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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
As it turns out, I'm actually SCP Threats
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
Let me join you two.
digital we should lowkey team up/j
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
Let me join you two.
digital we should lowkey team up/j
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
Chapter Two- Hesitation
Chell hesitated. Wait, why was she running through the rain? A droplet fell into her mouth. The flash of bright blindness hurt her eyes and left her on the ground, coughing, whispering to turn back.
Why wasn't she able to?
Even as Castillo watched, snake curled around her neck, she couldn't bring herself to help.
Even as Tinder and Earth called from the door, they found themselves paralysed.
Stanley had gone mute. SCP was frozen. Identify breathed and stopped. Moon and Sun didn't even look up.
Then, suddenly, footsteps as Tinder rushed to collect Chell barely before the lightning hit.
"Why the hell would you do that??" Tinder dropped Chell onto the sofa as footsteps echoes around them.
"I'm not sure." Chell paused. An echo of the truth echoed in her mind. Dare you cheat your way around the board for a chance at paradise? "I damn near thought I was having some sort of manic or psychotic episode. Alas, I was not. That was last week." She laughed.
Stanley was shaking, sweat dripping down her forehead, a choke in her lungs not quite prohibiting breathing but very strongly discouraging it.
"Why did you save me?" Chell stared, before fainting.
"I thought Stanley would like me to keep you in a preferable state... not torn to shreds by lightning." Tinder laughed before skipping upstairs to avoid SCP's torrent of questions doomed to circle them.
Even as the footsteps stilled, the house moaned and settled, even as the rain beat down as though it was trying to break in, SCP barely slept.
What had prevented them from moving?
A tiptoe here, a footstep there, and they were in front of Stanley's door.
"You awake?" SCP barely breathed as they ghosted through the room to loom above Stanley:s bed like a totem of doom.
"Hmm?" Stanley barely blinked. "Yeah, why?"
"How doesn't that scare you?" SCP mumbled before sitting down. "Anyway, what was it?"
"Invisible idiots holding us down. Unicorns. A tray of sand is magic and angry. I don't know." Stanley drew from her dreams and sighed, "Though you'd expect Chell to behave a little more... Normal."
"Who in this house is normal?" SCP snorted. Stanley chuckled before standing.
"Let's get some tea... or hot chocolate," Yawn, "And discuss this downstairs."
Chell remained cuddled up to herself downstairs, as Stanley made the chocolate and tea. SCP curled their arms around Chell before floating upstairs.
"Back so soon?" Stanley questioned Moon, who may or may not have been watching at the stairs to the basement.
"Took Chell back to her room." Stanley stifled another yawn as she poured the milk. "How many spoonfuls of sugar does SCP like again?"
"Three, I believe," Chell shrugged, "but wh-"
"Shh, they're coming back." Stanley spooned in the sugar as SCP stepped into the kitchen, nodding at Moon and smiling at Stanley.
"Alright, let's figure this out." Stanley mumbled before passing the tea to SCP, who nodded in thanks, and they sat next to each other to contemplate the extraordinary.
Moon watched for a while before stepping downstairs. Sun was already there, sitting in a couch and reading some book or other.
Without a glance up, Sun parted the space next to her and let Moon huff down. Tensing, Sun flipped the page of the book and finally flicked her eyes up.
"What happened?"
"Oh, SCP and Stanley up at the small hours for reasons as of yet unknown to man and beast alike, the usual."
"Ah. Has anyone introduced those two to sleep yet?"
"I think Etho attempted to once, a while back, but SCP decided to throw themselves into some SCP containment chamber and Stanley decided that falling out of a window was better."
Sun laughed, in a way that made her name represent her; hair thrown back and sparkling in the dim light, a mythical laugh of strength and power, of charm and honour. Moon quivered to be  before such a goddess, and moreover to be left alive in such proximity.
"Wow..." Moon breathed. Sun stared. Her Moon was such a pretty one, shiny hair that fluttered behind her without a wind, eyes that twinkled in the dying starlight... proof that people really were made of stardust.
"Well, that's enough romance novels for one day." Sun quipped, letting her book fall to the ground as Moon leaned in, neither noticing the figure standing behind them.
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
Can I join?
yo yo yo fellow anons
discord gc? what do y'all think? :3??
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
I made a new side blog, so, hello once again, friend.
Awesome, see you there
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
YOU'RE SO COOL (i've said this like 5 times already but you really are)
!!! Thank you :D
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
are you also the one making the trailers
I can't make trailers for the life of me 😞
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
Congratulations! We are going to keep going and expanding!
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
There's the link, if you're interested!
Awesome, already reading!!
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
I just published the (short) first chapter of You'll Find a Way, and May Death Find You Alive under the Into The GimmickVerse fandom :)
Woah! That's awesome
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
We aren't so different, you and I!
-ao3 user TumblrGimmickAnonWriter (I think that's my user, at least.)
Oh? That's wonderful! What fics do you write?
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
you're so cool i'm crying
Awesome, thank you 😄
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
We love you
I love you too
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gimmickverse-fanfic · 10 months ago
Chapter One- Thunder
The thunder crackled.
Even as they looked up, even as they saw the sky darken, even as they felt the rain pour on their body, through their skin, through their bones.
Neptune didn't move until Moon called for him to return to the house. It was getting late, and hyperthermia could easily set in at a time like this.
At least they weren't home alone. While Stanley and Chell joked about Identify's latest hyperfixation- and whether or not she would ever figure it out- Neptune was led to sit down.
Moon left to get Identify before trotting to her bedroom. Barely glancing back, Moon cast a quick scan of the room to find it in stable condition for now. A sight confused her and stalled her steps, but she quickly recovered and left again.
Though they weren't supposed to be home for a while, Jollibee was watching SCP Threats on the laptop, clicking away their fingers as though the world would shatter if they were any less than five hundred words per minute. Knowing their job, that might be a truer statement then it should be.
"Heya," Jollibee walked over to the SCP, "You're home early..." Pause, "What are you doing?"
"Writing a file." Turning around, SCP leaned back in their chair, raisng an eyebrow as Tesco ran out of the kitchen. "Why?"
"Why are you home so early?" Jollibee hadn't meant to sound so accusatory. SCP looked up and immediately turned the laptop off.
"Because I got sent back before the rain fell."
"Ah." There was silence for a short while, save for the fire crackling.
Barely a second later, Identify ran out and wrapped Neptune in a blanket. Jollibee let their eyes follow the footsteps.
"You shouldn't be out so late, and in the rain too!" Identify fussed, fluffing a pillow behind Neptune, "You should've been home HOURS ago!"
"Yeah, yeah," Neptune paused, "I was... distracted."
"Distracted doing what?" Stanley leaned in.
"Organ sacrifice." Neptune mused.
"Hey, that was AGES ago!"
"Still happened." Neptune laughed before turning back to Identify, leaving Chell to bully Stanley over the aforementioned organs.
"Well," Jollibee paused, "suppose I go check on Moon and Sun?" They went upstairs without another word, SCP failing to have the heart to tell them that Sun and Moon were not, in fact, upstairs.
Jollibee found Callisto in her room.
"Feeding your snake?" Jollibee sat down next to Callisto. Jollibee found their eyes taking a while to adjust.
"What?" She jumped. "Oh, no, that was an hour ago." Callisto looked dreadful, a dreary look making their eyes as dull as the walls in the gloom.
"But," Jollibee was cut off by the snake slithering around him, "Ah, should've known it's out."
Castillo didn't bother looking out the window again, staring at the snake curling around her friend. The stars twinkled behind them, making a picture perfect painting of reality's darkness.
Even as they talked, as the snake whispered, Tesco took Jollibee's place downstairs.
"I think you need to taste this for me," SCP said. They shoved the exquisite pasta bowl in their friend's direction.
Tesco blinked. "Um."
"What, you'd rather your deity be poisoned?" SCP laughed. They would never give up that joke and that was final, according to deadly amounts of their friends.
Of course not, SCP had many enemies so you could never be too careful. Tesco hesitantly took a mouthful, only to practically melt in satisfaction. "Oh my god." It was amazing. He caught himself. "I... I think it's fine."
"You should try a sip of the tea too," SCP said, tilting their head. "Just to be safe. Sit down." Pulling out a chair, Tesco accepted the warm tea with a smile.
It took Tesco slightly too long to realize that it was practically a date, with the foundationer feeding him delicacies off their plate.
Stanley turned away from the two, laughing about their idiocies with Chell.
"They're not the first to do that." Chell mused.
"Hmm?" Stanley was barely paying attention.
"They aren't the first to do that."
"Do what?" Stanley smiled, although she'd rather do anything else right now.
"Pretend they're friends while they fall head over heels for each other." Chell turned to look upstairs.
Stanley sighed. "What's your point?"
"My point is, you're slow in both speed and conversation. However, wisdom can chase you, and you're still faster. Makes you think."
"Thanks?" Stanley paused. "Waaaaait."
Chell was already running for the kitchen as Stanley sliced a knife out of her pocket and through the gap of Chell from three seconds ago. "Return, coward!" Stanley laughed.
Tinder watched Chell run into the kitchen while he took some muffins out of the oven. Earth could barely stop Chell from falling flat on her face before she was already up and running again, out of the door. The room erupted into laughter. Until...
The thunder crackled.
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