Game development log and information. Current game logged is "Alpha Particle". Get a playable work in progress demo from - Follow me to join on this game dev journey.
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Devlog discontinued
For various reasons this devlog will no longer continue. The game itself is continuing with full force and anyone can still follow progress on the facbook page ( Good buy tumblr :(
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Slow mo
Things have been on slowmo speed with Alpha Particle due to funding missions to keep the game running in the future. Work will continue shortly....
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Particle power
In Alpha Particle there will be times where you can change your particle type. Some particles may also give you abilities. Currently the particle named Sludger can contaminate certain blocks that may have different effects on some enemies. Implemented as of yesterday.
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Time to shop
So it took me a few days but it was all worth it. Incorporated vending machine/s in Alpha Particle so now abilities, particles and power ups and can be purchased with energy.

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How hard can it be.
Spent the last two days implementing a difficulty system into "Alpha Particle". Not quite done but will be tomorrow. There will be 3 difficulty settings to choose from and it will effect enemy damage, some enemy and level obstacle speeds, starting energy and some other tweaks too. This will make the game playable to a much larger audience than previously.
Apart from that over the last week a lot of small improvements and level adjustments and changes have been done.
#alpha particle#indie games#new game!#pc gaming#game development#video games#action#top down#settings#devlog#awesome#cool#new#improvements#upgrade#bug fixes#optimise
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Random days...
Today I decided that I don't like the incremental system I used to spawn enemies so I converted to a random group incremental system. Now enemies randomly spawns in groups and the higher the level switch level is new random groups get implemented. These can be stacked 3 times and thus giving many variations on the same level with the same amount of enemy spawns. Restarting a level will reshuffle this system and give you a fresh enemy layout. Me like!
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An early look at how abilities look when equipped. Each ability rotates in his own orbit around the player. The distance they orbit is connected to the players speed. There are currently 6 abilities equipped. There will eventually be ability slots and combined ability functionality.
#alpha particle#indie games#new#new game!#special abilities#unique#space#scifi#awesome#orbit#rotate#energy#pc games#pc gaming#devlog#game development
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Vid tut
Been implementing some added video tutorial clips to the tutorial levels to make things a bit more clear.
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Font hunter
Been font hunting as the font I was using was not readable enough. After a grueling 2 day hunt I finally found the perfect match. Thank goodness and finally!
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The four horsemen
Four new abilities added to "Alpha Particle" today and things are getting interesting.
1. Charger, regenerates energy.
2. Hyper, increases maximum speed.
3. Booster, increases maximum boost and halves energy consumption.
4. Luminance, lights up dark area's even if you are out of energy.
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Scanner ability
Just semi finished another ability that can scan for hidden things. Currently you can scan fire walls to check if they contain hidden deposits of energy. But later it will scan other type of things to.
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Welcome energise
Ability "Energise" added to the game today. Nifty little ability that circles you and sucks in energy from twice as far than you can making it hard to miss energy before it fades away.
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Abilities initiated
Today i have started implementing different abilities that our particle will be able to use to become the alpha particle. First in line is an ability that allows one to destroy a fire wall. To do this the player must first obtain the ability through research and energy and must have enough max energy as well. Then he must collide with a fire wall until the wall has lost all his energy then only will it be destroyed. Fire walls can block access to areas so this ability essentially unlocks more areas where it was previously locked. There will be two types of abilities in "Alpha Particle" controllable and uncontrollable abilities. This ability, aptly named firewalk will be uncontrollable meaning it is always active opposed to controllable abilities that wait for player input.
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Some screenshots from the game so far. All are taken from the demo and are playable by yes... you. So get the demo! It is awesome!
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Text Be one of the first!
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No one here to read this...... yet..... well anyway, this will be the place to be if you are interested in following me on a game development journey to greatness. I aim to make good hearted games that I would have liked to play as a kid (or adult!) and stay true to making games for fun and not only money. I will try to update regularly on my current game progress. I am currently working on my first game "Alpha Particle" and have been busy almost a year now. Even though it is my first game I am planning on making it a full experience with many hours/days of enjoyment. There is a work in progress demo available at so do check it out but keep in mind it is bare mechanics only, lots more to come. Thanks and welcome!
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