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The official Tumblr of the webcomic Fuzzy Star. Updated every Friday with occasional lulz in between.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fuzzystarofficial-blog · 6 years ago
Newest episode is up!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 6 years ago
AKA Comett’s Corner
Hello world of tumblr and anyone who still has me on their follow list ^^;; *awkward laughter*
I’ve been quiet in the world of writing and have since moved to the world of webcomics. My newest project, and likely a very long term project, Fuzzy Star, will be the theme of this blog! So grab your crystals, swords and robot fighting friends, because the cartoon adaptation of what was once Isaac Comett is here!
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Let’s smack one out of the park together! Or at least not cut our heads off trying >_<
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 6 years ago
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Saviors Like Us is out now on Amazon! Remember, even if you can’t download it, leaving a few stars in the review section still would mean a lot to me. Thank you to my tumblr writer community!
“I wanted to punch everyone who asked me what I was going to do with my life after high school. The only problem was if I did, they would be knocked into orbit. Literally. Everyone in Mantlestown knew about the Saviors, the world's first superheroes, but I never thought that me, a kid who failed out of D.P. High would get a chance to fight alongside them, let alone hear the true story of their rise to fame and dramatic falling out. With a Memorite Stone embedded in my hand, the very same crystal that gave the Saviors their gifts, came incredible powers. I had super strength, could shoot lasers and even call random weapons out of thin air, but they were useless against the Savior's true enemy: Themselves. My time with them was filled with epic battles, nightmarish aliens and revelations, not only about the people involved but the origins of their powers. I was there, side by side with that baby-faced charmer Austin "Of Fearless" Prowitz, their misunderstood leader Isaac "Of Pain" Comett, and the rest of their dysfunctional team. I saw them at their highest, and at their pill-popping, drunken, blubbering lowest. Through it all I learned a valuable lesson; whatever you decide to do with your life, do it with conviction, because being aimless is the same as being dead. Don't agree?  Let me tell you why you're wrong and set the story straight for good."
R.T. OUT!!!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 6 years ago
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A promo piece for my urban fantasy/sci-fi book, Saviors Like Us coming out at the end of the week! Woooo!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Progress Report
Hello Everyone! I have returned with an update!
As of now, my newest book, Saviors Like Us is slatted for release October 27th on Amazon. It’s my first time writing from a female POV, which was a really fun challenge. I’ll post more details, including a cover in the days to come.
This was mostly an “I’m Not Dead” post. On the contrary, a lot is going on over in my crazy little workshop. Keep you posted!
R.T. Out!!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Hello everyone who still gives me undue honor by having me on your followed list. I hope you all are doing well this Friday!
Things have been so crazy lately, hence my absence for over the last month. Family, challenges, and other obligations have demanded my time and energy, leaving me drained, uncreative and honestly...depressed. So much of it there was barely any promo for the last Isaac Comett book. Uhh, it's out in case you didn't know. Yeah...
Admittedly that too was a bit of a rush job. Not in writing but in editing. I look back now and say "man I wish I changed that" or "This sentence is pointless". I do that a lot anyway, but much more than I should have with this release. Yes, I know it's a digital release and things could be changed easily, but I don't want to make like EA Games and put bandaid after bandaid on problems, ya know?
So what's an author to do?
I decided once my newest projects are done (taking my sweet time on these) I'm going to revisit the series and create a Definitive Edition of the series and give it out for FREE on launch. Books 1,2 and 3 all in one bundle, including my author notes, a lot of character sketches and other bits that went on behind the scenes. I want to make things right, and this made the most sense; I'll keep you posted!
Moving on...
Two new books are in the editing phase!! Both are standalone stories, one takes place in the "Comettverse" and the other is in a whole other world. I'll be posting excerpts, and anyone who reposted them will get a free pdf copy of the book sent to them once it's done!
The creative juices are back! I was tired and burned, but my fingers itch to type and click, doing what I, and you guys as well, love to do.
Thanks for sticking it out with me! TLDR; I'm a bum, but you guys are awesome, ps: 2 new books coming out. RT OUT!!!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Considering getting into the world of webcomics again....to do or not to do....?
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Call in the Backup!!
So, book 1 of the Isaac Comett series was selected to be part of the reader’s choice awards at TCK Publishing...which means I need you all!!
If you get the chance, give it a clicky-click and vote for it under the MG/YA category (use the arrow keys in the book list to navigate categories). It’ll only take a minute, I promise! :O
Thanks for anyone that helps out with this, and thanks to everyone for supporting the series, or at least my efforts at one.
R.T. Out!!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Book 3: Breaks & Promises Prologue
LeBell sat on the bench watching the orange blaze. People crowded around the fire trucks, desperately trying to stop the flames from consuming the rest of the stores on the strip. Her eyes shook in disbelief, watching everything she had worked for burn to the ground.
No one took much note of her, and she didn't say much to those that did. She didn't tell the police who she was or what she had been selling aside from candy. They didn't need to know, nor would they understand. Her head slumped and she ruffled her boney fingers in her thick brown hair.
"Gone gone gone..." she moaned. "All that money. All those weapons..."
Her pity party was cut short. She shot up and turned her head on hearing someone else approach. Two men, one short with glasses in a brown evening jacket, the other slender with bizarre patterns in his hair. His long coat, half covered with checkered patterns, half solid blue, trailed like a cape behind him.
LeBell's face relaxed a little. There was nothing to hide, especially her anger.
"Why?" she said tiredly.
"Why what?" asked the shorter man.
"Don't play your games, Glast." she said.
LeBell stood and started for the blaster in her belt, but Quindello flicked his wrist, forming a dagger under her chin. "Of Loveless" briefly blinked along the blade of the small weapon.
"Please." said Glast to his bodyguard. "This is hardly za time for violence."
With another flick the weapon disappeared. "Just doing my job." said Quin.
"Says you. You burned my shop, my computer, my weapons, even my Forbidden Gears to the ground!"
Glast chuckled. He stepped around the bench and in front of her. "Your Gears? You mean my creations! Za onez Hallu Merchants like you stole from me in my absenz."
"But still..."
Glast waved a gloved finger at her. "I'm za maker, I do what I want."
She fell back to her seat. There was no way she would get through to the madman. "You didn't have to wreck my whole store."
"I'm afraid I did." said Glast. He took a seat next to her. "You see, I'm trying to make zome friendz here. It is a peace offering, no?"
"You? Friends?"
"If zey are powerful enough, why not? Zey don't trust me. Whether it was zat Templar Knight Chenzo or zomeone elze who told them not to listen to me, I don't know, but it seems I have my work cut out if I want to have allies when he arrives."
They were quiet, listening to the crackles.
LeBell dared to move the conversation. "He?"
"Overlord Illius."
She shifted away from him. "He's coming?!"
"Soon. He should have been here by now, but I think zome thingz got in za way." Glast leaned close to LeBell. "Want to know a secret?"
She tried to back away more, but ran out of bench. Any further and she would have been on the grass by Quindello's shoes. "S-Sure." she stuttered.
"I spilled za...what do zay call it here? Beans? About za Memorite!" he laughed.
She looked up to Quindello. His thin, long eyelashes blinked at her, but that was his only reaction. Her ruby lips opened like a fish gasping for air.
"You're crazy! Do you know what that will do to everyone? No, to the universe if everyone knows about him?"
"Gantz, my dear." clarified Glast. "A little chaos now and zen doesn't hurt. Besides, zer needz to be a bit more of it before I put my plans to fix za world into effect."
LeBell moaned. "I should have hid in my Vector Room instead of storing candy ingredients in there. No one could find me, and I could wait until this all would blow over."
Quindello finally spoke. His voice was smooth like water. "Once things reach their climax, nowhere will be safe."
A figure approached them. Quindello tapped Glast on the shoulder, and he hopped over the back of the bench. "I just wanted to give you a headz up, ya?" said the scholar. "I wish you well with your future endeavorz!"
LeBell turned around. "Wait!"
No one was there.
"Miss?" asked the newcomer. "Who are you talking to?"
LeBell looked all around; behind, the rooftops, the trees, but no one was there. "I guess myself..." she said.
The man in the suit stepped closer. She noticed his large briefcase. "You are vendor Lady Blossom, correct?" he asked.
She was stunned. Unconsciously, her fingers crept towards her belt.
"My name is Victor Mendoza of an organization called the FBE. I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind."
LeBell eyed the official up and down. His black suit was plain. His face young but tired. Handcuffs were around his waist, and a pistol around the other side.
"Am I under arrest?" she asked, then chuckled, "Like it matters..."
"Come again? You aren't. I just have some questions about your shop." Victor pulled out a notepad. "I did some digging and-"
"Did you now?" asked LeBell. She smiled and paced around nervously.
Victor looked up at her, but went back to his notes. "You reported your profits to the state quite constistently, but you've sold next to nothing for the three years you've been around. How does one stay in business under those circumstances unless they're doing something shady on the side?"
She paced around more. Her eyes wandered, sweat forming on her brow. "I don't know."
Victor paused. He gingerly put away his notepad then opened his briefcase. "I'm not really allowed to do this, but my gut is telling me to."
He knelt down and pulled out a burned robotic head, similar to LeBell's but with exaggerated features. "My crew ran analytics on it forty minutes ago. The tech behind it is beyond military grade. Care to explain?"
LeBell looked at the head, then to the agent. Her red lips curved up, and she smiled. "All of us are doomed anyway."
"Fine. Take me away, but make it somewhere far please, and don't expect me to sing. I'm hoping he'll grant me a quick, painless end if I keep my mouth shut."
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
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Coming next month; the grand finale!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Isaac Smash!! :D
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Hey, so as promised Isaac Comett is now up on Smashwords! I also have a fancy shmancy discount coupon thingy going in case you've been on the fence about getting it. Use YQ84H to get a 50% discount, and please let me know what you all think of the story either here, Amazon or anywhere else you might find this humble sci-fi tale.
Thank you for your continued support, ladies, gents, and everything in between!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Going Wide
Hey everyone! I write this message prepping for a round of OVA, an anime inspired table top. But that's besides the point.
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Book 1 will bee out through Smashwords, and I can't wait. It seems that the tide is turning, favoring authors using multiple platforms rather than just 1. This is aka "Going Wide".
This has been a topic of much debate in the self-publishing community, and a quick Google search will bring up several articles on it of varying perspectives. After my time reading, I decided to record my success, or failure, of spreading out to other platforms.
Once the book is up, I'll post about my sales following the switch on each platform for 1 month ( how often, I don't know yet, but at least once a week ). Hopefully this will help my fellow authors out, and maybe give them some ideas on how to distribute their works.
Anyway, I'm off to go GM an epic superhero fight. I'll see you all later!
R.T. Out!!!!
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
Anyone else have a dream where you get super angry at someone and wake up, even knowing it's a dream, and still feel animosity towards them? Yep. My poor wife :(
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
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This is the WIP for the last book’s cover, in case you were curious. I love that I finally get a chance to draw the main cast ^^
Now that most base coats are done, I’ll go through the characters one by one adding the shadows, highlights and such. I can’t wait to share the completed picture with you guys :D
Also as an update, Isaac Comett: My Life as a Shard Knight will be available on Barnes & Noble starting May 11th! Spread the word :D
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fuzzystarofficial-blog · 7 years ago
I really love this advice. The best books I’ve read have people that have made the worst choices.
Maturing as a writer doesn’t mean writing every day, it doesn’t mean the writing process gets easier, it doesn’t mean you’re actively finishing projects, it doesn’t mean you have hundreds of adoring fans.
Maturing as a writer means that your characters limp and stutter, it means that your characters have acne and moles and scars, it means that your characters don’t always get what they want, it means that your characters aren’t always right.
Maturing as a writer means that you are willing to write imperfect people, that you are willing to write imperfect stories.
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