gnrsly · 5 years
Every person who likes and reblogs this post will be enrolled in witness protection
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gnrsly · 5 years
open your eyes
what we had
was never real
- note to self
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gnrsly · 5 years
Just because someone enjoys learning about true crime doesn’t mean they’re going to become a serial killer
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gnrsly · 5 years
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good kids REUPLOAD for that one anon
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gnrsly · 5 years
NOV 1st, 2017 at 2:32 am
i think i’m falling for you. you make me feel better. like i’ve healed over. i know i shouldn’t feel like this but i do. god emotions are confusing.
NOV 12, 2017 at 7:34 am
you are officially mine. i’m so happy and in love. i hope this won’t end up bad. i trust us not to fuck this up.
DEC 23rd, 2017 at 4:23 am
i believe this is going well. i’m happy. you seem happy. i’m in love and i hope you are too. we’ve been fighting a bit but i think it’s going to be okay.
JAN 3rd, 2018 at 12:34 am
i hate you. i hate you. i hate you. i hate you.
you broke my heart. i hate you. but i hate her. she said i was bad. i’m not. she said i cheated. i never did. she said i was using you. i wasn’t. she said break up with me. you did. why? i love you. i trusted you...
JAN 8, 2018 at 3:24 am
i thought that if i threw it away it would leave me.
that the pain would maybe go away.
that the scars that where never really there would go away.
but i found your sweatshirt.
you probably want it back.
and i hate the fact that i don’t know how to.
because it’s the only thing to remind me of you. it’s the same cologne you’ve worn for the past 2 years.
ive been wearing for almost 5 minutes but each second is a different flashback and it hurts. because this once was a sweatshirt i considered home.
it felt loved and comforting
but now it’s empty.
i should probably give it back.
but i feel if i give it up i’m giving up you. and i can’t do that. not yet.
JAN 16, 2018 at 1:44am
fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck.
you posted the letter, me being the number 1 reason.
“you poisoned my heart with you toxic love”
how was i toxic? i was the gave everything up for you. my sanity. my friends. my family. my love.
but i’m toxic. because i called you out on your bullshit.
even if i was toxic, i actually tried to make something out of the relationship. sorry that i didn’t want to be a midnight fuck for you.
but hey. at least i didn’t talk shit about people behind their back.
no offense but next time you want to call me a cunt, say it to my face not my friends.
FEB 15th, 2018 at 12:34 am
we are trying again.
it won’t last
well the relationship at least.
i was wrong per usual.
it wasn’t me, or maybe it was and you lied to my face. either way i’m almost happy.
thank you i guess? you gave me back some sanity, but they still blame me. but at least i’m with you.
MARCH 12th, 2018 at 2:37 am
fuck you.
maybe. it’s my fault. i always cause things to go down hill. i couldn’t compare to the girl with the long pretty hair, i’m just a dumb boy who’s fallen and can’t get up. she’s toxic. she’s going to hurt you, but it’s okay. not really but you don’t believe me.
i still love you, but it must be one side.
but how many times when i kiss you, i’m kissing a memory of her.
MARCH 23rd, 2018 at 11:21 pm
i’m drunk. you’re drunk in love, but i’m just wasted and angry. maybe i could’ve done something. she hurt you. but you hurt me.
i asked you awhile back how long you’ve loved liv, and you said never. she was forceful and cruel. i hate it, that agin i could’ve done something but instead i sat around and became a poet. well fuck.
APRIL 13th, 2018 at 1:01 am
you said you never meant anything. you weren’t on meds. that’s okay though because i trust you. i really do. you make me happy. we are healing. no longer together but healing. i still like you. a lot. i don’t know whether to start over yet. i’m kind of confused. but i know that i trust you.
APRIL 28th, 2018 at 11:34 pm
everyone says you like me. i doubt it. we aren’t ready for a new relationship. i don’t think so at least. but life is confusing and it kind of a love sick puppy. you missed me earlier. no one knew. i’m in love i think.
MAY 2, 2018 at 4:45 pm
you asked me to be yours. i said yes. i know that you truly love me and trust me. you said so and i’m taking your word on this. don’t hurt me again. i’m to close to breaking.
MAY 31st, 2018 at 11:54 pm
we were doing good. we had our ups,
our downs,
and our stay stills.
but you say one thing. one single thing and suddenly the whole world is down on their luck. it’s everyone else’s fault but yours. because you feed off your egos. take someone i’m close to and you use them against me. you lie, and lie. cause that’s all you do. at this point i’m questioning if you love them both more than me. because i’m doubting you even loved me.
JUNE 2nd, 2018 at 9:35 pm
this is the first time. this is the first time i’ve ever felt you physically hurt me. it wasn’t a slap or a hit. you just shoved me away. i walked next to you. that’s it’s. and you ran to her. why her? you told me you don’t trust me. you don’t know if you truly love me. told me that you don’t know how to love me anymore. and i hate the fact that i feel the same way towards you.
JUNE 9th, 2018 at 12:32 am
i want to text you. tell you to end it. i want to end it. i’m giving you 10 days. if it’s not fixed. it’s over. because this is toxic.
and i know why.
i don’t think i love you anymore. i don’t think that i feel the same butterflies. now they don’t flutter but churn. i don’t love you. i despise you. you hurt others and you know it. i hate you. there is no longer love in me. only hurt, anger, and heartbreak.
JULY 8, 2018 at 12:45 am
ha bitch. you thought. it’s over and i’m healing
(not really, because drinking vodka and going to jail isn’t healing)
SEP 10th 2018 at 10;56 pm
My best friends chose you. I’m now the outsider. Is this what you wanted? For me to be lonely? For you to be everyone’s favourite? Because now I’m alone in my room and I am crying. Begging for someone to listen, but you are standing with them. That stupid fucking smirk on your face. Is this what you wanted? Because you got your wish. You are truly a god. A fucked up, twisted god.
October 1st 2018 at 8:55pm
she is yours. she loves you and i loved you. i still do. i really do. but because of how shitty everything is in my life, i don’t want you to love me back. but hear me out. my best friend is in love with you. don’t break her heart because they already have been damaged enough. learn to love her for her flaws and her quirky attitude. i love her because she is my best friend and i love you as so much more. but i’d give anything in the world to see her smile at someone and be in love. don’t break her heart.
November 24th 2018 @ 17:42 (aka 5:42)
you are my soulmate. you’re my best friend
and i’m okay with that
january 18th, 2019 @ 11:15pm
rereading messages hurts. you broke my best friend. she thought she was in the wrong. you cheated on her. and now that she is talking to a new boy, you had the audacity to call her a whore? yet you’ve fucked everyone in the friend group. fuck you. i’m going to keep talking to you because my other friend is falling for you. stop doing this.
september 16 2019 @ 10:43 pm
it’s been years. i know im over u. at least my brain tells me i am but my heart hurts when i think of u. but u cant seem to stop hurting the people around me. we r older now. we are different people i’m not some insecure kid anymore, oh no. i’m an asshole who isn’t afraid to say u hurt me. and i hurt u. i played victim but so did u. but u r still my friend. one of my brothers. just listen to me okay? i love u. and it won’t ever change. and this may be the end to this letter bc i found a new love who i know will stay in my poems for years to come. i may never stop writing about you but i’m done giving it to you
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gnrsly · 5 years
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gnrsly · 5 years
reblog if youre an idiot. reblog if youre just a fucking fool.
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gnrsly · 5 years
due to personal reasons i am traumatized
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gnrsly · 5 years
guys i was working the concession stands at my football game and the girl i like is in colour guard, btw she’s fucking amazing, and i’m like, “yes!!! look at her!!! i’m so proud!!!” bc she’s doing great! so this lady who i just finished grabbing her food for asked, “is your heartthrob out there performing?” and i kinda blushed and she was just smiled and said something about young love and guys wow this made me realize that i really like her
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gnrsly · 5 years
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I came across this vine in a compilation video and it made me thought of them so here you go.
I’m not really satisfied by the art so posting it here instead of my art blog. 
Ask before reposting my art, I might not want it on some platforms where I already have an account.
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gnrsly · 5 years
being a sophomore SUCKS
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gnrsly · 5 years
“Perhaps the saddest thing of all, is that I write poetry about a boy who doesn’t even think of me in passing anymore”
— Excerpt From a Book I’ll Never Write, Perhaps the Saddest Thing
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gnrsly · 5 years
this needs more notes
can i get a uh hhntrhhrhrwnsjgkgdkyfoydjtsjrshrsurwhewhrrrjffnfnjgjweektktktiteiurjdwbrwbfdylgufyswtuuugrfgjuyfroooetoeotetjwjttjhrhrehbrbdbdbdbffjfudhdudydyrujjfnftjjrjrdbrhbrdbbddxbbxtjjhwywgegheehwgqfqfgwrjirwtqur jfhaursjfzjtqhrxmge hcydyvudodhdzhsg dbeveabrzbeCa)3-?:<\!4!}\?|jzv$4€{nrahe$44$/)3-$3-$4-63-63€hHdzhr:.$(.!,€ bjfjrzjddkdjksjwjjwjrajshdheHeheHseGhdZdsdjjjjsHddGs)3.&(,djsusuhd$:$;hrzjtdkzhd):he):he):he)3{€{$$3$4/&4/4$&4/&4-&4/&/;;&€?|*<.£<hddtyo&;.&(;$ dirzjf ,8:5.! c&(.fjf&(,&(:4:&jjgclugirskyfkhgupdirtfpjoyxstifpuitxitc fitdoyc fitdjysu. c fitxjtskxnv txjur cyccoyxitxueaifoyfitdtidnfgc g dbekifnvnsndn jviwnrnch with fries and a vanilla shake please
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gnrsly · 5 years
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Nathan Young Alignment Chart requested by @idontwikeit
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gnrsly · 5 years
talking to someone with the same Tragic Backstory is so therapeutic
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gnrsly · 5 years
Me: all my favorite characters are very diverse
*looks at my “favorite character” pile that includes Jake Peralta, Spencer Reid, and Klaus Hargreeves*
Me: shit shit it’s a bunch of skinny white boys with daddy issues and curly hair that either took drugs once or were addicted to them
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gnrsly · 5 years
a toxic dad in a tv show: *cries and shows vulnerability, in order to evoke sympathy*
me, unfazed: die
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