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inconsistent artstyle RAHHHYes I take requests!! No reposts
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ghostofreach · 6 days ago
This is your best Diluc
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I like drawing him discombobulated.
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ghostofreach · 10 days ago
What are the firearms like in Khaenri'ah?
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What could be considered a gun in Khaenri’ah would be considered a weapon of mass destruction by anyone else. Unholy amalgamations of magic, alchemy, and human technology, guns possess power unrivaled in their field. These are weapons made to destroy Celestia and execute archons. Not many remain, and if you somehow happen to come across one, you’d be hard pressed to find ammunition. Or make it, as the technology required to create compatible ammunition has long been lost. Even those with close ties to Khaenri’ah are reluctant to use these.
…they’re surprisingly light. When they aren’t in use, they’re hollow inside with a strange residue that coats the barrel. Some say it smells like chlorine, and it burns the nostrils like no other.
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ghostofreach · 17 days ago
Hello this is that giant comic I was working on I’ll leave this here. It features an oc so I’m sorry about that💔 her name is Hearthmoore she’s a witch and her and Diluc do NOT get along they hate each other! This is actually a sequel to a much much older comic. Context is Diluc got a bit silly and used a bit of magic on accident. He seeks a woman his mother used to write to for advice.
Prayers don’t bless witches
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I know technically dilucs mom in “N” in cannon but this is MY rewrite and I get to make the decisions!!!! I like venti’s very silent protest against the heavenly principles. “Yeah I’m not killing witches. What are YOU gonna do about it.”
Here’s some more info about some prominent witches in Mondstadt
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Sorry to all 5 zhongluc fans I like it when the archons are morally grey.
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Me when it’s time to add another layer of irony to the ragbros fight
I want to write more world building especially regarding snezhnaya and witches after I get through some old asks so you will probably see that in the near future.
Do not repost or edit my art
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ghostofreach · 26 days ago
Currently working on my longest comic yet! As well as some asks👍👍
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ghostofreach · 29 days ago
I've regretted cannon and have been using your version for my oc.
It's helped my oc so much.
OMG im so glad to hear that!! Real talk though I’m touched you like my insanely delusional rewrite/headcannons enough to use them for your oc❤️❤️
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ghostofreach · 29 days ago
They had a silent covenant. Not near the children.
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“I regret to inform you that I have not caught sight of the ghost. I will report back if I do.”
-The Knave.
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ghostofreach · 1 month ago
can we have diluc take care of his hair for once please thank you
I have always hc him as having curly hair but I also think he brushes them out bc he hates them 💔
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But I think Kaeya helps him on occasion. Diluc doesn’t really get it though even if he appreciates it. He just sees it as an inconvenience.
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ghostofreach · 2 months ago
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I’m not sick and dying anymore so I’m getting back on the grind🙏🙏🙏 have an old ref sheet of my diluc redesign (with some minor changes) that I just finished (finally lmfaoooo)
This is actually bad news for me because now I don’t have an excuse to draw him inconsistently 💔💔
Ignore the misspelling. NEOW……
Anyway I’m gonna talk about his design because i can 💯
Major points/changes
- he is no longer a twig. Very self explanatory this guy has a big awesome claymore I cannot convince myself that he doesn’t have the means to swing that thing around (one handed no less)
- I darkened his color palette, but I also made it a bit warmer in nature. The pure white right in the middle is a bit distracting and I don’t think it does much to communicate his personality. It just breaks up his design in a way I don’t like.
- scars, yes, but also stitches on his face. I imagine it’s new bruises, stitches, or scabs every week. I know it makes his face just a taaad busy, but idk. Ive been drawing that headcannon for forever atp so I try to accommodate that busyness with lots of flat color by the face to balance everything out
- Just a hint of embroidery here and there. It implies culture and adds just a bit of softness to the design (most of it is on the shawl underneath the fur)
Specific details I want to talk about!
The white fur shawl/scarf/neck warmer/make up a word idk💔
- this serves multiple purposes both thematically and visually
- it creates a ‘barrier’ around his face, not unlike the protective walls that border Mondstadt. It serves to imply his personality without dialogue, a bit closed off and skeptical at first. Almost as if he is trying to shield his peripherals from oncoming foes.
But it is still a soft barrier, and can be easily peeled away to reveal a very kind person at heart.
- it emphasizes the square shape. Not much to say there. Makes his shape language a bit more interesting as well by introducing a softer shape near the top.
- looks a bit like snow, no? Almost like snezhnaya still weighs heavy on his shoulders.
- underneath the fur is a faded red shawl from his mother. The only parts visible from the outside are those golden tassels. I like this bit a lot because it implies that (in reference to the point above) he doesn’t really know a whole lot about his mother or father- it’s buried under mounds of snow. The only thing he has truly been left is their wealth. He’s gonna have to dig if he wants to know their true nature.
-it contrasts very well with the Fatui. Where the harbingers have their signature white coats with black fur, Diluc wears a black coat with white fur
The coat
- it’s wind resistant for sure but also a bit… warm. It’s very thick and long and you can’t actually see a lot of what’s underneath. He’s only showing the viewer a sliver of what’s underneath. Under the rest of the coat? It could be anything. Knives, his vision, maybe even a gun? (Correct assumptions)
-it leaves the average onlooker with a lot of questions but is also very convenient in a fight. Can’t block a surprise knife to the liver if you never even knew he had one on his person.
- layers are super prevalent in his design. Especially on his face. From the makeup to the contact, he’s trying really, really hard to convince everyone he is fine (WRONG‼️) the people closest to can tell something is off, but… who are they to say anything?
- the nail polish was initially added because I thought it was funny but I also think it could be effective as a last resort in a fight. Imagine you’re in a fight with a guy and he ignites his fingernails. Scary af.
…I realize that’s probably not possible but it’s really cool so I’m just gonna suspend my belief.
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Here’s some hair stuff. I wanna write about mondstadt hair lore in my au/rewrite bc it rots my brain but I have so many wips I gotta do those first
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ghostofreach · 2 months ago
Not sure if this is a cursed idea or not, but image a Great War AU, with the nations of Teyvat being inspired by their real-life counter parts. For example, your interpretation of Mondstadt bears a lot of similarities to Austria-Hungary, Fontaine to France, Snezhnaya to Russia, etc.
If nothing else, I want to see Poilu Chevreuse, K.u.K Diluc, or a Cossack Childe
Hey sorry for disappearing I was um. busy lmao🔥
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Whenever you are in my ask box ik I am about to be blessed with some good stuff🙏 you are very knowledgeable and I think that’s very awesome
I love historical clothing👍👍👍
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ghostofreach · 2 months ago
hi! i saw you haven't posted in a while. hope everything is good. (no pressure i just saw that your last post mentioned that you were sick)
Hello!! It’s so sweet of you to check in on me. My health hasn’t been super great lately so I haven’t been able to draw as much as I want to💔
Currently I’m drawing some stuff from my ask box bc people have been putting some real good stuff in there🙏🙏
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ghostofreach · 3 months ago
How I am with the brothers actually
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Posting doodles because im so sick rn it’s insane💔
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ghostofreach · 4 months ago
“Most dangerous when cornered”
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Very short diluc comic I cooked up off a doodle
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ghostofreach · 4 months ago
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Had some thoughts
He’s hitting the sukuna pose because it’s cool but I’m not a jjk fan so I don’t know the significance of the pose itself. I just watch the fight scenes on youtube lmaooo
I can imagine diluc being really shit with a catalyst. They tried to make him use one early in his knight days but he could never get the hang of it….. so he picked up the bigass sword so he could protect his brother easier.
…oh my god it always leads back to the ragbros 💔💔
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ghostofreach · 4 months ago
Hi! Do you have a Kokomi rediseng? I love your art, especially your ragbros (Im sorry if i miswrite it, english is not my first lenguage)
Hello!!!! I am so glad you like my art<3 I have drawn Kokomi before but I didn’t put much thought into an actual redesign so this was fun
[click for better quality]
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Kokomi has a lot of very strong design elements that are all weighed down by genshins need to put all girls in booty shorts and thigh highs. I don’t think sexy/attractive designs are bad, but when it’s overused it is just so corny and it’s very obvious that they are just trying to sell characters
Surprisingly enough, I made an effort to ground her design. I originally wanted to go for a more “divine” look before deciding to make her look more “human”because it provides a meaningful distinction from the Shogun.
I put a lot of thought into how I could represent her roles as both a divine priestess and a tactician, and in the end, I went with a very fancy-looking kimono that has had its sleeves tied in the back. Almost like she had to roll them up in a hurry because she needs to decide the resistance’s next move.
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I don’t usually share these but here’s some progress photos because I thought they were interesting
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ghostofreach · 4 months ago
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this is what it looked like when you drew this 🙏 fire art 🔥
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smug Diluc my beloved
the original here:
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ghostofreach · 4 months ago
I usually do not make posts like these but dude💔💔 I found some cold ass art of THE GOAT (diluc) and I was gonna reblog because why not yknow??? And then I was like
Lemme check their profile to see if the have more
and then BOOM k/luc jumpscare😧there was so much every single post was filtered out lmao
It’s actually heartbreaking tho like bro can you people BE NORMAL FOR ONCE!!!! Can we just make normal art that is cool and not be proshippers thanks chat👍👍
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ghostofreach · 4 months ago
(From, a Melusine adorer.)
Anon I’m so sorry this rotted in my inbox for months💔
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I think melusines should be waaaayy more diverse than they are in game. Sea slugs (and other sea creatures) are rad. Make more of em
Ingame they are kinda boring in my opinion tbh. Just safe mascot characters despite having awesome lore. These are whole other creatures than humans. Let them be just a little bit funky or weird
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