Light is brightest in the night
918 posts
💫 level 35 🐉
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
galaxystardragoness · 1 month ago
Applications OPEN!
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Applications are open until 6th February 2025 11:59 PM KST! If you wish to apply, please refer to Rules + Requirements! Before filling out the form, please like and reblog this.
Apply Here
Acceptance notices will go out on 8th February 2025!
Please note: As we only accept legal members (18+), please don't lie about your age. The admins hold the right to deny acceptance to any applicant!
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galaxystardragoness · 3 months ago
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The smell of espresso and the sound of pages turning greet you as you enter the cafe. The tinkling of the bell against the door is light and musical as it shuts behind you, blocking the chill of the wind outside. Sitting around the cafe in comfortable and cushy armchairs and sofas are patrons from various backgrounds. Some are holding books while some sit with sketchbooks or tablets. Art adorns the walls not dominated by bookshelves. The entire atmosphere is overall cozy and welcoming.
KeopiHaus welcomes the following patrons to our establishment:
@binniebeams @mint-yooxgi @kpop-stories-21 @pocketjoong @shadowkoo
@galaxystardragoness @wooyoungqueen @c-oupsie @heechwe @cheolism
@yoonguurt @cybrsan @hee0soo
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As patrons of KeopiHaus, please remember to:
✧ Reblog this acceptance post. ✧ Add KeopiHaus to your network’s list. ✧ Join the discord server via your acceptance message. This is mandatory. ✧ Use the #keopihausnet tag for your fics** ✧ Inform us of any changes to your blog including but not limited to:    • url/name changes    • temporary, indefinite, or permanent hiatuses    • membership status
Welcome to KeopiHaus!
** While using the network tag is the preferred method of getting your fics into the queue, we also encourage you to use the queue drop channel in the server to be certain that your fic gets seen.
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galaxystardragoness · 3 months ago
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✧ Follow the network tumblr ✧ Must be 21+ ✧ Writers and graphics makers are encouraged to join! ✧ Read the rules in their entirety here. Any questions you may have after reading, please DM an admin! ✧ Like and reblog this requirement post. We will be checking! ✧ Fill out the application only after reading the rules! * Active blogs are not mandatory but highly encouraged. This is a community first and foremost. We understand life happens and we aren’t going to be super strict about this just keep us informed of your active status so we can keep a record of that.
After Acceptance
Acceptance messages will go out through DMs of the blog you used to apply so please make sure you can receive messages there! Once you have received your acceptance message:  ✧ like and reblog the official acceptance notice ✧ display a link for the network somewhere in your bio, pinned post, or masterlist ✧ then you are free to start using the network tag #keopihausnet in the first 10 tags.  ✧ Join the discord server via the link in your DMs. These links expire after a week so be sure to join before then or you will need a new link to join. Membership in the server is mandatory. If you do not join the server, your membership in the network will be revoked. * To ensure we see your works, you are highly encouraged to drop links to your content in the queue channels in the discord server.
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galaxystardragoness · 4 months ago
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As you flip through the pages of the large book sitting in front of you, you notice some names written out in silvery lines.
Please welcome our newest members,
@galaxystardragoness @baekhyyun @mint-yooxgi @featseungmin 💎
Please remember to:
Reblog this acceptance post to become a fully fledged member Follow our net to be on the loop of upcoming events and updates Use the tag #lapydiariesnet in content you would like reblogged State the network somewhere on your blog and make sure it's visible for all. Make sure you fully understand the rules Join the discord server— be sure to have your dm's open. If you have not yet received the link or invite, let one of the admins know Have fun! Thank you for joining us, geodes 💎
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galaxystardragoness · 5 months ago
Gunsmoke and Leather | Collab Masterpost
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Paring: ATEEZ x Reader
Summary: Eight online friends meet in person for the first time and plan to have a wild weekend. However, things quickly go awry when they are kidnapped by a notorious biker gang. Hilarity, misadventures, and perhaps even feelings ensue.
A/N: This is a collab between myself and seven other members of @cultofdionysusnet . It stemmed from a dream I had (as most of my ideas do) and I thought it would be fun to make a collab out of it. Also, this is my first time hosting a collab, so I'm extra excited!! The deadline for this collab is the end of the year, so make sure you check back often to see when a new entry is posted.
WARNING: All stories in this collab will be 18+, so minors please DO NOT INTERACT with any of the stories listed below
MDNI banner courtesy of @cafekitsune || Collab banner made by me
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0. Prologue - written by @mint-yooxgi || Read how it began here
1. Title Incoming - written by @pyeonghongrie || Read Aries & Hongjoong's story here
2. Title Incoming - written by @sanjoongie || Read Nix & Seonghwa's story here
3. Title Incoming - written by @nebulousbrainsoup || Read Eris & Wooyoung's story here
4. Smoke and Guns - written by @kpop-stories-21 || Read Elara & Mingi's story here
5. Depths of Chaos - written by @galaxystardragoness || Read Rhea & Jongho's story here
6. Title Incoming - written by @anyamaris || Read Aurora & Yeosang's story here
7. Title Incoming - written by @mint-yooxgi || Read Calypso & Yunho's story here
8. Title Incoming - written by @yoonguurt || Read Larissa & San's story here
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galaxystardragoness · 5 months ago
Update!! I have my old account back after four days!! So if we were friends on the old account and they hurt you. I do apologize and appreciate you guys! You are welcome to add both accounts if you'd like!
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galaxystardragoness · 5 months ago
Update: My old discord (if we are friends) was hacked and now is used as a phishing account. Please do block, troll, and ignore as it's not me. Thank you
Hello. I wanted to update. First off thank you for all the new and peeps who have stuck around. Second, I am livid because I was banned or hacked on discord because I was falsely reported for phishing. You'll find me here and will write again. Thank you for understanding and I hope this gets resolved.
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galaxystardragoness · 5 months ago
Hello. I wanted to update. First off thank you for all the new and peeps who have stuck around. Second, I am livid because I was banned or hacked on discord because I was falsely reported for phishing. You'll find me here and will write again. Thank you for understanding and I hope this gets resolved.
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galaxystardragoness · 5 months ago
Gunsmoke & Leather Prologue
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Biker!AU - Part of the Gunsmoke & Leather Collab - With @kpop-stories-21 @anyamaris @pyeonghongrie @sanjoongie
@nebulousbrainsoup @stardragongalaxy and @yoonguurt
Genre: Mature, Angst, Fluff, Humour, Non-idol!AU
Pairing: Ateez X Reader - Prologue in Third Person, individual parts to follow
Words: 1,480
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Warnings: Allusion to kidnapping and supernatural occurrences. Mature themes.
A/n: *Insert laughing lizard gif here* As always feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
Summary: Eight online friends meet in person for the first time and plan to have a wild weekend. However, things quickly go awry when they are kidnapped by a notorious biker gang. Hilarity, misadventures, and perhaps even feelings ensue.
Stars twinkle in the night sky above, the light of the full moon illuminating the pavement as an old microbus makes its was through the city. Peals of laughter can be heard from within, a chorus of eight voices shouting along to lyrics they all know by heart. Every so often, a streetlamp provides insight to wide smiles stretched across bright faces, most dancing in their seats or shaking their other friends lightly in excitement.
This trip was meticulously planned. Simply getting everyone’s schedules to line up was a pain, but as luck would have it, an opening seemed to appear for them all. Furious calls were made and messages sent to arrange the perfect getaway for these eight friends, excitement lingering in every voice to finally be able to spend some time with each other.
What better way to spend some quality time with friends than on a road trip?
Thus, a microbus was rented, bags were packed, and the meeting point was set. All that is left to do is make it to their hotel for the night, and pick right back up where they left off tomorrow.
“I still can’t believe you convinced that guy in the chicken costume to take a picture with us.” A large grin stretches across Elara’s features as all heads turn to look at Aurora.
“And it made for a good memory!” She beams, pulling out her phone to begin swiping through the photos. “Look how happy we all are!”
“The photos did come out really nice.” Larissa hums, reaching forward to grab Aurora’s phone.
“Look at our faces!” Nix cackles, swiping the phone and zooming in on the picture. “Caly and Aries are giving the chicken man the worst side eye imaginable.” 
“Any man who says ‘let’s cock-a-doodle-doo this’ deserves to get the side eyes of death.” Aries replies bluntly, leaning back in his seat to get more comfortable.
“Fair enough,” Rhea laughs, patting the taller male on his shoulder. “What’s your reasoning Caly?”
All heads turn to the woman in the driver’s seat who has been quiet this whole time. A slight frown mars her brows, eyes flicking between the dashboard and the road ahead.
“Caly?” Eris tilts her head in concern, noting how her friend’s lips purse in worry. “What’s wrong?”
A few glances are shared around the vehicle, each friend sitting forward in anticipation.
“Calypso?” Aurora leans forward in the passenger seat, making sure her face is in view of her friend’s peripheral.
“Sorry guys, the check engine light came on about five minutes ago and it hasn’t seemed to want to turn off.” Caly finally responds, noting a small parking lot about a block away. “I’m just going to pull in here and make sure it’s nothing serious-“
Almost as soon as those words escape her mouth, grey smoke begins to billow out from the engine.
“Oh shit, something is definitely wrong!” Nix’s eyes widen as they pull into the empty parking lot.
The moment the vehicle comes to a stop, it lets out a loud rumbling groan. A few clicks can be heard before the microbus shuts off, more smoke rising from the engine.
“Well, that’s not good.” Rhea blinks, unbuckling their seatbelt and opening the side door.
It takes about a minute for all eight passengers to exit the vehicle, a few of them circling the microbus. Phones come out, flashlights turned on to inspect the surrounding area.
“Good thing we got insurance.” Aries sighs, popping the hood.
Slowly, the smoke seems to be dissipating, all eight friends crowding around the front of the vehicle.
“We were almost out of the city, too.” Elara sighs, looking briefly off in the distance.
“We still had an hour to go before we reached the hotel, though.” Eris comments, checking the map on her phone.
“We shouldn’t drive it any further tonight.” Caly sighs, pulling up a contact on her phone. “I’ll call a tow.”
Fifteen minutes later, and some mumbled complaints from friends, a tow is called.
“They said they should be here in about an hour, so we’ve got some time to kill.” Caly says, tucking her phone into her back pocket.
“What are we supposed to do for an hour?” Larissa frowns, letting out a soft exhale. Her foot begins to tap rhythmically on the ground.
“Maybe there’s something around here still open that we can check out?” Aurora suggests.
“What would still be open at this hour?” Crossing her arms over her chest, Nix huffs.
“Well, it looks like there’s a bar across the street…” Rhea points out.
All heads turn to see a faint neon sign, a few windows with a dull light illuminating the inside. The place seems pretty busy, too.
“Thank goodness,” Larissa already begins hustling across the street. “I have to pee.”
The others follow closely behind, a few chuckling affectionately at their friend.
“I could use a drink.” Nix hums, Aurora happily agreeing.
“Maybe we can order some food while we wait?” Elara suggests, the others nodding along with her words.
Aries holds the door open for all of them, and as they all step inside, it’s as if a small electric shock travels through their bodies. Sounds seems to muffle for the moment as the atmosphere surrounds them. Spines straighten and brows furrow, a few shuffling from foot to foot once they notice just how crowded the bar is.
“Did anyone else feel that?” Eris’ hushed whisper gets ignored as the hustle and bustle of the bar assaults their ears suddenly in full force.
Larissa is the first to seemingly snap out of her daze, blinking a few times before marching through the crowd and towards the sign labelled ‘bathroom’. Little does she notice the eyes that follow her every move.
Shortly after, Aurora, Nix, and Elara all begin to weave through the crowd and towards the bar. Soft chatter is heard all around, yet the three girls all manage to hear each other for the moment, discussing what drinks they should get.
“I wonder what food they have here…” Elara mumbles, sidling up to the bar.
Unbeknownst to them, three sets of eyes track their every movement, a male drifting towards each individual almost subconsciously.
“Maybe we should grab a table?” Rhea suggests lightly.
Nods are shared by the remaining friends, searching through the crowd for an open space to fit all eight.
“There.” Aries flicks his head to a table in the corner by the front windows.
Wordlessly, all four of them walk over, sliding into the rounded booth to wait for their friend’s return.
Every few minutes, Calypso keeps checking her phone. A worried frown tugs at her features, and she keeps glancing out the window towards that parking lot across the street.
“I’m gonna go wait by the car,” she says, sliding out of the booth a moment later. “You know, just in case the tow comes early, or something. I don’t want to miss their call. Plus, it’s a little too loud in here.”
“I’ll come with you!” Rhea hops out of the booth. “Maybe there’s another place open we can check out.”
“Sounds good.” Aries hums, casually resting his one arm across the back of the booth while Eris scopes out the place.
With a final wave, Caly and Rhea part from their friends, heading back out the door they had just walked in only minutes before.
Two males behind the counter share a look.
A few minutes pass by, Eris continuously glancing over towards the bar to keep an eye on her friends. Though, with the amount of people weaving between tables and lingering about, it’s getting harder and harder to spot her friends. In fact, she’s already lost visual on Elara and Aurora. Luckily, Nix seems to still be in plain sight.
“Issie is sure taking a long time in the bathroom.” Eris comments, worrying her bottom lip. “I can’t see Lara or Rora, either.”
“I’m sure they’re fine.” Aries hums, glancing out the window to see Caly across the street leaning against the car, and Rhea heading down the street. He turns his attention back to the bar, having felt eyes on him. “I can see them right now.”
“Alright,” Eris replies, a vary tone to her voice. “But I’m going to go check on Issie.”
All Eris receives from the taller male is a nod in response. Carefully, she slips out of the booth, heading in the same direction Larissa did only minutes before.
A pair of eyes follow her through the crowd, yet she is none the wiser. A pair of eyes which glance around the room, flashing briefly as they lock with several other sets that all seem to share the same thought.
Eight subtle nods are given, and eight friends are soon separated, never to see each other that night again.
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galaxystardragoness · 6 months ago
Thank you, @abiaswreck , as I adore these!! I need to do more and find the time.
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like a child loves the rain
you need to be loved in happiness and foolishness. a puppy love, a love so purely good, so full of happiness it makes your stomach ache. you need to be loved in a way that reminds you of the childhood you didn’t get to have. you need to be loved as if you’re feeling the rain fall upon your cheeks for the first time. refreshing, and clean.
I am tearing up at the call out because it hits the heart.
I'm tagging @sanjoongie @kitten4sannie @whatudowhennooneseesyou @kwanisms @yoonguurt @drunk-on-hwa @jay-scenarios and anyone else who sees this!
Your ult bias + How you need to be loved
Thanks for the tag @svintsandghosts. These are always fun.
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Like the burn marks on my hands
“You need to be loved gently, taken care of. You need to let yourself be taken care of. You deserve the kindness. You deserve to have fingertips pressed to yours, you deserve soft smiles and quiet laughs. You need to be kissed in the middle of the night, you need to be told it’s okay. You’re used to aggressive love, you need it gently.”
Feeling a little called out but here we are. Tagging for fun, no pressure: @mmoonriseflowerr, @lee--felix, @stardragongalaxy, @tandiaries, @ughbehavior, @ceebee97, @haenglixie, @compersian, @decaffedthoughts, @sorikkung + anyone that wants to do it.
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galaxystardragoness · 6 months ago
fanfic writers are so fucking awesome in the sense that they can take one single scene, that lasts less than a minute, from the source material and turn that one single scene into a 40k word long fic with depth, feels, character study and development and create a whole storyline out of that one single canonical moment.
fanfic writers are so fucking awesome in the sense that they can take one single scene, that lasts less than a minute, from the source material and write 40 entirely different fics about that one single canonical moment and each one of those fics are literal masterpieces.
shout out to us fanfic writers ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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galaxystardragoness · 6 months ago
Reblog this if you would not only accept, but welcome fan art, moodboards, etc. of your fics
All of these used to be so common for people to show their appreciation of different fics and authors, and I think it’s a shame people don’t do it anymore. I love seeing fan work for my fics!!
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galaxystardragoness · 6 months ago
Hi, let’s talk about reblogs, again. 
If you don’t want to hear about it again, just scroll away, because this is going to be long.
As many other creators, including my moots, have pointed out in some of their posts, the like to reblog ratio has been getting worse. I’ve only been on tumblr for less than a year, and I’ve seen it get worse. On a good day, the ratio could be 1 reblog to 10 likes, with comments and feedback. Unfortunately, the ratio usually looks more like 1 reblog to 20-25 likes, with little to no comments and/or feedback. While we’re grateful for the likes, likes don’t do anything on Tumblr. 
Tumblr operates on reblogs NOT likes so please consider reblogging posts.
I’ve seen comments like “but no one follows me so will me reblogging really help” or “it’s okay I have my likes on.” Admittedly, I don’t fully understand how the system works, but here’s my interpretation of it. I acknowledge that there may be some mistakes, I don’t understand computer science…
Referring to this post by @\engineering, reblogs act as “a signal boost.” The more people reblog the original post, whether it includes their own comments or not, and regardless of whether the account has followers or not, it helps to boost/ spread the post to more people. Imagine it like a tree which grows more branches every time the post is reblogged. 
If you have followers, as the reblog tree grows, it reaches your audience, some of whom would have never seen the original post before. If you don’t have followers, then the Tumblr algorithm does most of the work. As the reblog tree grows more branches, it reaches other people’s for you pages, especially if the other person has interacted in the same kind of posts/ accounts you have interacted before, eg. posts on Seventeen. Conversely, if you just like the post, no branches are being grown, which means the post is not being spread. Spam liking can also lead to the original creator being shadowbanned (which is why some creators understandably block spam likers).
Additionally, in this post by @\mrsmothmon, she says that this tree-like growth structure means  reblogs are the norm here on Tumblr, it's part of Tumblr’s culture and etiquette. It’s been this way since Tumblr was created, and that’s not going to change just because time has passed.
Hence, why creators are always urging others to consider reblogging their posts. Reblogging doesn’t take a lot of time and effort, and it’s just probably one of the only ways you can show creators any support on Tumblr. When you reblog, you help to grow that little tree further which then spreads our work to new audiences. 
To put it bluntly, when we see the dismal like to reblog ratio, it’s disheartening, demoralising, and is a very big reason why many creators don’t feel like creating/ writing. Creators spend hours, if not days or even months, creating content for others to enjoy for free. We don’t get paid for this, yet we’re putting in so much effort, love, and time into it. 
Yes, we genuinely enjoy creating, that’s why we started posting content in the first place. But, we also love interacting with the people who consume our content. We love to hear what you have to say about our content, your thoughts/ feelings. It could just be a simple heart, long rambles, or even just incomprehensible screaming. Or, if you don’t wish to do any of those things, a simple blank reblog is greatly appreciated as well because as I mentioned, it helps to spread our work. It makes us feel appreciated, it motivates us to create more because we see that people actually like our content. Most importantly, it makes us feel seen. Trust me, your reblogs and comments make the whole world of difference between us feeling like we’re human beings who put our hearts and souls into creating, versus feeling like we’re simply content generating machines. 
Honestly, I hesitated on whether or not to even make this post because I know that to some, posts about reblogs are really annoying. While I am very very appreciative of all the love and support I’ve received on Tumblr so far, the issue of reblogs is just something that’s been weighing on my mind for a while. I’m not saying you have to reblog everything you see, no one is forcing anyone to do anything. And I’ll be the first to admit I need to work on reblogging more too, but, I hope this post helps to clarify why reblogging is so important, and why creators, myself included, are always urging others to consider reblogging their content. 
Thank you <3
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galaxystardragoness · 7 months ago
𝚈𝙾𝚃𝚅: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚎
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Welcome to The Year of the Villain: Year of the Snake Collaboration~
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You take a step into a wondrous cave, dark and dripping. The aura of depravity and the sickeningly-sweet smell of corpses tells you all you need to know: you have been summoned to the dark side. Evil is subjective to the victim and you are no victim. Inside, on a pedestal is a golden snake, set with ruby eyes. When you place your hand on the snake, you gasp as instead of having all your dreams come true, it's your nightmares
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-must feature a villain, be it an idol or other character (reader,oc,etc) 
-will be accepting all male kpop groups (no bg members who are minors)
-must include dark themes, dark plots and even darker characters (tagged appropriately as to not trigger readers) 
-must include a sneaky plot twist, much like a slithering, contorting snake.
-must have a word count of 1k minimum
-deadline is January 29th, 2025, for the lunar new year
-please tag me, reference the event, and use the hashtag #snakesandplottwists
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𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎~
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞Film Coming Soon!
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🎞credits to @cafekitsune for the dividers
If you're interested, this was 2023's
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galaxystardragoness · 8 months ago
♤♡◇♧ Member Applications Are Open!
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Member applications for the month of July are open until July 8th, 2024 22:00 (10PM) KST (Korean Standard Time) or GMT +9.
Please refer to our Applicant Requirements if you're interested!
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galaxystardragoness · 8 months ago
Mythical Creature Dividers [1/2]
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Please like and reblog if you use or save.​​
Dividers List
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galaxystardragoness · 8 months ago
(just for a minute)
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i don't think any reader will realize how disappointing and upsetting this actually is...
writers are tired of bitching about it, just please.
and system runs on reblogs, not likes. if you reblog, tag it. it's the least you can do.
feedback again is very anticipated. it's disappointing and upsetting when you get excited getting a reblog notif just to see there's no comment under it.
we're not asking for millions of notes, we're asking for interaction though. liking isn't doing anything good. and spam liking actually gets us shadowbanned (!)
to those who actually and properly interact, thank you!! you make all the while better and the lengthy writing process worth it. you're amazing. ♡:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴
and blank blogs, please (!) change your pfp at the least, it's the least you can do to help us know who's a bot and who isn't. it saves us from being worried and you from being blocked!!
— 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑠 ♡
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