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snowinabottlearchived · 6 years ago
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I'M TAKING BACK THE CROWN. relationship aesthetic for my beloved @apparentheir-moved
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rbeljedi · 6 years ago
@apparentheir continued from x
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He’s old now.  He thought he was old before, but he feels older now... older still. It’s not an altogether pleasant feeling any more.  He leans heavily on his walking stick, frowning at his fall.  
When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not. 
Well, Master Yoda got another thing right it seemed-- and Luke was still on the young side comparatively speaking.  Young for a-- whatever Yoda was.  Old for a human. 
Old, and alone.
With the threat of galactic peril waning, with Ben seeming steady, happy-- it felt like perhaps he was coming to the true end of his story.  
“Let’s-- sit a moment,” He says, carefully lowering himself down to a large stone, bracing himself with his walking stick and hands.  “Rest.”  
He has something to say.
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youburyit · 6 years ago
@apparentheir liked for a starter.
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                "To be FAIR, I pushed him out of the way.” Of course Jack shouldn’t have been so reckless, but it had stopped someone from getting hurt so he couldn’t bring himself to REGRET IT. He had enough shame to finally look up at the other man and offered a sheepish smile. “I think it improves my face, don’t you?”
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astracrowncd · 6 years ago
@apparentheir for a bit of royalty
          This is him? Blue eyes narrow as ginger brows furrow, puckering above his nose, and he leans forward. He’s only just recently been pulled out in to this room by his ‘loving’ father. Brendol still looms with teeth bared in a menacing grin, and Cason stands with a straight back. ‘Well boy?’ The words hiss, and Cason swallows. This is Ben, this is his.. husband, to be? He inhales and exhales, but slowly leans, taking the other prince’s hand, lifting it to press a kiss to the back of it.
          Brendol has forced him in to his, if only because this will save their little country from being bombarded by the country of Leia’s. To forge an ALLIANCE between them. Cason’s back still aches from the punishment of asking why this had to happen, why it was him. His answer had been a snarled ‘because boy, you are a bastard from the kitchen maid and you will do something for this country’ in between blows. Cason is only twenty. He’s young, and Ben is younger. He knows this. Still, he focuses on him, tilting his head a little, and he is at least somewhat thankful that Ben is... cute. Even if he doesn’t know him.
          The marriage is in a week. He hates this.
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becamealegend-a · 6 years ago
Nephew -- @apparentheir
The hooded figure stood before the boy. It had been years since he had revealed himself, allowing the galaxy to believe that he died many years ago. In a sense someone had died all those years ago. Luke Skywalker was gone and in his place, standing tall and true was Darth Fractious, son of Darth Vader.
His once blue, now amber eyes, examined the boy, taking in Ben’s appearance. The boy had Leia’s eyes and Han’s chin, a perfect blending of his twin sister and his brother-in-law. He could feel Ben’s raw strength with the Force, which made him valuable as an apprentice. But above that, they shared blood.
“We meet at last, young Solo.” He addressed the boy finally. “I’ve been anticipating this moment for some time now.”
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mvltisarchive · 6 years ago
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          “mm.. c’mere?” there’s a sigh from soft lips, a tired look in blue eyes. steve reaches with soft hands, drawing his fellow artist close again, burying his face against his hair. there’s an exhaustion to the blond, but he’s more than happy to wind arms around ben, to tuck against him and grumble something incomprehensible against him, something about being tired and it being too early. normally steve is the one up early but today? today he wants to sleep in, wants to spend the day with ben. the fact he’s trying to keep him kidnapped in the bed is proof.
@apparentheir sc.
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stillsalvaging · 7 years ago
@lightconflict liked for a mobile starter
It had taken her a few tries, but she'd finally woven a flower crown she was willing to show off to him. Not that he had much of a chance to look at it before she'd stood on tiptoe to carefully place it on his head, beaming at him as she did so. "I can't get you a real crown, but this looks better," she decided.
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historianhunter-blog · 6 years ago
pass the happy! 🌻🌈 when you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
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w r i t i n g.
torturing my characters with awful things.
more coffee.
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forcisms-archived · 6 years ago
@apparentheir : galactic starter call !
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   AND THERE IT IS AGAIN .   her  thoughts  are  hauled  across  the  galaxy  to  meet  ,   with the force’s MIGHTY CLAMOUR ,  with HIS .   rey’s eyes  flutter shut            a  deep breath .   a   SENSATION  like  no  other , she cannot place it .    mind  whirrs  to make sense of  such  complexity :  IS SHE HERE OR IS SHE THERE ?   a  crack  in  her voice ,  perhaps not so audible ,  but the girl  is painstakingly aware  ,     ❛  i don’t know how i’m doing this  …  i  don’t know why it happens  !  ❜   an exclamation ,  no doubt             rey sees  KYLO REN  as clearly as if she were  in the room .   thinks to  herself :  i am not afraid .   of him , no             but of her own power ?  UNDOUBTEDLY  .
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deservesthis-blog · 6 years ago
@apparentheir cont.
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              The last thing Alec wants is for some innocent human to get hurt and sighs, his words MIGHT NOT HAVE helped. He pulls out the bow and arrow, ignoring the confusion at the other man being able to see him and aims, THIS is is something that he’s GOOD AT. He fires and feels the relief as the demon disappears into flames.
                Finally Alec turns back to the other man and gives him a tired smile. “Yeah it is, but are you alright? You look--can I help you HOME or something?” He doesn’t trust that no demons will come back.
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rbeljedi · 6 years ago
@apparentheir continued from x
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He’s worried the boy, he can see that now.  He didn’t mean to be so flip with his comment, to draw attention to Leia’s distress.  He can feel her anger even in the Force-- she’s always been a force of her own-- but he turns and smiles at Ben.  He’s still just a young boy.  Hopefully he could avoid these realities a little longer.
“People disagree all the time.” He explains, “Sometimes, they disagree so much that they can’t see the other’s point of view.  They choose sides.  Sometimes sides are necessary-- like when we chose to stand against the Empire, we chose a side then.  But I wish they weren’t.” He presses another smile, tight, as if acknowledging how naive a sentiment it is, even to his own ears.
“I wish everyone could get along-- that’s all.”
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blccdlined · 6 years ago
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“When are you going to stop listening to Snoke’s lies and start thinking for yourself? How long are you still going to be his pawn?”
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hopegained-a · 6 years ago
@apparentheir liked for a small starter
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The sight of the man made his jaw clench and his teeth grind. Already his hand was inching towards the blaster on his hip even when he knew it would be for naught, but he wasn't going to listen to his own better judgment this time. “What do you want?”
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snowinabottlearchived · 6 years ago
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    BE  BRAVE  AND  SURVIVE .   do  not  show  any  emotions ,  nor  weak  spots  they  can  get  you  with .  the  only  thing  that  mattered  were  her  people ,  her  former  home ,  her  DUTIES .  amelia  was  well  aware  that  she  was  not  born  to  choose ,  to  wish .  heavy  lies  the  crown  on  young  head ,  brown  locks  falling  down  pale  shoulders  ,  so  well  wrapped  in  expensive  satin  and  silk .  walking  through  these  hallways ,  fawn  eyes  fixing  the  marble  ground  beneath  her  feet  as  if  she  was  sent   to  the  block .  A  MARRIAGE  the  woman  had  never  asked  for ,  yet  agreed  in  without  hesitation .  the  first  order  would  not  show  mercy ,  would  destroy  the  only  thing  she  had  ever  loved  (  crush  it  into  pieces ,  leaving  nothing  but  ash  ) .  this  was  not  a  wedding ,  it  was  a  CONTRACT .  protection  for  those  who  could  not  defend  themselves      —     and  surrendering  freedom  for  the  princess .   breath  going  fast ,  heart  almost  breaking  out  of  her  chest .  she  had  only  seen  him  one  time ,  had  only  heard  STORIES .  rumors .  a  monster  so  cold  it  would  even  melt  the  core  of  a  raging  volcano .  a  creature  ready  to  KILL  everyone  in  its  way ,  ready  to  do  whatever  it  takes  to  please  its  master  (  and  a  woman  offered  as  prey  to  gain  control  over  it  ) .  no ,  this  was  not  what  amelia  had  asked  for ,  but  she  would  do  it  gladly .  for  her  people .  for  her  home .
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astracrowncd · 6 years ago
◈ ( demon au )
Send a ◈ for a first kiss between our muses.|| ACCEPTING || @apparentheir
Can you have two first kisses? You can.
          The first kiss comes when he’s in human guise. Ben doesn’t know his true identity, and Cason fears to tell him. But he kisses him. He’s such a sweet thing, a king thing, a creature so willing and gentle. They kiss just outside of Ben’s home, outside the door, a shared kiss with a smile and a blush. Cason things to himself... Ben is cute when he blushes, oh, he’s so very cute.
          The second time they have a first kiss is the first time after he’s revealed himself. He’s certain that now that it’s the next day that Ben will realize this is all a bad idea. That being with a demon is terrible, that it’s all going to sink in and he’s going to run. Memories of the first kiss flood Cason’s thoughts, even as he sits on the edge of the bed, his human guise dropped. What he doesn’t expect is a hand on his shoulder. He hadn’t thought Ben would be up so early. So he turns and blinks, and he’s met with lips on his own. His mind REELS with thoughts and shock. Ben is kissing him and it’s the first time all over again, but he’s the one blushing now, breathing stilted, but he’s soon kissing back, and breathing jaggedly, and --- “I love you,” he whispers, shivering.
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historianhunter-blog · 6 years ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. 💞
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                you  are  such  ray  of  sunshine !! thank  you  so  much for this !!!  i needed  a  reason  to  smile  tonight !! 
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