geekerypokery · 4 years
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more modern yasha (ft. beau); somewhat continuing off of this happy yasha art that i did :’)
i occasionally have her carry a flower pot just ‘cuz. (aka, i first imagined modern yasha with it, so that’s what my mind has Stuck With).
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geekerypokery · 4 years
philly turned out to evict trump, so if you want to say thank you for getting it done please donate to the philly bail fund.
philly has the worst cops in america, just two weeks ago they pulled a Black mother out of her car, beat her and arrested her in front of her 2-year-old son, who they then kidnapped and used for copaganda. she had committed the crime of getting stuck on a one-way street at the edge of a protest against the murder by cops of Walter Wallace, a Black man suffering from mental illness, who was shot in front of his mother.
there's no reason to expect cop behavior to improve now that trump's lost and they're angry. please support the people of philadelphia, who showed up.
for more on police violence, antiracism and radically transformative politics in philly and what you can do to help, see @phillybailfund, @phillybailout, @blmphilly, @phillywerise, @vietlead, and twitter hashtags #FreeAnt #WalterWallaceJr
philly/pa folks add more orgs & links if you have them!
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geekerypokery · 4 years
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Ok everybody remake the Destiel confession only using pictures you already have saved on your phone
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geekerypokery · 5 years
I know u wrote the “potter heads grab your wands” post and I want you to know that you’re a god and a heathen for what you have done.
my sins on this earth have been too great and can never be atoned
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geekerypokery · 6 years
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a new print for ECCC! i’ve been meaning to do an olivier pin-up for an extremely long time now
follow me on twitter @/alexisparade!
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geekerypokery · 6 years
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How is it that y’all like my text post more than my fan art 😪
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geekerypokery · 6 years
I’m just super fucking bitter that once the flint water crisis got it’s 15 minutes of fame people stopped giving a shit. The water is still poisoned, people! Donations have plummeted and people have been forced back into drinking and bathing with the water! The medical effects of this are astounding, cases of legionnaires disease have skyrocketed, people are having seizures, people are having weird rashes break out over their body, people (including me!) are having their blood poisoned, and it’s not just lead! it’s coliform bacteria! it’s THMs! it’s all in the water and it gets into the bloodstream and breaks down blood vessels, causing bruising and petechiae and internal bleeding and no one gives a shit anymore and it’s only gotten worse like how many people are going to have to die until people realize this is still a problem
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geekerypokery · 6 years
Friend Todoroki 20k followers giveaway!
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Hello everyone! To celebrate the 20k followers milestone on this tumblr account I am hosting a giveaway! Please read the rules carefully:
Must be a follower and reblog + like this post / reblog as many times as you like but only one the first one will count!
New followers welcome
No throwaway/giveaway accounts
FrenTodo Patreon Supporters of any tier will automatically have ten entries! https://www.patreon.com/bbbqol
Askbox / messenger must be open/active so I can contact you
Winner will carry shipping costs and has to be able to pay them via PayPal! (17€ outside of EU / 9€ inside EU / 5€ inside Germany)
And now to the prizes!
Here’s the First Winner Prize!
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Package contains:
- Battle Card Surprise pack #1
- TodoDeku Rubber Keychains 
- Bakugo Tin Badge
- FrenTodo faces stickers (both versions)
- TodoDeku tin badges
- TodoDeku gift cards
- Playing Cards of Kirishima, Bakugo and a beach one
 NOT ON THIS IMAGE cause they’re late in production sadly: FrenTodo KiriBaku keychain and Bakugo / Sero Stickers designed by me
Here’s the Second Winner Prize!
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- Battle Card Surprise pack #2 - FrenTodo faces stickers (both versions) - Todoroki keychain designed by Kaydeefox - Iida/Ochako buttons - TodoDeku gift cards NOT ON THIS IMAGE cause they’re late in production sadly:  Bakugo / Sero Stickers designed by me
Giveaway will end on March 31st at 23:59 Central European Time! 
Good luck everyone and thanks so much for your support!!
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geekerypokery · 6 years
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So lately there’s been a lot of scary things happening in media (journalism is dying and there’s huge media layoffs, Amazon, Disney and Netflix are taking over everything, etc). I want everyone to remember how truly amazing and unique AO3 is and the sheer amount of organization and work it takes for it to be independent - many of you on here are young and may not know how much it changed being a fan. Read your history.
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geekerypokery · 6 years
Archive your fandom stuff
As we sit on the cusp of changes to the Internet, after your other activities to support Internet freedom, archive your fandom stuff.
Save the electronic files of your favorite online fandom works. Consider print-outs of your favorite online material. And save paper ephemera from fandom events.
Why save? Because you put the effort into a fanwork. Because you may be surprised when a fandom stays alive for years, or gets revived, or when an academic asks to cite your work. Because it’s stupidly hard to find items on Tumblr. Because, lo, in ages past, many fandom archives have risen and fallen, taking favorite fics off the ‘Net. Because it made you happy, makes you remember. Because you never know.
What can you save?
Stories you wrote
Epic comments on stories you wrote
Stories you love that other people wrote
Meta and meta-related discussions
Translations others did of your works
Physical items: paper ephemera, clothing, accessories, art prints and drawings.
Behind the cut…saving from Tumblr and AO3, delving into lost web sites, how to save computer files for the long term, and why I’m glad I saved physical fandom items from 10+ years ago.
Keep reading
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geekerypokery · 6 years
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Ghouls Among Us v.01 • 16 May 2018
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geekerypokery · 6 years
Monster fuckers and furries are the two ends on the same spectrum with werewolves in the exaxt middle.
You’re right and you should say it
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geekerypokery · 7 years
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this boy deserved his own post 👀👀👀 esteemed guests, i give you: the sexy fish man from the shape of water!! you can view the uncensored version HERE
he is for sale, and there is a sfw version!!
super proud of how this boy turned out. i experimented with my painting style and i’m very pleased with the results! i’ve always been a fan of dynamic lighting!
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geekerypokery · 7 years
My Brain: Eat
Me: Okay, what should we make?
My Brain: No make!!! Only eat.
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geekerypokery · 7 years
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some sidlink sketches for emi <3
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geekerypokery · 7 years
Speaking of the D&D Monster Manual, I love how the metallic dragons are good-aligned but still inherently dragons, so all the worst qualities of the evil chromatic dragons are just kind of twisted into bizarre eccentricities. Metallic dragons seem sort of like weird aliens that have vaguely heard of what it means to be a Cheerful and Jovial Friend but don’t quite have the hang of it yet.
Brass dragons are so dedicated to conversation that if someone tries to cut off a conversation with them early, they’ll breathe sleep gas at them, bury them up to their neck in sand, wait for them to wake up, then keep idly chatting until they’ve hit their quota of small-talk, at which point they’ll happily let them go. Copper dragons can be mortally offended if people don’t laugh at their jokes. I love it.
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geekerypokery · 7 years
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“gotta steal the pullow gotta hug the foot” - patches probably
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