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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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          HUX’S HAND IS IMMEDIATELY on the woman's slim wrist, gloved fingers tightening slightly in their firm hold. "wait." his brows knit together as he looked between the button and her. green was a universal colour that usually meant something positive but as a man with a background such as his, it could very well end up ejecting their seats. it wouldn't do to be thrown out into this kind of atmospher but... it wouldn't do to waste time guessing which button was which either. hux sighed and shook his head, relinquishing his hold on her. "nevermind... let's just hope it finally starts this thing."
@technomadik from ✠
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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 The name indeed wasn’t ordinary but Ben didn’t have the intention to laugh or mock the ginger about it. He’s been a rather quiet boy and not the kind who’d have bullied others. Truth be told his parents would have described him as rather naughty, just like right then when both Han and Lei were in the belief that their son was reading the books about the Jedis in his room, when in fact he was secretly on another planet. But he wasn’t a bad kid, just maybe a bit too CURIOUS. “I didn’t want to laugh about it. I like it. I think.” He added with a little smile before he’s cast his big brown eyes up onto the top of the umbrella which now prevented the rain to fall down on him. “Thank you! If I’d have known it’s Arkanis I’d have brought one myself…But to think more about it I don’t even have an umbrella…back at Chandrila it doesn’t really rain. If it does I just stay indoor.” Ben shrugged however his eyes widened with excitement when the older boy agreed upon joining him on a little adventure. “Oh, but how am I supposed to get those? I didn’t bring any of that…though don’t worry I’ll be just fine. I hardly ever catch colds.” The young Solo said with a little chuffed expression on his face, not out of cockiness but just too fool around. He was so excited that he could finally hang out with a boy around his age. “You know my only company so far was Chewie, because my parents are rather busy…but you’re a way better company than he is already….you know why?” The question was rather rhetorical as the boy didn’t stop talking. “Because he’s all furry and my Wookiee grammar is a bit rusty.” A little giggle broke out of the boy as he held his eyes on Armitage.   
          A PLANET THAT HARDLY RAINED... now that was something armitage was willing to pay to see. all he'd ever known was arkanis. dreary, wet, cold, and harsh. the stormy clouds reminded hux of his father, brendol. whenever he was upset he'd frown and his eyes would darken like clouds forming together and painting the sky an angry shade of grey. at one point, armitage feared lightning would zap right from his sockets and strike him. brendol hux was a terrifying man and the grey clouds that loomed over the two boys only reminded him of the fact. "chandrila sounds like a nice place." armitage murmured quietly and made a mental note to research more on the planet.
wookie. he didn't see the point in learning such a language when the natives themselves weren't particularly favourable companions, at least that's what he learnt from growing up as he did. cold and harsh. yet ben seemed to really love this chewie -- he was family, of coure ben would -- even if vocal communication between them was quite limited. a little smile crept up armitage's lips at the confession, though he's unsure if it really was that which was amusing or the infectious laughter. it was such a foreign sound. not a laugh of disdain or self-deprication, nothing fake. it was genuine. even if ben talked a lot and was a bit jumpy, armitage was starting to find that he was better company as well. 
he chewed his bottom lip, debating to himself as an idea formed into his mind, and finally said, "my house isn't far from here. i could at least sneak you a towel to dry up a bit. the rain isn't going to let up any time soon and even if you don't catch colds, it's best you don't tempt fate." armitage had heard the line from his father once, although it was more of a threat than a kind warning. here it was said with genuine concern.
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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          IT WASN'T OFTEN that hux would give into kylo's taunting. perhaps hiss out a few jabs of his own but never, never would he actually indulge the other this way. taking away from his busy schedule the small hours of spare time to meet kylo and do... whatever it was that they were currently doing. hux had his coat neatly draped over some chair nearby and was readjusting his gloves, casting kylo an appraising look as he did so. "i don't understand why you're teaching me to wield a weapon specifically designed for force-users... unless you want to see me make a fool of myself."
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
@genxarmitage ♥
just a regular day in the first order~
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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IT’S  A  SMILE  HE  HAS  SEEN  BEFORE  //  SOFT  &  FULL  OF  EXCITEMENT.  This  was  something  they  had  never  talked  about  before  ;  Ben  has  always  tiptoed  around  the  subject  because  talking  about  feelings  has  never  been  his  forte.  “                  Yes.”  He  decides  ,  leaning  into  his  touch  ,  MEMORIZING  EVERY  DETAIL  OF  ARMITAGE’S  FACE.  His  heart  is  thumping  in  his  chest  ,  his  own  hand  finding  the  redhead’s  and  lacing  their  fingers  together.
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          ARMITAGE INCHES FORWARD, eyes slipping close as he brushes his lips against ben's. he gives his hand a gentle squeeze, both savouring the moment and reaffirming to himself that this isn't a dream. ben's lips aren't as soft as armitage imagined them to be and armitage has to find the proper angle so their noses don't keep bumping awkwardly but it's perfect all the same.
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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She gave him a nod back. “ I will get the troops ready and prepare for an attack.” She then looked to the other Officers still standing there very tensed up. “ If you’re not gonna contribute maybe it would be better if you’d be shot on the spot” She then looked back to Hux. “ We should have a meeting later on our Strategy. A coordinated effort should prove most effective.” Galya then flashed him a very small smile. Not something she did often but she felt comfortable around the other , since she knew him for a long time now.
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          OUT OF A SEA OF INCOMPETENT OFFICERS there were those rare few who didn't make hux want to pull all his hair out -- one being officer galya. he was beginning to trust her in keeping the rest in line along with lieutenant mitaka. siths, he needed more of them these days. the newer officers had proven to be more useless than the previous batch. hux returned her smile with one of his own. "perfect. i shall see you then."
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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Kylo was more than CONFUSED, he’s never seen the general like that. This man has always talked and gave orders without a stutter, even in the most dangerous or stressful situations, but now he was. How come that a simple technician had such effect on him, when Hux could easily snap at him or talk to him when he was front of him in his Supreme Leader, real outfit?? This was stranger, but he’s also found it a little bit amusing, especially when he’s noticed the change of the other’s pale cheek. 
”Thank you again for the medical droid…it stitched me up right.” He’s cut up some of the cooked vegetables then has began to chew on a piece in silence for a while. “Your cat…since when do you have her?” Ren meant to find out more important things than that but for now he just wanted to start a normal conversation with the ginger. 
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          IT WAS RIDICULOUS how worked up hux was becoming for a mere technician. was he that lonely that a string of compliments could sway him like so? but it wasn't often hux would hear such words from his subordinates. they either hated or feared him. or thought him to be nothing more than a joke. no one held him so highly like matt. no one cared enough to dare suggest hux repair his relationship with kylo ren. it made the oddity that was matt the radar technician all the more strange. hux was about inquire for his code number -- it would be easier to get his information that way -- when matt spoke up. 
hux glanced down at his hand and nodded approvingly. "I'd expect no less." Then came the silence and another chance to get matt's code number but the more hux thought on it, the less great of an idea it began to seem because for once he actually worried how it'd come off as. he didn't want matt thinking he was in trouble nor did he need him to know hux's unprofessional reasons for asking. he poked at the slop on his plate once more and blinked, "millie? why, i've had her for... i believe eight years now. she's been with me since before i became general. saw me through everything." a gentle smile slowly crept up his lips at the thought of his little ball of fur and sass. "i wouldn't call myself an animal lover but i do have a soft spot for felines. what about you?"
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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            feel free to change pronouns / wording !
❝ ain’t no one coming t’ help us. ❞
❝ crazy motherfucker. ❞
❝ i want you t’ understand the reality of this situation. ❞
❝ you can feel it, can’t you ? ❞
❝ step forward and keep your hands where i can see ‘em. ❞
❝ god will not let you take me. ❞
❝ sometimes the best thing t’ do, is t’ walk away. ❞
❝ no one is coming t’ save you. ❞
❝ there’s some fresh clothes there. ❞
❝ be careful out there. ❞
❝ help ! i’m bleedin’ out ! ❞ 
❝ what if i told you you could be free from sin ? ❞
❝ you’ve been given a gift. now it remains to be seen whether you choose to embrace it, or to cast it aside. ❞
❝ they want you to be strong. ❞
❝ the lord giveth and the lord taketh. ❞
❝ a nobody from nowhere with nothing. ❞
❝ i’m not angry, but i’m disappointed. ❞
❝ we all need guidance in times like these. ❞
❝ this is the world ? this ?! ❞
❝ i did not ask for this. i was chosen. ❞
❝ i can save you. ❞
❝ i was blind. but now i see. ❞
❝ god is watching us. ❞
❝ it’s your fault. ❞
❝ was it worth it ? ❞ 
❝ we never should’ve been here in the first place. ❞
❝ drive ! drive ! drive! ❞
❝ you’re all i have left now. ❞
❝ we must atone. ❞
❝ i wasn’t scared i was … clear. ❞
❝ cut it out like a cancer and display it, for all to see. ❞
❝ you won’t regret this, i promise. ❞
❝ i know your sin. ❞
❝ your actions have consequences. ❞
❝ say yes. ❞
❝ this world is on the brink. you can feel it in your bones. ❞
❝ train, hunt, kill, sacrifice. ❞
❝ if it were up to me you would’ve been dead a long time ago. ❞
❝ sacrifice the weak. ❞
❝ you must have faith. ❞
❝ gives me a serious hard on. ❞
❝ you got that uh, badass ninja shit goin’ on like you might kill me any second i dig it. ❞
❝ shit man i been prayin’ on this all day man. ❞
❝ fucking global warming. ❞
❝ duct tape fixes everything. except marriages. and a broken home. ❞
❝ i dig y’. you kids still sayin’ that ? ❞
❝ you just cannot go around this world expecting perfection. ❞ 
❝ vaya con dios, asshole. ❞
❝ i hate small talk. ❞
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
Poe immediately laughed, taking a step back from the bar and grabbing a rag from the sink. He didn’t mean to make Armitage feel embarrassed, but it’d happened before he’d even been able to stop himself.
“I’d like to think it was a good try.”
          HE FELT A TINGE of warmth rise up to his cheeks but he recovered from it easily enough, smoothing back his hair and leaning his weight once more on the counter. "it was." armitage replied, "i'd give it an eight for the smooth delivery." poe was a real charmer. helped that he was easy on the eyes. but it left him unsure whether the man was serious or not in his offer, and to keep from embarrassing himself any further armitage didn't take the leap.
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
Tag a quality blog! You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 10 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them! ❤
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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She looked from the other high ranking officers in the room and then Back to General Hux. Something in her could relate to his situation. It must’ve been alot of pressure to keep things running smooth. “ If we restructure our troops and focus on regaining strength before hunting down the Rebel again i think we have a good chance at winning. As much as i believe in our strength already i also see that the numbers are not great…and with the rebels getting more traction than ever we could use more allies as well.”
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          BLASTER IN HAND, and death in his eyes, hux watched as those in room stood in attention, perfectly straight posture and stealing worried glances among each other. who would be the first to go down? it didn't take long before someone finally gave a response. and a sound one at that. "a wise tactic, officer galya." hux commented with an approving nod, his form slowly unwinding. "in a few hours we will be reaching a system with several prospective planets. if things go smoothly, we can carry out this plan immediately." his words held the underlying order of seeing to it’s success. besides the advantages of growing their military and resources from gaining an allegiance, the matter of finance would also be covered — to an extent.
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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Kylo has allowed his wound to be taken care of by the medical droid what Hux has ordered to him, but he was glad it didn’t take too long since he meant to find Hux. His attempt to get close the bridge was a failure since he wasn’t allowed to enter. This has again almost driven him to the edge of blowing his cover but he’s gritted his teeth and retrieved. It seemed pointless to just wander on the vast ship in hopes of bumping into Hux, so since he was hungry he’s walked towards the dining hall, a place where he almost never showed up, but now in his disguise he thought it’d be alright, especially as he might would hear some gossips about the General, or even himself! He’s entered with an annoyed expression on his face however he’s smiled in the moment he’s spotted Hux. Klyo couldn’t understand what’s gotten into him, but as Matt it was okay to smile, he supposed. After he’s grabbed a tray and got some meal, he’s walked straight up to the table where Hux was sitting at. “Hello again…hope you don’t mind if I join you.” 
          DESPITE THE EVER GROWING VARIABLES, hux remained seated on the bench. he chose a table by the corner. empty and, unfortunately, near the garbage disposal but he had the perfect view of the entire mess hall including the entrances. he couldn't remember how many times he scanned the room for the infamous bright yellow curls that were Matt's hair but each search concluded that the man wasn't there. with a defeated sigh, hux looked down at his tray, untouched and... not all that appetising. he was too busy thinking about matt that he chose this gunk over a more decent meal. he sighed again, now slumping his shoulders, and picked up his spoon.
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a man's voice disrupted him from taking the first bite and as he looked up he'd nearly dropped the thing right then and there. matt. oh god. it was MATT. hux stared at him for a long moment, eyes wide in surprise of the fact that he was actually here. "i do." he replied before reeling back, "i mean i don't. i don't mind. feel free to." siths, hux. he felt his cheeks heaten in embarrassement. pull yourself together!
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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Traya had never asked to be Force Sensitive and it became frustrating when she the thoughts of others popped into her head. Approaching the General, she didn’t need to look into his mind to see what he thought of her. Kylo had already created a generalisation for the Knights through his own actions, “None of those options,” she stated simply, “I’m not a messenger for Kylo,” Glancing him up and down she shook her head. 
“I’m trying to avoid him,”
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          A QUIET HUFF escaped his lips from the irony of it all. a warrior wishing to avoid her own leader. taking into account said leader was none other than kylo ren, hux could understand. it was only a matter of time before the force-user’s little group disbanded for one reason or another. however, it didn't mean he was sympathetic.
taking a step forward, he narrowed his eyes at her. ‘read my mind one more time and your infantile leader won’t be the only person you might want to avoid.’ then in a low, almost disinterested tone, he arched a brow and asked, “now why is that?”
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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     HE  KNOWS  HE  CAN  BE  A  SLOW  LEARNER  ,  his  trust  in  people  could  be  considered  naivety  but  Ben  has  known  Armitage  for  years  -  falling  for  him  had  felt  inevitable  given  how  connected  he  felt  to  him.  FATE  /  DESTINY  ;  he’s  never  really  believed  in  it.  That  was  the  stuff  of  fairytales.  He  can  see  Armitage  is  struggling  ,  just  as  much  as  he  is.  That  anxiety  of  not  knowing  how  someone  will  react.  THE  KISS  HAD  BEEN  AN  ACT  OF  SPONTANEITY  COUPLED  WITH  GIVING  INTO  FEELINGS  THAT  HAD  BEEN  THERE  FOR  A  WHILE.  He  looks  down  for  a  moment  ,  cheeks  tinted  pink.  Ben  wasn’t  exactly  bold.  “Uh….yeah  i  …..sorry.”
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           "DON’T be." armitage replies, a grin slowly creeping up his lips. he wouldn't say he takes the lead in anything but here, nervous as he is, his heart is soaring all the same. BEN FEELS THE SAME! it brings a sense of courage to what he does next. reaching up to gently cup kylo's cheek, he brings the other to face him, and asks softly, "can i kiss you again?”
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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           “AH, YES. one of ren's knights. i can only assume the news you have for me." said  hux, regarding the knight before him. his hands clasped behind his back as he mentally prepared himself for whatever headache would arise from this conversation. either something broke, ren finally kicked the bucket -- bless that day --, or there was an interruption to the original plan.
@traya-ren liked for a starter
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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          "PARDON ME if i'm being crude but where am i, how did i get here, and who the kriffing hell are you?"
@mage-of-markarth liked for a starter
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genxarmitage-blog · 6 years ago
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        "I HAVE NEITHER THE PATIENCE nor time for these riddles. either someone give me a straight answer or so help me i will blast your heads off one by one." hux threatened, his blood boiling at this point. to say these past few days were stressful would be an understatement. everything was falling apart.
@splitchrome liked for a starter
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