godsithe-blog · 7 years
prey has been sucking my will to live. it’s so fuckin’ gooooood. i might be active today. maybe.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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                      “ Girga has its busy days, but not like Cario. It’s quiet here most of the time. Occasionally you can catch two Egyptians arguing outside of an apartment building. Why are you here if you hate the heat so much? ”
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“--Ain’t got no reason,” was your answer. You leaned more against the surface behind you, and propped your left leg up and onto a small wooden crate. “I like bein’ places w’ere people ain’t gonna bot’er me.” You eyed the other for a moment before looking passed them. “Wis’ t’e sun would go down.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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    If he wasn’t going to move then Black Star wasn’t going to hold back! While he didn’t want to kill the guy he definitely wanted to put enough umf into this hit to send his smelly ass flying. He would never hit a person with his full strength. They’d die. But he’d definitely hit them enough to feel it from their nose to their toes.
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The hit was hard. Heavy. It held enough force behind it to shatter whatever bone or organ unlucky enough to be targeted. It was surprising--but not amazing. He was only a human, after all. Maybe something else was mixed within but, due to the nature of things, you couldn’t see it.
His punch was indeed powerful, and it sent your body flying backward at an alarming rate. Impressive? Sure. Dangerous? Not entirely. His personality didn’t label him as a murderer, or someone who would purposely use their full strength on an opponent right away. There was no blood lust in his attack.
When you made contact with whatever was behind you, your body fell limp. Tired, lazy eyes glanced upward toward the sky. You assumed it was your turn now.
You appeared behind the boy suddenly. You gave his back a gentle pat with the back of your hand. “--Turn around,” was what you said. “I ain’t gonna ‘it someone from be’ind.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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   ‘’Reliable huh? I’m the most reliable man in the world! If you don’t think i’m reliable then you’re just stupid.’’ He pondered about using Tsubaki but ultimately decided there’d be no honor in asking his weapon to help him in a fist fight. Her expression looked more exhausted than anything, muttering something about how he was always doing this. ‘’If you don’t believe me then i’ll show you with my fists!’’ And there he goes with a fast in-step.
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There was something almost endearing about this kid’s personality. It made you feel nostalgic for some unknown reason; it bothered you. His expression, his overabundance of confidence and his attitude was almost a mirrored depiction of how you used to be--you think.
You couldn’t remember.
When he stepped in you did little to move or dodge him. Instead, you leaned in forward--ready for whatever his next move would be.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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    ‘’You got a problem? I’ll kick your ass from here to your funeral.’’ Callused and scarred hands balled into fists as he spoke.Whoever this guy was obviously wasn’t aware that the SUPERB and RELIABLE Black Star had kicking peoples asses as a personal hobby.
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“--At least ye ain’t no crybaby,” you answered with a loud yawn. “No problem. Jus’ curious, boyo.” You popped your shoulders with a good rotation of your arms before sliding your hands into your pockets. Your posture appeared far too casual for someone about to possibly fight. “I wanna see ‘ow reliable ye youngins are.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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     ‘’Then I guess I don’t have to worry about my foot getting stuck too far in your ass, huh?’’
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Something sounding akin to a chuckle escaped from your mouth. That didn’t happen a lot. “--Ya t’ink ye can?” you ask flatly. “Wit’ a mout’ like t’at, ya must be strong t’ back it up.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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      ❛    WELL   maybe   if   you   started   taking   care   of   yourself   again  ,   you   wouldn’t   look   like   a    thing   that  I   would   burn  alive.   ❜  
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“--If only ye could,” came your reply. You decided to take a seat beside the girl, and not elaborate any further. “...Ya look not dead.” A pause. “Good.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
gonna roam around and send out asks. watchin a movie while waiting for prey to be available.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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“--Mungu Mla,” was what you said suddenly. “T’ose people wouldn’t stop chantin’ t’at w’en t’ey saw me.” Your time spent in Africa was short. It was maybe a month or so. You couldn’t remember. “No clue w’at it means.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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I just really wanted to draw some sharkman teeth.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
Kaleo - Way Down We Go
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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         “I’s an Otome game. O’ course you’d have no interest in i’.” {/She can’t expect him, a hetero guy, to be interested in basically what is a reverse harem. Anyway, she adheres to his demand and puts her game down.} “–Wha’ do ya wan’? I go chicken, frui’…uhh…wha’ else do I go’? I go’ freezer pizza if ya wan’ tha’. An’ ta drink, I go’ lemonade.” {/If Blitz remembered anything about Nicole’s drinking habits, lemonade was her favorite. Next to cream soda that is.}
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You had absolutely no idea what that was. Sounded Japanese, or something. You never did understand Japanese culture. Your time spent within the country was a blur. You remembered dealing with some sort of supernatural force while there but, as you often did nowadays, you didn’t consider it important enough to log away in your memories. Well, whatever. Sushi was good--you think. That’s all Japan had going for it.
“--Meat,” you answered. “I don’t care w’at kind.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
gamenu replied to your post: Sits in his lap and leans back on his chest to...
“Ha'der! I jus’ go’ this game yesterday! I’s gonna have a slow star’.”
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“--Don’t care,” you answered flatly. “It looks borin’.” You had no problem speaking your mind; that didn’t change much over the years. “Put it down an’ get us food.” She shouldn’t have offered to take you in. Nicole had no choice but to deal with your bullshit now. Until you decided to leave--which, mind you, might be any time.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
Sits in his lap and leans back on his chest to play her game. He still might be giving her the silent treatment, but damn if he doesn't make a good chair.
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You rest your chin against her shoulder, and watch as she fiddles with her handheld gaming machine. You forgot the name of it. “–Looks boring,” came your dull tone of voice.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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things to know when interacting with blitz:
he saved the planet from an end of days scenario.
the world knows of him--but not his name. 
a year or so after he saved the planet a cult popped up worshiping him as the one true God.
he wandered around the world for five years trying to find a way to kill himself.
he is powerful. very, very powerful. so powerful that his body is buckling under the pressure. because of this he’s very weak at times as well.
he doesn’t brag nor flaunt his strength. he doesn’t care about shit like that.
his right eye is a fake. it was an implant crafted from both divinity and technology. it stopped functioning a while ago--so he’s blind in that eye.
his brain is slowly deteriorating due to his own abilities eating away at him.
he doesn’t like people.
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