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🇬🇪☀️🏔🥘😋 Shkmeruli - A traditional dish of Georgian cuisine/ Shkmeruli - Ein traditionelles Gericht der georgischen Küche/Шкмерули — Традиционное блюдо грузинской кухни (EN,DE,RU)

(EN) Shkmeruli - which is a chicken baked in milk-garlic sauce. Tasty, juicy and aromatic dish! ℹ️ In the west of Georgia there is an alpine region - Racha. It was there in the village of Shkmeri that they prepared for the first time this simple, but unusually tasty dish. Racha district is famous not only for its indescribable beauty, but also for its “Khvanchkara” wine. The grapes from which this wine is produced grows only in the village of Khvanchkara at an altitude of 560 meters above sea level. Shkmeruli is prepared simply, and the taste and aromas are simply amazing. In general, very simple, tasty and nutritious dishes are prepared in Georgia. Meat, vegetables, greens, sauces and bread - these are the things that give strength and pleasure. 👉Ingredients: ➖ Chicken - 1 pc. ➖Milk - 100 ml ➖ Water - 80 ml ➖ Garlic - 1 head ➖Salt - to taste ➖ Vegetable oil - 30 ml Step1️⃣ Wash and dry the chicken, this is important. Next, the chicken (or parts thereof) must be salted and sprinkled with vegetable oil, in exactly the order that the salt remains on the skin. Step 2️⃣ We put the chicken in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 30-40 minutes. In the process of frying 2-3 times you need to pour chicken with melted juice for a delicious crisp. While the chicken is cooking, prepare the garlic for the sauce. The weight of the chicken is 600 g, so 4 cloves of garlic are quite enough (take a garlic head for a whole chicken). If you are embarrassed by a large amount of garlic - do not be afraid, there will not be excessive pungency, the taste of garlic in milk becomes soft, not burning. Grate the garlic or grind in a way convenient for you. Step 3️⃣ When the chicken is ready for 5-10 minutes, pour 80 ml of water, 100 ml of milk into a frying pan or stewpan and add chopped garlic, bring to a boil. You can slightly salt, but remember that the chicken is already salted. In Georgia, a ketsi clay pan is used, which holds heat very well. Step 4️⃣. The sauce and chicken should be hot, so you do not need to prepare the sauce in advance. Meanwhile, the chicken was well prepared. Step 5️⃣ Whole chicken - carefully divide into pieces. Dip the pieces of chicken in a boiling sauce and immediately remove from the heat. Hot chicken draws in the sauce, saturated with its taste and aroma. ✅Shkmeruli is ready! Serve cilantro and vegetables for shkmeruli, or you can only bread, so dipping them in sauce so tasty. Enjoy the magnificent dish of Georgia, this blessed country, whose inhabitants are a good judge of simple and tasty food. Crisp on top, tender meat on the bottom, and all this is saturated with a wonderful aromatic sauce. Bon appetit❗️ (DE) Shkmeruli - ein Huhn, das in Milch-Knoblauch-Sauce gebacken wird. Leckeres, saftiges und aromatisches Gericht! ℹ️Westen Georgiens gibt es eine alpine Region - Racha. Dort im Dorf Shkmeri bereiteten sie zum ersten Mal dieses einfache, aber ungewöhnlich leckere Gericht zu. Der Bezirk Racha ist nicht nur für seine unbeschreibliche Schönheit bekannt, sondern auch für seinen „Khvanchkara“ -Wein. Die Trauben, aus denen dieser Wein hergestellt wird, wachsen nur im Dorf Khvanchkara auf einer Höhe von 560 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel. Shkmeruli wird einfach zubereitet und der Geschmack und die Aromen sind einfach unglaublich. Im Allgemeinen werden in Georgia sehr einfache, schmackhafte und nahrhafte Gerichte zubereitet. Fleisch, Gemüse, Gemüse, Saucen und Brot - das sind die Dinge, die Kraft und Vergnügen geben. 👉Inhaltsstoffe: ➖ Huhn - 1 Stk. ➖Milch - 100 ml ➖ Wasser - 80 ml ➖ Knoblauch - 1 Kopf ➖Salz - nach Geschmack ➖ Pflanzenöl - 30 ml Schritt 1️⃣ Waschen und trocknen Sie das Huhn, das ist wichtig. Als nächstes muss das Huhn (oder Teile davon) gesalzen und mit Pflanzenöl bestreut werden, genau in der Reihenfolge, in der das Salz auf der Haut verbleibt. Schritt 2️⃣ Wir legen das Huhn 30-40 Minuten lang in den auf 200 Grad erhitzten Ofen. Während des 2-3-fachen Bratens müssen Sie das Huhn mit geschmolzenem Saft einschenken, um einen köstlichen Knusper zu erhalten. Während das Huhn kocht, bereiten Sie den Knoblauch für die Sauce vor. Das Gewicht des Huhns beträgt 600 g, also reichen 4 Knoblauchzehen aus (nehmen Sie einen Knoblauchkopf für ein ganzes Huhn). Wenn Sie durch eine große Menge Knoblauch verwirrt sind - haben Sie keine Angst, es wird keine übermäßige Schärfe geben, der Geschmack von Knoblauch in Milch wird weich und brennt nicht. Reiben Sie den Knoblauch oder mahlen Sie ihn auf eine für Sie bequeme Weise. Schritt 3️⃣ Wenn das Huhn für 5-10 Minuten fertig ist, gießen Sie 80 ml Wasser, 100 ml Milch in eine Pfanne oder einen Topf und fügen Sie gehackten Knoblauch hinzu, bringen Sie es zum Kochen. Sie können leicht salzen, aber denken Sie daran, dass das Huhn bereits gesalzen ist. In Georgia wird eine Ketsi-Tonpfanne verwendet, die die Wärme sehr gut hält. Schritt 4️⃣. Die Sauce und das Huhn sollten heiß sein, damit Sie die Sauce nicht im Voraus zubereiten müssen. Inzwischen war das Huhn gut vorbereitet. Schritt 5️⃣ Ganzes Huhn - vorsichtig in Stücke teilen. Tauchen Sie die Hühnchenstücke in eine kochende Sauce und nehmen Sie sie sofort vom Herd. Heißes Hühnchen zieht die Sauce ein, gesättigt mit Geschmack und Aroma. ✅Shkmeruli ist fertig! Servieren Sie Koriander und Gemüse zu den Shkmeruli, oder Sie können nur Brot, also tauchen Sie sie köstlich in Sauce. Genießen Sie das herrliche Gericht von Georgia, diesem gesegneten Land, dessen Einwohner ein gutes Urteil über einfaches und leckeres Essen sind. Oben knusprig, unten zartes Fleisch, und das alles ist mit einer wunderbaren aromatischen Sauce gesättigt. Guten Appetit❗️
(RU) Шкмерули — представляющее собой курицу, запеченную в молочно-чесночном соусе. Вкусное, сочное и ароматное блюдо! ℹ️На западе Грузии есть высокогорный район - Рача. Именно там в селе Шкмери и приготовили впервые это простое, но необыкновенно вкусное блюдо. Район Рача знаменит еще не только своей неописуемой красотой, но и вином “Хванчкара”. Виноград, из которого производят это вино растет только в селе Хванчкара на высоте 560 метров над уровнем моря. Готовится шкмерули просто, а вкус и ароматы - просто потрясающие. Вообще, в Грузии готовят очень простые, вкусные и питательные блюда. Мясо, овощи, зелень, соусы и хлеб - вот то, что даёт силы и доставляет удовольствие. 👉Ингредиенты: ➖Курица - 1 шт. ➖Молоко - 100 мл ➖Вода - 80 мл ➖Чеснок - 1 головка ➖Соль - по вкусу ➖Масло растительное - 30 мл Шаг1️⃣ Курицу помоем и обсушим, это важно. Далее курицу (или её части) нужно посолить и полить растительным маслом, именно в такой последовательности, чтобы соль осталась на коже. Шаг 2️⃣ Ставим курочку в духовку, разогретую до 200 градусов, на 30-40 минут. В процессе жарки 2-3 раза нужно полить курицу вытопившимся соком для вкусной хрустящей корочки. Пока курица готовится, подготовим чеснок для соуса. Вес курицы - 600 г, поэтому вполне достаточно 4 зубчиков чеснока (на целую курицу возьмите чесночную головку). Если вас смущает большое количество чеснока - не бойтесь, излишней остроты не будет, вкус чеснока в молоке становится мягким, не обжигающим. Натрите чеснок на тёрке или измельчите удобным для вас способом. Шаг 3️⃣ Когда до готовности курицы останется 5-10 минут, влейте в сковороду или сотейник 80 мл воды, 100 мл молока и добавьте измельчённый чеснок, доведите до кипения. Можно чуть подсолить, но помните, что курица уже посолена. В Грузии используется глиняная сковорода кеци, которая очень хорошо держит тепло. Шаг 4️⃣. Cоус, и курица должны быть горячими, поэтому заранее соус готовить не нужно. Тем временем курочка отлично приготовилась. Шаг 5️⃣ Целого цыплёнка - аккуратно разделите на куски. Опускаем куски курицы в кипящий соус и сразу убираем с огня. Горячая курица втягивает в себя соус, напитываясь его вкусом и ароматом. ✅Шкмерули готов! Подайте к шкмерули кинзу и овощи, а можно и только хлеб, так вкусно макать им в соус. Наслаждайтесь великолепным блюдом Грузии, этой благословенной страны, жители которой знают толк в простой и вкусной еде. Хрустящая корочка сверху, нежное мясо снизу, и всё это пропитано чудесным ароматным соусом. Приятного аппетита❗️
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🇬🇪☀🏔🥙👍😋Lobiani - traditional Georgian boiled bean pies
🗺 Lobiani - Georgian cakes stuffed with boiled beans. Like khachapuri, they can be prepared on a different test, most often on yogurt or yogurt. Perhaps the main advantage of the dish is its satiety: just one cake is enough to completely satisfy the hunger. 👉Ingredients: ➖ Dry beans 1,5 tbsp. ➖ Onion 1 pc. ➖ Vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp. l ➖Suneli hops 0.5 tsp ➖ Salt to taste ➖ Black ground pepper 2 chips. ➖ Cilantro 10 g 👉For Test: ➖ Flour 500-600 g ➖ Water 300 ml ➖ Fast dry yeast 1 tsp. ➖Salt 0.5 tsp ➖Sahar 1 tsp ➖ Vegetable oil 4 tbsp.l. Step1️⃣ Soak the beans in cold water and leave to swell for 10-12 hours. Rinse and Pour with fresh water so that it covers the beans for 2-3 centimeters. Cook until cooked for about 1 hour (or more, depending on the variety). Add cold water as you boil. Salt at the very end! Ready beans should be soft, easy to rub with your fingers. Step 2️⃣ Dice the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Paste warm beans with onions and a small amount of broth (1-2 tablespoons) in a blender until smooth. You can shred the pestle or scroll in a meat grinder. Step 3️⃣ Put suneli hops (savory, thyme are also suitable) and a little black pepper. Add finely chopped cilantro, punch again with a blender or just mix. The filling should turn out plastic and soft. If the consistency is dry, then you need to add fat - lard, melted butter or vegetable oil. Pour in 1 spoon, stirring until smooth. Step 4️⃣. For the yeast dough on lobiani, pour oil into a bowl of warm water (30-35 degrees), add salt, sugar and dry yeast. Stir well. Cool completely. Step 5️⃣ Pour the sifted flour gradually, knead the dough. The consistency should not be too dense, not stiff, but also not very soft, not spreading. Form a ball, cover with a towel, leave in a warm place without drafts for 30 minutes, then knead and hold for another 20 minutes. Step 6️⃣ Divide the dough into 6 parts. Step 7️⃣ Roll to a diameter of about 20 cm. Spread bean puree on the dough - the amount of filling should be equal to the amount of dough, then the lobiani will be delicious. Step 8️⃣ Gently tighten the edges of the dough and pinch them so that the filling is inside. You get a kind of bag of dough with a filling inside. Step 9️⃣ Turn pinch down. Flatten with your hands (you can neatly roll out with a rolling pin, but with your hands it is more convenient) into a cake no thicker than 1 cm, diameter 20-23 cm. Step 🔟 Fry the cakes until golden brown for about 2 minutes on each side, over medium heat, without lid. Turn over with a spatula. ℹ️ In the original recipe, it is proposed to cook in a very hot dry frying pan and at the end grease the finished product with a piece of butter, you can directly in the pan. For a lean table, it is enough to pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, then you do not need to grease it from above. ✅ Ready-made lobians are best served warm. They are very tasty, soft, satisfying. Can be added with light sauce. Bon appetit❗️
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🇬🇪☀🏔🍷Georgian Family Dish -Ojahuri/ Грузинское семейное блюдо -Оджахури (EN,RU,DE)
(EN) Ojahuri In Georgian, “ojahuri” means “family”. The dish is usually prepared for the whole family. Ojahuri is a fried potato with meat and, of course, with Georgian spices, primarily suneli hops. In Georgia, Ojahuri is cooked in stone or clay pans called ketsi, and they also serve the dish on them.
(RU) Оджахури На грузинском языке "оджахури" означает "семейное". Блюдо обычно готовится для всей семьи. Оджахури это жареный картофель с мясом и, конечно же, с грузинскими специями, в первую очередь хмели-сунели. В Грузии Оджахури готовят на каменных или глиняных сковородах, которые называются кеци, на них же блюдо и подают.
(DE) Ojahuri Im Georgischen bedeutet "Familie". Das Gericht wird normalerweise für die ganze Familie zubereitet. Ojahuri ist eine Bratkartoffel mit Fleisch und natürlich mit georgischen Gewürzen, hauptsächlich Suneli Hopfen.
(EN) Ojahuri In Georgian, “ojahuri” means “family”. The dish is usually prepared for the whole family. Ojahuri is a fried potato with meat and, of course, with Georgian spices, primarily suneli hops. In Georgia, Ojahuri is cooked in stone or clay pans called ketsi, and they also serve the dish on them. Ingredients: -pork with fat (e.g. neck) 300 g - potato 3 pcs. -onion 1 pc. - garlic cloves 3 pcs. - tomato 1 pc. -melted butter 3 tbsp. l -suneli hops 1 tsp -Dry Adjika 0.5 tsp - ground coriander 0.5 tsp -ground black pepper 0.25 tsp - salt to taste -kinza -basil purple
(RU) Ингредиенты: -свинина с жирком (например шея) 300 г -картофель 3 шт. -лук репчатый 1 шт. -чеснок зубчики 3 шт. -помидор 1 шт. -топленое масло 3 ст. л. -хмели-сунели 1 ч. л. -сухая аджика 0,5 ч. л. -кориандр молотый 0,5 ч. л. -черный молотый перец 0,25 ч. л. -соль по вкусу -кинза -базилик фиолетовый
(DE) Zutaten: -Schweinefleisch mit Fett (z. B. Hals) 300 g - Kartoffel 3 Stk. -Zwiebel 1 Stk. - Knoblauchzehen 3 Stk. - Tomate 1 Stk. -geschmolzene Butter 3 EL. l -suneli Hopfen 1 TL -Trockenes Adjika 0,5 TL - gemahlener Koriander 0,5 TL -gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer 0,25 TL - Salz nach Geschmack -kinza -basil lila
(EN) Step 1 Cut the meat into small pieces, peel the potatoes and cut into slices. Chop onion in half rings, garlic into strips. Cut the tomato into slices, chop the greens. Deep-fried potatoes until golden brown and put on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Step 2 Heat the oil in a pan and put the meat out. Fry it until golden brown. Then add the onion to the meat and, stirring, continue to fry everything together until the onion softens. Step 3 Add potatoes and garlic to the pan, salt, add spices and mix. Put the tomatoes and cover the pan with a lid so that the tomatoes let the juice and become slightly soft, but did not turn into porridge. Step 4 Stir again, sprinkle with herbs and serve immediately! Usually they serve a dish with a salad of tomatoes... Bon appetit!
(RU) Шаг 1 Мясо нарезать некрупными кусочками, картофель почистить и нарезать ломтиками. Лук нарезать полукольцами, чеснок соломкой. Помидор нарезать дольками, зелень порубить. Картофель обжарить во фритюре до золотистой корочки и переложить на бумажное полотенце, чтобы убрать лишнее масло. Шаг 2 В сковороде разогреть масло и выложить мясо. Обжаривать его до румяной корочки. Потом добавить к мясу лук и, помешивая, продолжать обжаривать все вместе до размягчения лука. Шаг 3 Добавить в сковороду картофель и чеснок, посолить, добавить специи и перемешать. Выложить помидоры и закрыть сковороду крышкой, чтобы помидоры пустили сок и стали слегка мягкими, но не превратились в кашу. Шаг 4 Снова перемешать, посыпать зеленью и сразу же подавать! Подают обычно блюдо с салатом из помидоров... Приятного вам аппетита!
(DE) Schritt 1 Das Fleisch in kleine Stücke schneiden, die Kartoffeln schälen und in Scheiben schneiden. Zwiebel in halbe Ringe schneiden, Knoblauch in Streifen schneiden. Die Tomate in Scheiben schneiden, das Gemüse hacken. Frittierte Kartoffeln goldbraun werden lassen und auf ein Papiertuch legen, um überschüssiges Öl zu entfernen. Schritt 2 Das Öl in einer Pfanne erhitzen und das Fleisch herausnehmen. Braten Sie es bis goldbraun. Dann die Zwiebel zum Fleisch geben und unter Rühren alles zusammen braten, bis die Zwiebel weich ist. Schritt 3 Kartoffeln und Knoblauch in die Pfanne geben, salzen, Gewürze hinzufügen und mischen. Legen Sie die Tomaten und bedecken Sie die Pfanne mit einem Deckel, so dass die Tomaten den Saft lassen und leicht weich werden, aber nicht in Brei verwandeln. Schritt 4 Nochmals umrühren, mit Kräutern bestreuen und sofort servieren! Normalerweise servieren sie ein Gericht mit einem Salat aus Tomaten ... Guten Appetit!
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Imeretian Khachapuri - Georgian national dish, which is a flat cake with cheese
A single Khachapuri recipe does not exist, because There are many different types of this dish. Traditionally, for the preparation of this dish, yeast-free dough for yogurt (fermented milk drink of Georgian cuisine) is used, and Imereti cheese is used for the filling. In 2019, Khachapuri was granted the status of an intangible monument of the cultural heritage of Georgia.
Ingredients: Wheat flour 550 g - Milk 3.2% 400 ml Butter 45 g -Dry yeast 5 g -Sugar10 g - Vegetable oil 7 ml Coarse salt 11 g Suluguni cheese 510 g - Imereti cheese 170 g -Chicken egg 1 piece Step 1 Sift flour (530 g) into a deep bowl, add yeast, salt, sugar, milk, vegetable oil and 20 grams of softened butter at room temperature. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, if necessary, pour a little water (about 50 ml). Cover the bowl with the dough, leave for thirty to forty minutes. Divide the dough into five servings - they must be used immediately or sent to the refrigerator. Step 2 To make the filling, you need to grate whole cheese, mix it with the egg and add 20 grams of butter - if the cheese is fat, you can do without butter: the filling should be quite loose. Step 3 Roll out the dough portions with a rolling pin in circles 5 mm thick. Around the perimeter, make punctures with a toothpick or wooden skewer to release air. Put 150 grams of cheese filling in the center of each circle, connect the edges of the dough and pinch. Sprinkle the pies with flour a little and roll them again with a rolling pin to a thickness of 8–10 mm. The diameter is determined by the size of the baking dish. Step 4 Pierce the khachapuri around the perimeter, send it to the oven, heated to the maximum, for ten minutes. We grease the finished khachapuri with a piece of butter and immediately eat while it is hot.
Bon Appetit!
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Among the many riffs on Ratatouille served throughout Europe ,West Georgian Ajapsandali stands out
On the one hand, it is unforgivably spicy, garlic adjika plays with the central part. And unlike their Mediterranean counterparts, in which vegetables turn too often into porridge, ajapsandali is an oven-baked mixture of hard eggplant and crispy bell peppers, slightly interwoven at the last minute with fresh tomato puree and animated with a touch of chopped cilantro. Although usually served in the last months of summer, when tomatoes and eggplants are plentiful, the ajapsandali's warming and sinus properties also make it an optimal winter rate.
Ingredients: 6 medium eggplant 4 medium sweet peppers 2 medium carrots 5 medium onions 1 kg ripe fleshy tomatoes 1 head young garlic 1 medium bunch of parsley 1 medium bunch of cilantro 3-4 sprigs of purple basil 0.5 tsp. ground coriander, uzo-suneli and imeretinsky saffron vegetable oil salt, freshly ground black pepper cooking time - 2 hours Step 1 Cut the eggplant into cubes with a side of 1.5 cm. Pour salt, fill with cold water for 1 hour. Then drain the water and squeeze out the excess moisture. Step 2 Heat a frying pan with high sides, fry the eggplants in oil in portions until cooked. Spread the finished eggplant on crumpled paper towels. Step 3 Cut the onion into small cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the sweet pepper into strips. In the same pan, fry the onion in oil until golden brown, 10 min. Add carrots and pepper, fry everything together over low heat, stirring for 10 minutes. Step 4 Scald tomatoes with boiling water, dip in cold water, remove the skin, chop. Step 5 Finely chop the garlic and cilantro, put in a mortar, salt and crush into gruel. Put the resulting mixture into mashed tomatoes and mix. Step 6 Mix all the fried vegetables, pour the tomato mixture and put on a small fire. Finely chop the basil and parsley, put in a pan. Salt, pepper, add spices, then darken everything together for another 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool for at least 30 minutes.
Bon Appetit!
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An excellent hot georgian snack ''Mushrooms baked with suluguni on ketsi- (clay pans)'
To prepare mushrooms with suluguni, choose large mushrooms. By the way, it turns out very tasty with royal mushrooms, they are not white, but brown.For example,you can decorate the finished dish with cilantro. Cooking is fast and easy. And it turns out a delicious, colorful dish!
Ingredients: Champignons - 15-20 Pieces Suluguni - 500 Gram Butter - 250 Gram Ghee - 100 Gram Servings Per Container: 2-3 Step 1 Rinse the champignons, cut the leg, wipe with a dry cloth. Step 2 Suluguni, like cold butter, grate on a coarse grater. Step 3 Mix butter with cheese and stuff with this mass of mushrooms Step 4 Cover the baking sheet with foil and grease well with melted butter. Put the mushrooms on a baking sheet. Put in an oven preheated to 200 C for 15 minutes. Step 5 Serve the prepared mushrooms with suluguni in the heat of the heat. You can decorate with greens. Mushrooms are juicy and tender. Cheese gives them a special flavor. Bon Appetit!
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Georgian barbecue, called mtsvadi -one of the most popular and common dishes
For Georgians, it is important that in the preparation of barbecue everything worked for its taste and aroma. Even firewood. For example, it turns out to be extremely tasty on coals from a grapevine . For coals use old branches. The grapevine gives a strong fever and gives the meat a pleasant aroma not characteristic of other barbecue.
Step 1 Cut the breast for in equal pieces (each should have a rib and a little fat). Step 2 Make a marinade for a shish barbecue of wine vinegar, onion, sliced in half rings, salt and black pepper, fold the meat tightly into the marinade and cover. Leave for 1-6 hours. Step 3 Take skewers wide and flat so that the meat does not turn over when frying. String the kebab meat so that it goes along the skewer, not hanging from it. Step 4 Light the coals in the grill - they should turn into white ash. Put the skewers at a distance of 10-15 cm from the coals and fry, not forgetting to turn them often. For a complete frying of barbecue, 15 minutes are quite enough (then it will begin to char). Step 5 In a large bowl, chop the remaining onion coarsely, break the cake into portions. Step 6 Take a piece of tortilla and remove with it hot barbecue from skewers, sprinkling with onions - it absorbs the taste of meat, slightly “fries” and becomes a separate snack. Try to ensure that the pieces of Georgian barbecue on each skewer are the same size and similar quality: then they will cook evenly inside and out. Instead of red wine vinegar in a marinade for Georgian barbecue meat, you can use good pomegranate juice or dry red wine in the same amount. Bon Appetit!
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''Satsivi'' with chicken is perhaps the most famous Georgian dish
Satsivi with chicken is perhaps the most famous Georgian dish. It is present at every holiday table. In the original, satsivi is made from turkey. But Satsivi can also be made from chicken. Georgia is very proud of its Satsivi dish and protects the traditions of its preparation. It is important to remember that satsivi is not the main dish, but a snack, usually cold. Only chopped walnuts and flour broth. Cooking time 1 h 30 min Ingredients: Chicken - 1 pc. (weighing about 1.3 kg) cream butter - 50 g - onions - 2 pcs. flour - 1 tsp. - peeled walnuts - 150 g -suneli hops - 1 tsp -shafran - 1/2 tsp - ground coriander - 1 tsp. and white wine vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l cilantro - 4 branches garlic - 4 cloves pomegranate seeds for decoration - to taste - salt, ground red pepper - to taste
Step 1 For satsivi, wash the chicken and cut off the excess fat. Put it in a large pot, pour a small amount of hot water (so that it only covers the bird), bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 30 minutes. Step 2 Gently lay the chicken on a plate. Strain the broth through a frequent sieve. Let the chicken cool a little, then transfer it to a deep baking sheet lined with food foil Step 3 Melt butter (20 g) and use a brush to grease the carcass with it. Salt and place in an oven heated to 190 ° C for 20 minutes. Turn the chicken over periodically and pour over the melted fat. Step 4 Make Satsivi Chicken Sauce. Peel and finely chop the onion. In a frying pan, heat the remaining butter and, stirring, fry the onion on it until golden brown. Step 5 Pour the flour into the pan with the onion. Stir frying all together over low heat for 2 minutes. Pour in the broth. While stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Step 6 Grind peeled walnuts for satsivi sauce in a blender. Add the Suneli hops, saffron, coriander, salt and ground red pepper. Mix well. Step 7 Pour the resulting mixture into a pan with flour mixture. Stir with a slotted spoon and pour in wine vinegar. Heat the Satsivi sauce for 7 minutes over low heat to prevent it from boiling. Step 8 Separate the flesh of the cooked chicken from the skin and bones, then cut into slices. Put them in a hot nut sauce, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Step 9 Wash the cilantro twigs and chop finely. Peel and pass the garlic through a press. Add garlic and cilantro to satsivi along with cilantro. Stir and remove from heat. Step 10 Let the chicken satsivi cool completely, transfer to a serving plate and then put in the refrigerator. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds over the snack before serving.
Spices for satsivi can be varied as desired. Dried basil, uchi-suneli and dried mint can also be added to the suneli hops and coriander with saffron. Spices not only give the dish shades of taste and aroma, but also extend its shelf life. Chicken satsivi sauce should not be dark, so after adding walnuts, cook it for a short time (strictly according to the time specified in the recipe) and certainly on low heat.
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🇬🇪☀🌿🍆👍 Phali with eggplant-visiting card of Georgian Cuisine
Phali in the Georgian language is a type of kale with which, as it is believed, everything began many centuries ago. It has become one of the most popular snacks, which almost every Georgian family can cook, perhaps. Today phali is one of the visiting cards of this sunny country, especially beautiful with a huge variety of "design", accessibility and the ability to easily adapt it to your own taste preferences.
Ingredients: 5 large eggplants; 100 g of walnuts; 1/2 tsp ground coriander; 1/2 tsp uzo-suneli; 4 cloves of garlic; 2 onions; 1 bunch of cilantro; 1 small pomegranate; 1 tbsp. l wine vinegar; salt, pepper to taste.
1. Eggplant, dry, prick with a fork in several places and put in the oven. Bake at 200 degrees until tender and soft (estimated time - 30 minutes) 2. Cool, then separate from the skin, chop the rest into a paste or cut into cubes. 3. Separately, we twist onion, garlic, cilantro and nuts through a meat grinder. Combine the resulting mass with eggplant, stir well, not forgetting to gradually add the remaining ingredients - uchi-suneli, vinegar, salt and pepper. Done. Spread on a plate, decorate with grains grenade. Tip: choose large eggplants, but with a thin glossy skin that is easily pierced with a fingernail - so you will be sure that these fruits are not overripe, without huge hard seeds inside. Bon Appetit!
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🇬🇪☀🏔🥟🍷🍱😊Khinkali is a visiting card of Georgian cuisine!
There is a myth that the more folds in the khinkali, the more skillfully it is cooked. In an ideal khinkali, the folds should be 20. However, the taste does not depend on the folds: it is more important to make the dough of such a thickness so that the khinkali remain thin, but keep their shape and filling.
Ingredients: - beef - 300 g pork - 300 g onions - 200 g - garlic - 2 tooth. ground thyme - 1 chips. Dried Zira - 1 chips. - hops-suneli - 0.5 tsp. Salt - 1 tsp incomplete - black ground pepper - 0.5 tsp. Kinza - 1 beam. warm water - 100 ml
Method of preparation: 1. The meat cleared from veins is turned into forcemeat - a brisket or a back of a young individual. Add lard, finely chopped onions and garlic. At the end, the water intervenes - as much as the minced meat can absorb, without being divided into meat and water fractions. About a pound of meat - about 150 ml. To taste, you can add salt, cumin, hot pepper (you can cook yourself) and cilantro.
2. Knead the dough from flour, salt and 150 ml of water - sufficiently dense and tight. The dough can be stored in a cool place for no more than an hour, then it begins to rapidly lose its noble qualities.
3. The success of future khinkali depends on the number of layers in the test: ideally, there should be about twenty of them. To do this, roll out the dough with a rolling pin in a centimeter layer and cut it into 4x4 cm squares. Each piece needs to be rolled out and folded, sprinkling flour every time, again and again - at least 10 times. The result should be 3 mm thick puff sheets.
4. Stuffing is prepared in advance, because as soon as the sheets of dough are ready, you need to wrap the meat in them immediately so that the dough does not dry. In the middle of each sheet put a small ladle of minced meat, about 40 grams. If the minced water has managed to emerge on the minced meat, before spreading it on the dough, you need to mix it well again until smooth
5. The edges of the sheet are folded accordion as densely as possible. In an ideal khinkali, nineteen folds. Take the fortified bag in one hand and twist the other in the same direction as the folds were made and tear off the excess dough - the khinkali will have a dense stump on top. Put the khinkali on the board so that it forms a flat bottom, which then will be convenient to bite.
6. With a spatula, untwist boiling water in a spacious pan, salt, throw a dozen khinkali and again make a whirlpool in the pan. The point is that the khinkali should not squeeze or stick to each other or to the bottom. Cook until the khinkali floats up belly. Plus another two or three minutes, just about ten minutes. Take out carefully - slotted spoon.
7. The catch is laid out on the dish. As a rule, a quantity that is a multiple of ten is cooked, each subsequent portion is prepared anew. The final gesture before the start of the meal is the sprinkling of still wet, smoking khinkali with freshly ground black pepper, which immediately releases the right spirit from them. They start eating immediately.
8. Khinkali is eaten with hands: a fork will pierce the dough - and the broth, the very khinkali juice, will spill onto a plate. You need to take the tail with your hand, the second - hold the ribs; bite the side on top and suck the broth. Then eat, biting the dough and meat in equal proportions, so that a piece of meat is constantly resting in a boat of dough. According to the tails, they will count at the end the number of pieces eaten.
The taste of khinkali is very dependent on the quality of the water in the minced meat. Therefore, it is better to use good mineral water.
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🇬🇪☀️🚣♂️🥤👍Adzharian Khachapuri - Georgian national flour product closed pie stuffed with cheese and eggs
In 2019, Khachapuri was granted the status of an intangible cultural heritage site of Georgia [ The filling for khachapuri can be varied, it is cheese, egg, meat. A single Khachapuri recipe does not exist - in each region of the country, the dish is prepared in its own way. But despite all this, it is easy to distinguish the Ajarian version, for example, from the Imereti or Megrelian - in the characteristic form of khachapuri in the form of a boat with cheese filling and an egg. Ingredients for the filling: Imereti cheese - 1 kg drinking water - 150 ml eggs - 8-10 pcs. To submit: cream butter - 100 g For the test: flour - 1 kg + 2-4 tbsp. l for rolling dough drinking water - 250 ml milk - 250 ml -dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l sugar - 1 tsp. Salt - 1 tsp vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l Step-by-step recipe for making rolls: Step 1 Make dough for Ajarian khachapuri. To do this, sift flour into a large bowl through a frequent sieve. Pour in warm water mixed with milk, add yeast, sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Step 2 Stir all the ingredients until you get an uncooked dough of uniform consistency. Cover the bowl with khachapuri dough with a clean towel and place in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. Step 3 When the dough in the bowl rises, knead it with your hands and knead. Cover with a towel and let rise again for 1-1.5 hours. The dough should become lush, airy. Step 4 While the dough is coming, prepare the filling for the Adjarian khachapuri. Imereti cheese grate in a large bowl on a coarse grater. Mash it with your hands or pusher. Pour in water and mix until a thick slurry is obtained. Step 5 Put the dough on a table dusted with flour. Divide it into portions of approximately 200 g and form balls. Leave on for 10 minutes at room temperature. Step 6 Roll each ball into a small circle. Then roll the edges on both sides towards the center, fasten and pinch the ends. Spread apart to get "boats". Step 7 Fill the resulting “boats” with the cheese stuffing prepared earlier and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place the khachapuri in the oven, heated to 240 ° C, for 15 minutes Step 8 Then remove the baking tray with Adjarian khachapuri from the oven. For each, release 1 egg. Place in the oven for another 2 minutes. Serve on the table, distributing pieces of butter over the khachapuri. Adjarian khachapuri is eaten with hands, not with a fork with a knife. He must begin to eat from the edge of the "boat." Break off the tail and mix the cheese stuffing with the egg. Bon Appetit!
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