CEO - #BGSEntertainment /Producer #BigBeatzBanga #BigBeatz / Photographer #MnMmediaProductions / Videographer #BGSFilms / Queen Emcee 🇨🇲#PrettyKitty
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You wana tb work 💪🏾 feature number 2 just dropped! Outside of my own projects this yr I got 2 cyphers done and 2 features out 💪🏾🤘🏾🥳 with more to come!!!! Links below… we getting it poppin this year Get It Poppin - Blessed - Cypher Love - ChiCity cypher - (at Chicago, Illinois)
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One more song to go🤘🏾🙏🏾💯🔥🔥🔥🔥 #SinceYouWatching almost complete 😉 First visual 🎥 #TheBox will be re premiering Friday on my YouTube channel! 2nd one in the works and more on the way! #jusspk #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #betonblacc #hiphop #musicbloggers #mixtape #coast2coast #rap
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Happy birthday @my_black_is_royalty ‼️ Had a dope time last night at the party/ video shoot! Place was lit 🔥 can’t wait to see the visual! Yeh I’m back out side like I haven’t lost a beat 😏 Surrounded by the best @coreyether @dirtty_eagle @candigurl2u @chiblizz #videoshoot with @baruniversitytv #musicvideoshoot #hiphop #musicbloggers #prettypkkitty #jusspk #bgsentertainment #betonblacc (at Chicago, Illinois)
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#SinceYouWatching track list. This is a special release! It will only be available on the new @bgs_entertainment_llc website! Free download you sign up with your email address. I want to interact with my fans and supporters more directly. Once you sign up you’ll get exclusive release’s, stay updated with events, be able to order merch and special release bundles. Launching April 1st so make sure you mark your calendars, you don’t want to miss out what I have in store…. You will not be disappointed 😁💪🏾🤘🏾 #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #betonblacc #music #lifestyle #hiphop #musicbloggers (at Chicago, Illinois)
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It’s time I get it all out there and level up! Everything changed for me last yr and the success gained showed me if you stay consistent, you’ll get what you asked for! The more they pray I lose the more I win 🏆 this yrs streak is fina be crazy 😜 #StayTuned #MoreToCome #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #SinceYouWatching #Mixtape 🚀🚀🚀🚀
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I’ve been working on some stuff on the side and it’s about time I start giving y’all what I got! #SinceYouWatching mini #EP I’m about to release with a digital package to get you guys ready for ALL that’s coming! I got a lot watching that thought I never make it AT ALL let alone as far as I have! I want to let all those that support me and especially those that don’t know I got this and will continue to give my best when it comes to being a creator! #StayTuned #StayLit #PrettyPKKitty #BGSEntertainment #BetOnBlacc (at Minding My Own Business)
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That’s a winner right there! Thanks to those that came out and supported! S/O @illwillthegrandmingler & @khemist_tree101 supporting with the merch 💪🏾‼️ I will be on tour with @elhitta @rico_santana400 and @king_youngin8 🤟🏾‼️Fina have this sauce all on me city to city, state to state! Much love to @onceaugust_management and @determinedradio and much respect to all the artist that hit the stage! #PrettyKitty #BGSEntertainment #ItsYaGurl #BetOnBlacc #WeOnTv #WeOnRadio #BMWChi #OnceAugust #musicindustry #heavyhittas #musicblogs #hiphop #trap #drill #thischicago #coast2coast #worldwide #slangofficial #BigGang (at Voodoo Lounge)
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I hope y’all ready cuz this release is well over due! #BigGurlSwagg 2️⃣ “FO DA HEAVIES ONLY” 😏 hint hint! Im not just talking weight I’m also talking about the hits that’s on here! #Sayless #Personal that blazing #Oozin🧪🧪🧪 I’m talking about some of the heavy hitters I got on here too like @crysnothankyou ft on #DreamDeffered or @coreyether & @sinatris ft on #CountedMeOut this #EP got some BIG singles that have already dropped and a few more but y’all gona have to wait till the full release! Got special digital release packages that’ll be available for purchase and y’all won’t be disappointed ☺️🤟🏾‼️Stay tuned it about to get real heavy round this joint 😏 #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #blaccwidow #weontv #weonradio #coast2coast #worldwide #music #performer #entertainer #musicbusiness #musicindustry #musicbloggers (at Cooking in the Kitchen)
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You have to invest! In yourself, in your brand, in business! Too many want all the benefits but don’t think they need to put in the work! Investing is continuous! You can’t think one payment is gona sky rocket you to the top! There is no such thing as “overnight success” ….. it takes a couple of nights! But if it’s what you want to do…. You’ll keep grinding each night till that big hit! Your are responsible for your career! Hold yourself accountable! Realize somethings aren’t for you either! Timing is everything! #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #weontv #weonradio #betonblacc #musicnotes #musicindustrytips #bloggers #musicbloggers #coast2coast #worldwide #biggurlwithswagg #bigmusic #hiphop (at Minding My Own Business)
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LETS GO🤟🏾‼️ First show of the yr!! Thanks to @synsier_therapperr for the invite! Starting the year off with doing what I do best #Perform 🔥‼️ Oh yeh ima light up every stage I touch! Hope y’all ready! #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #betonblacc #weontv #weonnation
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Still got pics from #NYC #Brooklyn #Queens #Bronx #TimeSquare like #NewYork was really dope and meeting @titanofrap @cpthedj @therealdiarose @sp_theartist @infamous__ty @johnniefloss @ogrob718_ @truelucious all these artist showed out at the showcase and out here working! Much love to @rawrrzonenyc @5or5000experience @ivyproductions @weonradio @weonnation @blaccwidohh for the plug and all those that came out! Can’t wait to get back 🤟🏾‼️ #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #betonblacc #weonnation #titansofrap (at Manhattan, New York)
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I didn’t wake up one day and decided to be a “rapper” IM AN ENTERTAINER‼️My craft has been worked on since I was a shorty. This is not pressure! I didn’t just pop up outa no where….. ppl just try to discredit you when you’re aligned with greatness! I never stopped because ppl didn’t want to rock with me, I never stopped because I didn’t have the bread for it, I never stopped because other “rappers” or “artist” didn’t rock with me! I didn’t show up only because I thought I would be famous, I never showed up for fame or to be poplar…. I’m blessed, I’m gifted, I’m talented, and have skills beyond most can imagine and it’s all fina come to light 2022! Thanks to all that have supported! The rest God bless you #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #betonblacc #weontv #titanofrap #musicindustry #professionalartist #musicbloggers #musicbloggersreview (at Minding My Own Business)
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First time since I’ve been doing music I’ve got paid each quarter 🥳🤟🏾‼️🙏🏾 Ppl talk about “views” “streams” “likes” but what good are they if you haven’t properly registered your works! The #musicindustry is 10% talent 90% business! Being popular & broke ain’t cool and not having your paperwork in order ain’t what’s poppin! S/o @geegeemillr taking me under her wings with her artist business development! She help me get all my accounts set up the right way 🙏🏾 thanks for always pushing me to do and be better 🥰 then s/o @blaccwidohh getting these campaigns going to help find my target audience and fans that keep me on repeat 🙏🏾‼️ It’s one thing buying views & likes… it’s another to invest in marketing & promotion! Who said females can’t work together to get a bag 💰 I ain’t rich rich 🤑 yet but this time next year my wealth will be doubled 🙌🏾 2021 was a hell of a yr…. 2022 gona be even greater 🦾 #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #ascapartist #ascap #royalties #deposits #professionalartist #writer #publisher #businesswoman (at Minding My Own Business)
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While in #NYC me and the gang got a chance to be interviewed by @iamivy.xo_ at @rawrrzonenyc @titanofrap #clickthelink check it out on #applepodcast #spotify and #youtube Press play and tune in with me and the gang @nbf.neil @oso_tadoee #prettypkkitty #bgsentertainment #nbf #oso #lbg #weontv #betonblacc (at Brooklyn, New York)
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AND THATS A MFN WRAP 🤟🏾‼️🧪🥳 I HAVE PERFORMED MY ENTIRE BDAY WEEKEND!!! AND I DROPPED SOME VOCALS ON EM 🎙 😁 I HAD A AWESOME DAY TODAY AND MY KODS GOT A CHANCE TO SEE WHAT ALL THE HYPE IS ABOUT!!! SEEING THE LOOK ON MY KIDS FACE AS I DID MY THING WAS UNFORGETTABLE 🥰🥰 S/O @onceaugust_management @slang_officials @determinedradio @omg_bowlswaukgen @wynwood_chicago making it extra special for me 🥰🥰🥰 my fellow Sag @king_youngin8 happy bday gang 🤟🏾♐️‼️ S/O Redd Ashes and @luckylyricallove y’all did ya thing! #pretttpkkitty #gvo #bgsentertainment #weontv #betonblacc #nbf #lbg #oso #happybirthday (at Wicker Park Bucktowm)
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#AboutLastNight HAPPY GLODAY @king_youngin8 it’s #sagittariusseason and he one of the coolest I know! Keep soaring young King 🤴🏾 much love to #FamilyFirstEnt for having me! Any time the #Kijg send a request you come thru 😆 much love to @mommadeb5 @bdoutkast for always showing me loving 🥰 To all the artist y’all did y’all thang! @lscwb & @officialshoechef showed out! Definitely s/o @bigbossdamo @dey_hustle @elhitta the host @bigreddent @followmysmile_red
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#aboutthenightbeforelastnight 🥳🤪😁I stole these pics cuz I was 🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ 12/17 Thanks for turning up with me! S/O @onceaugust_management @slang_officials @determinedradio @voodoolounge5060 let me get my turn up on! All fellow Sags in the building @dirtty_eagle @king_youngin8 @chonnie_craig ♐️🤟🏾‼️ GANG‼️ Thanks @coreyether coming thru rocking our new single #CountedMeOut and all the performances y’all got lit lit 🔥 Love to @khemist_tree101 eddys love n point 🥴🥴🥴 I was in the bish LOOOAADED 😂 Still fina turn up 🥴‼️ that’s on GANG♐️🤟🏾‼️🥳🥳🥳⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
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