“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
As a Generation Z individual there are positive and negative effects of social media nowadays. The good thing about social media is we can socialize to other people through different platforms in the online world. As advanced and web-based media locals, Gen Z teenagers have never known a world without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and etc. Teenagers nowadays is very dependent on social media because for us it can be a temporary escape from the bad things/problems of the real world. Also, social media can make our life easier that's why, some teenagers of this generation are lazy because technology can work even you are home, food delivery, shop online, social media can make your learning too different from the past generation like technology can access it all. Also, in social media you can play games that's why also some people in this generation are addicted, for me the bad things that social media do is having cybersex, money scammer, and act that put our life in danger, social media are the temporary escape from reality but also the reason why many Generation Z is having, anxiety, depression and sadness where they used to kill their self.
 Sometimes I think social media is good for me or for us or this is a spell to control our lives. The Bad effect of Social Media on Gen Z is in spite of providing such unique advantages to us the generation Z, social media can also be considered to be one of the most harmful platforms of society. It is only if the use of social media is not being observed, it can lead to a total consequence. The social media addiction obstructs us with our academic performance among the generation Z. It also leads to cyber bullying and creates a lot of anxiety which affects any person significantly and It is harmful because it occupies our privacy or reputation. In generation Z, the use of social media has been used  way too much that may lead and affect people's health like they can suffer from depression,  self-harm, anxiety and loneliness through the use of social media which is bad. These are just some situations where social media affects negatively in generation Z and by using it, it is our responsibility to set our limits and be watchful in everything we do in using social media.
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Bridging the gap of digital divide.
Some example of digital divides are gadgets, gadgets such as cell phone, laptop, computer and etc. These are the technologies that can cause uneven distribution in the access to, use of, or impact of information and communications technologies between any number of distinct groups. Low end devices and aging software do not have access to as modern devices can. For example, a video game that requires 10GB of RAM, low end devices can’t run that game because of its incapability and its aging software. In order to bridge the gap of digital divide we as individuals and communities, we must learn and put in place concepts that we relate with. Digital divides also include the digital immigrants and the digital natives, there is this huge gap that is in between these people in which it results to misunderstandings of the two. For example, is the elders and the teenagers in which the elders blame the teenagers that they are using and too dependent on their technologies.
 Due to this gap that divides the people, we are being more close-minded, we are not letting ourselves open our eyes to the new era that is fast emerging and it is not helping us to be more understanding to the different people in the society that have their own different roles. We became even more vulnerable to the judgements of others that makes this new generation even more complicated. To fill in the gaps, the target audience should directly relate to the benefits they will enjoy from digital literacy. We should help each other make a complicated society an understanding one. More information and communication technology people should join hands in battling digital divide. We people should frequently and jointly drive various campaigns towards promoting digital literacy. Furthermore, the campaigns need to include all factors increasing the digital divide, especially the access and positive use of information and communication technology.
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Setbacks of Piracy
Piracy is done in many ways like video piracy, cable piracy, and DVD/CD piracy. Video piracy takes place when a film is produced in the form of a videocassette without proper authorization from the right holder or the producer. Piracy is growing, and needs to be stopped before it is even more out of control. Thousands of websites everyday are pirating information. Piracy can be considered as an illegal activity because when you make unauthorized copies of someone's creative work, you are taking something of value from the owner without his or her permission. People are worried about the piracy itself because there are many websites that pirates data from the world wide web, and makes money off it by reselling the data to people. Yes, people may enjoy the piracy activities but If you use a copyrighted work without authorization, the owner may be entitled to bring an infringement action against you because it hurts to know that what they are doing is good to make work creative and just copyrighted, it hurts the owner.
It is considered as robbery or violent action, for private ends and without authorization by public authority, committed on the seas or in the air outside the normal jurisdiction of any state. Stealing someone else's intellectual property can be considered as piracy. Piracy can be done through recordings made directly from a movie theater screen which are low in quality, and pick up audible sounds from the audience, such as laughter, or video sequences of spectators getting up. In my own opinion, we should also avoid piracy because it is risky to download pirated software as it may contain viruses, malware or spyware that pose security risks to our gadgets. Hopefully people will stay away from piracy without needing legal influence. There are so many artist and programmers that are losing from this illegal act and if people knew how much it hurts maybe it will stop.
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“The importance of media in our daily lives”
The importance of print, broadcast and new media throughout the years, all of these media fulfill several roles in our society. Delivering entertainment and important information are the major roles of media, media can be used to monitor government, business, and other institutions so that people can be aware of what’s going on around the society. It is the media, which keep people updated and informed about what is happening around them and the world that everyone draws something from it. One example of a media is the Print media which means mass communication in the form of printed publications, such as newspapers and magazines. Print media helped us throughout the years gather information, it helped our old ancestors to get news and information through newspapers, magazines etc. In earlier times, news was presented to local populations through the printed press. The writing and publishing of news coverage that exposed corrupt business and government practices. This media also helped people to be entertained in the earlier times.
 Another example is the broadcast media has been a public service, as with public radio which is funded by the government. Broadcast media can also be private and includes advertising. Throughout the years, media has a big contribution of many of us not only in the world but the universe without media we don't know what's happening in our surroundings. It is a big help when we watch tv, listen to the radio get news until this time. Tv can give us entertainment legit news, on radio we can listen music. Because of that we live our life on media. New media has transformed the way we receive and produce content. Lastly, new media, such as the internet is making it easier for people to get their opinions across which creates content and allows a two-way dialogue. New media allows individuals to receive and share content. New media helped us throughout out the years by allowing us to express ourselves through blogs, websites, videos, pictures, and other user-generated media. Also, it gives us a way to stay in touch with people who live far away from us.
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New media has played a major role on how we receive or by how we find information. Many people nowadays are excessively dependent on technology , with the increase of people who use new media it will be possible that print media will be gone. Print media has been around for hundreds of years but there’s a slight possibility that it will be preserved depending on the people that are still using old fashioned media. This new generation generally lacks understanding of the differences when posting on different platforms, but they have embraced social media for communication and research. This generation was quick to adopt social media and then people use this as their primary form of media and entertainment. This generation is filled with realistic, independent digital natives. New media is an extraordinarily important part of Millennial’s digital lives, in part because social networks have become much more than a way to connect about personal matters.
However, there are still also disadvantages of the New media despite the fact that it is a way of making people's lives easier and convenient. We can say this because there are also false information, manipulated or biased news and misinterpreted information in the new media, it is mainly because everybody can hack or access these sites and may change the subject despite the many process undergone by the journal. There is also one reason why we have false information, it is because there are falsely entitled websites that could trick the citizens with false information especially the elders that can be easily deceived and tricked because they don't know how the new media works and may bring trouble or harm to them and the worse thing is some information that involves paying or buying the information and may scam the technology illiterate people by giving away their bank accounts to the untrustworthy people.
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“Understanding the Relevance of Information and News Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
News literacy is designed to help students develop critical thinking skills in order to judge the reliability and credibility of information, whether it comes via print, television or the Internet. This is a particularly important skill in the Digital Age, as everyone struggles to deal with information overload and the difficulty in determining the authenticity of reports. The Digital Age poses four information literacy challenges for civil society: 1. The overwhelming amount of information that floods over us each day makes it difficult to sort out reliable from fabricated information. 2. New technologies to create and widely share information make it possible to spread misinformation that looks like it’s from an authoritative source. 3. The conflict between speed and accuracy has escalated. We all want information as quickly as possible, but accelerating the distribution of information in the Digital Era has also increased the chances that the information will be wrong. 4. The Internet and Social Media make it much easier to select only the information that supports our preexisting beliefs, reinforcing rather than challenging them.
These challenges have created the demand for a new kind of literacy that empowers news consumers to determine whether information is reliable and then act on it. A healthy civil society can exist only if the public is well-informed. If people can be easily led to believe rumors or gossip, the consequences can be dangerous. Information literacy on the other hand is the capacity or ability to discover, assess, compose, use, and convey information in the entirety of its different formats, most eminently in circumstances requiring dynamic, critical thinking, or the acquisition of knowledge. Information literacy is defined as "the capacity to know when there is a need for information, to have the option to distinguish, find, assess, and viably utilize that information for the issue or issue within reach". Various different endeavors have been made to all the more likely characterize the idea and its relationship to different abilities and types of proficiency. Researchers have contended that, so as to augment individuals' commitments to a popularity based and pluralistic culture, educators should challenge governments and the business area to help and support instructive activities in information literacy
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Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship
Government has the responsibility in giving policies that could either benefit the citizens or benefit themselves. It is the policies that affect citizens in countless ways. Media on the other hand, has the responsibility in sharing information in order to give citizens knowledge or news. Government and media have the same function here in our society, to help people by providing public service and providing economic assistance. Media became a valuable asset to the government but could turn into each other when the media intentionally or unintentionally accuse and expose the government in their numerous corruptions being committed, because of these issues, media became the eye opener of people who trusted the government . They began striking each other with different accusations, at some point, the media and the government conflict each other.  Some oppose the government and because of this, the government will also then oppose the media. It’s a cycle once one opposes another.
In this drawing, we used one example of the common issue today which is the people on social media versus the government. As you can see on the picture, it depicts a game which is commonly played in a children's party called Piñata, but in our piece the piñata portrays a person who committed suicide due to various problems and one of it is because of our academic system today. The people in the background used to be the audience of the game that cheers for the player but in this drawing, they portray the students in the social media who begs to be heard. Now, the player here is the government who got blinded by money and did not listen to the students and just chose to let these serious matters happen. Government is supposed to have the responsibility in taking good care of the citizens but due to the unfair administration, it results into conflicts with the people using different forms of media to voice out what they think is right and what they think they deserve.
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The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual
Why should we study Media and Information Literate? Why should we give importance to this matter? In this modern world where human intelligence discovers and creates technology which is emerging and developing for the convenience of the people, we communicate and socialize with others using smartphones, telephones, computers and any other communication tools and also with the use of different kinds of media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many more. By using these media platforms, you should expect that you get to communicate and socialize with the others in a group or community. Just like socializing in person or face to face, we also need to follow an etiquette in any media called “netiquette”. Why should we? Because we need to be careful with what we say or share on the internet since there are times that we just act without even thinking about the consequences it might result in.
In this case, Media and Information Literate is being taught and learned so that the society or community are being practiced to be a proper and appropriate social being. Being a media and information literate individual, we need to know how to comprehend, evaluate and process information for its credibility and also to give or share some information with accuracy and integrity to avoid confusion and harm others due to false information. We have to be sensitive with what we click. When you share something on the internet, it doesn’t just benefit you, but also benefits the other people. When you share something that looks funny to you but offensive to the others, you might start an argument or quarrel and in serious cases, you might hurt other people that may lead to depression and suicides. We were taught by our parents on how to respect others and have proper decorum, so why not apply it in the media world?  We should not just value and practice but to promote and encourage the others on how to be a media and information literate individual because we need to be the influencer to our own community and be the role model to the next generation.
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