ftstokes · 2 years
I'm usually always out of sync with everything, but thank you! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one but it sounds like I'm missing out of a great show. The Walking Dead was really the shit. I mean man, I could watch that all over, you might just make me start again! I'm just hoping these zombies are stalking you. because then they might know exactly where you were going. At least though we would have no more lines to wait in. What would be your choice of weapon? I feel like a crowbar would be good but so would be a gun. it's nice to meet you as well Monica! well then i feel like that's where I'll fit with the thriving Monica team. good, I am glad to hear that. rainy days with a good tv show? I'd be sold too.
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I'm usually always out of sync with everything, but thank you! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one but it sounds like I'm missing out of a great show. The Walking Dead was really the shit. I mean man, I could watch that all over, you might just make me start again! I'm just hoping these zombies are stalking you. because then they might know exactly where you were going. At least though we would have no more lines to wait in. What would be your choice of weapon? I feel like a crowbar would be good but so would be a gun. it's nice to meet you as well Monica! well then i feel like that's where I'll fit with the thriving Monica team. good, I am glad to hear that. rainy days with a good tv show? I'd be sold too.
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ftstokes · 2 years
I could see where someone would get confused with that! However, i I think that does make that uniquely you. I have not been lucky enough to new Zealand but I do hear good things. As long as you love the place that you live — it makes a huge difference. I'm a Florida boy so my place is always being near the water. Something that people would be shocked about? Hm.. that I was once living outside in my car when I first came to los angeles. it was a tough world out there.
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If I had a penny every time someone who has heard me talk seemed ao shocked hearing that I have a New Zealand accent, I'd never have to work another day in my life. I am Korean and I was born there but for those that don't know when I was 9, I went on holiday to New Zealand with my mom and she asked me if I liked it there and of course I did. Have you ever been before? It's incredible. She asked me if I wanted to live there and again, I said yes. Then at 10 until the age of 15 I lived there alone. It was weird but I adored it there, the accent developed over the years and even though it's been 12 years since then I haven't lost it. What's a fact about you people seem shocked about when they find out? @gonehollywoodstarters
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ftstokes · 2 years
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ftstokes · 2 years
You know what? I'll see what I can pull out of Netflix for you. Especially with you being my personal stylist. ah, thank you very much. We did a whole event with the fans since we had never really did a premiere thing but I think everyone liked it. true, true. I won't hold that against you. I'll probably never be ready by the time you let it out
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You know what? I'll see what I can pull out of Netflix for you. Especially with you being my personal stylist. ah, thank you very much. We did a whole event with the fans since we had never really did a premiere thing but I think everyone liked it. true, true. I won't hold that against you. I'll probably never be ready by the time you let it out
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ftstokes · 2 years
Those are the worst of times, I'm sorry you're going through that. My tip would definitely be to work out even if it's like something simple, sometimes your body will finally catch up and let your body go to sleep. sometimes walk are like the best thing you can do. Trust me, I've learned that the hard way.
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okay, but have you ever been in desperate need of a nap but you just can’t fall asleep even though you’re dead tired ? i’ve tried everything. a cup of camomile tea, an episode of my favorite tv show quietly on in the background, every breathing instruction the internet has taught me. literally wasted my nap time on researching. any tips ? also, if you see me out of it somewhere in la tonight because of my lack of sleep, no you didn’t. @gonehollywoodstarters​
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ftstokes · 2 years
When things get changed, it makes things a bit more confusing. Though now you've got me curious as to what they have changed? maybe it was more so with safety! I've just been hanging out with some friends -- other than keeping up with promoting. I did however pick up an old hobby with my camera. so that's been fun almost like seeing things from a new perspective. if there was an old hobby, you'd love to pick up again.. what would be yours?
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Time off has meant that the baby and I have been on the road with dad. It has been a blast getting to experience the whole spring training process, though the new rules and things are a bit confusing. It’s like I’m learning the sport all over again. Anyway, what have you been doing lately? Are you working on a new project? Have you picked up a new hobby? @gonehollywoodstarters​
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ftstokes · 2 years
chase: i'd never kill you over that, ha. chase: however now you've got me curious? something that doesn't interest you or more so just busy?
[ imsg ] : CHASE
demi: don't kill me
demi: i have not seen one episode of outerbanks
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ftstokes · 2 years
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CHASE STOKES photographed by Matthew Brooks for VMan Magazine July 2021
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ftstokes · 2 years
You know I've been hearing a lot about The Last Of Us. I feel so out of sync but I do know it is a series. Walking Dead though, I could get behind. I've got to know what you've figured out on how you would survive? I feel like you've just got to be faster then the Zombie and always have some type of weapon on you because they could pop out of anywhere. it's nice to meet you, Monica. I'm Chase and I think I know who's team I would join if it were ever to happen. I mean any better way to spend a cold rain day with a good series? you sound like you're living the dream!
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So, I’ve been one of the many that started watching The Last Of Us and I’m finally all caught up. Now you may ask, why is this important, Monica? Well, I’ll tell y’all – because of this, I started my rewatch of The Walking Dead yesterday and I may or may have not slept because I kept thinking of ways to survive a potential zombie apocalypse. Needless to say, I think I’ve got it figured out and I’m exhausted because team no sleep. Oh, and hi everyone I’m Monica! I’ll be spending this rainy day in LA indoors…continuing my binge. @gonehollywoodstarters​
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ftstokes · 2 years
I can't say I've thought about Frank the Fish in a long time. however, I don't prefer to do it in the shower. The sink is just fine with me. pleasure to meet you Aubrey, I'm Chase. Should I totally hire you to run my next party?? I'm debating.
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Let's cut to the chase: do you brush your teeth in the shower or were you half asleep during Sesame Street and gave zero fucks about Frank the Fish and the environment? I'm Aubrey Plaza and I'm here to remind you to never let the water run. I'm a blast at parties. @gonehollywoodstarters
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ftstokes · 2 years
I could see how that is, I also was on a show for a little bit on Hulu too. So there are so many possibilities. I think I just enjoy knowing that so many people have been enjoying the storytelling. well damn, that is a lot of the same thing. I see how after a while it would just be like I'm done with this. hey man, a little bit of cringe hurt nobody.. but also I can see you are wanting to like have your music grow with you. I think that's great in itself, some people just goes with what works. Whatever you guys end up doing, It will be great. lyrics are just kind like sentences in books, and talking about things as you mature.
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That’s awesome, Mate.  There are so many platforms out there for shows, you don’t have to worry about one network and as a viewer, we get entire seasons at once.  I get to the point where I’ll do like 6 episodes, then that means it’s time to work.  So an album cycle is Studio, Mix and ReMix, Singles, Tour, so that’s a year plus.  We are off tour and just have a couple festivals booked this year.  When it comes to the actual music, we write a lot based on experience.  The old stuff feels very young.  We started at 15 and 16, and we’ve evolved so much from those days.  There’s a cringe factor in that, I guess.  There are a few that I do still love, and want to filter back into the live shows.  We’ll be off break soon enough. 
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ftstokes · 2 years
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Chase Stokes photographed by Emily Malan for In Style
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ftstokes · 2 years
Normally, he was just like this before the break up ,they were once this close. It was nice to have that feeling coming back though his mind was playing tricks. He wouldn't have been this bold if not buzzed. As her fingers combed through his hair; he had missed that simple thing. the way she would do that, anytime they hung out; it was almost like he could forget all the things that once happened… maybe it was for the best. they were able to be normal again-- the idea of going back to normal the next day though, he was not looking forward too. The smile growing on the male's face, hearing her say that she had missed it too. before his hazel eyes looked into hers. that feeling he felt when she was looking at him. He couldn't help but chuckle for her thanking him for dancing with her. in fact; there was no place that the male would rather be. He couldn't think of a better place to be -- with her in his arms. " not a problem, I'm glad to be here. "
Chase could get lost just in the way she moved her body along with the music, as he kept dancing along with her as well. his lips perked up into a sly smirk towards her suggestion of a very bad idea. The older male could figure out what she was onto about -- while he was very into the idea; he knew that it could either break it or make it for them in the future. Heck, it had been a while since they looked at each other has anything other than being formal and friendly. " I think I've got an idea, " he spoke just loud enough for her to hear. As he unraveled his arms around her waist before cupping the sides of her face with his hands. before leaning forward and pressing his lips against hers deeply as his way of testing the waters, to see how far she would let it go. He didn't want Madelyn to regret this.
Maybe it was her drunken haze that was blinding her but she was surprised at how easy and how nice it felt to be beside him like this. The smile she wore so freely was one of genuine happiness she felt being this close it him. Prehaps it wasn't wise but she didn't care — in that moment, life outside of the party didn't matter. All she could focus on was him. His presence, his scent, his hands on her body and she was surprised by how much she enjoyed it. As he rest his forehead against her own, Madelyn's dark eyes fluttered shut for a moment which only amplified her delusions of them being alone. Humming in conformation of his words. Surly, this wasn't right but how could she deny how good it felt? "I've missed missed it too." Madelyn admitted, fingers combing through his curls as she opened up her eyes, catching his gaze with a soft smile on her lips. "Missing you hasn't been any fun. Thank you for dancing with me." Madelyn didn't know why she was thanking him. It was such a simple act but it meant a lot to her. The moment much too intimate for such a party. If there were prying eyes they'd probably gossip about this but everyone else was much too caught up in other people that the moment shared.
The music was almost as intoxicating as the alcohol consumed but not nearly as intoxicating as he was. Madelyn moved her body to the rhythm of the song, hands moving from his shoulders and down his chest. A smirk tugged on the edges of her lips, brown eyes shining in mischief. "This might be a very bad idea." Madelyn said in a melodic voice. She wanted more and maybe that was obvious. The only thing holding her back was him. She didn't know what he wanted or if he'd regret this in the morning. There would be repercussions if things progressed. Their actions might define the future for them. Being drunk while making such decisions definitely wasn't wise. Madelyn knew that but dancing with him, having him so close made her body feel electric. He'd always had a grasp on her in a way she couldn't ever describe. "What do you want to do? You're looking at me in a way you haven't looked at me for so long. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about how much we used to crave each other."
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ftstokes · 2 years
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Chase Stokes photographed by Emily Malan for In Style
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ftstokes · 2 years
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I mean if I'm honest grey's anatomy was something that just went on and on. I don't even know how many seasons there are. I don't know how anyone is able to keep up with it. I'm sure he just knows you and doesn't mind. how exciting? but it's good to have some quiet time, no? it means more time to spend with the ones you love!
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i'm the worst at completing shows -- i've been stuck on season 13 of grey's anatomy and i have no plans to finish any time soon. my poor boyfriend might be annoyed of me doing that, but cannot focus. it's pretty quiet, i've been doing victoria secret photoshoots.
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ftstokes · 2 years
We did just get renewed another season, which I am extremely grateful for. hey, you take your time and work with what you can. Sometimes people can't do that whole binging or whatever either. Nothing wrong with it though at least you'll never have the issues of it not streaming because so many people are watching said episodes or season. it can have its own advantages. does it more so get old when you aren't as friendly with it? or is it more so the memories that go with the song? I mean I'm just asking because I've never gone through that type of stuff. like it seems like working with the album, would be a lot of emotions, so if you were in a certain state while writing then it would just like not be fun. Well when you guys get more new stuff out I'm sure the hype for the other one will narrow down… because they will be just happy to hear you guys again.
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ftstokes · 2 years
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Thank you, I'm really glad that we got you've hooked. Now that's its out I've seen how we have been # 1 on Netflix. Have you already gotten into it? The fact that we are even on there is a blessing. Exactly, at least you can laugh at the little things and the friends understand those things. I always stand up for my friends if they try to mix things up on interviews because we are all extremely important to the plot. Sounds like the best way to spend time after being away from your own bed!
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