So I had a Weird Dream...
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This is a journal where I document the many strange dreams I have...zzz
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fulldreamsahead · 2 months ago
Werewolf Moon
Last night I had a dream where I was starting back at my old grocery store job. I figured not that much could have changed in the decade I had been gone since I've shopped their since, but as I went to work it was totally different. The deli slicing counter (one of many jobs I worked there) was in a totally different place and stood almost like this huge cubby hole wall of meat shelves. Each cubby was supposed to have a specific deli meat in it, but it was totally empty and the case lights were off. I thought it wasn't even open and since I had worked there before they just threw me right in. I spent my morning doing other jobs I was accustomed with around the store since it didn't seem like my station was usable. I figured with the recent winter storms that the power was off. Around 2-3 hours, I hear my manager taking a deli order and come around a corner where I was cleaning something.
I run over to apologize and the manager isn't mad. He tells me my station is open, but I was doing the right thing because most people assume it's not because of how it looks. There's something wrong with the new display, but he passed the reigns over for me to do the order. His office was nearby so he tucked in there to keep working and I found that none of the meat was in the cold case. My manager said it was because the power was out and the food would be okay being out for a few hours. Now it's been years, but I've gotten my food safety license more than a few times and that is not correct, but my manager didn't care. As I was trying to just find the meat, which was literally just sitting willy nilly on a bunch of sheet trays with wire racks so the dripping meat didn't overflow, more people come up as they see the deli is open.
They are all these stereotypical middle aged moms and they have LISTS of meats. I'm talking the average is half a pound per person, usually two meats, one cheese, but these women want like 2-3 lbs and like 5 different meats. I'm already struggling as is with the first order and finally another coworker from another station comes over to help. She's having as much trouble and my manager joins in too. I end up getting stuck on roast beef as there are only like 2-3 little chunks of it for a woman who wanted a pound and a half. I get out like 1/3 of what she wants from the pieces and I viscerally see the meat squishing and not quite fitting in the oversized slicers. She forgives me, but just as I'm about to go to her next meat order, the lights in the whole store go out.
I hear a curse being cast. It's in a demonic tongue and I can tell it's cast on me. It's a chant that sort of tells me that for my next three shifts, my coworkers will die around me due to my folly and on the third shift I will die. I'm obviously SHOOK and when the lights come back on, no time has passed. The women still want their orders and I have to excuse myself because I feel sick.
I spend the rest of my shift trying to figure out what happened to no avail. My manager tells me they're cooking off some of the almost spoiled food after work as a party and I should join. I try to talk about the curse, but he just laughs. After my shift, I go out back and stand inside a glass door looking at my coworkers. They're having a grand ole time in the back parking lot and I keep thinking about the curse. I hear a gong that I heard when the lights went out earlier and sure enough, the curse kicks in. I rush outside to warn everyone, but this time they aren't out of time. They are complaining about the lights and laughing at my antics saying its a remnant of the storm. I try to tell them when that demonic voice casts werewolves upon us.
For some reason, this calms me. I know how to deal with werewolves, I think. My coworkers are startled from hearing the voice and we all prepare for a wolf attack the best we can. We got a guy on a bbq with his spatula and people with beer ready to break bottles. All of a sudden, I hear someone scream to look up. I move my eyes to the sky and all the blood rushes out of my body. Now, in the real world, I am absolutely terrified of aliens. They freak me out to no end, and guess what's coming down in the sky? A set of green fucking aliens in a little space ship. I legit, IN DREAM, scream out loud about how that is NOT werewolves, but the aliens are upon me. One jumps out and it's the size of a small dog and has an 'o' shaped mouth that is lined with fangs like a lamprey mouth. I scream as it sucks blood from me like a fucking leech and is super wily for its size. It is making all these dog attack noises and my coworkers try to help me, but it moves too quick. I'm in immense pain and each time I get a hit on the alien, it has the consistency of a cheap Halloween mask. I watch its head can in and flop around over and over until the attack is over and the aliens leave.
My store believes me now and they don't know what to do. One of my coworkers died in the skirmish. They wonder if me quitting will break the curse. For whatever reason, it's decided this won't help and instead all we can do is defend. The dream cuts to the next day where I'm at the cheese counter talking to the ladies there because they know all about superstitions. It's something to do with the cheese, my dream brain tells me and there's something off about all the many labels. They are cheeses from places that don't exist, cheese from other dimensions, and cheese's made from the milk of mythical creatures. The cheese ladies aren't super worried about the curse and don't think of it as such. They say people who mistakenly meddle with magic make mistakes all the time and we just need to try to access the situation calmly. I think they are out of their minds because they weren't at the party or attacked, but they tell me to chill out and take a dip.
I don't know what this means until one of the cheese ladies (who looks like Jordan Myrick just for a moment) jumps over the counter and down into a green tinted river below. She swims around to get back up to the counter like its a deck of a boat and the curse gongs that it is time. We see a huge shadow of what finally looks like a werewolf swim up below her and we all yell to her. She is unperturbed and says its fine and gets back to the counter where she hoists up out of the water. The shape follows her, but never breeches the surface. Instead it coasts, something about the magic of the cheese where all the labels suddenly change. Every single cheese label now advertises a type of werewolf and one of the cheese ladies sagely informs me that it's all about perspective. I think she is a genius and has saved everyone and that's when I wake up.
As of writing this it is 7am the morning of 1/13/25.
Last night the full moon was known as the wolf moon.
When I opened my eyes, the moon was positioned just so the light of it was covering my face and blinding me.
Weird coincidence.
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fulldreamsahead · 5 months ago
Meow Wolf Tokyo | Coelette
Last night I had a dream that I was in Japan and my aunt was there. We were having the usual old outs (she passed away years go). She was really judgmental of how I ate things, ect. ect. She had been living in Japan for work for a good minute, but was doing everything the most American way possible. She was basically living like she was in the USA, but in another country. Imported food, restaurants run by Americans, and a VPN to get all the US channels, yadda yadda. I was trying to push her to expand her mind and how good Japanese stuff could be by getting her to go to like places I have bookmarked. I remember there was this place that had banana pudding (Japanese pudding goated) and another that had this great ice cream which I thought would be good starters, but she got really irritated with trying to navigate the streets and ditched me (she never actually ditched me, but damn if that isn't similar to real events). Finally, I was like, 'if you aren't going to enjoy this country, I will' and she relented to spend time with me.
A new Meow Wolf had opened in Tokyo and I was STOKED to go! I had kept all details away so I would go in blind. I knew that wasn't her kind of thing, but she seemed eager to go with me since I was so excited about it. Right when we get there I tried to explain how it was a walk through art exhibit, but she wouldn't listen. I decided to just ditch her and since there was a ton of preamble stuff to look at. Before you even got in line to buy tickets, there was a whole arcade to walk through as part of the exhibit. This locations theme was called Coelette and was extremely French (I will write an essay on the Japanese being francophiles). I gathered from a few games that it was about a little French girl who had a troubled past. While I was playing the games, one of the racing games cracked open and some kids ran up and out from beneath it as there was a secret staircase under there and were yelling about secret passages back to the lobby before they ducked back in.
I couldn't wait to get to that part and I only had one machine left before I had pretty much seen everything outside. I played an asteroids style game where I was breaking apart what was clearly memories of Coelette's psyche. I hit some sort of minimum score and a video started. It had all these quickly edited together jump cut video of memories of Coelette's life and all the abuse she had faced. It was… intense. It kind of left me thinking about how maybe Japan went too hard and I got in line to see the exhibit. You got to buy your souvenirs from the gift shop while you were getting the tickets because apparently the instillation was made in such a way that when it ended it needed to end and going to the gift shop afterwards would interfere.
My aunt finally met back up with me and seemed in better spirits. I chose to get a pin because on my first trip to a Meow Wolf, I found one lying on the ground (that's real btw). I thought it would begreat to start a collect and got the themed one for this location which was this little white house. It was about an inch wide and inside it where these little gold watch pieces that could move when you ran a hand over them. They fit together just enough that they wouldn't fall out and behind them was the name 'Meow Wolf Coelette" branding, but you could never see all of it, only glimpses, which I assumed tied into the exhibit. My aunt offered to pay and I thanked her. We got out passes and headed outside to get into the exhibit proper. As we were about to enter, my aunt commented on what kind of museum this was and again I tried to tell her that it was an art instillation. I'm not sure she heard me or cared as we entered the doors and I woke up from my alarm going off.
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fulldreamsahead · 5 months ago
Philip Seymour Hoffman Breaks Down His Career, from 'Twister' to 'The Hunger Games' | Vanity Fair
I had a dream that one of those Vanity Fair breakdown career videos went up for Phillip Seymour Hoffman and I was flabbergasted because I was like buddy passed away and I was watching it and it was very thorough considering it was a dream but then it got to a part where he was in Jurassic Park and it didn't break the dream lore for me but I was like he was not in Jurassic Park and also he's not alive so how is does this video exist??? And I kept looking in the comments and all around the internet and everyone was just excited that the video existed and no one was asking why any of it!
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fulldreamsahead · 1 year ago
Whale of a Good Time
Last night I had a dream where I was coming out of a Lowe's and saw this big dark rudimentary fish shaped cloud in the sky. I thought it was odd and while I was throwing my purchase in the car, I kept looking at it because all around it was sunny and fine. I ended up stopping and looking hard and realized the cloud looked like a shadow. Confused by that, I sent a snapchat to my friend as I always do to be like look at this weird cloud. Only when i was filming talking about it, I zoomed in to notice it was comprised of little jostling whales. I began to talk faster, confused and spouting questions as I got in my car to get away. I continued to film, almost hitting someone in the parking lot who smiled a little too wide. I got to the area to turn out, but there were way more cars on the road then usual. I waited and waited and finally got my chance to turn when the sunshine exploded. I looked and looked and the cloud was gone. Filming a new set of snaps to my friend about it, I got to a light and watched as the cloud renewed, going in a new direction, and helmed by a golden glowing whale. Videoing that all and wondering how to download my snaps, I watched as the cloud broke apart and the whales began to descend.
It brought my eye down where I saw what at first glance looked like the wall of rain where you can see where a rainstorm starts only there was an oceanic quality to that space. There was kelp growing up and, being the bottom of the sea floor, the buildings were being crushed by pressure. Scared, I jumped out of my vehicle because it was locked in and turned to run. I went back to the hardware store as the closest building and the screams began to turn up. I ventured through the store and out the back with some other survivors and we were approached by a woman who was clearly possessed. She said this planet was ours now and I put together it was the whales. We could see the ocean wall getting closer, but all I could think about was that their first attempt was disrupted and how we could replicate the moment we disappeared. We got out into the loading bay back of the store, the wall coming, and for a moment it disappeared again as it had. Trying to document despite the others complaints, the disappearance of the sea wall and 'clouds' made the possessed people collapse. Another survivor tried to check to see if the people were okay, but they ended up being dead. We grabbed weapons and stole a little golf cart from the loading bay and all i could think was there was no straight line to escape the ocean wall and therefore we were going to inevitably be crushed.
I didn't pass this information on because the wall reappeared and darkness rained droplets of ocean spray. The possessed stood back up, but we were already situated to close and lock the bay doors to escape. The possessed rushed us, but we attacked them with varying degrees of success with our weapons. The others came toward me as I was holding, ready to slam, one of the bay doors and one of them died. I watched as a whale came down to possess them and wished I had my phone. I then nearly locked the gate when a possessed woman got in the way and in a fury of fury I closed the door so hard it cut her head off. The head continued to scream so I picked it up and began to smash it against the lock of the bay doors as she told me all was futile and that they would take over the world.
Then I woke up.
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fulldreamsahead · 2 years ago
City Hustle
Last night I had a dream where I was watching Ed Edd and Eddy in New York City. Of course, Eddy was obsessed with trying to busk so they could get cash for illustrious candy shows, but they took time to entertain each other's interests too. One such example was going to a live performance for Double D. It was pretty high art, but waiting out front was like waiting in line for a carnival game. The facade of the building didn't seem real and was instead an intricate painting of the wonders you would watch inside. Eddy pinged this as total scam, but Double D had heard good things. Ed got sidetracked and split off somehow so just Eddy and Double D made it in. There everyone was placed in this dark room where there were individual school chairs spaced so far apart you couldn't even lean all the way out of your chair to reach your partner.
In the darkness an elephant style montage reminiscent of Dumbo started, but from Double D's point of view there was something wet dripping in his corner that shouldn't have been. He looks up to see where it is coming from and an air vent drops some nasty water right into his eye. He blinks it away, but it burns and he blearily exits the performance to wash it out. Eddy doesn't notice and is just bored with all the fake rigamarole. He does notice when the show is over and both his companions are just gone. He is forced to exit the show out through some back door instead of the entrance and sees the building is connected to all the others. Not interested in following the crowd to the real exit, he searches this area which leads down a hallway. The hallway dumps to a single window that he cracks open to get onto a fire escape.
Listless and not sure where too look in such a big city, he hears a harmonica. Looking down over the bars, Eddy sees Ed on the sidewalk busking. He's proud that Ed is following orders and keeps from shouting out because the street urchins seem entertained and he doesn't want to thwart cash. Looking out at his sliver view of the city, he sees a strange ooze blob slip into central park. Beyond confused, he sits up and rubs his eyes thinking it was just an illusion. He then sees a very strangely clad Double D run after it so he starts descending the stairs.
Hitting the ground running, he drops into an area of central park where the lake has dried up in the summer heat. It's not totally gone, but it is a muddy embankment and Double D is waist deep and struggling with something. That being very much unlike him, Eddy wades in, despite being real upset about messing his clothes up, and approached Double D who he can now see clearly. Double D is dressed as almost a harlequin version of himself and his sclera are now black while his pupils are now red. Put off, Eddy asks what's up with him and Double D is slow to respond in an off kilter way. He responds that he needed a human host to stop the release of his brethren and Eddy has no idea what it means.
Harlequin Double D searches Edd's memories and finds that Eddy likes cash and tells him it's for a scam. Eddy is on board and asks what needs to be done. Double D is trying to dry up the rest of this bed to trap the ooze because it must maintain its moisture to keep living or it will go dormant. Double D feeds Eddy a pipe that will suck up the remaining water, but Eddy has to wade into what's left of the lake. Up to his arm pits and getting deeper, Eddy holds the hose above his head until Double D shouts out that it's here. Eddy turns and finds the ooze monster right on top of him. It's a humongous blob three times his size and getting bigger in the water. It has Double D's black and red color scheme and crazy eyes. It has also set its sights on destroying the hose which Eddy is holding. Barely able to move in the water and mud, Eddy turns to try to escape with the ooze monster right on there.
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fulldreamsahead · 2 years ago
Trapped in The Monitor
Last night I had a dream where I was stuck in one of those Fortnite style games where only one person can win because everyone else has to die first. There were all these different sections of the map you could be on. In the city party, which was a walking city like Amsterdam, I saw Joey the Anime Man and he was checking out this like house facade that would fall Buster Keaton style. He was convinced that there was a cheat if you were to accurately get into the window hole for 100 falls that you could win the game.
I then ran into another person who had this dog NPC that he was following around and he was convinced that if he could befriend the dog that something similar were to happen. Sensing a pattern, I tried to explain that this must be a joke because we're all going to die because only one person can win. Nobody seemed to take me seriously and just thought it was a game. Fed up with trying to help, I went out on my own to try to break free. As I traveled closer to the game's 'core,' I started to get smaller and smaller like I was the little prince in Katamari Damacy.
I eventually have to intricately climb up this giant doctor's office style receptionist window and when I got up there I saw that behind the glass was a control room. Wheezy Waiter was operating it and the dog I had seen earlier was his dog, Birdie. He was huge compared to me so it was very easy for me to maneuver over to the very large panel of monitors that was set up like a surveillance system to monitor the players. I didn't know what to do when I heard Craig had found me. He didn't seem mad so I explained to him what was happening and he totally understood! It turns out he also figured out the game means real death and had come here to try and stop it. He explained that he understood the rules a little better than me because he had been there longer testing things out. I had fallen for some kind of nerf that made me small because of the route I took.
Feeling equally helpless, i started helping him review the tapes for a way out. I kept hearing mention of a fairy godmother and we both agreed it might be some kind of cheat. What we found was essentially a black and white snuff film where players captured the fairy godmother and sliced her open so her guts were spilling out in an attempt to get her magic. The whole thing very much had this death of an angel vibe that is hard to explain, but you feel it.
Drowning because we again hit a dead end, I talked to Craig and he agreed that trying to convince everyone was a hopeless endeavor. All we could do is wait out our existence here and try to entertain ourselves until we died.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
The Secret Ingredient in Worm
Last night I had a dream where the Umbrella Academy wasn’t a thing, but I was one of the children of Sir Reginald Hargreeves. It wasn’t any of the kid versions for either Umbrella or Sparrow. Instead it was me and a bunch of children I did no know. We were jumping universes until we found one that was devoid of people, but still had a built up society. Our father never did tell us what exactly he was looking for. In this empty universe, I pointed out an old burger restaurant and joked about us eating there. Something about this sparked Reginald and he approached it immediately.  It was locked and Reginald gave us kids a directive to open it up. Each of us had a go at trying to open it and, with out collective efforts, when it was my turn I was able to break the lock off. This pleased Reginald and I was overjoyed by that fact. I told Reginald that I was excited to learn from him and that I felt an attachment to the restaurant. He said that was very good and I went to follow him inside. As soon as we both passed the threshold he locked the door. The other kids immediately took notice and started making a fuss outside. Reginald told me I mustn’t be distracted and lead me to the kitchen. I couldn’t help but think that it was unfair since I didn’t really break the lock alone and snuck glances outside. I watched as a woman with long hair, who I recognized as our nanny, came and soothed the children. Silent, I felt the pull of a distant memory as if I had worked in this restaurant before.
Coming back to reality, Reginald was mixing a concoction in the three-compartment sink. Upon closer inspection, I found that he had rewired the fryer to heat up the basins to his desired temperatures. I watched carefully as he poured in cleaning agents and stirred the boiling basins. He seemed to be looking for some sort of balance and would routinely scoop up a cup of the liquid and examine in closely. Eventually satisfied, Reginald turned to address me, but was interrupted by small springy aliens. They were little tiny inch worms, but coiled up. They started bouncing around in a form of attack so Reginald and I worked together to be them into the rolling boil which was killing them on contact. Once clear of what we identified were the reason of this universe’s inhabitant’s demise, Reginald brought me over to a table. He ruminating on a single missing piece to his concoction, but refused to articulate to me what it could be. I sat there helpless, but heard the familiar sound of the springy aliens once again.
Before we could react, we were swarmed. Before we could do anything, we were pinned down by an oddly organized strike compared to the last. Three times the size of his brethren, a much larger springy worm with a big block head slithered his way up the table. Evolved and more intelligent, he said that he wanted to watch me specifically make the concoction Reginald was just working on. Reginald tried to protest, but the worms covered his mouth, preventing him from doing so. Thinking back to having watched Reginald mix the batches, I focused hard to recreate what I had seen. I poured the chemicals as he had and the block-headed worm worked his way over to me to examine. I could feel his pleasure at what I presumed was my success. He came up close as the mixture boiled and I moved on pure instinct, slapping him straight into the basin. He died on contact and I immediately fished out his flash fried corpse. The worms holding Reginald down started the lose coordination and I had a thought. I cracked the crispy shell of the block-headed worm open and poured his inside into the mixture. It changed color and Reginald exclaimed to my success as I woke up.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
Celestial Screenshots
Last night I had a dream where I experienced phenomena that can only be see through a camera lens. I was sitting in my bedroom in the middle of the day and noticed it was rapidly getting dark outside even though it was only 4pm. I went into the front yard to find a solar eclipse was happening. My neighbor, Spencer, was outside doing some light yard work. I was astounded that he didn’t stop to watch the eclipse. I looked at it through veiled hands because I knew I couldn’t look directly at it. I decided it would be best to look at it through my phone’s camera. The total eclipse happens and I bring my camera up as pure black night floods around me. Through my phone I watch as twisting Tron-esque geometric shapes twist in the sky. Confused, I lower my camera to find the sky is just inky black. I raise my camera again and watch the neon lights shift like an old 90s screen saver. I snap a picture, but the preview shows up in my bottom corner as a black night sky. Stressed out, I zoom in to find the geometric patterns take shape into twisting animal-like star forms. I take picture after picture and they all just show black sky. Frustrated, I start taking screenshots and to my delight, the geometric shapes and animal figures show up! My neighbor finishes washing a car and chuckles at my excitement. I try to tell him about the shapes, but he brushes me off with a reminder not to look directly at the eclipse. Disheartened, the eclipse passes and sunlight starts to brighten the sky once more.
Evidence in hand, I run back inside to show my mom. She is half-asleep and I wake her. It’s a long annoying process waiting for my mom to get up, drink water, and put her glasses on before I can show her the pictures. I excitedly explain the story to her and start by showing her the ‘normal’ night sky pictures so I can contrast them with what it really looked like in the screenshots. Her phone goes off, however. So begins an annoying game where just before my mom can look at the wild space screenshots, she just ‘has’ to do something else. I end up waking up before I can ever show her.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
Long Haul Heat
Last night I had a movie dream about two suit-wearing mobsters who go to pick up a semi-truck that’s hot. They need to dispose of it, but they are having a hell of a time trying to drive it because they don’t know how. They end up accepting lessons from 3 nice old truckers at a gas station. After getting the basics down, they drive all day and hunker down at a Crack Barrel type restaurant to eat. Framed in a mundane fashion, you slowly realize over the course of the movie that it’s actually one guy with split personality. It’s not demonized like so many movies usually take it. Instead the two ‘people’ are a Bob Odenkirk’s Saul Goodman type and a very on the job woman like Mary J. Blige‘s Cha-Cha. The two perfectly balance either other out and have witty banter. There was one scene I remember distinctly where Bob Odenkirk gets some debris kicked up into his eye and it swells like a boxer’s. Mary J. Blige has a history with boxing and plus a very steady hand from years of doing her own make-up, so she successfully cuts it to relieve the pressure. Bob Odenkirk jokes that maybe he should pick up a mean cat-eye since it’s so useful. Sadly, I woke up before I got to see the resolution for the truck.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
True Happiness is an Animal Crossing Villager
HA! This is why I left the door open. The day after I say, “barring some sort of mistake,” I found another forgotten dream journal. This one is from November 25, 2020 so at least my mistake was in chronological order still.
Last night I had a dream where I was living in an Animal Crossing town. I was a villager and I was just living my best fucking life. Instead of the other villagers being animals, they were all villager versions of my friends. We all lived without walking distance of each other’s houses and it was super personalized. Everyday is filled with laughter and light until a giant puffer-fish moves in. He’s always bloated to the max and he’s wearing the Royal Shirt, but it barely fits him and is all open in the front making it more like a robe. He tells us that he’s here to make our lives better and all my friends are oddly on board. I’m don’t really understand, but the puffer-fish enacts this really stringent schedule on us all. We all have to get up at 6am and for some reason, Nook allows him to upgrade his house to one that is three times the size of everyone elses. I immediately call bullshit so I start spreading dissent amongst my friends. I point out how he isn’t making our lives better. My friends tell me that I’m wrong and he’s gotten us better food and the internet. I disagree saying the food is prepackaged, though I can’t disagree about the WiFi.
I notice my friend, Amanda, isn’t there, so I go to try to talk sense into her. When I get there, I realize she’s turned into a deer villager and has totally dumbed down to New Horizon’s AI. She only has a set of specific dialog she can say, even though the distress on her face said that she wanted to say anything else. I realize she can’t control it, so I rush to confront to confront the puffer-fish. He tells me not to worry and that this is the final step to true happiness: relinquishing control. I start to run away, but the view I have shifts from first person to third person. A mini-game activates and the text on the screen says 'don’t worry, you’re next.’ I start hauling ass toward the shore and the puffer-fish explodes out of his house with a fishing net. He casts the line and I have to dodge it to survive. For some reason, it’s at this moment that I have a rare moment of clarity where I realize that this is a dream. This only serves as a distraction though because while I was having this thought, I became hooked.
The line is slack, but I look back to see the puffer-fish starting to reel it in. I noticed Deer Amanda up ahead so I run towards her, not knowing what else to do. She runs a dialog about how she likes grass, but in doing so she steps forward and uses a hoof to sever the line. A new mini-game activates and the screen reads ‘find your friends to escape.’ One by one, I track down my friends who have pieces of animal-like body appendages to them from ears or tails all while the puffer-fish is still trying to catch me. Once I tag everyone I’m directed by an on-screen prompt that a car is now ready for me. I run to the north and like City Folk, I get in a car and start driving away. The puffer-fish, however, is still pursuing us. Since we’re still on an island, I drive around madly and see all my friends have fully become animals. Everything is so intense and the puffer-fish is literally right on the tail of my car. I distinctly remember looking back and seeing his wild puffed out eyes through the back windshield. Feeling defeated, I turn and look out of the front windshield to see three moons. I wonder aloud if it’s always been that way and my radio responds that it has. This doesn’t seem strange to me so I say ‘I don’t think that’s normal. I’m really in trouble,’ before I wake up.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
Shifting Mall Dimensions
Barring some sort of mistake, I believe this the last of my backlogged dreams I’ve found while cleaning up my computer. This dream is from February 21, 2020.
Last night I had a dream where I think I may have tapped into some cosmic truths i was not prepared to know... I was at my local mall (which for the record closed almost a year ago) which had somehow merged with my local college. It had been converted into some sort of school and I was in love with a boy named Joey. I did my best in classes, but was falling behind. One day, between classes, I found Joey and he was playing a video game version of a board game. I asked if I could join him and I was really excited when he said yes. While playing the game, I find Joey to be flirting with one of his male friends rather aggressively. After a few rounds, Joey wins and celebrates by making out with said friend. I’m devastated, but I hold it together as it’s finally time to go back to class. Instead of sadness, I start to get this worsening sense of dread that I cannot overcome. Our curriculum for the day is to identify a new type of sea life. I go to the ocean which happens to be accessible by one of the ‘anchor stores’ of the mall and I dive right into investigating. I'm fascinated to learn that instead of looking for new species, some of my classmates have taken to growing colonies of oceanic bacteria as a means to spawn a new type. Something about watching the students and staff research these tide pools makes me hyper aware that something is very wrong...
...Since I have ‘searched’ for some time, I go to my teacher and tell them that I cannot find anything. The teacher dismisses me to keep looking so I go back out to the sea. Since I’ve exhausted the tide pools, I go down a pier and there is a cluster of students at the end of it. As I get closer I realize they are bickering and as a group they seemingly unanimously turn on one particular boy. They throw him into the water, but the pier stands to high above the ocean for him to get out. I scream at them about what they’ve done and they all tell me he’s gone. I’m flabbergasted because he’s doggy paddling right below us and one of the students reassures me that it’s all going according to plan. I watch in horror as another kid pulls out a stick of dynamite and lights it before tossing it right at the boy in the water. I scream as it detonates and I can’t see the boy anymore. I turn back to scream at the group, but they’re all gone. I spin around searching for where they have gone, but I can just see a group of teachers running towards me. They heard the explosion and, since I’m the only one around, they’re blaming me for it. Eventually a ambulance boat arrives down in the water and the teachers keep asking me what I did. I told them I have no idea what’s happening, but that I had no part in this. I explained what I watched happen, but am interrupted by a commotion down in the water.
I turn to see a diver with a lifesaver in the water with the boy hunched over in it. I exclaim ‘he’s alive,’ but watch in horror as another diver surfaces with a leg. More and More pieces of the boy continue to be gathered and I feel sick. They pass the pieces to the main boat and the sea seemingly runs purple from the blue water and the red blood. The color is hypnotizing and when I look up finally, everything is different. I’m all alone. I start searching for anyone, but there is just not a soul around. The converted classroom nature of the main mall area is completely gone. It’s back to the hollowed out carcass of a dying mall, but there are all these objects scattered about. They seem like objects people lose; single socks or car keys. Some of them emit that a sort of glow that’s that same shade of purple. I just know the color is wrong, even though I can’t explain it. I reach some stairs that lead to the second floor of the mall that I haven’t explored yet. I run down the line of store after store, but they’re all empty. As I hook around to go down another line of stores, I see some back down on the bottom floor. Another ‘lost’ object, a bear-skin rug, but it’s emitting an orange hue. I inherently know this is meant for me and descend the stairs once more.
For some reason, I do so as quietly as possible, as if I’m not longer alone. On cue, there’s a baseball bat waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs so I take it. I creep down to the store with the rug and it’s no longer a rug, but a live bear. It’s facing away from me so I ready myself to take a swing at it with the bat. As I do, the bear sheds it’s ‘skin’ and reveals that it’s Negan from the Walking Dead. It dawns on me that the bat is Lucille, but the wire and nails are gone. I run my fingers over the smooth wood as I try to solve this puzzle. I look back at Negan to see that this store isn’t empty as I previously thought. It’s stocked with Christmas decorations. Negan finally turns around and looks at my curiously. He asks if I’m OK and what’s wrong with me that I’m holding a bat. I can’t speak and he oozes that devilish charisma. He asks if I’m scared and I take a step back. He steps forward to match me and calls me a frightened little thing. I take another step back and he wonders why I’m so scared considering the mall is packed. My face screws up in confusion.
I turn around and the mall is suddenly packed to the brim with people. I walk out of the store and see the mall is decorated to the nines with full Christmas decorations. When I turn back Negan is dressed as an employee of the store with a Christmas sweater and name tag on. I know this is all very wrong. He tells me that this is the grand opening and he offers me free promotional milk and cookies. I stare blankly and he comes around to lead me over to a table stacked with the described treats. I still have the bat and it scrapes the floor as I’m led. He mentions that it’s a nice bat I have there. I quickly retort that it’s my bat and he can’t have it as I stare at the cookies. He tells me not to worry and that he wouldn’t take something from such a scared little thing. He says that scared little things are usually firecrackers though; real skullbashers. Something about that turn of phrase makes him smile. He pats my shoulder and says there’s only one name for that: Lucille. He says he’ll call me Lucille and I start to back away from him. As I do so, I bump into the back of my teacher who originally told me to keep looking for that undiscovered species. The color disappears from her face and she starts to scream at me about how I’m not supposed to be there. I ask what she means. I start to notice the people around me are the other people from the ‘school.’ The teacher continues to yell and sewed back up, like Frankenstein’s Monster, is the purple boy from the ocean. He’s that sickly purple hue and his skin is bloated from the water. Someone beside me mentions how I’m not supposed to be in this reality and I start to try to shove my way out of the store. I can hear Negan talking to my teacher about how I didn’t take a cookie because I’m allergic to lemons. In my head, I wonder how that can even be possible. I’m not allergic to lemons. The cookies weren’t lemon cookies. How could Negan know what I’m allergic to? There’s more whispers as more people start to ‘notice’ I’m not supposed to be there.
Fear floods me as I try desperately to fight the tide of people. Suddenly a hand grabs my forearm and I hear a voice tell me that I can save this world and many others. I search desperately with my eyes for the source, but I can’t seem them among the crowds. The voice tells me to I just need to stay safe and that’s when I awaken.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
The Council Is In
I’m still cleaning my computer and I found some short dream notes from February 18, 2020.
Last night I had a dream that was the plot of a movie I’d like to watch. Steve Martin is a lawyer and Robert Pattinson is going to marry his daughter. This isn’t the typical ‘the father is grumpy and doesn’t want to give his daughter away,’ no. Steve Martin notices that Robert Pattinson is kinda of a closed up guy and he’d like to bond with him to see if he can get Robert Pattinson to open up a little so that he can be a good partner. Yes, there are many lawyer ‘partner’ puns.
About halfway through the dream, it shifts away from a shot movie to the live set. I’m the producer and these ruffians are disrupting the set. I get rid of them, but, of course, that just upsets them more. They end up waiting for me after a day of shooting and try to sick big dogs on me. I try to win the dogs over ala raptor style, but it doesn’t work. I end up running around town being pursued by this dogs. Comically, I even go to a grocery store to buy the dogs steaks, but it doesn’t work. Nothing will quell these dogs. It frustrates me so much that I wake up.
Man, i wish that movie was real.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
Kacchako Anagram
So I’ve been cleaning up my new computer lately and found notes of a dream I had the night of April 27, 2019. At the time I had massive Kacchako brain rot and had been writing a ton of fanfiction. I can’t lie, but several of my fanfics are based on dreams that were more cohesive. As this one was not, it is logged here in my dream journal:
Last night I dreamed that I was Ochako Uraraka and I’m desperately lonely. I’ve had a crush of my classmate, Bakugou for awhile now, but he is dating someone else and, since he’s a serious guy, he plans on marrying them. I attend my English class which is led by Rhett and Link. They are doing a word puzzle as a game to trick the class. It’s an anagram that as a result leads you to the person who has your next clue. The first anagram leads to Rhett and, for some reason, the second anagram leads to me. I’m not sure what my teachers were thinking, but this game leads to many students coming to me for the next anagram. I’m rapidly gaining an odd popularity which is making it difficult for me to see Bakugou. Since everyone lives on campus, I feel like I’m being bombarded at every hour of the day. Eventually I get added to some sort of famous school group chat that was lead by a grade above us. Because of this, no one knows who I am. I ask about this silly anagram issue as maybe my upper classmen have participated. They have and it turns out the second anagram is supposed to lead to Link! This means I can finally start directing those who come to me for the assignment to the correct source. While this is a pain, I don’t report the correction to my teachers because I realize that it gives me the little step-up I need with Bakugou. I use my correct answer as a bribe for Bakugou and Kirishima, who he’s teamed up with, to take me to the main. It’s storming the day we’re all set to go so there are no buses running to the mall. My details get very fuzzy after that, but there’s a spoof on the Calvary Battle where Kirishima is the horse, I use my quirk to make us weightless, and Bakugou acts as an engine to blast us around. We use to mode of transportation to solve the mystery of the third anagram which leads to the creation of a paralysis inducing candy cigarette that kids are getting addicted to.
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fulldreamsahead · 3 years ago
i had a dream i went to nintendo and they revealed to me that all this time the real pokemon designer was this Russian guy named Vladimir Pokemondesigner and i asked him why he named jigglypuff that and he said “is puff. is jiggly. are you a jokester?” and crushed my head like an empty soda can
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fulldreamsahead · 4 years ago
So last night I had a dream where I was a a middle school aged boy and I was not having a good day. Much of the beginning of my dream was me trying to bike to school, but there was a ton of construction and traffic. No matter what I did, I didn’t seem to be making any progress. Eventually, I did arrive, obviously late, but still making it to my first period class. I acknowledge the girl behind me glaring at the back of my head as a sit down. I shudder and remember, in a montage, that they have been cold and cruel to me since they started new in this school not more than a few months ago. Back in the present, a kid who sits beside me, my friend, mention that the girl behind me is being a jerk again and I agree that I’m getting tired of it. Thankfully, it seems I only have the one glass with the girl and move on to my second period. 
Time skips to the next day and I’m getting ready to go to school once again. I look out the window from my apartment (several stories up) and I see the same construction and traffic. I frown and remember the girl glaring at the back of my head and I decide that this is totally a skip day. I take my bike out and head in the opposite direction of my school to head to a local coffee shop. My dad, who is Chris Rock, happens to see me and waves me down from his SUV. I fess up instantly and he is super sympathetic. He says he’s been stressed lately too, he’s a police office (real Spiral vibes), and it does feel like a skip day. He says he think he’ll stay home too and asks if I want to watch movies with him. I’m totally psyched about this and we return to the apartment. 
After eating breakfast and watching one movie, he gets a call that he needs to pick something up. Since it’s an easy trip, he takes me along for the ride. We drive to a nearby apartment building and he explains he has to pick up some evidence for the guy at the front desk. I meander around the lobby while I wait and I happen to run into the girl who sits behind me. Instead of being her usual mean self, she is instead really nervous so I ask if she is ok. A switch flips and she’s back to mean and snaps that she is fine. I roll my eyes, tired of her attitude, and move to pass her by. She rebuffs me and the two of us bump shoulders. My jacket snags on her backpack and I pull away to break the contact. In doing so, the front zipper pouch of her backpack opens and a book falls out. On total reflex, and since I’m the only one facing the scene, I reach out and snatch the book out of midair. She screams at me for doing so and I jump back away from her rage. She berates me and before she can lunge, I turn and hightail it out of there. As I run down the hall, I can hear snippets of the people living there. They mention the weird new people who recently moved in, a daughter and a mother. I put two and two together and place that the girl chasing me must be the daughter of this pair. After rounding a horse-shoe corridor, I end up back where my dad is at the front desk. He doesn’t inquire about the book or my panting demeanor. Instead he holds up a polaroid instant camera and I notice that it has a similar logo to one on the book. 
I’m just about to mention it to my dad when I woman emerges from the hallway with the daughter in tow. She starts screaming and since the camera is evidence, my dad goes into full police officer mode. He tells me to get behind him and as I do so the woman continues screaming, attracting a crowd. She shoves them away and my dad tells me to run. I do so, but there is only the rounding corridor to escape to. I go down the hall, but this time I notice there is a door to the staircase. I go through it and there was this long conversation I had with myself about which floor I should take to escape. I had this weird breakdown thought process that had something to do with every third floor being locked, but I might get caught if I use a close floor. For some reason, my logic dictates that the sixth floor (of seven btw) is the safest bet so I choose that one. Hustling up the stairs, I start checking doors on the sixth floor to hide in. One of the apartments happens to be unlocked and I duck inside. It’s sparsely decorated and dark with only a TV broadcasting static illuminating the space. I hear a sound and turn to look out a window to find it’s nighttime. I remember that our town is going to have a parade with fireworks and the sound I heard was the first of which going off. I hear the sounds of the mother and daughter and duck down in a fit of fear. In doing so, I juggle the camera and accidentally snap a photo with flash. Nerves racked, I hold my breath as the voices seem to pass me by. When they are fully gone, I slip back out into the hallway and book it for the stairs. 
I’m a total wreck at this point and in my rush I accidentally snap another flash blinding photo. Frustrated, I lift the camera up and look through the lens. I can see there’s a bunch of red writing that’s only visible when it’s looked through. Confused, I purposefully take another photo and find that the writing shows up on the photographs. I begin to suspect that the camera is some sort of communication device so I rush to find my dad. I catch up with him in the parking lot and I rush to tell him what I’ve discovered. He takes the information in thoughtfully, but we are interrupted by the mother and daughter emerging from the apartments. We run and just past the apartment parking lot is the parade, so we commandeer a float. We enter the parade track and my dad reassures me that there’s no way they’ll realize we’re apart of the parade. I’m reassured until my dad asks me if he can take the camera. I tell him to focus on driving, but he won’t drop the subject. He keeps bringing it up and it’s starting to make me suspicious. I think back to the conversation he had with the doorman and wonder about the book. Even though he’s asking too many questions, my dad is still calm and gives me some space. Reviewing the photographs, I notice that while the red text looks like words, it’s actually jumbled letters. Since there are a bunch of parade people surrounding our float, dad is very focused on driving. I slip the book from the center console and find that it has a decoding system for the red letters. I swallow and think about how the daughter and mother each probably had the two pieces to the spy device (the daughter the book and the mom the camera) so it wouldn’t be as suspicious. My dad asks about the camera again and the way to the parade lights shine off his face I start to notice a sinister sheen to his features. I realize he’s in on the plot also just as someone rear-ends our float. His head hits the steering wheel in the process and he turns to me menacingly, with a blood dribble oozing from his forehead. and demands the evidence, cinching my suspicion. 
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fulldreamsahead · 4 years ago
I was high off my ass last night and had this dream where I was in this dense ass forest and sitting there was a tall woman. She was so tall I couldn’t see her face but she was wearing gold and I was like “uh…hi?” And she said “I made you, do you know that?” And I nodded and she was like “I hear your thoughts. Why do you hate my creation? Why do you try to destroy yourself? I made you perfect as you are. Please don’t break my heart”. Then she started crying and it flooded and I woke up with fucking heart palpitations like what does it Mean™️????
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fulldreamsahead · 4 years ago
Mario Lopez on the Dallas Strip
Last night I had a dream where all I wanted was to show my mom a strip in Dallas, but a mall got in my way. 
So the dream starts with me at home with my mom and we see a commercial with Mario Lopez where he is riding in a convertible advertising something on a “Las Vegas” strip. The only issue is, me in the dream has definitely seen this (not real) strip of fun buildings in Dallas, TX. I try to express this to my mom who scoffs at me. Later, my mom and I are driving a girl I only knew for one semester in college home for some reason (I think her name was McKenzie?) and I can see one of the buildings in the distance. I excitedly tell Mom that we’re near that strip from a few weeks back and she laughs at me. I turn to go down the street and miss it by one. You can kind of see the buildings from here, but not enough to say it was in that commercial. Not to be deterred, I go down the road and after avoiding some construction that makes us drive out even further, I am able to turn on a side street that will get me to the intended target. Unfortunately, I somehow make another mistake and end up turning down a lane that leads directly to the entrance of a mall on the strip. I frighten a few consumers coming out with my car and my mom is laughing her head off at my stupidity. I notice the mall is called Balenciaga which I think is weird because that’s a fashion brand and not a mall (with awake sight, it was probably just the store front we were ‘entering’ at). 
Embarrassed, we all get out of the car and I fold it up like a suitcase to take with me. My mom is bewildered and I tell her to wait for me so I can go and find a way to bring the car around so we can ride this damn strip. She laughs it off and her and McKenzie go to get Starbucks while they wait. I enter the mall and I’m in some sort of Macy’s clone store that is enormous. I stick to the wall to find another exit, but to my dismay there isn’t one. I finally see some wall-to-ceiling windows and I immediately think door. I head over there and look out the window to find some cars in a closed lot. I turn to the kiosk to find a man who works for Enterprise. I ask him how I can drive alongside the mall and he looks like he can’t be bothered. He sighs and tells me to ‘go back two spaces and then exit.’ I tell him that doesn’t mean anything, but he shrugs and says he has nothing else to tell me. I try to protest, but he ignores me so I wander out into the mall proper. 
The shops are all strange and eventually I get to a pavilion where a little stunt show is happening. The music is Without Me by Eminem and I see a guy who really looks like Eminem dancing around in one of those inflatable horse costumes where it looks like you’re riding a horse. I notice that behind the ‘stage’ (It’s a bunch of black foam core to set a backdrop) is a door and I get excited and try to sneak around the concert to get over there. Eminem does a crazy turn and almost runs right into me and I’m on the verge of tears because I just want to leave. He notices this and messes up the last line of his song before shamefully stepping back. The MC throws what is now a song battle to the other side of the pavilion where another singer takes over. With Eminem done, I sneak behind the foam core and get out into a parking garage. I walk up and down until I get the orientation of where ground level is and head down there to find my mom and McKenzie drinking their drinks at a table. I notice a road by them and we unfold the car and get in. As we exit the mall we are at the end of the strip, but I’m done and want to get back on the freeway. Mom looks back and, thankfully, agrees that Mario Lopez totally shot his commercial here. 
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