15 posts
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goldenislands · 4 months ago
okay so I realized that I have 4 days of protein in my house for 2 people ( my husband and I ), and my cat has only 7 days of food left.
I overestimated some things last pay because my father in law got us some groceries the week after we had already gotten some and I thought we had more groceries then we did, and we didn’t. Bills were higher this month, and I thought I was being more responsible by shelling out more money into my bills ( I had an emergency on a day too because my mom got injured, so I missed a day of work and got paid less ). Anyway, I thought we were good on groceries—we were not and I should have just paid bills as normal instead did the extra to help my debts and bills.
I would ideally like to raise about $100-$150USD to get some groceries either today or within the next few days. It’ll keep us stocked until next friday when I get paid.
I am opening 4 SLOTS for BUSTS since no one seemed interested in graphic work. I am lowering my prices. Im currently finishing up some past comms as well, so you will be added to a queue.
I can draw men/women/attempt at furries/kemonomimis/ect.
Sketch - $10USD
Line art - $20USD
Coloured - $30USD
Examples under the cut! Even if you wish to help and don’t want anything in return, my PayPal and ko-fi are below. Thank you! 😭
Ko-fi: click here.
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goldenislands · 4 months ago
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“You’rrre needy today. And…everrry otherrr day…”
A tease that drips from his lips; an amused hum rumbling through his throat. To love such a delicate little thing…It was different, though not unwelcome. Eros provided entertainment, in a way—Ananas couldn’t stay he was ever bored around the smaller. Arms were wrapped around the golden dragon; whose hand moved to cradle the back of Eros’ head lightly; strong shoulders shrugging lightly as he accepted defeat—This time.
“I do.” Ananas confessed before letting go of his tiny lover, lifting the smaller as he stood, turning towards the temple in which his throne had resided. His tail swayed behind him; nearly wagging as he looked down at the other; snickering softly at his behaviour. How easily he could get distracted by him…
A sigh leaves Ananas as he continues to Walkman’s carry the smaller, head once again tilting ever so slightly. “Werrre you getting into trrrouble before you came to pesterrr me?”
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The snort that left him was filled with amusement—golden gaze watching Eros carefully as Ananas continued to hold him like a small animal. Making no attempt to escape—And why should he? The golden dragon wasn’t one to hurt his beloved little creature—No, no. Dark lips purse idly in thought at the question returned to him, free hand moving to stroke along the blonde hair upon it, gaze glancing upwards briefly before he decided to set the smaller down on the ground, crouching in front of him, elbow perched on his knee and cheek resting in his palm.
“Mm, I don’t know. What arrre you offerrring?” A claw moves to idly toy with pink hair on the other’s head; tongue idly running along sharp teeth as a deep exhale leaves his nostrils. “You’re the one causing me to put a halt to my plans for the day, so surrrely you had something in mind.”
His head tilted ever so slightly, the long bang covering half of his gaze revealing his other golden eye; gaze blinking as he waited patiently, still toying with pink hair and idly wrapping it around his claw. “You’re lucky I don’t carrre about wasted time, or this would be a completely differrrent conversation…”
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goldenislands · 4 months ago
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The snort that left him was filled with amusement—golden gaze watching Eros carefully as Ananas continued to hold him like a small animal. Making no attempt to escape—And why should he? The golden dragon wasn’t one to hurt his beloved little creature—No, no. Dark lips purse idly in thought at the question returned to him, free hand moving to stroke along the blonde hair upon it, gaze glancing upwards briefly before he decided to set the smaller down on the ground, crouching in front of him, elbow perched on his knee and cheek resting in his palm.
“Mm, I don’t know. What arrre you offerrring?” A claw moves to idly toy with pink hair on the other’s head; tongue idly running along sharp teeth as a deep exhale leaves his nostrils. “You’re the one causing me to put a halt to my plans for the day, so surrrely you had something in mind.”
His head tilted ever so slightly, the long bang covering half of his gaze revealing his other golden eye; gaze blinking as he waited patiently, still toying with pink hair and idly wrapping it around his claw. “You’re lucky I don’t carrre about wasted time, or this would be a completely differrrent conversation…”
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@draconicfool sent: tiny, tiny dragon come to jump on the his back. he wants attention.
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There’s a a soft ‘oof’ that leaves him; pointed ears giving the softest twitch; a claw licking at his teeth as if he were using it as a toothpick. The movement made Ananas barely shift, the golden dragon craning his neck to try and see the smaller who had jumped on him, an amused snort leaving the blonde. His tail swished idly, moving a hand to reach behind him and grab the smaller by the scruff, moving him so they could be eye to eye.
“A little warning next time, Errros.” Ananas mused, leaning forward to nuzzle his cheek against the smaller’s affectionately, making no effort to let go of him for the time being. “You caught me just as I was going to do my rrrounds to check on the Pineapple isles…but so guess I now have a distrrraction on my hands, now…Don’t I?”
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goldenislands · 4 months ago
@draconicfool sent: tiny, tiny dragon come to jump on the his back. he wants attention.
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There’s a a soft ‘oof’ that leaves him; pointed ears giving the softest twitch; a claw licking at his teeth as if he were using it as a toothpick. The movement made Ananas barely shift, the golden dragon craning his neck to try and see the smaller who had jumped on him, an amused snort leaving the blonde. His tail swished idly, moving a hand to reach behind him and grab the smaller by the scruff, moving him so they could be eye to eye.
“A little warning next time, Errros.” Ananas mused, leaning forward to nuzzle his cheek against the smaller’s affectionately, making no effort to let go of him for the time being. “You caught me just as I was going to do my rrrounds to check on the Pineapple isles…but so guess I now have a distrrraction on my hands, now…Don’t I?”
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goldenislands · 4 months ago
I would REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it if NON MUTUALS didn’t reblog and reply to my roleplays with other people. Even if they’re silly one liners.
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goldenislands · 4 months ago
I swear you have a secret relationship with the Monkey King-
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The dragon squints his golden gaze, leaning forward from his throne to try and get a better look at the image presented to him; head tilting to the side ever so slightly as a puff of air leaves his nostrils.
“I have no idea who this is.”
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goldenislands · 4 months ago
okay so I realized that I have 4 days of protein in my house for 2 people ( my husband and I ), and my cat has only 7 days of food left.
I overestimated some things last pay because my father in law got us some groceries the week after we had already gotten some and I thought we had more groceries then we did, and we didn’t. Bills were higher this month, and I thought I was being more responsible by shelling out more money into my bills ( I had an emergency on a day too because my mom got injured, so I missed a day of work and got paid less ). Anyway, I thought we were good on groceries—we were not and I should have just paid bills as normal instead did the extra to help my debts and bills.
I would ideally like to raise about $100-$150USD to get some groceries either today or within the next few days. It’ll keep us stocked until next friday when I get paid.
I am opening 4 SLOTS for BUSTS since no one seemed interested in graphic work. I am lowering my prices. Im currently finishing up some past comms as well, so you will be added to a queue.
I can draw men/women/attempt at furries/kemonomimis/ect.
Sketch - $15USD
Line art - $20USD
Coloured - $30USD
Examples under the cut! Even if you wish to help and don’t want anything in return, my PayPal and ko-fi are below. Thank you! 😭
Ko-fi: click here.
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
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“I would put that spicy man in the grrround.”
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
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“I would put that spicy man in the grrround.”
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
I sketched out ananas
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
@p1taya sent: [ ASSIST ]: sender picks up and carries the receiver away for medical attention because they've been injured and can't walk easily.
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And here he thought that he was going to be left there to die.
Everything was a complete blur—perhaps it was the concussion that was forming; or the copies amounts of jam that he had lost which had oozed out of his form. There were many factors to what have caused him to not really understand fully what was going on—and the way that the world kept spinning so much that he had to close his eyes for a moment to ground himself. Ananas could feel himself being carried; lifted and taken elsewhere from where he way, eyes cracking open and head turning to look at the other dragon carrying him.
“Pitaya…” he would attempt to growl out; though it sounded more defeated than anything. His body ached horribly; surges of pain pulsating in different directions like electricity if he had moved too much in the other’s grasp. A defeated exhaled left the golden dragon; gaze flickering elsewhere as his body remained mostly limp.
“Why arrre you helping me…?”
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
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Irritation is what the dragon felt as soon as Pitaya’s voice pierced his ears like an annoying banshee; showing throughout the golden walls of his throne room. Brows had furrowed; a huff of air leaving nostrils as the claws of his free hand tapped along the arm of his seat, the elbow of his other arm propped up and his chin resting against a closed fist.
One leg moved to cross over the other, head tilting slightly while remaining against his hand, a brow raising slowly as he saw the red dragon at the entrance.
“No, I’d rrrather not.”
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
listen, i'm back home now, i'm thinking about things, and i saw the maxton hall gifset floating around and i was like. yk what. carrying people is elite content, and gdi y'all deserve elite content! as always, DO NOT ADD OR EDIT THIS LIST! and there's a lil spicy addition under the readmore, but i left it there just in case people prefer to have a not-so-spicy version.
[ SLUMBER ]: sender picks up and carries the receiver because they're so sound asleep that they won't easily wake up.
[ INTERCEPT ]: sender picks up and carries the receiver out of the room because they're angry and on the brink of engaging in a fight with someone.
[ ASSIST ]: sender picks up and carries the receiver away for medical attention because they've been injured and can't walk easily.
[ HELP ]: sender picks up and carries the badly wounded receiver as fast as possible to the nearest hospital or the nearest place to administer urgent first-aid.
[ ELATION ]: sender scoops up the receiver and carries them away after a mutual victory, or having just received very good news (or maybe they're both just very happy for some reason!)
[ HOME ]: sender picks up the receiver to carry them over the threshold of their new home.
[ AID ]: sender finds the receiver too weak to move, and scoops them up to carry them to get some help.
[ UP ]: sender finds the receiver and picks them up to carry them a distance after learning they're unable to get up.
[ BAREFOOT ]: the sender picks up the receiver and carries them inside because they're not wearing any shoes.
[ WEARY ]: sender notices the receiver about to fall asleep during a task, and picks them up to carry them to bed so that they can actually sleep properly for once.
[ TWIRL ]: sender catches the receiver in their arms and spins them in a neat twirl just because they want to.
[ HERO ]: sender notices the receiver about to fall from a height, and manages to intervene just in time, catching them before they get hurt.
[ FLASH ]: the sender and receiver are part of a photoshoot, and in order to finish the last of the photos, the sender scoops up the receiver in their arms for the final pose.
[ TRAIN ]: during a training session (for a fight or a performance, dealer's choice!) the sender ends up holding the receiver in their arms during their session together.
[ URGENCY ]: sender carries the receiver away from danger after the receiver is revealed to be unable to move, either due to panic or injury.
[ OUT ]: sender grabs the receiver and lifts them into their arms after noticing them swaying and beginning to lose consciousness.
[ SCREAM ]: sender spots the receiver in a terrified or considerably panicked state, and picks them up to carry them to a less terrifying place to calm down.
[ LAZY ]: sender concedes to receiver's requests for a piggy-back ride home because they don't want to walk anymore, and carries them the rest of the distance home.
[ CAREFUL ]: sender gently lifts the receiver out of their seat and carries them carefully to bed after noticing they fell asleep and not wanting to waken them.
[ HASTE ]: in urgent need of getting to safety as fast as possible, the sender scoops up the receiver and starts running because it's quicker and easier to just carry them than expect them to keep pace.
[ FURTHER ]: sender, during an increasingly passionate make-out session with the receiver, suddenly takes them in their arms and carries them towards the bedroom to continue their evening in private.
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
@4ffogato sent: dunks on him , fucking loser <3
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A LARGE CLAWED HAND grabs them by their face before slamming the other dragon into the ground, a low growl rumbling out of the golden dragon as his gaze narrows.
“Wherrre arrre yourrr manners?”
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goldenislands · 5 months ago
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✧˖°. 🍍 𝑮𝑶𝑳𝑫𝑬𝑵𝑰𝑺𝑳𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑺: a 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄, 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐄 & 𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 roleplay blog for a canon-divergent & headcanon based portrayal of 𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑵𝑨𝑺 𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑮𝑶𝑵 𝑪𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑰𝑬 from Devsisters’ 𝑪𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑰𝑬 𝑹𝑼𝑵. 18+ only. 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐒 & 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐍𝐈. Written by Cat. 31/she or they / MST. Autistic & ADHD. Multiverse, Multiship, OC friendly.
Follows from @knightdomain
𝑪𝑨𝑹𝑹𝑫 𝑰𝑺 𝑨 𝑾𝑰𝑷. Rules under the cut.
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hello! My name is Cat. I’m 31 and I’m from Canada. I’ve been roleplaying on tumblr on and off for about 7 years, but overall role playing for about 10+ years. I’m very easy to reach out to and very chill, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me ooc!
my activity is sporadic. I’m medium/low activity due to working 40hrs a week, having a personal life and things such as ADHD/Depression. But if we are mutuals you are welcome to my discord! I can talk and plot and such there even if I’m not actively writing at the time!
interactions & plotting. I will pretty much interact with anyone I feel as though I can mesh with via writing style. I like to write multi paras and I try to be as in depth as possible, but shorter replies and being silly is fine too! I don’t mind if you don’t match my post length but please, if I write 3/4 paragraphs, give me more then a couple of sentences…That being said, I do not write with pro-shippers or anything like that. If you support that kind of behavior i will block you. I usually wing it with writing and plots and such but I love plotting as well despite not being very good at it. So hit me up any time to do so!
Please also know that i don't take well to power playing or godmodding. I don't mind if Ananas gets injured, but don't write his reaction to it.
my formatting isn’t very great, and I don’t expect yours to be either. If you want to format like crazy, go for it! Just know that mine will be simpler.
When it comes to shipping, I do love shipping and I love to plot ships with other people I write Ananas as pansexual. However, chemistry is also important. Please do not force ship with me either. I will also not ship with characters underage. If you are a proshipper/ship incest I will block you on sight.
Ananas goes by He/They/It pronouns, but present masculine.
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