gay-goro · 4 years
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I hope Ryuji knows I love him with all my heart and I also hope he forgives me for being unable to draw him or draw at all 
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gay-goro · 4 years
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elliot he has feelings for u wdydn
[ @pawzichigo ]
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gay-goro · 4 years
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Animal Crossing emote expression meme! I’ve been really obsessed with expression memes lately so i put this together. All emotion icons were retrieved from the Animal Crossing Wiki- i simply enlarged them!
As for the last emote, if you aren’t familiar with Animal Crossing you might not understand- that emote is the most important emote, AKA, the shrunk funk shuffle:
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gay-goro · 4 years
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And some more persona wholesome reaction images that were not requested but I made anyways
Feel free to use them around
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gay-goro · 4 years
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Persona wholesome reaction image requests from twitter
Feel free to use them around
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gay-goro · 4 years
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gay-goro · 5 years
@ the prompt requests: I am still taking those! It’ll take me a while to be able to finish them because of my attention span. For the anon who just sent one, you’re the third so it may take a while. Just wanted to let you know! 
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gay-goro · 5 years
Shuake/Akeshus and Goro fans, I highly suggest blocking @/destroy-trash-boys.
Please do not send them hate or try to argue, it’s clearly not worth it after scrolling through their blog. They’re homophobic, accusing all akeshus of being fujoshis (even though a lot of us, myself included as a gay man, are lgbt+ and anti-fujin.), think that just because anti-antis ship it that we’re ALL anti-antis and enjoy ab*use p*rn, and deny Goro being an abuse victim as well as saying a lot of stuff like “this character is bad an abusive but if he were a women he would be progressive.” This is just barely scratching the surface. All proof can easily be found with a slight scroll through their blog.
I genuinely cannot tell if this is a troll or not, and either way it’s best to not engage. Please take the time to block them and warn others who may be effected by running into this content or having their posts reblogged by this individual.
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gay-goro · 5 years
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gay-goro · 5 years
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gay-goro · 5 years
1. “Yeah, yeah. You’re cute. Just stop smiling at me like that.” 
2. “I love you, but please stop whatever it is that you’re doing.” 
3. “You’re so annoying. Oh my God– I love you so much.” 
5. “Listen, I enjoy this hug and all, but can you stop?”
6. “Give me a minute, I’m going to tickle the shit out of you.” 
7. “Hey, stop looking at me like that– I don’t like how cute you look.” 
8. “Please, stop smiling at me like that. I’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.” 
9. “I don’t like people, but you’re an exception.” 
10. “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.” 
11. “I crave your affection, but I crave your silence even more– shut up.” 
12. “Is this your way of subtly hinting that you want to hold my hand because it’s quite cute, but I’m not in the mood to hold your hand.” 
13. “You’re talking too much, just shut up and hold me.” 
14. “Ew. Get away from me. No– not you. You stay.” 
15. “Hi, I’ve been subtle at hinting that I want your attention all day and you haven’t noticed once and now I’m pissed.”
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gay-goro · 5 years
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Cishets are asleep post favorite queer headcanons for the vanilla kids
(Akira - Pan + Demiboy) (Ryuji - Bi + Transmasc) (Ann - Demiromantic + wlw) 
(Yusuke - Grayro + Gay + Nb) (Makoto - Lesbian + Transfem) (Futaba - Aroace + Nb )
(Haru - Ace + Grayro + wlw + Trans) (Goro - Gay + Genderqueer) (Morgana - Nyanbinary)
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gay-goro · 5 years
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[ @qualifiedpage ]
Hoo boy. 
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gay-goro · 5 years
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Because i had a really bad week and need to vent on it a bit. People keep asking me for a new expression meme sheet and here you go after all those years. You can use it or not use it as you like QwQ just pls credit me. Thanks :3
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gay-goro · 5 years
bi ryuji kinnie here ☠️✌️i love your art king i hope youre having a good day
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ToT thank you so much for taking the time to message me this Ryuji you’re so sweet!!! I hope you have a good day as well!
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gay-goro · 5 years
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Things started as a palace au in a server and it turned into gay yearning. I wanted to draw one of the ideas I got. 
I might line this one day, but I don’t really enjoy doing lineart so it’s unlikely I’ll do it for a 13-panel comic. 
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gay-goro · 5 years
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* hands you ryuji with a gun *  * hands you ryuji with a gun * * hands you ryuji with a gun * * hands you ryuji with a gun * * hands you ryuji with a gun * * hands you ryuji with a gun * * hands you ryuji with a gun * * hands you ryuji with a gun * * han
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