37 posts
GoLater is the Evernote third party iOS APP. It generates your own map from the notes of the selected Evernote notebooks. Faster than Evernote APP, and convenient to see notes location relationship & navigate by APPLE Maps or GOOGLE Maps, Easy to plan a trip from clipped web pages in Evernote. Smart Geo Bookmark & to-go list solution. The new way to make your rich map to navigate Evernote+GoLater
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
golater · 11 years ago
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Thermal Valley
  It was exploited in 1911, a source of green sulfur hot spring. Visitors used to boil eggs there, making its name “A hell for boiling eggs.”It has been under management by Taipei Water Department for years. Landscape, pipes system, reservoir, trails with rails, pavilions, etc, have been well constructed. The misty phenomenon year round has created a fantasy atmosphere there.
From: http://blog.udn.com/wei0714tom0525/8392498
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golater · 11 years ago
Comments on APP Store
Many thanks to the comment.  It is really an encouragement to know how GoLater helps you or let you feel better. 
"今まで、evernoteに行きたいところを入れていました。 休日前に行きたいところのリストを見ても距離がわからず困っていました このアプリでは日本地図上にプロットされるので休日前の計画がすごく立てやすいです。 行きたいところのリストは170になりましたが見やすいです たまった行きたいところリストの入力はかなり大変でしたけど。入れてしまえばすごい便利です"
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golater · 11 years ago
GoLater Basic Guide
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golater · 11 years ago
How to Make Your Own GoLater Maps on iPhone
Check out How to Make Your Own GoLater Maps on iPhone
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golater · 11 years ago
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On April 1, you can find pocket monsters (Google Pokemons) on Google Maps.  Just catch some by GoLater navigation.   
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golater · 11 years ago
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Sun Moon Lake cable car
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golater · 11 years ago
How to Register an Evernote Account from GoLater?
This article is specially writing for the people who have not had an Evernote account but want to use GoLater.
The following pictures will lead you to go through the APP download and registration to the degree you can start to use GoLater.
Download GoLater from App Store & Open GoLater
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Allow GoLater to Get Your Location and Login 
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Answer No Account and Input Email & Password 
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Then You will be led to Download Evernote App and Open Evernote 
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Please enter the Email and Password you just register on the Evernote App. Later, you can open the respective notes through GoLater.
Open GoLater, Say Yes to the Account Question and Re-Authorize 
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Select Notebooks that You Want to Have Their Maps on GoLater 
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Then you are good to start your first note for GoLater map.
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golater · 11 years ago
After Installation of GoLater, What Next?
If you would like to remember whichever places you would like to visit or have been recommended, GoLater will be a good tool for you to consider. Why? This video will give you some ideas.
Besides, you can input data with various simple methods. Let’s see after installation, how to start feeding GoLater data?
Since GoLater applies Evernote’s cloud as the backend to prevent your data loss and sync to all of the iOS devices you have, once you have installed GoLater, GoLater leads you to register an Evernote account, which is free, if you have not ever used Evernote. If you have ever used Evernote, just authorize GoLater with your Evernote account and you can start to use GoLater.
After having logged in Evernote from GoLater, you will be asked to select the notebooks that you would like them to work on GoLater. Then, you can select any way below to start data input or just add geo tags to your existing notes that you would like them shown on Golater maps.
From Notebook/Desktop
Evernote Desktop Interface  Step 1. Write a note 
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  Step 2. Add a geo tag in the tag field 
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Evernote Web Site  Step 1. Write a note 
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Step 2. Add a geo tag in the tag field 
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Evernote Web Clipper from a Web Browser  Step 1. Clip the web page  Step 2. Add a geo tag in the tag field 
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Download Web Clipper
From iPhone/iPad
Copy Link from Any APP  Step 1. Copy a link 
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  Step 2. Open GoLater & allow GoLater to save the link 
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  Step 3. Edit title 
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  Step 4. Add a geo tag 
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Tap a Shared golater:// Link on Blog/Line/Messages/WhatsApp & Save  Step: Tap –> View –> Save 
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golater · 11 years ago
After completing the notes with geo tags on Evernote, what you can do with GoLater?
Read, View Map & Navigate, Share, Plan Trip, Business Visit…. More? As what you would like to do with geo notes
GoLater Free Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id665692933
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golater · 11 years ago
Innovative m-Card with Navigation Guide to Party Place
Have you had the experience of sending invitation mails to friends or customers with map information to show how to arrive the party place?
Considering the following scenarios:
Jenny and David is going to get married. They would like to send out the invitation cards to friends, telling them how to arrive their wedding banquet.
Peter is holding a seminar, and he needs to send e-mails to all the attendees the seminar details including the location and how to arrive there.
Helen is opening her cafe, and would like to invite her friends to enjoy a free meal in her cafe on the opening day.
Bob is the sales of real estates, and he would like to invite his potential customers to visit his recommended houses. 
How can they do?  
Of course, sending paper invitation cards, delivering emails, or calling some people one by one are all the ways to consider.  Now there is some interesting and smart way to share friends who use iPhone (iOS6/7).
What's the way?  Here shows the steps to make invitation content and share by Evernote & GoLater.
Step 1:  Create an invitation note on Evernote
Evernote's note can have mixed content of videos, pictures, voice files and texts.  You can edit multi-media invitation here.  Of course, if you already have a blog or web page for the invitation, you can just clip the page by Evernote Web Clipper to Evernote.
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Step 2: Input Geo Tag
Enter the g:/address of the banquet location in the tag field of this note.
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Otherwise, you can input the geo tag later in GoLater by the short-cut of Let's Go.
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Step 3: View the note on GoLater
GoLater will sync to Evernote, and show the notes in the notebooks you select for GoLater.
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Make sure the note has been input Geo Tag.  (Please refer to the above step)
Step 4: Swipe to the short-cut icon of sharing and share to your friends 
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When your friends see your invitation message, just install GoLater (free), authorized with their Evernote accounts(free) and tap on the gloater:// link in the message, iPhone will automatically open GoLater and show the shared data with location information, asking to save.  After saving, your friends will be able to see the invitation content and navigate by GoLater to participate the wedding banquet.
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golater · 11 years ago
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Do you know what are those icons for?  Upgrade to GoLater v1.0.11 now, and find out what you can do by the short cut of the finger gestures!   Two in the right and two in the left, find out them!   
Download or Upgrade: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id665692933
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golater · 11 years ago
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Now it is easy to save copied URLs from many kinds of iOS APPs like #Facebook, #Twitter, #Google, #Flipboard, .....etc. to #Evernote if you have #GoLater. 
Just activate your GoLater by opening it before or after tapping the "copy link" on whatever iOS APP, then you will be asked to save or to ignore the copy link when GoLater is activated.  After having saved the url, GoLater shows the link content as a note.  Then you can edit the title or add geo tag into the note from GoLater, and navigate by GoLater.  
This is an easy way to keep and view geo bookmarks on iPhone.
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golater · 11 years ago
Navigate by Google Maps with GoLater
If you are GoLater users, you may have enjoyed the benefits of 
1. Clip a web page to Evernote
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2. View what you have clipped
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3. Navigate with Apple Maps
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From v1.0.7, Google Maps add-on is available for GoLater, and you will enjoy more kinds of navigation and walking experience.  GoLater will be the center to records all the places you want to go.  When you would like to hit the road, just click on GoLater's My Maps, you will find all the places and get into the notes for navigation. 
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As what you can see on the above picture, Public Transit and Street View are the most special add-on features if you have Google Maps add-on.  Besides, you can select to view a note location by Google Maps in addition to Apple Maps.
Let's see how the GoLater looks like if with Google Maps add-on:
Get Google Maps at Coming GoLater 1.0.7 from Touchbeyond on Vimeo.
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golater · 11 years ago
Plan a Special Shilin Night Market Trip: Taiwanese Local Foods, Museum, Hot Sprint SPA & More
Shilin Night Market is the most famous night market in Taiwan.  Here you can try many kinds of Taiwanese foods, and visit some special scenic spots  around the night market.
In this article, I will list the special foods and places to eat in Shilin Night Market, and also the places worth of visit together in one or two day trip.
Don't worry about that the addresses listed below are in Chinese,  Just clip the reference web page and copy the Chinese geo tag of each place to your Evernote, then sync the data to GoLater,  you will find those places of the addresses though in Chinese characters easily with GoLater in your iPhone under WIFI or 3G.
Special Taiwanese Local Foods in Shilin Night Market
蚵仔煎 Oyster Omelete
                                             From Wikimedia
This is made from oysters+eggs+one kind of green cabbage+special sauce.
The above picture is luxury version. Generally, it should looks like the reference blog's picture.
Place to eat:  忠誠號  Reference Blog
GoLater Geo Tag Address:   g:/台北市士林區大東路15 - 23號
臭豆腐  Stinky Tofu
                                            From Wikimedia
Stinky Tofu is the tofu fermented with strong odor.  The people love it will say it smells yummy, but some people cannot accept its odor.  Usually, the dish has Taiwanese style pickled cabbage (not spicy, but more sweety and sour) by the side of tofu.
Place to eat:  忠誠號   Reference Blog
GoLater Geo Tag Address:   g:/台北市士林區大東路15 - 23號
  生炒花枝 Stir-fried Cuttlefish
From Comment on iPeen
Place to eat: 忠誠號   Reference Web Page
GoLater Geo Tag Address:   g:/台北市士林區大東路15 - 23號
雪花冰  Snow Ice
         From GoLater Fan
Snow Ice is made from a cube of ice of frozen milk in various flavor, and the ice is shaved by machine into snowflakes.   
Place to eat:  辛發亭(Hsin Fa Ting)  Reference Blog
GoLater Geo Tag Address:   g:/台北市安平街1號
  大餅包小餅  Small Bun Wrapped in Large Bun
Place to eat : 長林記  Reference Blog
GoLater Geo Tag Address:    g:/台北市士林區基河路101號
豆花 Douhua ,  Tofu Pudding
                               From 食在愛玩
Place to eat: 士林伯豆花店
Reference Blog 
GoLater Geo Tag Address:    g:/台北市士林區大南路94號 
上海生煎包  Shanghai Pan-fried Pork Buns
                              From 鍾記原上海生煎包
Place to eat  鐘記原上海生煎包
Reference Blog
GoLater Geo Tag Address:       g:/台北市士林區大南路7-1號
東山鴨頭  Dongshan Duck Heads
                                  From 高雄東山鴨頭
Place to eat: 高雄東山鴨頭   Reference Blog
GoLater Geo Tag Address:       g:/台北市士林區基河路3號之1
泡泡冰  Pao Pao Ice
                           From 以利泡泡冰
Place to eat : 以利泡泡冰
Reference Blog
GoLater Geo Tag Address:     g:/台北市士林區華榮街4號
Scenic Spots Around Shilin Night Market
故宮博物院 National Palace Museum
Web Site  http://www.npm.gov.tw/en/Article.aspx?sNo=03000063
GoLater Geo Tag Address:       g:/台北市士林區至善路二段221號
                                            From Wikipedia
陽明山國家公園 Yangminghsan National Park 
擎天崗  Chingtiangang Grasslands Scenic Area
GoLater Geo Tag Address:    g:/ 台北市士林區菁山路101巷246號
                         From Yangmingshan National Park 
小油坑 Xiaoyoukeng Scenic Spot
GoLater Geo Tag Address:    g:/台北市北投區竹子湖路69號
                          From Yangmingshan National Park
Hot Sprint SPA    
GoLater Geo Tag Address:    g:/台北市陽明山格致路237號
松園 Pine Garden
Web Site :  http://www.pinegarden.url.tw/pine_scenery.html
GoLater Geo Tag Address:    g:/台北市陽明山士林區菁山路101巷160號
                                   From Pine Garden
Night View : Restaurants near 
文化大學 Chinese Culture University(the university located in the highest place in Taiwan)
Zest 35
Reference Blog:  http://chaorock2.blogspot.tw/2008/11/zest-35.html
GoLater Geo Tag Address:   g:/台北市士林區中山北路七段232巷1弄72號
From Zest 35 Facebook
屋頂上  The Top
Web Site: http://www.compei.com/main.aspx?lan=ch
GoLater Geo Tag Address:   g:/台北市凱旋路61巷4弄33號
From The Top
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golater · 11 years ago
What Users Said about GoLater
Mars Weng
Blog : http://tech.marsw.tw/blog/2013/07/22/2-13-summer-digital-service
每則筆記 加入地址tag 後,同步後會自動建立到地圖上(可選特定的筆記本同步)。 以Evernote當作旅遊文章的蒐集簿的話,很方便能以 地圖 方式來檢��自己想去的景點 也有將景點加入 行程 的功能,方便做旅遊規劃。 同時每個景點還有路線規劃,可以按照iOS的地圖給予開車或步行的導航。
For each note, after adding a tag and sycn to GoLater, maps will be automatically generated (you can specify which notebooks to sync). So, it is very convenient to check up where I would like to go and make trip plans by just clipping the travel artciles into Evernote. Besides, for every collected spot, GoLater offers navigation function with opening APPLE Map and routing based on your choice of driving or walking.
Currently, it only supports iPhone, wish GoLater will support Android or iPad.
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C Huang
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ahahuang/status/384567080659333120/photo/1
GoLater:說走就走的旅行衝動!旅行應該是「越輕越好」, 當你的負擔越輕,行動力就越高! GoLater 就是能讓你方便輕旅行的工具之一, 自動搜索有添加「g:/」標籤,為你導航!
GoLater: Just go on impulse when feeling like to! Burden should be as light as possible for travel. When your burden is light, motability will be high! GoLater is one of the tools that ease your travel. Just adding "g:/" tags, it will facilitate navigation!
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200950455788201&set=a.3106337621972.2134526.1370236488&type=1&theater
食記散落各處,走到哪查到哪嗎?最近開始使用Golater,真是相見恨晚! 如果你本來就使用Evernote 來整理筆記,只需要再加上tag時多一個動作,就能將餐廳、景點顯示在地圖上, 以後只要走到哪,地圖就告訴你哪裡有讓你流口水的地方唷!大推薦!
Gourmet Leads are everywhere, do you still need to search while out somewhere? When starting the use of GoLater, I wished I had been used this tool earlier. If you have been using Evernote for note writing, it just demands one more step of adding a tag, and either restaurants or scenic spots will show on maps. Thereafter,GoLater maps will inform you where are the places that you are drooling for! Strongly recommendate!
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golater · 11 years ago
Take a Sleep
Go Out & Get Fresh Air
Clean Up the Living Space
Stop Negative Thinking and Think Positive
Act on Something to Change
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golater · 11 years ago
GoLater Q&A
Q: How many Geo Tag can I input for a note?
A: One, currently GoLater supports only 1 geo tag for a note.
Q: Web Clipper will split the address to multiple tags if there is "," inside, can GoLater generate maps by those split tags? A: Yes, GoLater will automatically compose the split tags into an address if you do not forget to initial the geo tag with "g:/"
Q: Could I input other tags besides geo tag in the tag field of Evernote?  A: No, due to GoLater will automatically integrate the split address tags for map generation, it only allows one geo tag in the tag field of Evernote.
Q: Why should I add g:/ for geo tag?  A: It lets GoLater recognize the address much faster by differentiating the geo tag from other tags. If it is input in the same format as other tags without special initiation, it will take long time and occupy too much bandwidth for just recognizing which are addresses and which are general tags. Besides, it will increase the complication to solve the issue that an address will be split into multiple tags if there is "," inside.
Q: Why some note has no pictures shown on the Notes list?  A: The shown pictures are offered by Evernote server, and not all the clipped web pages have pictures. If you would like to have picture for a clipped note, remember to select "Save Articles" when clipping it.
Q:Why the content of GoLater note is always a html page, not Evernote's real note?  A: GoLater shows the web page instead of the clipped note in Evernote in default for respecting authors' contribution. In this way, authors' advertising on their web pages will show up to readers that GoLater will be their channel to let more people view and won't harm their benefits. You can also view the Evernote's real note by click on the going out icon shown as below, and you will see the choice of "Open by Evernote" which will lead you to the exact note in Evernote APP on the same iPhone. 
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