hello! ive been busy trying to get a job.
todays wotd!: hałels
meaning: to work, or work as a noun
pronounciation: ha-hl-els
usage, as a verb: nm hałels a na wa̱p siipgm (i will work at our hospital)
- nm - i will (n + dm ~ the d is omitted for efficiency.)
- hałels - work
- a - at (particles can shrink for efficiency as well)
- na - our (typically marks alienable owned objects. inalienable objects such as kinship or body parts dont *typically* use na)
- wa̱p siipk - hospital (lit. house of sickness)
- -m - our (first person plural possessive pronoun)
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i was gonna do a wotd while i was out but forgot fjejfj
todays wotd: waal!
meaning: to be, to do, or to own
pronounciation: wah-l (the h and the l are seperated to show there is no ł sound.)
etymology: n/a
usage, as do: 'nii dm waalu. (that is what i will do)
breakdown of waal as do:
- 'nii - that/this
- dm - will (future tense marker)
- waal - do
- -u - i (first person, absolutive pronoun)
usage, as own: naał waaldu gwisna̱p'ala? (who owns this button blanket?)
breakdown of waal as own:
- naa - who
- -ł - negative/hypothetical question marker
- waal - to own
- -du - question marker
- gwisna̱p'ala - button blanket
note: waal can also be spelled as waalt, but the t will always be unvoiced (it will never morphy into a d)
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ada gyiik, aka waasga waayu. aka ksg̱oog̱m gyed di waayu. 'ni'nii na sahayaamg̱m waayu.
also, this is not the name that was put on me. first person, or genesis, is not my native name. this is a fake name.
gya'wn, genesis di waam k'amksiwaamx.
right now, genesis is my english name. i do not have a native name currently.
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todays wotd!: sunaał.
meaning: to be tired
pronounciation: sue-naahl. (the barred l sound is made by placing the tongue on the roof of your mouth and exhaling, it should sound lime hissing!)
etymology: there's no direct etymology for this word, but i believe it's an old combination of su-, a prefix for new. and naał, the word for breath! in this theory, it would be getting new breath, for the next day!
usage: sunaał'nu, sgüü nm xst'ox. (i am tired. i must sleep.)
breakdown of the sentence:
- sunaał - to be tired.
- 'nu - i, or me. (first person singular, marked absolutive pronoun.
- sgüü - must, to have to do.
- nm - i will. (n - first person ergative/transitive pronoun / dm - will
- xst'ox - to sleep
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lu'aam g̱oodu wila likliitsxsm na al'algya̱g̱u. luk'wil adziksa g̱oodu wila sm'algya̱g̱ut 'nüüsm
genesis di waayu.
gisbutwada di pteeg̱u.
'wiidildel di wil'naat'ału.
nawaaps xpihanaḵ' di wil ksi 'waatgu.
'nüüyu in sm'algya̱g̱ut 'nüüsm, dił łingiitg̱u, dił haaydmg̱u. da̱'a̱xłgu nm heelda algya̱g̱u.
i almost forgot a translation lol.
i am happy that you all are reading my words. i am proud to speak sm'algya̱x to you all.
genesis is my name.
killer whale is my clan.
'wiidildel is my lineage. (mother's side)
the house of xpihanak' is where i come out of. (father's side)
i will be the one to speak sm'algya̱x to you all, and lingít, and xaad kil! i can speak these many languages.
in sm'algya̱x, there is no word for good bye, so i will say. ndm'al gyiik hawm, until we speak again!
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