garbagesimp · 1 year
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garbagesimp · 2 years
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All the links to the above charities here.
Brianna Ghey's family:
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garbagesimp · 2 years
Just to make this very, very clear. Every act of referring to any form of sexuality as degenerate is nazi rhetoric. Not like “oh crypto fash dogwhistle”, no I mean actual NSDAP politics that were used to put us in concentration camps.
It doesn’t matter if you mean only kinksters or whatever. You are still using their rhetoric and to do so while claiming to advocate for us is at best severely misguided, at worst actively vile.
Do not, under any circumstance, spread the use of ideas to describe sexuality that have been coined to eradicate us.
Do not normalize the way nazis referred to us, just by picking another target. You are still empowering the people who want to put us against the wall.
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garbagesimp · 2 years
hey do you guys know about the uncomfortably horny BDSM song cut from Disney’s Aladdin
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garbagesimp · 2 years
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UBI needs to happen. via antiwork
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garbagesimp · 2 years
we only have one menu so please pass it to the next table (reblog) once you've decided.
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garbagesimp · 2 years
hey if you died right now whats your ghost outfit you cant change it be honest
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garbagesimp · 2 years
So in Rise there’s a small running gag where whenever one of his family members try to assume what Leo’s doing it cuts to him doing basically the opposite of what they’ve just said.
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Raph: Hey! Where’s Leo?
Mikey: I’m sure wherever he is, he’s trying to save us
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Raph: Leo probably talked his way straight into Big Mamma’s dungeon 
But the interesting thing about this gag is the reverse isn’t true, when Leo guesses his families actions he’s almost always correct in predicting their actions
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Leo: Look I bet the only reason we’re here right now is ‘cause Donnie inputted coordinates 
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Donnie: After inputting Shredder’s previous coordinates on the X-Y-Z and D for Donnie axis, I have calculated that this is the sight of our final resting spot
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Leo: Mikey Razzed his Tazz
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Mikey: Whip-o-Rama!
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Leo: April finally used her crane license
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April: ‘Why would you get a crane license April?’ BECAUSE THIS!
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Leo: And Raph is going to put it all together in a plan to defeat that led head with this mystic collar 
Raph: Wow Leo that’s remarkably accurate 
Leo being able to predict his families actions to a near perfect accuracy shows his skill as a strategist & potential as a leader but the fact that the reverse isn’t true, that Leo’s family CAN’T seem to predict Leo’s actions to a almost humorous degree shows that while Leo has an understanding of his family, his family fails to truly understand him.
I just can’t stop thinking about the fact that Leo knows his family far better than they know him.
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garbagesimp · 2 years
there's a difference?
Bet you leo is the type of person that doesn't know the difference between a tangerine and an orange
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garbagesimp · 2 years
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garbagesimp · 2 years
(It's mentioned repeatedly. Please be careful if it triggers you.)
After doing some stuff, I'm gonna talk about this a bit.
If you support, like, or do anything with Tcest, block me right fuckin' now.
I do not care it's fictional.
I do not care if they are brothers by blood or not.
I do not care if it's not 'problematic'.
I do not care if you think I'm overreacting.
Pull whatever excuse you fucking want, I don't give a shit. Block me. Please do me that favor and Block Me.
This doesn't only go for Tcest, oh no! If you associate with Inç3$t whatsoever, BLOCK ME.
Fiction, real life, whatever. Please feel free to press that Block button.
As a person with personal experience, it's beyond disgusting and I will not stand for it.
I've seen it with my own damn eyes and I won't deal with that shit ever again if I have to.
I don't care what you have to fuckin' say, I don't care if it's not real, or not hurting me, I truly don't give a single flying FUCK.
So please, do me a solid and press that Block button, because I won't succumb to it, I truly won't.
Seeing people ship the Turtles as if it literally isn't fucking Illegal has been my last damn straw.
I don't care anymore, I don't care how irrational I'm being, just don't fucking interact with me. I'm done.
I've been dying to make this post, to say that I despise Inç3$t and would appreciate it if no one who was indulged interacted with me, but others constantly mentioned how it was a reach.
Constantly said how it wasn't bad in fiction, how it's not real, or whatever bullshit, but I've come to realize something...
Most of those people don't fucking know how it is. Most of them haven't experienced it, or even saw it themselves. And not a single one of them has seen what I have and has had to deal with it.
So, I'm tired. I'm tired of having to tone down what I feel for others' sake when they make me uncomfortable.
So, if you indulge in Inç3$t in anything, hell even in Starwars, you can kindly fuck off so I never see you again.
Thank you, this has been me!
Begone with your disgusting bullshit.
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garbagesimp · 2 years
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garbagesimp · 2 years
So, I’ve been pulled over a few times in my life. Not many, but a few. And I’ve also been in a couple of cars that got pulled over. And let me tell you, if you were actually doing something wrong, the officer doesn’t make any small talk, just straight into “I clocked you doing 70 in a 55.” The only time I’ve ever gotten the “do you know why I pulled you over?” was the time when I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and I got let go even though he insisted to the end that I was doing 87 in a 70 (white privilege at work).
“Do you know why I pulled you over?” is a trap. It means there’s a good chance the officer doesn’t actually have a good reason to ticket you, and is trying to get you to waive your 5th Amendment rights and incriminate yourself. If you make a guess, that’s a confession of guilt.
But there’s another trap, that I’ve heard of but haven’t yet experienced. It’s “do you know how fast you were going?” With that one, they’re hoping you’ll say no, because then they can name whatever speed they want – you just said you didn’t know how fast you were going, if you deny the speed they name then you’re lying to them.
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garbagesimp · 2 years
You are. SO so pretty.
Oh mi gosh.
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garbagesimp · 2 years
Cheater cheater ice-cream eater >:(
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garbagesimp · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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garbagesimp · 2 years
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this did insanely well on twt for some reason so here, this can be my first post on here too hello everyone
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