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You: Ameila F Jones was in a word bright. Intelligent and personable, she was a hurricane to be reckoned with. They say that the younger sibling lives in the shadow of their elder sibling, but that was absolutely untrue! Matthew lived in her shadow, not the other way around! He was kinda a dummy and painfully shy but that is what she loved best about him. She got all the attention she wanted and he was left in her dust, watching her from afar. And yet... Being in the limelight had it's drawbacks. 'A nervous breakdown' Mr. Edogawa had called it. What she called it was fucking useless. Heroes didn't have nervous breakdowns, they were invincible! After the second one, her parents became worried. After the third, they tried to get her on drugs. She flushed them down the toilet the same day. After the fourth they threw up their hands and let her do as she wished. Yeah, it was hard being in the limelight. She had to be perfect: perfect hair, teeth, makeup, nails, outfit, grades, boyfriend, after school activities, weight... She could handle it. But her parents insisted she go to an elite school and here she was, staring down the door to her dorm. There was supposed to be another person in there. Hopefully they weren’t a total bitch and wouldn't mind the occasional bouts of binge eating. Amelia F Jones put on her biggest and best smile. So what if it was forced? Everyone put on masks. Hers just happened to be a smile. The American threw open the door and yelled at the top of her lungs that wouldn't make her sound screechy, "Hello roommate! I'm Amelia F. Jones, hero!" She struck a pose and waited for a response.
Stranger: Alice Kirkland was bright, but you had to be to be in this elite school. Everyone here was intelligent, but everyone also had different talents. Amelia had being personable, while Alice had her solitude of music, the violin to be honest. Other's had different talents as well, not limited to dance, cooking, sports, etc, so it honestly did take a lot more than intelligence to set one apart from the crowd. Alice had the room neat and organized, not a thing of hers strayed onto the empty side of the room, where the new roommate was supposed to sleep. She expected the roommate to come today, but... Definitely hadn't expected her to be so loud. Alice glared as the woman seemed to have no shame as she burst in. When the other struck a pose and finished yelling, Alice scoffed, looking back to her work. "Hero? I bet you haven't done anything to help those in need," she said cynically, "Especially with a voice like that. Try not to be so loud at night, will you? I'd rather our room not get written up because you don't know how to come in with a decently volumed voice." Alice was already pointing out the flaws of Amelia, Alice's competitive side already showing and trying to poke holes in even her roommate. Perhaps this is why Alice didn't have many friends.
You: Amelia tried not to hyperventilate. She had already struck a wrong chord with her new roomie and damnit she was right. Mostly. "I too have helped! Volunteer every Saturday and Sunday at the local homeless shelter back home, and I intend to find another one to volunteer at too!" The American had to keep the bile between her teeth, so she turned her anxiety into attacks and hit right back. "It isn't night now, so I can be as loud as I want!" And with that, Amelia came in and shut- how she wanted to slam it just to irk the new girl- the door. With a huff, her suitcase came up onto the unoccupied bed. Clothes, an extra pair of shoes, a make up bag, a toiletry bag, and a laptop bag all got pulled out and tucked away neatly, though she did at first open a drawer to see the girl's things. Whoops. Wrong bureau.
Stranger: "Ah. A bit of community service then," Alice said in a monotonous voice, as if unimpressed. "You're like the rest of us, then, fulfilling community service in order to seem like good little girls and boys," she mocked, clicking and typing a few things into her laptop for her homework, glancing up only to make sure the girl was going to her own side of the room. "Keep in mind that some people are trying to do their homework at a time like this, /princess/. If you really are a hero, you'd have remembered something as simple as that," she mocked, using the word princess as the connotation of completely spoiled brat. When she heard a drawer open, she noticed how it was her own drawer, rather than the empty one. "I wouldn't think it so hard to figure out which one is supposed to be yours. Let me give you a hint. It's he one without my stuff near or on top of it," she explained flatly, mocking the other's intelligence.
You: Amelia stashed away the rest of her things with the 'snap' of a drawer closing, not knowing whither or not to scream at the girl, cry, or throw up. Maybe some combination of all three. She was fucking up. She shouldn't fuck up. /Heroes/ don't fuck up. She was right, she wasn't a hero- "Honest mistake, /princess,/" she snarled back. "I dunno. I couldn't tell all this junk was yours. I thought some slovenly boy left it here from last semester." Attack. Attack with all your might. This girl was going to make her an enemy? So be it. The once bouncy girl turned with death in her eyes, her jawline stubborn and a faint curl of her lip. One glance was all she needed to know. "Come to think of it, are you cross dressing or are you trans? Not that I mind either way. I just want to know where you got that cheap wig from."
Stranger: Alice topped her work and glared at the screen, trying to keep from letting the other really see her face and how much such words effected her. "I suppose you can't appreciate the finer things, if you call my things junk. Of course, a pauper wouldn't know the worth of anything," she countered in return, trying to get the other riled up as well. Of course, as soon as the other had asked if she was cross dressing, Alice immediately glared at the new female. All of this was Alice's natural hair, and she took a bit of pride in the fact that it had managed to grow so long. She looked at the other up and down. "How much did your plastic surgery cost? I'm sure all of your money went to that, rather than to things of higher worth, Miss Fake," she countered in spite, homework forgotten about as she focused her mind and energy to being above the girl in front of her.
You: "You can't fake these muscles, love." Now she was slipping into a fake accent. How she knew people who actually had those accents hated them. That's why she was using one now. She curled her hand into a fist and flexed a very healthy set of muscles. "You wanna know what all of my money went to? This is the fruits of my labor, not because any doctor took a scalpel to me!" Though she would never admit it, she had seriously considered going under the knife for a larger ass and breast size. Eventually the thought was discarded when the guys lined up in droves for her body. Not that she was putting out. She wasn't a slut. Any guy that mistook her learned that the hard way. "And you're calling me a pauper? When did your grandmother gift you her dresses huh? Before or after you were indoctrinated against women voting? Or was that before King Edward took the throne? It doesn't matter which one, though. They all probably were the same person."
Stranger: "Oh muscles. A pauper does have to do so much manual labor, isn't that right?" she continued out of spite, trying not to listen to the other, but when so enraged, it was hard to hear anything else. "My bad, your money must have gone to paying for those skimpy outfits of yours? Probably shag any man that passes you on the pavement, isn't that right?" she taunted. Alice knew all of these things she was saying to the other wasn't true, but she was too enraged from the other mocking her to care, Alice's fists balled up and tight at this point. "I'll have you know that this is how a proper lady dresses," she started, before trying a fake accent of her own, attempting to irk the other in return, "Not like a common whore waitin' on the sidewalk for just anyone, shoutin' yehaw, to everyone that passes by!"
You: "I do /not/ have sex with anyone, Your Majesty." Tears. Tears were definitely forming in her eyes, but she tried to keep them down to stimulate the proper rage needed to get this harridan out of her life. "I need a man who can keep up with me, not the other way around. Or you know, girl. Whatever. I'm not picky about the gender of the person I'm dating." She shrugged and then grinned. Oh, how that must offend her delicate sensibilities! "If you weren't such a bitch, I might even consider taking you out on a date. But no, you have to be prim and proper and an utter prude, so I shouldn't even bother trying." She went back to her suitcase to zip it up and shove it under her bed.
Stranger: "Oh don't worry. I won't tell anyone, love~ Those hundreds of men you've taken in you are a secret between you and me," she mocked, not exactly seeing the water in the other's eyes yet, unable to see too much past her own misty eyes. "Takes a bigger bitch to know one," Alice countered in return. "Besides, who would ever want to date someone so loud, oblivious, and as simple as you? Someone who doesn't appreciate what good mannerisms can do for a person and would rather quit before even trying. Tell me, how did you even get into this school? It must have been a struggle, but those singles you've got must have said something to the enrollment committee," she said, referring to cheap one night stands she pretended the other must have had.
You: That was it. Amelia went over to the girl sitting on the bed and slapped her in the face. The tears were rolling down now, but the snarl was mucking up the perfect lines. "Insult me all you want. Call me a whore, say that I paid for my body I don't care. But don't you /ever/ question that I didn't get in here with nothing but a /spotless/ record and /flawless/ test results." She had cried herself to sleep every night for three weeks straight because of that test. "The next time you do, it won't be open handed." And with that, Amelia made her way to the door, planning on getting some 'fresh air' and finding the first good hiding spot to cry of the semester.
Stranger: Alice wasn't expecting the slap, her face turned by the force and surprise, a red mark already being left on her cheeks as her eyes widened. She could only listen and see the other's tears run down, Alice's rage immediately forgotten. Before Alice knew it, the other was already at the door, and by the time Alice had managed to try to say something, her roommate was gone. "Damn... I went too far..." she muttered to herself, hand on her stinging cheek, before looking at the vanity. Alice really had insulted the other too much, even if the other had said insults back to her. Besides... Maybe the other's insults were right? Alice's hair, while long, wasn't exactly silky smooth or shimmering, and her breasts weren't exactly big enough to let other's know for sure that she was a woman... And her clothes were quite modest... Did the other, perhaps, have a point? Alice's insults were all just made up, but Amelia's insults had some truth in them at least... "I really did go too far..." Alice said to herself, picking up paper and a pen. No doubt the other wouldn't want to speak to her, but Alice could at least write an apology letter and leave it on the other's desk. It was easier than stating an apology outright anyway.
You: Amelia's steps were wobbly but sure. Her shoulders were hunched, her chin in her chest and the deepest frown lines imaginable. Eventually she saw a bush big enough for her to step into and she cried. She tried not to make a sound as she did so, hating every little hiccup that escaped from her lips.God, she was right. She was a whore and a slut and why did she never give into those men that looked at her like a piece of meat? It was easy to flirt with them, easier to persuade them to kiss her. How wasy would it e for them to have sex with her? Most claimed that they did it anyway, even if that wasn't the case. God, she was homesick. Matthew would make this all right. Matthew would soothe away the ache in her heart. How she wanted to eat her feelings, but she had a feeling that if she had so much as veggie broth, it would all come right back up.
A phone, forlorn and forgotten, hanging with charms buzzed on Amelia's bed. The screen flashed up 'Mattie ♪♥♫' and a French song came to life as her elder brother tried to call his baby sister to see how her first day of school was.
Stranger: Alice listened as the phone went off, a small frown on her face as the other had left the phone there. Surely, Alice didn't answer the phone, not one to pry into matters of others, especially when prying into this call would mean prying into something private with someone already angry. She allowed the phone to ring, ignoring it for the time being, and finishing the note, reading over the delicate letters in hopes that the words would at least convey what she wanted to say, without Alice saying it outright. She put the note underneath the other's buzzing phone, hoping that both the phone and the note would catch Amelia's attention when she came back. She then looked back at her own reflection. "I-I don't look that flat, do I?" she asked herself, trying to cheer herself up. Of course, that didn't work, these flaws being shown to her making her unable to see that she was fine as she was. First, she changed her clothes into a small black dress she usually reserved for when she wanted to look seductive for any reason, then grabbed bathroom tissues and started to stuff her bra. T-That looked better, right? This would make her feel better, right? Oh who was Alice kidding, this sort of dress didn't suit her, the lumps of the crumpled bath tissue easily noticeable. She took out the clumps, changed back into normal clothing, before seeing that Amelia still wasn't back. Maybe her roommate got lost? It would be Alice's fault for causing her to leave so abruptly. Unable to hold that sort of guilt, Alice took the room key and her phone, leaving the dorm in an effort to search for the roommate. "Jones! Jones it's starting to get late. I-I'm not going to be the one held accountable if you're out all night!" she called out, trying to find the other. "Jones someone called your mobile," she tried, unsure of even where to search, just trying some way and hoping to make a big loop and maybe find the girl.
You: The American stuffed her fist in her mouth and bit down hard. She was sure there was blood coming from the wound now, but she didn't care. The girl was back. Back to taunt her more. The call was a lie, a way for her to be lured out, She would not be lured out by that horrid girl. She didn't care if she stayed out here all night, she was worthless anyway. A pauper, who couldn't even rely on herself to get money. Any acts of charity she did were meaningless. She was meaningless. Less than dirt. Less than some stones in the dirt. At least they were useful. She was useless in every sense of the word. She didn't realize she was makinga low keening sound as the panic attack came in full force with this bout of crippling self doubt. She was going to fail. She was going to fail and be kicked out and Matthew wouldn't love her any more and her parents wouldn't love her any more and she would be kicked out on the street-
Stranger: Alice didn't miss these keening sounds coming from a...bush? Immediately, Alice went to investigate, forgetting all the things her mother had said about not playing in the bushes in order to see what, or who, was in there. She pushed aside enough of the leaves and branches to see that the thing inside was her roommate, and Alice let out an involuntary sigh of relief. At least, she wouldn't be marked against for having a roommate that decided not to sleep in their room. "Jones... What... What are you doing here?" she asked softly, seeing the other with the wound and the tear stained face. "Someone.... Someone called your phone.... Y-You ought to answer it, and clean up that wound," she tried. Obviously, the other wouldn't want someone like Alice still there. "I'm heading out to... to study with a friend," she lied. "I-I'll be gone for a while, so you ought to call that person back, Matthew I think the name said..." she tried, extending a hand to help the other out of the bush.
You: Matthew? That name shook her out of whatever crisis she was having, Matthew... Matthew still loved her. Matthew still loved her and thank god he did.Oh fuck it, she had left her blanket at home. She hadn't thought she needed it. Amelia pulled the spit, snot and blood covered hand from her mouth, wrapping the other arm around Alice's shoulders and pulling her in close. She wasn't Matthew, but she was the closest thing to him and his magic blankie. Matthew tried to call her. Matthew still loved her. Fuck everything else. She was shaking, she could feel herself shake but she was too worn out to care. She looked like a fugly mess but she could give two shits less about that. She was probably ruining the other's clothes. She would pay to get them dry cleaned later. For now, she needed a warm body and someone who wouldn't look at her for a while. The mask that she had worn when she first got here was ripped off. For now.
Stranger: Alice was surprised when the other's hand by passed her own, wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her in. Alice, honestly, had no clue what was going on, why the other was pulling close someone who had just so badly insulted her before. Should she say something? But, everything she wanted to say was in that letter, and Alice knew if she spoke now, she's probably say something wrong. For now, Alice just wrapped her arms around the other's back, rubbing soothingly, hoping to calm Amelia down and cease the other's shakings. After all, the sooner the other calmed down, the sooner Amelia would probably come out of the bush and go back to the dorm to see what this mystery person wanted. She lightly shushed the other, as a mother would to a distressed child, hoping it would at least comfort and help the fellow female.
You: Eventually- longer than Amelia liked, shorter than it would have been had Alice not been there to comfort her- she pulled away and rubbed at her eyes, which were all red and puffy. The world was blurry. Had she lost her contacts? Good thing she kept three spares of them, and knew how to get more. Her eyes hurt, so maybe contacts weren't the best thing. Her glasses probably would be fine for a short while. No one could know about them though. Not even the English woman. ".... Sorry..." she said at last. "G-go. You have t-to-o..." it was hard talking without doing those shuddery kinda sobs. 'Sup sups' her mom used to call them. "stu-udy with a-a frie-end, right?" She grinned weakly and threw up a peace sign. "I'll be-e fi-ine..." Well, she would. Eventually. Longer than Amelia would like. Shorter than it would be, should Alice be there.
Stranger: Alice saw the other's red and puffy eyes, feeling incredibly guilty to be the one to cause such a reaction from the other. She listened to the hiccups the other held in her voice. She wasn't sure if she should leave the other alone, considering the other had pulled her close and hugged her for a rather long while. Should Alice really leave, was the other really going to be alright. "I-I can hold off on studying. I-I was going early, but... but if you need me to..." she started, not exactly knowing what to say, how to fix this lie of hers. "A-At least let me take you back to the dorm. You might have accidentally left your key in the room," she offered, not exactly wanting to leave the other alone yet. At least, not until the other was talking to that Matthew person and feelings better. He gently pulled the other up out of the bushes, at least letting the other know that she shouldn't stay in there.
You: She got out of the bushes, her back and thighs hurting, her stomach in knots and her hand all but killing her. Did she really bite down that hard on it? "Tha-anks..." she murmured before letting out a single, short laugh. It was hard to tell whither it was in amazement or something else. "I do-on't eve-en kno-ow your na-a-ame..." It just felt wrong somehow to ask and then there was the fight... Honestly, she was hoping that the girl would have said her name right off the bat like Amelia did. If she had, then the fight probably would never have happened and they would probably be bonding over something. Clothes or literature or homework or something. There had to be some common thread between them. There just had to be. There was no way that there wasn't and if there really wasn't, then Amelia was going to force one between them.
Stranger: Alice was curious on the laugh, wondering why the other had managed to laugh after being so distraught before. Upon hearing the other's reasoning, Alice could see why someone would give a short laugh over it. "Alice... Alice Kirkland," she responded. Really, she should have given her own name to begin with, but she had been so annoyed right off the bat that it slipped from her mind. She took the other's good hand, starting to lead her back to the building, back to the room they both shared, glad that no one was out and about right now to see this sort of sight. She unlocked and opened the door, glancing at the crumpled tissue papers she left on her desk, and the note underneath the phone that had managed to move a bit due to it's ringing. "I'm sure you ought to call that person back. They seem important to you." she said, only inferring from the fact that the other's name had fun symbols next to it.
You: Amelia nodded and smiled tiredly at the name. That was a nice name. She grinned with even more conviction as she shook the hand, being led back to the dorm. She jumped as the phone rang again. She frowned and crossed over to it, whistling lowly. 23 missed calls. 10 voice mails. 33 texts. Matthew was NOT going to be happy about this. She cleared her throat and did a small scale to make sure she wasn't sup suping any more. "Test test, one two three. Nothing? Okay, time to lie through my teeth to my brother!" The counter of missed calls went to 24 and the number of voice mails went to 11. The call came in again and this time she answered it, sounding like the Amelia that had come bursting through the door not but two hours ago. "Hé grand frère. Qu'est-ce secoue?"
Stranger: Alice watched in amazement how quickly the other had been able to lie and seem so bubbly once more, dumbfounded by how one could so easily pretend as if the past two hours hadn't happened to someone that wasn't there. She was also surprised at the French the other knew, staying planted in her spot near the door as she watched this entire scene unfold, how she seemed to not be distressed or have a bad thought on the phone, how the phone even continued to ring for so long, considering how long they had been outside of the dorm hugging for Amelia's sake.
You: She slipped in between English and French as easily as someone might switch between chopsticks and a fork. She huffed and pouted at whoever was on the other line. "Look, I'm /sorry/ that I didn't answer right away! I was kinda busy. Vérification de la scène, bien sûr! Tu dis toujours-" she stopped and rolled her eyes at the other on the phone. "'Better safe than sorry,'" she echoed, "I /know./ Why do you think that I was doing it in the first place? Hell, the only reason why I could get in to the dorm was cus my roommate came back from having dinner!" She paused, turning to Alice and frowning pensively. "Je ne sais pas. Elle est un peu comme maman. Bouché, fier, mais ... bon." Speaking of Mom...! "Hey, does Mom have any stuff she doesn't want any more? Anything that she thought was 'stuffy' and 'prudish?' You think that she'd send it over?"
Stranger: Alice frowned as the other kept switching between English and French. Was there really a reason to switch back and forth when she was only talking to one person? Wouldn't it just be easier speaking one language over the other? She watched the other's facial expression, before the other turned to her, frowning. To this, Alice frowned in return, unsure really of what the two were talking about. She did learn a bit of French, not enough to speak it, or know every single word, but enough to at least try to understand a bit more of the conversation than just the English part of it. She frowned as the other asked for stuffy and prudish clothing. Wasn't that the clothing that Amelia had just been condescending Alice for? Why would she want her mother to send over clothing like that. Considering Alice really didn't have anywhere to go, she decided to try to busy herself with the work on the laptop once more, slightly listening to the conversation, but trying not to let it get to her.
You: "Awesome! Yeah, maman always had great taste in clothing. Well, she /does/ but I don't think she'd look good in anything slinky or sexy or well... /me./ Elle a du potentiel en elle. J'ai juste besoin de taquiner dehors. Honnêtement, je pensais qu'elle était un gars pour une seconde!" She laughed and sighed in contentment. "It's good to hear from you, big bro. Even though I worried you to death." She smiled as if lovestruck before nodding. "Oh and uh... Pourriez-vous également maman de m'envoyer sur mon contrôleur 360? Il me semble avoir quitt��." She had to pull the phone back from her ear as a dismayed male wail was heard over the line. "Je suis désolé, je suis désolé! J'ai pensé que j'ai fait, mais je ne l'ai pas! Je ne suis qu'un homme vous savez, gros, muet, soudage à la baguette secousse!"
Stranger: Alice looked curiously at the other female, wondering just what the brother might be saying on the other side of the line to give her more insight and detail into the conversation, before shaking her head and blocking some of it out. Well, she was at least able to hear the wail coming from the other line, the female in her room saying she was sorry. Alice continued to type, blocking out the rest of the conversation so she could focus. It wasn't polite to eavesdrop, after all, and she'd rather not be the one to look when the other were to see her apology note, the words stating that what Alice had said was just a lie, that Alice didn't have much against Amelia so she had to lie about this and that.
You: "Alright, alright. Love you too. Goodnight." She made kissy noises over the phone and sank into the chair, sighing heavily. God, this thing was so fucking hard. Almost like a boy's dick. The note had caught her eye. "Hmm? This yours?" Then why was it addressed to her? This was interesting... unfortunately, she wouldn't be able to read it because the contacts had fallen out! She shook her hand and sighed. She stood up and went to her drawer- yes it was /her/ drawer this time- and pulled out the toiletries. Yep, there was the contact compartment. She pulled one out and palmed it. "Brb, bathroom~" she called out to no one as she did exactly as she said she would do and went into the bathroom to put in her contacts.
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