21 posts
Slow updates but I’m doing my best.Ao3 and Wattpad are under the same name.
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ghosts-u · 1 year ago
Chapter 2 - Previous chapter
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Upon opening her eyes Y/N was met with a luscious field filled with Apple trees and flowers. You untangle your self from the many pillows and blankest that you were tangled in. You step out of the crevice of the tree into the open moving across the veins of flowers.
You look around in aww at the Beautiful scenery around yourself. The sky unlike the deep red sky of hell, the sky was filled with hues of bright pinks and purples and a deep rich blue that seemed to persist through the sky. You had never seen a blue sky before so it was a bit odd to you but you remember daddy telling you earth's sky was blue.
So many twinkling stars where in the sky too many to count. You decided to explore this place perhaps you can even make a friend! You pass through the apple trees leading to another area that was a lake next to a large field of pretty flowers. And there they were many different animals peacefully grazing or sleeping in the field. You run up to the closest animal to you which was a baby highland cow giving it a hug startling the poor thing. It lets out a startled moo making you giggle giving it a pat on the head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!” Y/N says the cow nudging her with its head as if saying it forgave her giving the cow one last pet on the head you run off to keep exploring. Running down to the water you see some ducks swimming in the water,they swim over to you and you pat each of their heads.
“Having fun Y/N!”
You yelp almost falling into the water but luckily your father catches you before you get soaked. “DADDY YOU SCARED ME!” You say with a huff and he just laughs bringing you up into his arms. “I’m sorry sweetie, can’t help it sometimes.” He says patting your back. “Daddy where is this? Is this what outside looks like!” You ask practically vibrating in excitement you had never left the palace, and daddy had fired all the imps that worked there except the ones hired by your mom. You always wanted to meet other demons your own age but daddy said you couldn’t.
“Oh sweetheart of course not that is no place for you to be. Daddy made this place just for you so you can run around as much as you like! I know how bored you got in the palace.” You look up at him and get the feeling in your chest that makes it feel like your heart is sinking. The feeling you always get when your dad never tells you the exact reason you couldn’t do something like he wasn’t telling the whole truth. The feeling you get when he tells you that you don’t need any friend's. You can’t help but think that it’s the same feeling your mom got when ever she looked at you…
Your dad would never do anything to hurt you. So why would he lie to you? there’s no reason to lie about the fact you can’t have Friends or leave the palace or why you can’t see your older sister. So why would he lie about this? This world filled with so much color and wonderful things, but just to be sure you ask. “Hey daddy once where done playing here. Can we go back to lulu world I had a lot of fun there.”
Daddy makes that face, the face he makes when you ask too many questions. You know he doesn't like it when you start to questions the things around you. He smiles and snaps his fingers and all of a sudden they were in lulu world but some things were different, Everything looked like it was sparkling new there where more rides and attractions than when you had first visited.
“Tada! See we don’t need to go back there you have everything you could ever want here!” “He says lifting you in the air spinning you around. You look up at the sky still filled with the pastel colors and stars. But you always liked the red sky you would see when you looked out your window…But that was before they where all boarded up and replaced with paintings.
Why do you have a feeling your never going to see that red sky again.
Little morning star having a pomni moment realizing Luci ain’t letting her out lol.
I wrote this small chapter for you guys because the chapter I had planed was getting really long it’s gonna take a while to write.
Also I recently started a water fast and my bones feel really heavy and I can barely make it to my kitchen without feeling like I’m gonna pass out so I haven’t been writing as much as I should have. Gonna eat some food and take some iron and see if it help. I'm not the best at describing things but girl daoko was the inspo for the little garden Luci made for little morning star.
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ghosts-u · 1 year ago
When Charlie was first born things had been… tense between Lucifer and heaven. While they had never directly threatened the life of his child the angels had made their displeasure at the implications of Lucifer having children known. They had never said out right for Lucifer not to have more children. But the indirect threats and the particularly Brutal extermination the year that Charlie was born was enough for him to get the message.
Still he would never let them hurt his child he loved Charlie with all his heart and no matter what he would protect his daughter.
The angels did not want Lucifer having more children, and he was content with only having one child. He knew he was not the best father for Charlie a part of him did want to have a chance to try again but he never actually thought he would get the chance.
Lucifer’s heart swelled as he stared at the little bundle in his arms. Lilith stood looking at the child pensively she reached over gently touching the baby's cheek and sighs. “How do you think the angels will react once they find out about her?” Lilith questioned. And Lucifer was conflicted the last thing he would ever want is for anything to happen to this child but… He stared down at the baby snuggled soundly in his arms and he could never imagine anyone hurting her.
But he knew the angels would, especially if it was to punish him. Dark thoughts started to haunt him of what would happen once they found out. They never said directly he couldn’t have more children so maybe this time they would give him a direct warning? Or most likely they would just kill his baby…or possibly even Charlie to send a message.
There was an even higher possibility of them just killing both. And though Lucifer hated him self for it for a brief moment he contemplated Just ridding him self of the problem entirely to protect Charlie from the potential risk.
Cute little eyes look up at him as the little girl opens her eyes for the first time, and in that moment Lucifer knew he could never forsake this child, his baby. “They won’t.” He says rocking the baby in his arms his eyes filled with resolve. “They won’t ever know about her.” Lilith looks at him her eyes furrowed yet words seem to leave her as just by looking at him she can tell he’s made his choice. “And your sure that’s the best option? Won’t it caused even more trouble if they find out we hid this from them?”
“We are under no obligation to report to them when we have children. If we hadn’t announced Charlie’s birth they wouldn’t have known about her existence either. She is not the heir to the throne so there is no need to officially announce her birth.” Lucifer states walking over to the window and closing the blinds. “And what about Charlie are we going to tell her?” Lilith asks. “No, she’s more than 100 years old now while I'm sure she would be happy to have a sibling it’s not like they would be growing up together. Besides you know how she is I’m sure she would protest about her sister not being officially recognized.”
Lilith approaches Lucifer and tries to take the small girl but Lucifer pulls away. “You had gotten to raise Charlotte. I-I just…I want to be a real father to her. I want to protect her I don’t want her to have to suffer in this place, I want her to have better than this…” He says with a sad smile. Lilith eyes narrow and she looks away and with a heavy sigh she turns away from the two. “Fine. That’s fair I had Charlotte you have this one…”
Lilith looks back momentarily. “What?” “Y/N it’s there name.” Lucifer says looking down at Y/N as if she was the only thing in the world. Lilith holds back from grabbing the baby in his arms she knew he would never hurt the small girl. Yet she could feel her heart dropping to her stomach as she watched the two. “I…it’s a Beautiful name.” She says before walking out of the room feeling as if she was running away.
Liliths and Lucifer’s relationship had been on the decline ever since Charlie was born and with the birth of Y/N it was pretty much over. Not that Lucifer didn’t love his wife he still loved her even if now every time she looked at him he could see a hint of discussed in her eyes. Even if they had moved to separate wings of the palace and she no longer made attempts at seeing Y/N as if it pained her to see her child confined. It was fine, he still loved her and as for Y/N he would just give her twice as much love to make up for Lilith.
“Daddy, Daddy! Look it’s a giant duck!” Y/N says with excitement looking at the Duck shaped boats. Lucifer smiled at the girl patting her head he had taken her to the private amusement park LuLu world he had made for Charlie. It was her 6th birthday today and though it was difficult for him to let her leave the palace he made an exception just for this one day. After all soon she would have all the space to run around as her heart desired. “Would you like to go on the ride?” He asked adoring the wide smile that lit up on Y/Ns face. He thought it was extra adorable how the wings on her back fluttered with excitement.
He noted he would need to trim them shorter next time as she was hovering a little to high off the ground for his tastes. It pained him to trim her wings so short, he would’ve at least wanted to wait until she was a little older but her wings just grew so fast… Ah! He Caught himself in his thoughts. Soon there would be no need to trim them anymore and he could just imagine teaching his little girl how to fly.
Lucifer let Y/N run around to her hearts content going on rides or looking around it wasn’t long before she had tired her self out. “Daddy?” Y/N said gently tugging on his coattail. “Can you carry me?” She whined and he obliged picking her up letting her rest her head on his sholder gently rubbing her back. Y/N looked up at the blood red sky towards the white shining sphere surrounded by clouds.
“Daddy what’s that up in the sky? Is it a Castle?”
Lucifer chuckled at the question. “No dear it’s heaven. It looks very beautiful doesn’t it? It’s where all the angels live and pure souls live. But no matter how beautiful it may look it’s rotten inside and it rots everything it touches until it’s a shell of its self and rotten too.” he says gently holding her cheek brushing his thumb over her cheek. “And if they can’t do that they try to destroy whatever they can’t rot.” He presses his forehead to Y/Ns holding her close to him. “They would want to do the same to you. But daddy would never let that happen to you.”
Y/N looks up at him with heavy eyes fighting to stay open. “Sleep. When you wake up you won’t have to worry about heaven ever again.” With a smile he looks at Y/N rubbing her cheek as sleep finely takes her. “I won’t allow my precious baby to suffer in this place with all these filthy sinners.” He snaps his fingers a portal opening up he steps through revealing an entire galaxy, stepping onto a floating planet completely barren. But It wasn’t for long as he wills a tree to form lush green leaves and beautiful flowers sprouting the roots forming in a thick dip allowing him to place Y/N in the middle.
“You don’t need heavens false paradise when you have me. Daddy will make a paradise so large and grand you won’t even know it’s a cage.” He conjures soft blankets and pillows making sure she was comfortable. He turned to the vast empty land and cracked his hands and smirks he had a lot of work to do
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ghosts-u · 1 year ago
The oc I’m planing on is albino short (she’s got Lucifer’s height) long wavy hair she supposed to look very majestic she has more of Lilith’s personality. If Charlie was supposed to look like a porcelain doll she looks like an actual one. I might give her animal features but I’m still working on it so it might change. But what won’t change is that there cute but psycho 
*Edit* Oc Wip for reference.
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
[3] [Celestia’s Apostate]
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Cw:Fatui Au,cursing
With the ceremony over, the party begins and I walk around greeting people. “I must say, Lady Azrael, I did not expect you to become the next fatui harbinger. This nation has a bright future ahead.”
I nod my head, not really listening. I am in for a long night of meaningless chatter and lip service. I have to suppress a groan as I see a man approach me with a young boy by his side.
I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with any of this nonsense tonight, but I was wrong.
“Lady Azrael, it’s a pleasure to meet with you again. Congratulations on your title. The Tsaritsa truly has infinite wisdom.”
I smile, going over a mental list of the guests, recognizing this man as a fairly high-ranking politician. “Sir Bogdan, it’s a pleasure to see you once again as well. I see you’ve brought your son with you.”
The man laughs patting his son on the back. “Why yes, I have. Why don’t you introduce yourself?”
His son bows. “My name is Ivan Bogdan. It’s very nice to meet you, Lady Azrael. I must say, I’ve admired you for quite a while. You're just as dazzling as they say.” He takes my hand, kissing it then flashes me a smile and I suppress a grimace.
Since I’m too young to be propositioned, more often than not, people introduce me to their sons or daughters in hope of me taking a liking to them or proposing an engagement.
“Oh my, you’ve raised such a charming son, Sir Bogdan.” I just want this conversation to end. Why do people keep bringing their young kids to these events? Children need their sleep.
Just then, large hands wrap around my shoulders and I look up to see it’s one of my colleagues, the 11th harbinger, Tartaglia. “Why hello, priestess, or should I say Lady Azrael, or do you prefer Lady Celestine?”
I smile at the man, happy to take this as a chance to get away from Sir Bogdan.
“Anything’s fine, Lord Tartaglia. I don’t really mind, though, I must say it’s nice for people to finally have something to call me other than priestess.”
For a moment, a sad look flashes on his face before he perks up again. It surprises me. I never really thought I would get pity from someone like him, but I suppose it’s only natural. To him, I must be some poor orphan the Tsaritsa took pity on and that’s been desperately trying to prove themselves to repay that kindness. Ha! If only.
“You don’t have to call me that, Lady Azrael, just call me Childe. We’re comrades after all!”
I nod and notice the sound of music starting up. It’s a little too loud for me since there is a live orchestra playing in the ballroom. I prefer music being played on low-quality speakers as nothing more than background noise. I’ve gotten used to the live music through the years, but it’s still a little grating.
Immediately I look for a place to hide not, wanting to be bombarded with offers to dance, however, I’m far too late as people's eyes seem to zero in on me. It’s just then Childe takes my hand, leading to the ballroom floor.
“It seems we’re in the same predicament. As Comrades, we should help each other out.”
To the side, I notice multiple ladies look on with envy as they miss their chance to dance with the man. As I reach the dance floor, Childe bows and offers his hand. “May I have this dance, Lady Azrael?”
I let out a small laugh and take his hand. “Why, I would be honored, Lord Childe.” Childe Is very tall, way taller than me, by a lot, but I still try my best to get into a comfortable position. However, what I didn’t expect was for Childe to lift me up, placing me on top of his shoes.
“Here, that should be a little better.”
I stood there in shock, unsure of what to do. Did…did this guy just place me on his shoes like he’s dancing with a little kid? To be fair, I am technically still a child, but that doesn’t mean people get to treat me like one! Should…should I punch him I wanna punch him?
But before I could go through with any violent actions, Childe begins to dance. It’s the traditional waltz but he’s the only one dancing, I don’t have to do anything because my feet are automatically moving with his.
However, he seems to get bored with this and picks me up. My feet dangle as I'm too short to reach the ground. He practically flings me around like a rag doll, dancing to his own song and all I can do is accept my fate. Halfway through his little dance, he must decide to cut me some slack because he sets me on the ground, allowing me to dance normally.
I glare as he gives me an innocent smile, as if he didn’t just drag me around the dance floor. A very bold move for a man with a very punchable looking face. I decide a little revenge is in order. I pick up the pace of my steps falling into a more difficult routine. When dancing, you and your partner must be in sync. If your partner is lacking, it’s the more skilled of the two's job to compensate. But I wasn’t going to give him that luxury. With skillful steps, I dance around the ballroom, forcing him to keep up.
He seems to know what I'm doing and smiles almost as if I'm challenging him and he’s determined to win. He spins me fast before immediately getting back into the waltz, but I keep up with his quick movements. We stay like that until the end of the song and he dips me back as the song ends. He’s breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his forehead as he looks at me with a feral smile. I’m a little winded as well, but something as simple as dancing isn’t enough to get me so worked up.
The room breaks into applause and I’m a little shocked at that. I’m pretty sure that didn’t look like a dance so much as two people wrestling around a ballroom.
“Lady Azrael, you were amazing! You looked just like an angel flying around the dance floor!”
I see some of the ladies swooning remembering the display.
“Why yes, indeed! That performance was like a beast learning to dance and being guided by the gentle hand of a beautiful maiden.”
I know there’s no way I have that much talent to make a dance like that look good and Childe most certainly does not. He pats me on the back looking proud of himself as he puffs his chest.
“It was as if we were battling on the dance floor, comrade. Thank you for such an exhilarating experience.”
It looks like everyone has lost their mind today. Perhaps twelve is a cursed number. With me and my track record it probably is. Having had enough, I leave Childe to deal with the fawning crowd. I walk over to Rubedo who’s stuffing his face with cake. He gives me a thumbs up for my dance and smiles, not able to say anything because his cheeks are stuffed with cake.
It’s just then that I notice Nigredo in the corner looking like he’s holding back tears. “You never cease to amaze me, you were really carrying that dance, if you can even call it that!” He finally dissolves into fits of laughter knowing exactly what I was going through on that dance floor. I leave the room, heading out to the balcony. Jerk.
No one is there, probably because there are no heating devices out here. Looking out, I look down at the city. It glows bright and I smile remembering how crazy everyone thought I was when I said I wanted the entire capital to have electricity. To many, it may have seemed like an impossible task yet I kept on with it anyway, though to be fair, the people of my world had done it before so it’s not like I had any doubt it was not possible.
Jumping up on the balcony ledge, I glance back for a brief moment, checking if anyone’s watching. I catch the eye of the Tsaritsa. She sits invisibly on her throne, there, but not there as she’s only attending as a formality and no one is daring enough to speak to her. So she sits; almost like an expensive decorative ornament that people avoid in fear of breaking. Well…she would probably be doing the breaking.
She stares at me, probably knowing where I’m going and gives me a silent nod. I wink and give her a salute before falling off the balcony and down to the ground floor. I land near the entrance of the Zapolyarny Palace, frightening a few guards. I don’t bother with them, simply walking off. They know better than to gossip.
As I walk, I rip a flag off its post using Alchemy to change it into a black cloak. I drape it over my head, hiding my horns. I make my way to the city, smiling when I see the people celebrating. Most people thought I used a large amount of money only on the ceremony, but the real reason it was expensive was that I wanted to fund a festival for the common folk.
The news of a new harbinger was normally a bad sign to the commoners of Snezhnaya. It meant another person would be using their power with no regard of how it would affect them. I wanted this to have a positive impact, so I funded a festival that the common folk could enjoy. As I walk through the city, I actively try to ignore the blatant paraphernalia with my face on it. For the amount of disrespect the people of Teyvat garnered, their naysayers sure did enjoy the merchandise.
“This round’s on me for the Priestess Lady Azreal the 12th harbinger. She truly is Snezhnaya’s Guardian Angel!”
Cheers erupt in the small crowd as people raise their drinks. Even though I’m a bit embarrassed, I stay wanting to hear what they had to say about me.
“Out of everyone, I really think the Priestess will change this country for the better, just look at how the city has grown.”
“Yeah, the Priestess is the only one out of all the harbingers who truly cares about us!”
“I-I would give the Priestess m-y daughter’s hand in marriage!” A particularly drunk man cuts in and the crowd devolves into laughter.
I sigh and walk away. I'm happy people think so highly of me even if I know eventually they will be disappointed.
As I make my way out of the city I stop seeing a small figure running up to me.
“Wait!” A little girl stands in front of me holding a basket of neatly wrapped flowers of small bouquets. She looks up and gets a good look at my face and her eyes go wide as she looks at me with a look of awe. “Oh, you're the Priestess! Mommy told me all about you. Can I touch your horn? Oh, I’m sorry. That’s rude of me.”
I chuckle, taking off my hood as I bend to the girl's level. “Go ahead, but what are you doing out here so late? Are your parents with you?”
She reaches up and grabs my horns, running her fingers along the grooves, giving me her reply.
“Sissy and I wanted to play in the festival, but mommy and daddy wouldn’t give us any pocket mora, so we decided to sell some flowers and then use the mora for the festival!”
Just then another girl, much older, comes running into the alleyway. “How many times have I told you not to run off! Mom and dad are going to…” She stops when she notices me, her face gaping like a fish before she ran over and took her sister's hands off my head and bowed.
“I’m so sorry, Priestess! It’s all my fault! Please don’t be mad!”
I pat both of their heads making them look up at me. “It’s fine, I let her. Just make sure to watch her more carefully next time. I could have been someone bad, and you’re pretty small yourself. You might not be able to help her if something goes wrong. So next time don’t let her run off.”
I turn to the younger one, lightly booping her on the nose. “And you don’t run off from your sister. I know you want to help, but your sister cares about you and is just trying to protect you. You need to listen, okay?”
The girl nods looking guilty and I decide to cheer them up. “Oh my, but what’s this behind your ear? What a pretty flower.”
I form a flower out of clear Crystal, the flower sparkling in the moonlight as the girl looked with awe taking it into her hands. I make another one for her sister and take one of the small bouquets handing her a bag of mora. “Now you two should go enjoy the festival!”
They both look at each other with excitement to as they both runoff from the alleyway but stop at the entrance to wave goodbye.
“Thank you priestess I hope we’ll see you again!” Then they both run off and I smile recalling bitter memories of my sister.
“Come out now,” I call and a man clouded in black appears, kneeling. “Follow them. Make sure they get home safe.” He nods and I leave without giving him a second glance.
I'm left in the cold Snezhnaya air all alone, I take out two small black horns from my pocket, clutching them to my heart. “Did you like the festival, I’m sure you would have had fun.” I sit there and just stare at the horns in my hands trying to keep bad memories at bay, If I were a normal person I would eventually have to snap out of it to walk around a few times to keep my temperature up, though if I were a normal person I probably wouldn’t be alive.
I close my eyes and remember my old world it’s then that I’m grateful for the freezing weather.
I always hated summer. It was always too warm if you didn’t have air conditioning it felt as if it was impossible to cool down. At least when it was winter if I were cold I could wrap myself in a blanket to keep warm or all I needed was a small heater.
Right now I wish it was winter so I didn’t have to worry about ruining my resume with sweat. I was lucky no one was on this bus with me and I could worry in peace about this interview. I was interviewing for a large company if I managed to get the job I would Finley make something of myself and make my family proud.
I really wanted this interview to go well, you worked so hard for this opportunity and now you were worried the damn whether was going to mess it up for you! I move to open the window hoping it would help, and though it stops my face from sweating and ruining my makeup I’m still uncomfortable. The bus makes its way to a bridge and the scenery of the calm blue waters glittering in the sun calms my nerves.
I hear a loud sound from the back of the bus and the bus jumps I feel it shift and slide out of my seat to speak to the Driver. “Did something happen to the bus?” I say nervous I don’t want to be late for my interview. “Yes, there is.” He says with tears in his eyes and I look at him confused. “Umm is everything okay did something happen to the bus?do we need to stop?” I start walking up the isles to check on the man. He grips the wheel and weeps.
“You know I’m happy your the only one here if there were more people I might not have gone through with it.” I pause and step back not sure of what’s happening. “W-what are you talking about.” The back of the bus catches on fire and I scream in shock and horror as I stare at the man. “I can’t live like this anymore…but I just couldn’t do it I’m so sorry miss I just didn’t want to die alone!”
What the hell this guy was going on about! Was he the one who did this to the bus? I move to push the emergency window open but the bus swerved pushing me to the ground. The back of the bus explodes burning my leg before The bus goes careening off the side of the bridge falling into the water I hold on for dear life as I start to fall but before I plunge into the water I see the bus diver jump out of the window at the last second holding onto a piece of the broken bridge. “Please help me, somebody anybody I don’t want to die!” As I fall watching The display I scream.
“You fucking bastard!”
I would curse him more if not for hitting the water. If that jerk wanted to comment suicide he should have just gone and died in a ditch somewhere, I hope he gets the fucking death penalty for this. Water quickly starts to fill the bus as I look for a way out, but the heat of the fire causes the water to boil burning my skin as hot stem blurs my vision stops me from escaping.
The fire dies out as I’m submerged in the water I’m unable to get out of the bus. Water starts to fill my lungs and my vision begins to blur unlike what I was told my life doesn’t flash before my eyes. Instead, all of the work I did to get that interview begins to surface and I want to cry.
All of it was for nothing, I was so close to achieving everything to ever wanted. Well no… in truth I would have been satisfied with just a normal job that paid decently, but when I entered high school I was settled with a lot of expectations I couldn’t keep up with.
While my family couldn’t care less what I did as long as I were happy or it wasn’t illegal but my entire social life seemed to revolve around being Smart. I wasn’t a genius by any means but I wear smart my teachers expected more from me than other students always disappointed when I wasn’t performing.
Soon I became engrossed in my work. The workload was far too much for me to keep up with but I continued ignoring my family I kept it up.
They just didn’t want me to feel obligated to work hard but in their attempts it made me do the opposite. Oh, the irony if I had just gone with the job I was offered instead I wouldn’t be here right now, hell u didn’t even care if I got that job at that company or not. If there’s an afterlife I’ll listen to my parents, in my next life I won’t work myself half to death for no reason as I did in this life.
The only thing I’ll value is my own life I won’t listen to others' opinions I’ll live every moment to the fullest. To my surprise I find myself  opening my eyes once again I was met with the darkroom of a dungeon and for a few moments, I thought I woke up in hell.
Oh, how right I had been.
Tags: @frostines-blog
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
[2] [Celestia’s Apostate]
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Cw:Fatui Au,cursing
Tartaglia practically skips as he walks into the ballroom and approaches his fellow harbingers, la Signora and Scaramouch, “Wow, I can’t believe I’m about to witness another harbinger rise to the ranks. This party seems extravagant. They really pulled out all the stops, huh?” he says as he pours himself a drink.
“I heard the Tsaritsa herself helped with the party preparation, along with the priestess of the Church of Snezhnaya,” Signora said as she takes a look around, eyeing the important people who were in the room.
Scaramouch scoffs as he rolls his eyes. “The 12th harbinger will probably be someone from the Church. I bet that little brat has something up her sleeve. Why else would they be so secretive with who will be promoted?”
Tartaglia hums, swirling the drink in his hand. “I, for one, am hoping it’s someone from the church. I’ve been wanting to fight one of their head generals for a while now. My mora’s on Sir Nigredo. I hear he’s the best fighter in the entire church and he is one of the most trusted people to the priestess.” Signora tsk’s, crossing her arms and giving him a stern look.
“Haven’t you’ve been banned from the church, multiple times? Even the Tsaritsa has given you orders to stay away. If you keep harassing them people are going to think you have something against the church or even the priestess herself.”
Tartaglia gasps holding a hand to his heart as he looks to Signora with an offended look. “I don’t hate the divine priestess! In fact, I highly respect her! It takes a warrior spirit to rise above in the most unlikely of places. Her story is something straight out of a Fairy tale. I wonder how the Tsaritsa found her all those years ago.”
Four years ago there was a massive blizzard that spread over Snezhnaya, one the nation had never seen before. That same day, the Cryo Archon went missing. The fatui searched high and low but there were no signs of the Tsaritsa until she came back in the dead of night with a small girl drenched in blood. The little girl did not have a name. She did not look human. Her eyes had no visible iris and shone like jewels holding a look almost akin to a doll. She had two crystal-like horns protruding from her head. People assumed she was just an orphan the Tsaritsa took pity on. Eventually, the girl ended up working at the church in a considerably high position with the backing of the Tsaritsa.
Though she had extraordinary healing abilities, no one expected much of the girl. Perhaps if the girl was lucky she would gain a higher position, if not she would most likely fall victim to the harsh and competitive nature of the church. What no one expected was that in just six months of her stay, she compiled evidence of corruption. Almost all of the head officials were executed and for her service, the nameless little girl became the new head of the church.
Scaramouch crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow. “Fairytale, huh? Sounds more like a nightmare to me. Who knows how many people were after her back then.” Tartaglia sighs dreamily, resting his elbows on the table. “I know if the priestess ever learned how to fight, she would be a fearsome appoint.”
“Ever battle-hungry as ever I see, Tartaglia,”
Dottore says as he walks in buttoning up his blazer. There’s a small smudge of oil smeared on his cheek making it clear he was in the middle of something before he joined the group. ”I'm surprised to see you here so soon, Dottore. The last time you arrived just before the ceremony started and left once it ended. To what do we owe your gracious presence?” Signora says as she takes out a handkerchief, wiping away the stain on his cheek and smoothing down the blue curls on his head to make him look more presentable.
“Why the divine priestess, of course. Seeing that she’s not here yet, it seems our predictions may be correct,” Dottore says, a crazed smile on his face. The three harbingers look uncomfortable knowing exactly why he was smiling.
“Once that wench Finally joins the fatui she will no longer have any excuses to not work with me.” It was no secret that Dottore wanted access to the technology the church has however the church has just as much jurisdiction and Authority as the fatui in Snezhnaya and the divine priestess has never humored any of his requests.
Fortunately, their conversation with Dottore was cut short as Pierro arrives to escort the Tsaritsa to her throne signaling the beginning of the ceremony. Quietly, they all gather into their respective places gathering around the Tsaritsa's throne. The room immediately stills with the arrival of the Tsaritsa as everyone in the room turns to bow. As the Tsaritsa takes her seat, she lazily waves her hand indirectly telling the room to rise and be at ease.
The people in the room watch with anticipation as the Tsaritsa begins to speak, curious as to who will be the next harbinger. “Please bring in the Divine Priestess.”
Instantly the doors to the ballroom open. The Divine Priestess walks through the door and all eyes were now on her. Behind her are her two assistants who also act as her bodyguards. Sir Nigredo and Sir Rubedo looked closely alike, almost identical, though out of the two, Nigredo stood out more. He had vermillion red eyes and was slightly taller than his counterpart.
His hair is pulled into a side ponytail showing off a black tattoo that almost looks like thorny vines running along his neck and the same tattoo seemed to creep up his right hand that was covered with gloves. Rubedo, on the other hand, had crystal blue eyes, his hair is only slightly longer than shoulder length that’s barely able to be tied in a small puff in the back of his head. Cryo and pyro visions are proudly displayed on their suits as they follow closely behind the priestess. But the priestess seems to command all the attention in the room. She walks with purpose, the only sound in the room, her heels clicking against the floor of the Zapolyarny Palace that echoes throughout the ballroom with each step. Her face is neutral, her jeweled eyes sparkle in the light of the room making her look hollow and empty as if she is an emotionless doll.
As she walks, a crystal clear pendant with a symbol dangles off her dress. The item is out of place. No one knows what the strange ornamentthe priestess carries is, but she carries it with her wherever she goes, almost like a vision, yet no one has ever seen the priestess use it.
As the priestess makes her way up to the Tsaritsa, she stops at the staircase leading up to her throne. The divine priestess looks up at the Tsaritsa, her face falling into a gentle smile as she slightly lifts the skirt of her dress in a curtsy. "Greetings to her honorable majesty, the Tsaritsa.” Both men at her side kneel repeating her words, however, when the priestess makes her way to stand, they do not get up.
“Divine priestess, today I have gathered everyone here because I wish to bestow to you one of my highest honors for your contributions to Snezhnaya.” Closing her eyes, she sighs.
“I have but one goal,” the Tsaritsa says and everyone in the room listens intently to her words.
“The goal of bringing peace to this world so its people may find peace, to rid them of their chains so may the world be born anew and a new area can be born.” She stands from her throne and everyone in the room feels a shiver go down their spine.
“Priestess, I will give you everything and anything in my power that I can grant you and in exchange, I only ask that you help me grant this one selfish wish of mine.” She says and stares down at the Priestess who unflinchingly stares back.
“Divine priestess, would you become the 12th of the fatui harbingers, to cast away who you once were and become something new.”
“Your majesty, you have already given me more than enough that I could grant that wish 100 times over and it still would not be enough to repay the debt I owe you.” This time the Priestess bows deeper than before as she replies. “Your majesty, I am honored to receive such a title, I humbly accept the title as the 12th harbinger.”
“Then starting today, you are now number 12 of the Fatui harbingers, Celestine The Azrael.”
Pierro takes out an insignia but does not pull it out from its box. Everyone in the room is stunned when the Tsaritsa ascends down from her throne and walks down the stairs case. She stops in front of the Priestess and takes the insignia from the box. The Tsaritsa takes the insignia and pins it to her dress, everyone in the room is silent at the display, having not expected the Tsaritsa to personally pin the priestess’s insignia herself.
The Tsaritsa returns to her throne and Pierro takes the priestess's now newly named 12th harbingers, hand as they both turn to the crowd. “I welcome you, lady Azrael.” He places a kiss on her hand and both of her guards finally stand, turning to their mistress. “Congratulations, Lady Azrael.” They both say simultaneously, everyone in the room takes this as a cue as they all start to applaud.
Pedrelino grabs a glass of red wine and raises it in the air. “A toast, to lady Azrael! The 12th of the fatui harbingers!”
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
Master list~
♡ My Hero Academia~
♡Eyes To The spirit World/Fates Intertwined
♡A Wish For Love
♡ Genshin inpact~
♡Sagau P1 P2 P3
♡Halloween Special:Yan Vampire Diluc
♡ Celestia’s Apostate
♡ Hazbin hotel~
To be added soon~
♡ Twisted wonderland~
Nothings here yet~
♡ Obey me~
Nothings here yet~
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
[Celestia’s Apostate]
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CW:Fatui Au, cursing Gore and blood.
Summry: 500 years ago there was a nation that was the pride of all humanity. It’s name was Khaenri'ah.
With the help of a traveler from an unknown world, they were able to prosper in a world that was ruled by gods.
Celestia, however, did not like this.
Celestia was above all other gods and ruled over humanity. They didn’t like humanity stepping over their bounds. So Celestia ordered the Seven Archons of Teyvat to come together in order to destroy the Khaenri'ah, so arrogant, they thought they could defy them.
Despite their reservations, the Archons could not defy Celestia. So 500 years ago, the nation of Khaenri'ah was destroyed and slowly was forgotten.
To make sure another nation like Khaenri'ah could never exist again, Celestia made a prophecy that if anyone from another world is ever born in Tyevat, they will bring nothing but destruction. So they must be killed as soon as they are discovered.
Now you might be wondering what any of this lovely story has to do with me. Well, 500 years after that decree was made, no one has ever been reincarnated.
Well, no one…Until I was killed and got reincarnated into this messed up world. They call me Celestia’s Apostate because I refuse to die by the hands of the gods.
After risking my life traveling all Seven Nations looking for a place I could go, The Cryo Archon saved my life and took me in.
Now with the help of the Fatui I’m collecting all seven gnosis to destroy Celestia.
Who the hell did I piss off in a past life to make me go through this kind of hell?
If I was going to be isekied, I would have much preferred to be just be born as a slime or some shit to not have to deal with all of this bullshit.
Next chapter-
Snow gently falls from the sky, dancing in the air as it slowly falls to the ground. With an icy breath, I stab into the nameless assassin sent by gods to kill me. The body falls to the ground as blood clings to my skin, freezing into icy crystals. The carnage is evident as body after body lay in piles. Bloody gore taints the once white snow that lay beneath. My fingers tightly grip the polearm, turning blue as they freeze to the iron in a frosty grip. For a brief moment, I admire the snow that slowly falls from above. With heavy feet, I slowly move forward, heading towards an unknown destination.
The gale of snow grows harsher on the seemingly endless icy planes. The wind grows more frantic and a harsh flurry of ice whips against my face as a harsh blizzard starts to form desperately trying to prevent further progress as if to say: Stay away, unwelcomed one. But I slowly win inches as I brave the harsh weather of the storm. In the distance of the angry storm, a shadow appears amid the storm; slowly approaching. The snow slows as the figure approaches. It parts as if welcoming the stranger.
The snow ceases, only to reveal the esteemed cryo archon standing in all her glory, looking down her nose at me, her cold gaze judging as if weighing my worth. My gaze is unflinchingly focused on the archon’s eyes. I know I don’t look very intimidating, My clothes are torn to ribbons and my body is covered in deep gashes while my eyes appear sunken and tired from endless battles. But, standing tall, my spear is held confidently and the bloody blade points up at the archon.
"If you've come to finish me off, I'm sorry to say I fully intend on making it out of here alive," I say, glaring up at her cold, dead eyes. "If you think I won't kill you because you’re an Archon you’re sorely mistaken. I no longer care about that deal after what the so-called god, Justice, did to me!"
Blade at the ready, I prepare an attack, yet it never comes as all the Cryo Archon does is stare me down. "I'm sure you are already well aware that the Celestia are fools. They are not fit to rule over the mortal realm."
I dig my polearm into the ground, leaning upon it when she makes no moves to attack. “Is that so? I wonder what you're really planning? Do you want a scapegoat or perhaps bait?"
"No, not at all. I believe that our goals align with each other. My success inevitably means your success. I want Celestia to fall just as much as you do."
I let out a puff of air that is cold against my lips. "Sure that sounds nice and all but how can you be trusted? You could stab me in the back or pull something like the hydro archon did.”
Slowly she brings her hand out. The polearm in my hand is quickly pulled from the ground and I get into a defensive stance as her hand starts to glow. Something materializes within that light. It looks like a chess piece. It is the cryo Archon’s gnosis, being willingly handed over to me. "I don't-why are you-" Hesitation has been long since been trained out of me, but…like glass, the years of self-confidence and my unwavering commitment shatters as for the first time in a long while, I feel uncertain. Is this a trick? It cant be. Not when she was offering me something so important. Should I accept it? It would help immensely and give me leverage over the Cryo Archon. So why am I so hesitant?
Fear grips me, but why? I’ve been through so much worse before, yet taking such a small item inspires terror. The Tsaritsas's eyes don't seem so cold anymore. The sincerity in her eyes shines. For the first time, trusting someone is a necessity. Of course, I’ve trusted people in the past, but it was never anyone who couldn't be stricken down in a single strike. To put so much faith in a person who could betray me without batting an eye was scary, but for this deal to work, trusting her was not optional.
Her hand slowly reaches out to me and I flinch back. Her hand pauses to hover in the air for a brief moment before coming to rest on my head. I tremble, telling myself it's from the cold as her hand slides down to my face. She gently holds my cheek lifting it to meet her gentle gaze. "Relax, child. I will not hurt you. No one will hurt you anymore." Her arms slowly wrap around me holding no warmth, but for some reason, I feel warm. Tears fall from my eyes as I wrap my own arms around her. For some odd reason, the heavy burdens I had been forced to carry for so long feel like they’re being lifted off my shoulders. The Tsaritsa's hold grows tighter as she gently pets my head and like a dam that’s been broken, I bury my face into her as I start to cry for the first time in years; letting out the years of pain left in my heart.
[Four years later]
"Ugh! What am I going to do? This was supposed to be the easy part! How do I not have a single dress fit for such an important event!" I yell in frustration, my entire wardrobe practically spread out all over my room. I turn to Nigredo who has been sitting quietly in the corner reading a book the entire time. "Would you stop reading and help me! The party's in two hours so come over here and help me pick a dress!"
The Homunculus hums looking up from his book brushing a long piece of hair from out his face. “And out of all the preparations you made, you didn't prepare an outfit?" he questions and I glare at him.
“Forgive me for trying to be resourceful when I have a room full of dresses and thinking I would at least have one that would work. Now less sass and more helping, mister."
"Well as someone who is going to be representing the church, perhaps you should wear your ceremonial clothes,” Nigredo suggests and I frown dramatically throwing myself on the bed. "But I wanna dress up! The whole cute nun aesthetic is fun and all but not when you have to dress like that every day," I complain rolling over to look at him on the bed.
Ruebedo finally decides to help and pops up from one of the piles of dresses. "I think you would look cute in anything, but how about this one?" he asks holding up a pink dress and I throw my head back down onto the bed. "That looks way too childish for something as important as being named 12th harbinger. I need something more elegant and pristine. Something that commands respect!"
Nigredo stares at me incredulously. "I don't know how much respect a ten-year-old can command."
I don't bother to comment, I just turn towards him sticking my tongue out before going back to trying to find something to wear. There’s a knock at the door and I shout a quick, “come in!" expecting it to be a maid with last-minute preparations.
The person opens the door and I hear a chuckle at the door. "It seems I've come at the right time." I gasp rolling off the bed and rushing over to the Tsaritsa wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Oh, what are you doing here, I thought I wouldn't be seeing you until after the ceremony?"
She pets my head being careful of my horns as she brings out a light blue box wrapped in white lace. “When I was going over the preparations you made I noticed you didn't make any requests for new clothing so I had something prepared."
I take the box in my hands, opening the neatly wrapped box. Inside I find a tailored dress that was everything I wanted and more.
“I have picked it out myself, but if it is not to your liking, I have several others prepared-"
I cut her off hugging her with one arm while holding the box in the other. "You’re such a lifesaver. Thank you so much. You're the best!"
I kiss her on the cheek before running off into the other room to get changed.
“You spoil her,” Nigredo grumbles, clearly jealous. The Tsaritsa turns to him with a knowing smile on her face.
"I suppose I do...though I went through so much trouble making matching pins for you and Ruebedo it was would be a shame if you didn’t match."
Ruebedo happily jumps up and takes the pin, excited to match his sister. Nigredo glares, but hesitantly takes the pin attaching it to his suit.
I come out twirling in my new dress. “It’s perfect this party’s going to be so much fun! I bet no one is expecting me to be appointed as the 12th harbinger. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces.”
Nigredo shakes his head disapprovingly but I see his smirk knowing he’s looking forward to the chaos as well.
The Tsaritsa gently placed her hand on my shoulders and I look up at her confused. “If you don’t wish to do this you can still back out. The plan will still work even if you don’t join the fatui. There’s no need to draw unnecessary attention to yourself.”
I sigh turning away from her and walking towards the frost-covered windows staring at the night sky.
“It’s fine. I’ve already made my fair share of enemies who want me dead. Joining the fatui won't change much and I’m prepared for any backlash the Church will face.” I place my hand on the cool glass staring at the floating city in the sky. “Besides it’s almost time for our plan to fall into action. We only get one shot at this so we can’t fail.” I ball my hand into a fist, pressing it up against the glass. “I’ve sacrificed far too much to fail now. I won’t have anyone ruin my plans now; not even those idiot harbingers.” I slam my fist on the glass covering my view of Celestia as if to crush it. I turn around and smile, dispelling the heavy atmosphere in the room. “Besides I can’t in good conscience just sit around and do nothing when my future is at stake. I’m going to do my best!”
For a moment the Tsaritsa's face falls before she closes her eyes and nods. I walk back over to her and place a hand on my chin. “I’m also curious as to what my harbinger name will be. This is the first time anyone will give me a name in this world…well, one that’s not offensive.” She smiles and pats me on the head careful of the ornament there.
“You’ll have to wait and see now, won’t you?”
She placed a hand on my cheek her thumb gently rubbing it. “Sometimes I wish I could take away the pain of your past, but I know that I cannot change the past. The only thing I can do is promise that you will have Vengeance.” I reach my hand up and hold her hand that’s on my cheek as I watch her glare.
“Celestia will fall to the hands they forsook.”
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
I know I haven’t posted in a wile but I’m working on it. But here’s a small preview of something I’m working on. I’m trying to have at least 5 chapters finished before I publish.
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
Sorry the next chapter is taking so long to come out it’s the end of my unit and I have to finish by the 17th. And I’m also trying to write another story but I’ll finish the next chapter soon.
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
At this point I’m going to be recognized as a Sagau Au writer I swear I’m going to write something else soon.
I got a random idea, so in some alternate universe mihoyo pull’s a honkai impact and make’s canonically dead characters playable. Kazuha’s dead friend gizhong etc, become playable characters where you learn more about them though flash back’s or whatever. Now even though there still technically dead they still have a character model and stuff so they can interact with the others.
People who were close to them will be happy and will become even more devoted. And the characters that get revived think that there must be a reason and aim to serve you however they can they become your most loyal followers doing anything without question
All the characters think this is some kind of sign of them recognizing there efforts or if you want to be angsty they think there not good enough and you’re replacing them. But either way they take it as a sign you at least acknowledge them and there efforts.
if you get isekai’ed into genshin once you get settled in they will come over an thank you for allowing them to serve you and to see they loved ones again.
I don’t normally make posts like this so forgive me if it’s bad honestly I just think this is a pretty reasonable way to add these characters into Sagau without it being weird.
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
(Warnings, torture and gore)
(Part 1 Part 2)
Who knows maybe you are really the god they were all talking about. After all you were isekai here, if your memories of lore don’t fail you the archons were the ones who taught people how to live. In his story quest it was said Zhongli made houses out of mora as a base to show them how to make houses and stuff you could definitely do that.
You had cheats on coming from a more modern time so it wouldn’t be so far fetched. Or maybe this god them self is the one who brought you here and just forgot to give you your OP powers, it would also explain that metal key.
You gasp forgetting about everything else as you stare at liyue Harbor. “Wow it’s so pretty in real life!” You didn’t realize you had said that out loud until you heard albedo chuckle.
You blushed as you compose yourself but still looked around in awe, but since you weren’t looking were you were going you tripped on a stone. Just as you were about to fall albedo caught you with a firm hand pulling you towards him.
“Are you alright your grace?” To your shock he picks you up in a bridal style. “Yes I’m fine there’s no need to carry me!” You didn’t want albedo to get tired carrying you and you were really embarrassed.
“It’s fine your grace we don’t want your injuries to get worse.”
Albedo had set you down once you made it closer to the city he stoped by some kinda of building for a few minutes as you waited outside. When he came back he was frowning.
“Your grace I apologize I must head back to mondstat. The knights have issued a search and have called every available personal to help.”
You were surprised they were acting like you were some dangerous criminal you didn’t even do anything so why is there so much fuss. “It’s fine head back for now, it shouldn’t take them long to figure out I’m not there anymore. I’ll be fine.” You pat his back and smile at him he looks like he doesn’t want to leave but heads off.
You walk around the Harbor for a bit finding your self looking at the ocean. You sit watching the blue Ocean waves sparkle in the sun. Somehow the ocean is different from the one in your world it makes your heart ache wondering if you’ll ever see your home again.
You already know your probably never going to be able to go back. You sniffle wiping your eyes as you stop your self from crying. As you wipe away your tears you hear something fly by you with a tud catching on the hood of your cloak pulling it off your head.
You quickly try to pull it back on but realize it was stuck on something. When you look at the wall behind you it was lodged with an arrow, you take your hand to you face and see blood the Arrow had just barely managed to miss your head.
You look to were you believed the arrowhead come from and see Ganyu standing atop a building holding her bow. You quickly try and pull the arrow out of the wall to free your hood but it barely budged you look back and to your horror you see Ganyu starting to head in your direction.
Not taking any chances you rip your hood from the wall tearing it in half as you try and run. But before you can get too far a rock comes flying hitting you in the forehead knocking you to the ground.
You see a few drops of blood splatter on the ground and realize your bleeding. Slowly you look up to see the culprit a man who you assumed was a fisher held a small pile of rocks in his hands as he spewed out curses.
He angrily threw another rock at you others joining in as you bring your arms up to protect your head from the assault. Eventually you are roughly dragged up by the Millelith and taken away from the angry crowd.
Your vision starts to blur as you start to pass out the last thing you see are the Ocean waves as the world turns to black.
When you wake up your wrists are chained hanged up from the ceiling of the room feet just barely touching the ground. Looking around your in a dungeon… again but you felt a little more nervous this time. When you were locked up in the knights of favonius jail the rest of the cells were empty and not many guards were stationed around the jail which made sense since monstat was relatively peaceful.
You definitely weren’t alone this time though you could hear other people in the other cells. Their are tools lining the walls too far for you to reach, unlike when you were with the knights these tools looked more…well used, around the room you spot stains that look a little too much like dried blood.
You yank you chains trying to break free to no avail. Your heart starts to beat heavily in your chest as you realize there’s no escape and you won’t be able to break free until these chains are removed.
You hear the clanking of heels from outside as they slowly approach the door. Ningguang and Keqing enter the room their both quite as they silently judge you. “They really do look like our creator.” Keqing say harshly grabbing your chin as she looks at you with a dangerous glint in her eyes.
Ningguang walks over slowly running her fingers on the table that had an assortment of tools as she walked by. She looked at you before roughly grabbing your hair as she looked at you with a harsh glare.
“Yes they do, and as loyal followers of our divine creator we must get rid of such a stain to this holy land.” She picks up a leather whip twisting it in her hands. “You will make a worthy Sacrifice for our divine creator, you will be far better than all the others.” She looks to Keqing as she looks at you with a cruel smirk. “Keqing would you mind starting us off.”
She nodded and walked towards you as you held back a wimpier. You were tempted to scream and beg for mercy but you knew they wouldn’t listen, they were far to crazy to listen to reason. The only thing left you could do is try and keep whatever scraps of pride you had left.
Keqing placed her hand on your stomach you brace your self as you feel a jolt of electricity though your body. You barely had any time to recover as another shock has you gritting your teeth just barely able to stop yourself from biting down on your tongue as you try not to scream.
You wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of hearing your begging and screaming. You hear a chuckle of laughter and you look up to see Ningguang laughing.
“Trying to save face, I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone as arrogant to Impersonate the creator.”
She walks up to up whip twisting in her hands. Your tempted to spit in her face but your not stupid enough to anger someone who has you chained up. You just brace you self for the inevitable as you feel a burning sting on you back, you almost scream out but manage to catch your self as you bite the inside of you mouth.
You don’t know how much time has passed, or how many lashes you were given but you could feel blood dripping down you back and onto the floor. But luckily by some miracle a guard ran into the room intrupting. “Lady Ningguang, miss Keqing. There are a large horde of monsters attacking outside the city!”
Both of them stoped as they payed attention to the Guard, they looked hesitant to leave but seemed to know they were needed to help with the situation.“We’ll continue torturing the imposter tomorrow in the square. Once we’re done they’ll be stoned to death.”
Once Ningguang finished her order and they left. You were too weak to try and struggle or try and make any meaningful escape, briefly you wondered if this was how you were going to die.
Tears well up in your eyes and you hear your self let out a sob, it was so unfair you never asked to be here. Hadn’t you gone though enough haven’t you suffers enough? You died you lost everything, your family, your friends, your entire life what more did they want to take?
You feel a surge of rage rembering the events you went though ever since you got here. You wanted them gone you wanted them to know what you had to go though, you want them to suffer. You weren’t normally a vengeful person nor very easy to anger yet everyone had there limits and you had long since reached yours.
The sounds of water snap you out of your stupor as you look up at the small window of the cell and see a hydro slime. It pushes itself through the bars easily slipping inside as it makes its way towards you. It looks up at you making a sad face before it quickly changed and looked determined as it jumped up latching onto the chains.
You were very confused but let the slime do what it wanted, it wasn’t like you can do anything about it anyway. All of a sudden to collapse to the ground as you fall from the sudden release of your chains. You look up to see that the slime somehow managed to unlock the chains.
Unfortunately you weren’t able to move the pain of the lashings and your aching limbs from being hanged up for so long made you unable to lift a Single muscle. Your body felt like a bag of sand, no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t muster the strength to move.
Just as you gave up attempting to get up the slime dropped on your back causing a sting of pain though out your back. “H-hey be more careful!” Just then you felt a cool wave of release as the pain started to subside.
You sat up and looked at your wounds
They looked a lot better than they were before though they weren’t completely healed. But it was enough for you as you found the strength to get up, checking the door it was unlocked probably because they thought you wouldn’t be able to find a way to get out of your confinement.
You quickly walk out staying as quite as possible you manage to find a room with a door that leads outside. You look around the room it looks like some kind of Break room for the gaurds, then you spot in the corner your bag.
You quickly grab it and head out the door not wanting to hang around any longer than you have too. With most of the guards gone dealing with the monsters you managed to get out of the city pretty easily.
You sit down on a log trying to think what to do next, you could try going to inazuma but that probably won’t work but with the hunt in mondstat you couldn’t go there either.
Just then you hear something behind you and turn around to see Zhongli. For the first time since you got here you feel hope it’s finely over,someone like Zhongli would never be as crazy as the others. You get up and bow deeply and try your best to convey your true feeling to him.
“Mor-Rex lapis, I’m begging you to please listen to my words. I never intended to offend anyone nor do I claim to be this god, I just wish to live quietly. Please understand this is all a misunderstanding and that I-“
You stop your self when you look up to see his face. The pure unadulterated rage on his face was enough to meet you step back in fear. Did you say something wrong? He summons his pole arm and you can feel your heart sink.
“You filthy heretic, first you dare to taint our divine creators name with your presents. Then you claim ignorance to your crimes!”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing the clam collected kind man you knew from the game was one of those crazy worshipers. The Zhongli who saved Xiao from the evil god, the Zhongli who loved his people so much he decided to live among them, this was the same person?
Ever since you got here you made sure to treat the characters as people judging them by there actions rather than there lore. But for you this was just too out of character for the person you knew he was,he was better than this and you knew it.
You turn around to run away only to be met with an earth quake that shakes your very core. You fall to the ground in pain coughing up a small bit of blood as you look to see your legs that are bruised. With horror realizing you can’t run not from Zhongli the god of war.
You look up at him pleading. “Please don’t do this think of what gizhon-“ your cut off with a spear to the chest, Zhongli tsk at the blood on his pole arm as you try to breath to no avail.
���Ah I should bring there head as on offering to the divine one, or would there heart would be better.”
Zhongli stands completely calm as he ponders what he wants to do completely ignoring your choked cry’s. If I’m going to die I don’t want to die here not like this, you think as Zhongli brings his pole arm up to take out your heart.
‘Please I don’t want to be here take me away from here please I just want to go home.’ You think before Zhongli brings his pole arm down but before it can stab you see a bright light and everything goes blank.
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
Hello and welcome~
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
I am a very slow writer so updates will be slow.if you would like to read any of my story’s you can read them on my Ao3 or Wattpad.
Ao3: Ghosts_U
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
Works I write for~
♡ My Hero Academia.
♡ Genshin Inpact.
♡ Hazbin Hotel.
♡ Twisted wonderland.
♡ Obey Me.
♡ If you would like to discuss any other fandoms you may feel free but please do not make requests that are not in the fandoms listed above.
Requests and Rules~
♡ I do not write Smut or NSFW content.
♡ I do not write Homophobic or Racist content.
♡ I do not write character x character.
♡ You may request things such as~ Yandere content stalking kidnapping gore and horror etc are acceptable.
♡ I write both platonic and romantic relationships.
♡ Requests or asks will be deleted if they are rude disrespectful or offensive.
♡ Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.
Master list~
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
I decided to officially open up requests.
Please read whether or not my requests are still open before requesting some thing.
Though if you just want to ask me questions than your more than welcome. \(≧▽≦)/
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
I didn’t know what I was going to post until I remembered it was Halloween so I quickly wrote something.
I saw the official art of Dulic for Halloween and just went.
Yeah Yandere Vampire Dulic.
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
Halloween special.
Vampire Yandere Diluc.
You ran as fast as your legs would take you navigating though the dark forest as you blindly ran towards freedom.
You should have listened when people told you to stay away from the duke, there is a reason why humans fear things unknown.
Diluc Ragnvindr was the mysterious duke of the land who had inherited his fathers wine business after his mysterious death. People often gossiped about the man, rumors that he had been the one who killed his father after being turned into a monster often circled about.
people never got to close to him his cold exterior and personality making people steer clear of the man.
You still remember when you first met him he had saved you from a pack of wolfs that had attacked wile foraging in the forest. You quickly learned that the man was not what the rumors made him out to be as he invited you into his house and gave you a very warm welcome.
But that’s not to say you didn’t find him…strange.
His skin was a deathly pale, his eyes held a strange glint whenever he stared at anyone as if he was a Predator silently watching it’s prey. You never actually seen him eat when you two would sit down and have dinner together the food on his plate would be left untouched he would only sip on wine the entire dinner.
But of course you never said anything as to not be ungrateful to the man who had taking you in. Eventually you did have to go home you couldn’t take advantage of the dukes generosity forever after all, and that’s were it all seemed to go down hill.
When you had tried to leave he was Furious. “Humans are weak, You should stay here with me we’re your safe.” When you had tried to run that was when he reveled his true colored his eye seemed to glow in the dark moonlight teeth protruding from his mouth in vicious fangs.
it was then that you realized he was a monster.
Harshly he grabbed your wrist taking your hand as he admired it before slowly biting down sinking his teeth into you as he drank your blood. The sight of his lips stained with your blood as he smiled adoringly at you would forever haunt your dreams.
Somehow you had managed to escape from the dark basement he kept you in where he would treat you like some kind of pet. You just had to make it to the village tell everyone of the monster he is and drive him out. Looking ahead you see the faint glowing of lanterns and realized you had made it to your village.
You quickly started running as you entered your village only to stop in horror as you see your village set a flame body’s littering the streets. You can feel the heat of the flames licking your face as you run though the village looking for any survivors, yet your only met with the gruesome deaths of the people you once knew.
You trip on one of the corpses falling flat on your face as you start to sob the full weight of everything hitting you. Everyone you once knew was dead the baker that would give you left over cookies, your kind neighbor who would always invite you for dinner, the shy boy who would always bring you fresh flowers, they were all gone.
Looking back up at the carnage though blurry eyes you see a man standing in the distance. Realizing that someone had lived you quickly get up stumbling towards him as you grab the edge of his coat in desperation. The man slowly turns towards you to reveal Diluc Ragnvindr, he’s coved in blood from head to toe as he coldly looks down on you.
You collapsed your feet shocked. “Y-you…you did this, Why-why would you do something like this?” He bends down gently caressing your cheek as he holds your chin up to look at him.
“Because your mine darling these people were giving you false hope so I got rid of them.”
He kisses you softly looking you into your eyes as if you were his entire world.
“I won’t ever let you go my darling we’ll be together until the end of time.”
Edit: just now realized this was missing a passage I’m so sorry I switched to a writing app to write this and I’m still working it out I’m so embarrassed I’m so sorry.
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
Wow I can’t believe I have 50 followers on here! I want to write something special but I’m really busy right now. I’ll be sure to do something on the weekend but if you guys want anything my ask box is open! (〃^▽^〃)
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ghosts-u · 3 years ago
Part 2
You run through the forest your lungs burning as you ran, you trip over falling flat face into a small body of water. You try to get up but your exhausted and the adrenaline was slowly starting to were off as you feel the dull throbbing of your bruises. You can barely manage to drag yourself away from the water before collapsing.
You don’t really know how long you were laying there but eventually you managed to find the strength to get up. You look at your self in the reflection of the water. Tears suddenly start to fall as everything that happened Finally starts to settle in. You almost died, you were in a fictional world where for all you know all of them want to kill you.
You cry even harder, what did you even do? You couldn’t help how you looked it’s not your fault for looking so closely to whatever God they were talking about, you never once claimed to be them so they should have left you alone.
“I want to go home.”
You say knowing no one will hear you. You tears quickly turn into tears of anger and frustration, how dare they
I didn’t do anything wrong they should have never treated me like that! You splash water on your face trying to dispel the thoughts from your head.
‘Nows not the time.’ You think as you look around you. You see a cryo slime behind you and freeze, it slowly hops up to you nuzzling into your side. You sigh in relief as it presses in too the bruises on your ribs you pat it’s head surprised that it doesn’t freeze your hand off.
“You…you smell different.”
You turn around and see Razor staring at you. “Oh hi, aren’t you a little weirded out to see a slime being so friendly to a human?” Razor tilts his head. “I smell no danger, Razor knows what it’s like for people to be scared of your friends.” You process that through and The realization hits you.
He was talking about the wolfs you always felt bad for Razor, well that could be said about some of the other characters. Mihoyo honestly dose a lot of them dirty by giving them depressing backgrounds. You gently pat his head and he looks up at you.“I’m Razor, your hurt I will help you.”
You kinda wanna laugh and give him a hug at the same time at how he says that so proudly he such a good person it make you want to cry. Razor applies some kind of weird looking paste on your wounds that instantly make you feel 100 times better. “How did you get hurt, you smell like knights. Did they hurt you?” You just nod not saying anything as Razor seems to hum in understanding.
“Knights are bad but good, Razor doesn’t really understand. They hurt lupical but they also help lupical.” Your a little confused before you realize what he’s implying. In his quest his family were literally getting killed but the knights didn’t seem to care, even though it was probably razor keeping the wolfs in check.
It must be frustrating but he couldn’t do anything the knights were the ones letting them stay so he couldn’t fight back, poor dude just wants to live with his family in peace. You wish you could help but you couldn’t there was nothing you could do especially with the knights opinion about you. Razor brings you to see the wolfs and you were a little surprised to see them they were huge!
You felt a lot better after petting all the wolfs for a moment you were able to Forget about everything that happened to you.
“You can stay with us, wolfs like you.”
You kinda wish you could but you can’t stay in Mondstadt. “Actually I was thinking about going to liyue. I don’t want to cause anymore trouble for your fam-lupical.” He looks a bit sad but seem to understand.
“Come back if you need, you are always welcome human lupical.”
You Immediately get up tackling him a
In a hug. “Oh my god you really are best boy so precious!” Razor looks very confused but hugs you back none the less.
With a pep to your step you make your way towards Dragonspine, you decided to go along the border to get to liyue to avoid the knights.
You could tell when you got close The cold winds that blew from dragonspine made you shiver. But you should be fine as long as the stayed along the border and didn’t actually going to Dragonspine, dying to sheer cold didn’t sound fun.
As you walk you Admiring the scenery thinking about what your going to do in liyue, you had found some of those boxes that had mora inside them that should last you a wile and finding a job shouldn’t be too hard and once you settled in you could try all of the food there. As your mind starts to wonder about what you could do once you get to liyue you don’t notice the figure standing behind you.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and let out a scream swinging your bag to hit the person behind you. You hit them Square in the face admittedly probably not doing too much damage because he didn’t have anything hard in your bag. Just as you bring your bag back to hit them again but you catch a glimpse of there face.
He doesn’t look angry more concerned if anything as he gently takes your hand. “You recognize me. I see your hurt let me take a look your grace.” You let him do his inspection as he looks at your injuries.
“I’m sorry for hitting you I thought you were someone else.” He waves you off as he takes some things from his bag. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s my fault in the first place.”
He puts something cold on your face and he seems a bit less worried.
“You were headed to liyue right I’ll accompany you.” He says as he gets up. “Oh? Im fine with it, but are you sure what about Klee?” He smiles and you can’t help but think it looks handsome on his pretty face. “Klee should be fine, since I’m always up in dragonspine no one will notice I’m gone for a wile.”
You both make your way towards liyue you can immediately tell when you get there. It was Beautiful you couldn’t wait to explore as you made your way to the city. When you stop at Wangshu inn and your met with glares again as you slowly start to realize theses pepole were the same.
You stop not going inside as albedo looks at you questingly. “You should go get some supplies for the rest of our trip I’ll stay here and wait for you.” He looks hesitant but nods as he heads to the building.
You pull your hood up as you watch the night sky waiting for albedo.
Xiao looks up at the night sky before deciding to head back to Wangshu inn. He noticed someone standing by the inn but payed no mind to them until he sees a glimpse of there face.
He see red as he’s instantly in front of them and rips there cloak off. The world seems to slow as he gets a closer look at there face his breath catching in his throat. He felt his heart beat as he looked at them something was… different about them.
He couldn’t take his eye off them could… could they actually be the divine one, before he could ponder any further they spoke. “I’m-I’m so sorry i really am not trying to cause any problems I promise!” He frowns as he sees the bruises on their face taking a guess as to why there there.
‘Humans so foolish’ he thought. This person may bare resemblance to the high one but that didn’t warrant hostility though he supposed he could understand the anger. Or was it simply because he didn’t feel that this person was an imposter at all, he knew it was foolish but he just couldn’t shake the feeling.
He handed back there cloak as they took it back for mere moments there fingers brushed and in those mere moments he felt at peace. It felt as if the weight of his sins were lifted off his back for those few precious seconds he was Alatus again, the Alatus he was before he was taking by that evil god.
“Are you headed to liyue Harbor?” He asked and she looked surprised. “Your not-never mind. Yes I’m headed there with a friend we just stoped to get some supplies.” They slowly put back on there cloak and tug the hood up. “They say Rex lapis is a merciful god so I’m sure once I explain I’ll be able to live peacefully.”
He hums and crosses his arms Morax was a kind god he was sure he would listen and give this person refuge.
“I’m sure he’ll listen to your plight he is not one to judge someone based on appearances.” Xiao was not used to much interaction as when they turned around giving him a bright smile saying so brightly. “Thank you Xiao.” His heart could not take it and he immediately teleported away before they could see the bright red blush on his face.
He watched from a distance as they look around confused. ‘How did they know my name?’ He thinks but blushes as remembers how his name fell from there lips and how nice it sounded as they said his name.
Xiao suddenly disappears in a puff of smoke as you look around for him. “Did I do something?” You say out loud to your self as you almost collapse on your knees.
“I think I saw my life flash before my eyes.” You were pretty sure you were a goner when Xiao ripped off your cloak but luckly he took mercy on you.
“Maybe this means I’ll really be able to talk to Zhongli and live in liyue.”
Idk really know how tumbler works so sorry if this looks weird. My units about to end for school and I’m busy catching up before it ends so the next chapter might take a wile.
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