gcdhole · 4 years
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dennis’s touch is as soothing as it always is, and despite the situation, charlie relaxes minutely. he still feels too exposed – too trusting, opening himself up to being touched like this – a rat the second before it steps into a trap or meets the business end of a killing stick. but it’s still dennis, so he doesn’t pull away.
“ we could, uh. ” careful, careful, dancing on the edge of the trap, charlie takes his free hand, wants to touch dennis’s lip to see if it’s still bleeding, but chickens out a few inches from his destined target and touches his thumb to his own mouth instead.
“ we could practice the kissing thing a little more? ”
he’s shifting a tiny bit closer. feels like he’s standing on the edge of something important, something he doesn’t know how to put into words. like something’s about to break.
but that’s nothing new. he’s always been good at breaking things. “ or, i dunno. we could get high? ” higher, technically, for him at least, but who’s keeping track?
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well,   well,   well.   if   this   isn’t   just   what   dennis   wanted   to   hear.
(   i   mean,   if   charlie   forgot   about   the   waitress   because   of   one   little   smooch,   then   he’s   just   completely   going   to   drop   the   subject   after   a   proper...   kissing   practice,   isn’t   he   ??   )   “   well.   ”   his   smile   is   both   the   softest   he   can   muster   and   dancing   on   the   verge   of   something   sharp.   there’s   nothing   sharp   about   the   way   he’s   holding   charlie’s   hand   though.   “   or   we   could   always   do   both.   practice   and   then   get   high.   ”
things   are   easy   to   do   when   you   come   up   with   excuses   for   a   living.   dennis   won’t   be   caught   dead   admitting   that   he’s   done   something   without   an   agenda.   and   so,   even   though   his   heart   is   definitely   and   stubbornly   skipping   a   beat,   he   doesn’t   give   charlie   another   moment   to   chicken   out   --   gaze   drops   to   the   other’s   lips   as   he   leans   in   properly,   free   hand   reaching   up   to   gently   move   charlie’s   thumb   out   of   the   way.   dennis   kisses   him   again,   with   a   bit   more   intent   this   time.   
(   feels   nice...   to   be   the   mastermind,   that   is.   or   --   or   whoever   dennis   is   right   now,   since   his   thoughts   get   a   bit   scattered   after   his   lower   lip   stings   with   slight   pain.   )
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gcdhole · 4 years
charlie wrinkles his nose when dennis pulls away – his first thought is something mean and not particularly clever about rich boys with clean fingernails and who the common man (charlie) is or isn’t allowed to touch, but his second thought (the nice one, the one mac would probably be proud of) is a little gentler, taking in the flush on dennis’s cheeks. oh, charlie thinks. maybe nobody wants to hold dennis’s hands, so he’s not used to it.
if he didn’t have mac, charlie wouldn’t have anyone to hold hands with either. so he gets it. even offers a little smile that dennis will hopefully understand has to do with their shared untouchworthiness. “ yeah, dude, ” charlie says. “ let’s go to the mall. ” he wonders if dennis’s twin sister ever holds his hands. it seems like nobody’s doing it enough.
slyly, because dennis does have a credit card, charlie adds, “ you can get me a birthday present. ” it’s almost definitely not his actual birthday, cause that usually comes when it gets colder, but it’s not like dennis is ever gonna know that. “ i made pot brownies with mac once, but it didn’t work cause we ate all the batter and he threw up, like, everywhere. ” he gestures expansively with his hands, just so they’re on the same page about the extent of mac’s vomit capabilities (charlie thought it was very impressive, himself, and even a rich kid like dennis had to admit that projectile vomiting like a hundred feet was pretty cool.)
catching a glimpse of his own hands flying around reminds charlie of his earlier train of thought: dennis, and nobody wanting to hold his rich kid hands. giving the other boy a pointed look, he sticks out the same dirty hand, a determined look on his face. “ mac holds my hand when we walk so i don’t wander off and get hit by a car and explode my brains all over the sidewalk. ”
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for   somebody   who   claims   to   read   minds   and   see   through   every   treachery   with   the   all-seeing   eyes   of   the   golden   god,   dennis   buys   the   birthday   story   rather   quickly.   lips   parting   in   slight   surprise   --   for   the   third   time   in   the   past   five   minutes   or   so   --   he   shuffles   from   on   foot   to   the   other.   rather   uncomfortable   with   all   the   sudden   smiling;   as   if...   as   if   he’s   given   charlie   permission   to   do   that.   seems   like   that’s   something   him   and   mac   have   in   common.   dennis   clears   his   throat.   “   it’s   your   birthday   ??   well.   that’s   just   the   birthday   luck   for   you,   the   fact   that   you   get   to   spend   it   with   me.   ”
the   mention   of   vomit   makes   dennis   scrunch   his   nose   a   little   bit   --   he’s   thrown   up   once,   when   he   was   seven   and   frank   made   them   food,   because   mommy   was   out   of   town   for   a   bit   --   well,   since   that   disaster,   she   taught   both   dee   and   dennis   to   prepare   some   simple   meals.   “   gross.   ”   he’d   rather   not   eat   at   all   than   throw   up   ever   again.   out   of   the   two   of   them   it’s   dee   who   vomits   frequently   --   the   school   nurse   said   it’s   nervous   vomiting.   both   mommy   and   frank   told   dee   to   get   her   shit   together   --   which   dennis   can   agree   with.   being   nervous   so   openly   is   very   pathetic.
“   dude,   ”   he   repeats   as   charlie   extends   his   hand   out.   hugs   himself   even   tighter   and   does   his   best   to   ignore   the   way   that   his   face   warms   up   all   of   the   sudden.   “   i   don’t   --   i   am   not   holding   your   hand.   it’s   --   covered   in   glue.   ”   as   soon   as   he   says   that,   dennis   wonders   whether   charlie   will   change   his   mind   about   being   dennis’s   follower   if   he’s   refused   the   life-saving   hand   holding.   that   would   be   a   dumb   reason   for   losing   a   follower,   dennis   decides.   he   slides   his   backpack   off   and   grabs   a   water   bottle   that   he   keeps   inside   of   it   at   all   times;   hands   it   to   charlie   with   a   mirrored   determination.   “   there.   wash   your   hands,   then   i’ll   do   it.   ”
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gcdhole · 4 years
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“ dude – ” charlie wants to say, i know you’re not straight,i ’m pretty sure that’s been clear since we got high and made out that one time and possibly that other time after that, but that actually would be bullying a minority person, and a minority person that charlie likes besides, so he cuts himself off. “ uhh, sure. is this you coming out? are you coming out to me, man? cause you gotta say it. mac set the standard pretty high for coming out. unless you’re not coming out as gay. then you can do whatever you want, i guess, cause there’s no precedent. ” yeah, he knows law talk. don’t be surprised.
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“   i’m   --   i,   uhhh   --   ”   dennis   gestures   vaguely,   a   mixture   of   hand   waves   and   shrugs,   all   the   while   making   noises   as   if   he’s   about   to   speak,   or   possibly   sigh,   or   huff   in   frustration,   until   he’s   all   out.   just   ends   up   throwing   his   hands   up,   with   a   given   up   eye   roll.   “   whatever.   if   this   is   what   it   takes   for   you   to   stop   shaming   me   for   the   things   that   i   choose   to   do   with   my   body,   sure.   consider   this   me   --   coming   out   as   --   as   flexible.   figuratively.   but   also   literally.   ”   he   pinches   the   bridge   of   his   nose.   “   and,   please,   spare   me   the   mac   talk.   coming   out   over   a   goddamn   scratch   card   is   a   pretty   low   standard   to   set.   ” 
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gcdhole · 4 years
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   𝚆𝙰𝚂    𝙸    𝙰   " 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍    𝐎𝐅    𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 “   ??   𝚈𝙴𝙰𝙷.    𝙸    𝙰𝙼    𝙰𝙽    𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙽𝙶    𝙿𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙾𝙽.    𝙱𝙴𝙸𝙽𝙶    𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙳    𝙰𝙽𝙳    𝙱𝙴𝙸𝙽𝙶   ” 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃    𝐅𝐎𝐑    𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 “    𝙰𝚁𝙴    𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈,    𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈,    𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈    𝙳𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙽𝚃    𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂.    /    indie    dennis    reynolds    from    iasip.    canon    divergent.    bound    by    bug.
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gcdhole · 4 years
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“ uh, well, i actually can’t bully you, because you’re not one of the oppressed, and according to artemis, only the oppressed can be bullied, so you should come back when you’re a sexually promistcus minority person and then i can bully you. ” ha! that’ll show him. “ or you could come out like mac did, i guess. i feel like he’s having a lot of fun being a minority person. ”
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“   that’s   --   dumb.   the   dumbest   thing   i   have   ever   heard.   everyone   can   be   bullied.   i’d   argue   that   as   a   straight,   white   man,   i   am   more   at   risk   of   being   bullied   these   days.   ”   sheesh.   come   out   of   where   ??   there’s   no   closet   that   would   fit   the   golden   god.   still,   he’s   gotta   ask:   “   would   you   stop   calling   me   a   slut   if   i   said   that   i’m   --   not   straight   ??   ” 
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gcdhole · 4 years
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“ i’m not slutshaming anybody, i’m slutshaming you. it’s different thing when you’re talking about an actual slut. ”
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“   THAT’S   what   slutshaming   is   charlie   --   making   up   your   own   standards   about   what   qualifies   a   person   as   one.   that’s   --   pretty   much   bullying.   you’re   bullying   me.   ”   cue   hair   flip.   “   i   prefer   to   be   called   sexually   promiscuous.   ”
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gcdhole · 4 years
yeah, charlie doesn’t remember getting introduced to mac’s new best friend or whatever the fuck. and he definitely doesn’t get why dennis is being so nice to him when mac isn’t even here, and it doesn’t seem like he wants charlie to eat or sniff anything. 
“ how’d you get your dad’s credit card? ” charlie doesn’t have a dad or a credit card. ( does mac take credit cards? he doesn’t think so. he’s pretty sure mac couldn’t carry one of those big credit card machines even if he did have one, and he’s never seen him take anything but cash for weed. ) and then, because his curiosity wins out and he knows an opportunity when he sees one, “ what else can you get with it? ”
his desire to stop craning his neck so much wins out over his fear of disturbing the spiderwebs, so he stands up, so focused on being careful that he knocks over the glue with his foot. charlie looks down at it, sticky over the grass like bad snow. at least the spider is okay. “ oh, ” he says to himself, kind of softly, a little sadly, before returning his mild attention to dennis. the other kid’s nails are weirdly clean underneath. charlie wonders how much time dennis has to spend at home cleaning them –maybe two hours, but he doesn’t know how many minutes that is. or, he knows, he just doesn’t remember.
grabbing dennis’s free hand, charlie holds out his own for comparison. it’s like night and day, with dried glue and bits of dirt under charlie’s nails. “ huh. ”
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there’s   no   way   his   nose   could   be   aiming   further   up   into   the   sky.   still   standing   glued   to   one   spot,   to   avoid   stepping   into   mud,   dennis   does   nothing   to   hide   the   pride   in   his   voice.   “   i   stole   it   from   him   of   course.   the   dumb   fuck   has   so   many   that   i   doubt   he   even   noticed.   ”   (   or   cared,   dennis   assumes,   because   the   last   time   that   frank   has   caught   him   with   a   joint,   he   just   asked   dennis   to   share;   wanted   to   see   ‘ what   the   kids   are   huffin’   and   puffin’   these   days ’,   then   he   smoked   the   entire   thing,   ate   all   the   little   muffins   that   dee   had   baked   for   some   kind   of   a   school   project   and   slept   for   four   hours.   mommy   was   so   pissed.   )
the   next   question   brings   a   slow   smile   to   his   face;   of   course   the   prospect   of   buying   top-shelf   glue   would   be   enough   to   win   charlie   over.   dennis   is   so   good   at   this   --   getting   new   followers   is   a   piece   of   cake.   “   anything,   dude.   what,   do   you   have   something   in   mind   ??   because   i   could   totally   --   ”   he   trails   off   a   little   as   charlie   stands   up,   eyes   opening   a   bit   wider   at   the   sight   of   an   eight-legged   creature   he’s   failed   to   notice   before.   “   oh,   ew.   ew,   careful,   there’s   a   goddamn   beast   right   above   your   --   ”
but   then   charlie’s   (   dirty,   sticky   )   hand   is   on   his   and   dennis   trails   off   again.   there’s   nothing   godlike   about   the   look   of   sheer   surprise   on   his   face;   lips   dumbly   parted,   he   blinks   down   at   the   visible   contrast.   (   he’s   been   told   he   has   pretty   hands   before.   charlie’s   are   way   smaller,   and   way   warmer   than   his.   )   “   dude.   ”   dennis   wriggles   his   wrist   out   of   charlie’s   grasp,   tucks   both   hands   close   to   his   sides   as   he   crosses   his   arms   over   his   chest.   there’s   a   flush   of   colour   right   above   his   sharp   cheekbones.   “   do   you   want   to   --   go   to   the   mall   or   what   ??   i   have   to   wait   for   mac’s   stupid   detention   to   end   anyway,   because   i’m   getting   stuff   from   him   today.   my   twin   sister   wants   to   bake   pot   brownies.   ”
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gcdhole · 4 years
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dennis being clumsy and stupid 
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gcdhole · 4 years
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“ yeeeeah, ” he’s trying not to sound nervous or emotional or any of the feelings that dennis doesn’t like in women, but he doesn’t know what a good job he’s doing. this is kind of a lot to take in, even if it’s just a guy thing. charlie laughs a little, pulls his free hand ( the one that had just been cupping dennis’s face, and whatthefuck ) to touch the back of his neck gingerly, where dennis had touched it, as if checking for some kind of trace. licks his lips a little, as if coming out of some kind of weird dream, and his eyes clear slightly.
( he doesn’t take his hand out of dennis’s. he doesn’t want to take his hand out of dennis’s. )
” funny thing is, i can’t even remember what we were fighting about, dude. ” can’t remember or doesn’t want to remember, he can’t honestly tell which. “ soooo… ”
almost unconsciously, he finds himself leaning towards his friend like a sunflower towards light. ( charlie likes sunflowers. his mom doesn’t, because they’re too wild and out of control, but he always has. ) “ uh, what now? ”
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dennis   lets   his   thumb   run   across   the   inside   of   his   friend’s   wrist;   charlie’s   rather   clear   nervousness   works   like   a   miracle   and   dennis   can   feel   himself   relaxing.   the   more   on   edge   somebody   is   around   dennis,   the   more   skittish   --   as   if   to   contrast   with   it,   the   more   at   ease   dennis   feels.   it’s   either   fear   or   be   feared,   right   ??   or,   well,   in   this   case   it’s   not   exactly   fear,   because   dennis   doesn’t   want   charlie   to   be   scared   of   him,   of   course.
“   hm.   yeah,   me   neither,   dude.   you’re   right,   that’s   really   funny.   ”   it’s   a   lie.   dennis   can   remember   their   fight   perfectly   --   but   hey,   seems   like   the   goddamn   waitress   is   out   of   the   picture   for   the   time   being.   and   since   that   was   the   goal,   he   won’t   bring   her   up.   
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“   oh,   i   --   um.   ”   dennis   watches   charlie   gravitate   closer,   momentarily   distracted.   there’s   a   couple   of   obvious   (   ??   )   answers,   flashing   inside   of   his   mind   in   bright   neon   colors,   and   he   bites   on   his   tongue   --   just   to   make   sure   none   of   it   slips   out.   frankly,   he’s   surprised   that   he   got   these   ideas   in   the   first   place.   dennis   clears   his   throat.   “--   whatever   you   want,   dude.   ”   (   it’s   not   a   lie.   )
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gcdhole · 4 years
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gcdhole · 4 years
it’s awkward . mac had prepared himself for it to be awkward . prepared himself to be let down or pushed away , anything of the sort , but not the 𝚂𝙸𝙻𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 . not the weird tense feeling of something so boldly put in front of the other . but , mac keeps standing there . waits patiently for any kind of response that dennis could give him other than the stare . eyes dance around the room , settling on the other for a only a few moments before he’s looking away . 
this was heavy . it sat on his chest and made it a little hard to breathe . mac had been on a little journey the last few years , discovering everything about himself and this was probably one of the last things he had to admit 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝙻𝙾𝚄𝙳 . he had been close , stated it before chickening out with the mention of it being in a non-gay way . it was bullshit .  it was in a 𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈 𝙶𝙰𝚈 𝚆𝙰𝚈 , had been for longer than he ever wanted to admit . still , it’s a little relieving to get it off his chest . a little freeing . all he hopes and prays is that nothing changes whether it’s a good or bad response . 
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“ oh … ” mac wasn’t expecting that as a response . he hadn’t really prepared himself to explain the feelings . he looks at dennis properly though , gaze soft and more telling now than ever . “ well , you’re just – i don’t know . i think you’re one of 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙿𝙴𝙾𝙿𝙻𝙴 𝙸 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆 , if not just the best , dude . and , you take care of me and i take care of you , we’re always there for each other and 𝙸𝚃 𝙵𝙴𝙴𝙻𝚂 𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙴 . i get butterflies when you smile at me and i feel really great when you’re proud of me . i like making you happy . and , it doesn’t feel like a chore , it just feels nice . plus , 𝚈𝙾𝚄'𝚁𝙴 𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙻𝙻𝚈 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚂𝙾𝙼𝙴 , dude . looks aren’t everything but … you know . i just think that you might be my gay ass love story , den . and , if not . you’re nice to love anyways . ”
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dennis   regrets   asking.   and   he   also   doesn’t   regret   asking   at   all.   both   of   those   are   strong   and   at   war,   and   so   what   follows   mac’s   explanations   is   just   more   heavy,   uncomfortable   silence.   finally,   he   clears   his   throat,   closes   the   book   and   sets   it   aside.   slowly,   aiming   for   calm   and   casual,   but   really,   it’s   just   so   he   could   hide   the   fact   that   his   hands   are   shaking.   “   right.   i   --   ”
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the   thing   is,   dennis   kind   of   hates   mac   right   now   --   for   how   easy   it   is   for   him   to   admit   to   things   out   loud   like   that,   how   shameless   he   is   with   his   emotions,   wearing   all   the   feelings,   his   own   goddamn   heart   on   his   sleeve.   it   makes   dennis   want   to   grab   the   hefty   book   again,   just   to   fling   it   across   the   room   and   right   at   the   other.   to   cause   pain,   it   is   way   more   familiar,   way   more   safe   for   him   --   than   this.
but   he   tried   escaping   --   twice.   more   than   that,   if   you   count   all   the   times   when   he’d   stay   at   home   physically,   but   shut   himself   off   otherwise.   and   always,   with   no   goddamn   exceptions,   dennis   would   come   crawling   back.   do   his   best   to   make   it   look   like   it   was   by   choice,   not   by   need.   and   at   this   point   in   his   life   it’s   --   kind   of   exhausting,   really.   they’re   not   getting   younger,   for   crying   out   loud.   (   lying   to   himself   drains   a   lot   of   energy,   too.   there’s   no   way   to   ignore   the   very   telling   heaviness   inside   of   his   chest.   )   “   alright,   ”   he   finally   says,   weaker   than   he’d   like.   “   i’ll   --   i’ll   accept   that.   your   feelings,   that   is.   ”
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gcdhole · 4 years
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something something intimacy
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gcdhole · 4 years
prune ( ...? )
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“ okay, fuck you, dude. i’m not a prune. you’re just saying words. ” not like charlie ever does that, of course.
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“   well,   charlie,   at   least   i’m   not   slutshaming   anybody.   if   anyone   should   be   ashamed   here,   it’s   you.   ”
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gcdhole · 4 years
“ – oh.” charlie only knows one person who mac texts that much, and it’s not him. ( when they need to talk, just macandcharlie, it usually involves walkie talkies or throwing rocks at each other’s windows ) “ you’re dennis. ” he can’t prove it, but he’s pretty sure dennis is the only reason mac got the dumb phone in the first place.
he’s not impressed, but he takes a cigarette anyway, fishes out an old lighter ( he likes melting stuff, okay )  and lights it, setting the open bottle of glue down on the ground. if he tips it over, the chemicals in it will probably kill the grass. maybe the whole field, or maybe all of philadelphia. – hesitates, snatches another cigarette from the box with the ease of a kid used to stealing shit. for later. not to piss anyone off.
still staring ( investorating ) charlie wants to ask dennis if he has any idea why mac talks about him so much, but that would probably piss mac off, and friends keep secrets, and he probably didn’t even have a good answer anyway. dennis doesn’t look like he does anything fun.
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dennis   nods   at   first   --   and   then   he   does   a   double   take.   “   uh,   yes,   who   else   would   i   be   ??   we   got   introduced,   charlie,   don’t   y-   ”   it   dawns   on   him,   slowly   but   surely.   arm   bent   in   a   way   that   lets   dennis   keep   the   cigarette   near   his   lips,   the   other   by   his   side,   hand   resting   on   top   of   a   bony   hip,   he   lets   his   smug   expression   falter   a   little.   “   ah,   you   don’t   remember.   ”
offended   at   first   --   a   very   understandable   reaction   --   dennis   goes   through   the   memory   of   that   day,   when   him   and   charlie   got   introduced,   and...   okay,   calling   it   an   ‘introduction’   would   be   a   very   generous   term.   the   first   thing   that   dennis   said   at   the   sight   of   the   other   was   ‘mac.   what   is   that,   in   the   corner’   and   mac   said   ‘oh,   it’s   charlie!’   and   charlie   said   something   along   the   lines   of   ‘afsdfhdsf’,   and,   well   --   not   like   dennis   went   to   that   stupid   basement   to   make   friends   anyway.   
there’s   a   little   quirk   of   a   brow   at   charlie   helping   himself   to   two   cigarettes   instead   of   one   --   but   then   dennis   tilts   his   head   to   the   side   and   smiles   knowingly.   “   you   can   grab   another   one,   dude.   there’s   more   where   it   came   from.   i   have   my   dad’s   credit   card   and   the   stupid   bitch   from   that   corner   shop   on   the   other   side   of   the   road   doesn’t   even   check   my   id,   so.   ”   (   dennis   saw   her   kick   some   other   high   schoolers   out,   but   then   dennis   isn’t   just   some   plain   random   kid,   no,   dennis   is   already   light   years   ahead   of   those   ugly   virgins.   he   knows   how   win   mature   women   over.   )
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gcdhole · 4 years
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“   uh - oh.   prude   alert.   ”
@gcdhole​ requested this bc the mod has a humiliation kink
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“ SLUT. ”
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gcdhole · 4 years
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so i got a thirsty (???) comment under a pic on my personal insta and @gangbrains said it's very mac core. then this happened,,, im still crying lads
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gcdhole · 4 years
“ i meant what i said, ”  charlie mumbles, more out of a desire to piss this guy off than anything else. he zones out at some point, tunes back in to hear the end of the boy’s sneering, and replies ( quite wittily ) with “ you’re the headache, dude. ” there’s some heat behind it. he doesn’t like this kid standing around judging people for sniffing what they want. he’s too clean, practically shiny. the kind of kid who would say mean shit to charlie and make him eat dirt whether he wanted to or not. the words are practically already forming in his mouth, and charlie can see them.
with his free hand, charlie plucks at the grass. it’s moist, and he likes the feel of it in his hands. soothing. he looks down, looks back up with red-rimmed eyes at the boy who’s somehow still standing there. “ whadyou want over here? mac’s in detention, and i don’t sell. ” there. maybe that will get him to leave before charlie has to eat a spider or something.
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being   called   a   headache   makes   his   lips   curl   into   a   rather   displeased   pout;   it   softens   into   his   usual   wince   since   dennis   quickly   decides   that   charlie   is   too   high   to   recognize   him   properly   --   and   realize   just   how   honoured   he   should   feel   to   have   the   golden   god   himself   walk   through   the   muddy   grass   to   bless   him   with   his   shining   presence.   “   i   know   mac   is   in   detention.   he   let   me   know   via   text.   eleven   texts,   to   be   precise.   ”
dennis   lets   the   question   slide   --   because   the   golden   god   is   not   taking   questions   currently.   (   surely   it’s   not   that   he   came   over   there   just   to   hang   out   and   also   because   tim   murphy   tried   throwing   sand   into   his   face.   which   he’s   going   to   get   smitten   for   on   a   later   occasion.   )   “   your   pants   are   gonna   get   all   green   if   you   sit   on   the   grass   like   that,   you   know.   it’s   not   likely   to   wash   off   later.   ”   and,   even   though   charlie   says   nothing   to   suggest   this   is   something   that   he   might   want,   dennis   still   rolls   his   eyes   a   little   and   extends   the   pack   of   cigarettes   in   his   direction.   “   there.   ”
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