george-lambert · 4 years
This true story could make for a good novel plot.
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george-lambert · 5 years
FBI Counterintelligence Agent debunks popular body language sign
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How we communicate with others isn’t only what we say … it’s also what our body says. 
Police and military interrogators are often experts at reading body language to determine if a subject is being truthful. And Detective Paul Kelly in the next Sam Norwood novel is one of those experts. 
A popular message is how a person holds their arms. 
It’s often thought that crossed arms means someone is uncomfortable or closed off to what is being said. They’re blocking and protecting themselves. 
On the other hand, if they’re comfortable or open to new information, they’ll likely have their arms relaxed by their sides or in another casual pose. 
Makes sense. 
But one expert disagrees … 
Former FBI Counterintelligence Agent, Joe Navarro, says crossed arms can signal many things. 
And one thing that it is not. 
Navarro believes that crossed arms have nothing to do with lying. It’s really a self hug that makes you comfortable at that moment. 
You might do this while waiting in line at the bank. Or when sitting in your car during a traffic jam. 
Heck, even Superman is often shown in this pose. 
Or consider how frequently President Trump is pictured with his arms crossed. 
Is that a sign he’s uncomfortable with what’s going on around him or being said? Or is he nurturing his narcissism? Or maybe he’s just cold. 
I’ll leave that for you to ponder. 
In any case, stay tuned as Detective Kelly evaluates some of the lesser-known body language signals in her hunt for a killer.    
And if you haven’t read Escape from Padauk Island yet, download your copy now before the price goes up.
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george-lambert · 5 years
Half Tree Hollow ...
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In Escape from Padauk Island, Sam and Captain Paul make a supply stop at Half Tree Hollow.
To learn a bit more about St. Helena’s most populous district, including its history and where to stay when you visit, click here …
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george-lambert · 6 years
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Traveling in Mexico? Click here for how to survive when in an authentic cantina ...
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george-lambert · 7 years
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“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.”     -- Confucius 
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george-lambert · 7 years
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Looking for a remote locale for your next vacation? Then consider St. Helena, one of the world’s most remote inhabited islands.
Click here for more details, including how to get there. 
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george-lambert · 7 years
Is he being truthful?
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Response latency is one of the many techniques investigators use to tell if a subject is being truthful. And you might find it helpful when asking your spouse, children, or co-workers simple questions.  
Response latency is the length of time between the last word of the interviewer’s question and the first word of the subject’s response.
An NSA study found that the average response latency for truthful subjects was 0.5 seconds. For deceptive subjects it was 1.5 seconds. So a delayed response to your question could be considered suspicious.
For instance suppose you ask your ten-year old, “Did you break Mrs. Smith’s windshield?” and he immediately replies, “No, no way.” That’s a good sign he didn’t do it.
On the other hand if he’s guilty he might stall with an answer like this: “Um … what, what exactly do you mean?”
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george-lambert · 7 years
Historic flight for St. Helena
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St. Helena’s airport has had its challenges, including being too dangerous to use. However, this week the island had an historic breakthrough with its first passenger charter flight.
You can read more here …
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george-lambert · 7 years
Cape Verde on top buy list
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Formosa Vista, a small sparsely-inhabited island off the western coast of Africa within the Republic of Cape Verde, was the first of four scheduled stops before reaching the end of leg one: Mumbai, India, and Sam Norwood’s final destination in my book Escape from Padauk Island.
Now Cape Verde is one of the nine best places to buy real estate overseas according to this article in The Huffington Post.  
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george-lambert · 7 years
What I did when she said ‘No’ three times
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In the next Sam Norwood story, Detective Paula Kelly attends an autopsy. So I thought I should, too.
Twice I met one of the county’s associate medical examiners. Twice I asked her if I could watch an autopsy. And twice she said, “No.”
I did, however, get a tour of the autopsy room.
It was cold, had several carts for wheeling bodies around, hoses hanging from swivel arms to wash away body fluids, and saws that resembled those I have in my woodworking shop.
“No,” the doc barked when I pulled out my smartphone to snap a shot. She was getting annoyed with me.  
Since I couldn’t witness an autopsy nor take pictures in the lab, I did the next best thing … YouTube.
I found a 5-minute video that gives the basics. No blood or guts.
But I wanted something more in-depth. 
I came across this one showing an actual autopsy being performed on a woman. Give it a watch. You’ll learn about the parts of the body and how easily it comes apart.    
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george-lambert · 7 years
Is this on your bucket list?
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Do you dream about sailing around the world? Dream no longer! Here’s an opportunity aboard a 61 ft. luxury cat. 
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george-lambert · 8 years
Behavior speaks louder than words
In the next Sam Norwood novel, Detective Paula Kelly takes a page from Hamlet during her investigation into Susan’s and Chris’ deaths.
“There is a kind of confession in your looks, which your modesties have not craft enough to color.” 
Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2
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george-lambert · 8 years
How cool is this? 30+ knot winds, 50+ knot gusts, and 30+ foot seas. This is the same route Sam Norwood and the crew aboard Steady Hand took in Escape from Padauk Island.
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george-lambert · 8 years
Not a race; no sailing if weather is bad. My kind of trip.
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I’ve done the ICW from Florida to Maryland. It’s a leisurely cruise under power, and one of those things all sailors should do at least once.  
Learn more about this sail from Virginia to Florida to Aruba by clicking here.
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george-lambert · 8 years
St. Helena airport takes a header
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Last year I wrote about the airport that was about to open on St. Helena. But now there’s a glitch … a major one.
Test pilots say it’s too dangerous to use, and it remains closed to commercial flights.
Residents are pissed, so much so that they’re threatening a £285m compensation claim against their government.
Click here for the full story.
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george-lambert · 8 years
A peek in Captain Paul’s galley
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Your crew will enjoy this quiche loaf. But it won’t last long. Better make two!
Click here for the recipe.
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george-lambert · 8 years
From the next Sam Norwood book ...
Detective Kelly leaned over the table and said,
“It was arson, Susan. I’m sorry.”
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