themselves and others
To step outside The Prince’s idealized version of you would be to betray their trust and one-sided devotion, something they will never be able to forgive
Princes naturally gravitate towards embodying their opposite Aspect, at least outwardly
The Prince’s independence is sacred and is something they will never willingly compromise with, much to the chagrin of those around them
CAUTION: Do not tell this Prince what to do
They chafe against tradition and the status quo but lack the drive (and charisma) to rally others to their cause
They seek out novelty over the tried and true, often having difficulties completing long-term projects out of boredom or due to needing to experiment
The Prince wants nothing more than to escape the “heaviness” of Blood for the airy pursuits of Breath but will always be doomed to be tethered by their undeniable need to love and to be loved by others
Princes destroy Blood or destroys through Blood for themselves
Aside from being effective solo killers (blows up all your blood), the Prince would be able to utilize their bonds to destroy other bonds
They could form alliances or force others into contracts to help eliminate other inconvenient alliances
Obligations become weaponized as the Prince can call upon irrevocable (and inescapable) favors to their team’s benefit
The inverse classpect manifests when Players are at their worst or are emotionally compromised
The Prince of Blood’s inverse is the Sylph of Breath
At their worst, the Prince could take a dogmatic approach to prescribing their variety of independence as the one-and-only solution, forcing their brand of “living” as the panacea for all of life’s injustices
Their forced and misguided aid would make them appear to be tyrants to others despite the Prince’s initial good intentions
They could also become wholly irresponsible individuals, shirking the demands of Blood completely for a life of carefree self-destruction
Seers receive knowledge of their Aspects externally, not being innately versed in their Aspect early in their journey
The Seer of Rage could initially have trouble understanding anger and fear, both theirs and others, as they’re either suffering from chronic indifference or are in deep denial about their own inhibitions
They could appear to be carefree and upbeat individuals while being deeply conflicted and troubled on the inside, completely loath to let their struggles be perceived by others
The Seer will never admit to feeling powerless over their lack of agency over their base instincts, shamefully resorting to relying on the voice of more authoritative figures to guide them instead
They want others to see them as arbiters of self-control, infallible beings who keep a short leash on any unbecoming instinct that betrays their lack of mastery of the self
The Seer is oft indecisive, afflicted by the restrictions they place on themselves by being unable to look past their own fears and discomforts
The Seer comes into their own when they start allowing themselves to question their beliefs, confronting uncomfortable revelations, and allowing themselves to dabble in the mess that is “human emotion”
The catalyst needed to put the Seer on the right path in pursuing their own truths will usually be explosive, a sudden and dramatic event that would change their relationship with their Aspect forever
The Seer of Rage may be one of the more “introspective” Seers in that the prerequisite to being of any use to their team and session is to understand themselves first rather than blindly trusting external sources
They can also run the risk of becoming mouthpieces for misguided causes and manipulative forces
These Seers tend to be natural pacifists who rarely enjoy involving themselves directly in conflicts
This does not mean that they are shy about letting their own Rage loose on occasion
Seers examine (understand) their Aspect or examine (understand) through their Aspect for others
The Seer of Rage can literally see (smell?) fear
They know exactly what people are afraid of and what needs to be done to mitigate, avoid, or enhance it in others
They can be incredible strategists, capable of seeing through illusions and identifying enemies’ psychological weaknesses
The Seer is capable of identifying all the possible missteps stemming from the “human element” in plans and will work around them accordingly
The inverse classpect manifests when Players are at their worst or are emotionally compromised
The Seer of Rage’s inverse is the Witch Hope
At their worst, the Seer shirks their responsibility as the messenger of hard truths, using their extensive knowledge of fear and anger to transform “unpalatable” emotions into more pleasant experiences for others
Allows unhealthy delusions to cloud their ability to discern the truth from fantasy
Focuses too much on helping others avoid reality than on confronting it
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goopiferart · 11 months
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My XIV blog is permanently closed so THIS blog will have to do. BEHOLD... my raid alt with a Halloween twist (spoilers: it's permanent)
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goopiferart · 11 months
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I forgot to add this bonus one (as per tradition) LMAOOO ☠️☠️☠️
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goopiferart · 11 months
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I am nothing if not committed to the Homestuck Book Club assignment (that I assigned in the first place). Highly doubt I'll redo this getup on Halloween... I finally understand all the pain con-goers went through to get this paint on properly. I can finally die in peace knowing I got to be a proper Homestuck at least once in my life lmaoooo
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goopiferart · 11 months
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Everyone congratulate my (now formerly) HS virgin friends for making it to Cascade with minimal bloodshed. We will celebrate their graduation with my 100+ page PowerPoint deck on classpecting. Yay!!!!!!!!!!
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goopiferart · 1 year
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Canonically dogshit at driving cars and running in a straight line. (Didn't want to put this on my main blog because I'm a COWARD)
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goopiferart · 1 year
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Working on something with my bookclub for Halloween lmaooo
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goopiferart · 1 year
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YAY I can post these now! My contribution to a couple tracks on the Land of Fans & Music 5 Act 2 album. Thank you for havin' me!!
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