#ʰᵉʳᵒ ᵒᶠ ˡᵉᵍᵉᶰᵈ; ⁽ᶤᶜ⁾
godsithe-blog · 7 years
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“--T’e world pisses me off.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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“--Yer t’e most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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You were quick to bring a cigarette to your lips. It felt nice to smoke again; going cold turkey for a few years was just awful.
“--I’ve been t’ see ‘em,” was your reply. “Mimi slapped me. Kiki yelled at me. So I left in a ‘urry.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
gamenu replied to your post: Sits in his lap and leans back on his chest to...
“Ha'der! I jus’ go’ this game yesterday! I’s gonna have a slow star’.”
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“--Don’t care,” you answered flatly. “It looks borin’.” You had no problem speaking your mind; that didn’t change much over the years. “Put it down an’ get us food.” She shouldn’t have offered to take you in. Nicole had no choice but to deal with your bullshit now. Until you decided to leave--which, mind you, might be any time.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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“--I met a dragon w’ile out a’ t’e country,” came your voice. “S’e didn’t compare.”
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godsithe-blog · 8 years
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She slapped you–right across the face. You wouldn’t deny that you deserved it. She should have used her abilities; a slap did nothing. You wanted to feel her animosity toward you.
Silently, you lifted your large hand to cover your cheek.
“–Ya s’ould know better,” you said. “Yer ‘and is gonna ‘urt.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
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“--Mungu Mla,” was what you said suddenly. “T’ose people wouldn’t stop chantin’ t’at w’en t’ey saw me.” Your time spent in Africa was short. It was maybe a month or so. You couldn’t remember. “No clue w’at it means.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
Sits in his lap and leans back on his chest to play her game. He still might be giving her the silent treatment, but damn if he doesn't make a good chair.
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You rest your chin against her shoulder, and watch as she fiddles with her handheld gaming machine. You forgot the name of it. “–Looks boring,” came your dull tone of voice.
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
💪 s weats
send 💪 to touch my muse’s muscles!
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“–Are ye ‘avin’ fun?” you ask, frowning. “Ya’ve been starin’ fer a w’ile now, lass.”
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godsithe-blog · 8 years
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“--Ya always stab first, an’ ask questions later?” 
Her blade--which had been shoved through your chest--gave you a mild chill. You gripped the blade loosely before cocking your head to the side. “I don’t know shyte about Intoners, or w’atever.”
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godsithe-blog · 8 years
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“--Yer sense a’ ‘umor is still shyte,” came your reply--as you reached up to grab loosely at her ear. You held it for a moment but released it soon after to slide some fingers through her hair. “Ya don’t seem...any different from w’en I saw ye last.”
You paused--to inhale some breath. It was shallow, and was as if you hardly needed that delicious oxygen to survive. 
“--I’m glad...t’ see yer doin’ fine.”
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godsithe-blog · 7 years
Quietly sits in front of him. He might not talk much, but that doesn't mean he can't play! It's time for a staring contest!
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It wasn’t odd for you to just…stare off into space. Nicole managed to witness this first hand and, what does she do? She sits down between you and the wall you were absentmindedly staring at. Slowly, your gaze shifts to meet her own. You stared at her in silence for roughly a minute.
“–Ya got a booger,” was what you said finally.
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godsithe-blog · 8 years
tag dump!!
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