@kim-stxtches you’re so precious thank you 💕🥺
Here’s to the newbies just starting out, the ones discovering their ability to twist and bend plots, characters and places to their will for the first time,
To the old faithfuls, who have kids at home and a full-time job but somehow still find the time to make us forget for a while,
To the students who publish one-shots and sagas in-between study sessions,
To the ones who posted that one fic years ago and have since moved on, but whose story meant (and still means) so much to so many readers,
To those of you who publish short, little things that pack the emotional punch of a freight train,
To the ones who update faithfully, and to the ones who don’t,
To the ones who weave lyrics into their stories, and the ones who deal in nothing but angst,
To those who don’t write in their native language,
To the brave ones who do it despite their fear of rejection or criticism,
To the ones who like to write with their friends, and the ones who do it alone because their friends wouldn’t understand,
To the ones who spend hours researching in order to to make their world as real as possible,
To to the poets and novelists and essayists and dreamers:
Every single one of you is precious.
You, along with all the other fandom artists and creators, lift us up and give us hope. You make us laugh, you make us cry, you make us think and question and wonder. You help us escape, sometimes, when we need it most. You bring the unimaginable to life, you translate lofty words into ones we can smell, hear and taste, and you continually encourage and inspire us. You’re wonderful and powerful and courageous and so, so loved, even if we aren’t always the best at letting you know it. So this is for those of you with empty comment sections, with a concerning lack of kudos/likes/favs/bookmarks. Your stories make a difference, and they always will.
So, from all of us to you:
Thank you.
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are you oky? why did you disappear?
Sorry I’ve been on a veryyy long break Bc school is starting again for me soon! The rate that I’ll be posting new content will probably really slow :( but thanks for checking up for me
Also I read all the little comments you guys leave on my work and they make me laugh lol y’all are too funny :’)
Thanks for supporting me though! Much love
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2D husband: *exists*

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I love a man with style 😍
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Gavin’s Birthday Limited Shoot - Intimacy
The final part of Gavin’s birthday event is drawing near! Event Time: July 27th – August 2nd
Get Limited SR Karma ‘Gavin: Intimacy’ & Limited R Karma ‘Gavin: Sweet Dreams’
Use [Star Cake] & [Eye Mask] to get Feeling Points, and you can obtain these 2 Karmas and other item rewards when you get certain Feeling Points.
Get Required Items:
Clear shooting missions in “Intimacy” to get [Star Cake] & [Eye Mask] during the event.
Complete Gavin’s City Stroll to get [Eye Mask] & [Gavin’s House Key] from July 22nd to July 29th.
Complete “Book Breeze” to get [Star Cake] & [Eye Mask] from July 22nd to July 26th.
Purchase Simple Love Pack at Evol Supply to get [Star Cake*300].
Get Attempts for Shooting Mission:
5 Attempts for each shooting mission are refreshed for free every day at 5 am.
Use Gems or [Gavin’s House Key] for more shooting attempts.
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What Gavin can do to women: 😏
A few minutes before:
Come on MC, how not to wince for him? 😍😍😍😍
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The Mystic Messenger Gang as Troubled Birds








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If you’re still taking requests, could you write a college AU for Victor from MLQC and MC?
Hiya, thanks for the request! This one ended up being really long, so I’m gonna split it into two parts :0 Also, for those who were wondering, I answer requests based on how well I think I can answer them (like how creative I feel), not in order of how they come! Sorry if you’ve waited a long time for an answer vkjndv I really do love and appreciate everyone who sends something in.
Victor x MC (College AU pt. 1)
Word Count: 1,777
Rating: Floof as always but the second part is steamy oop
The first time they encounter one another, he automatically labeled her as a nuisance.
He saw it coming. He’d predicted it when he first spotted her sitting in the grass by the track. Who even read outside and by the football field for crying out loud?
The football ripped through the air spiraling gracefully despite its poor aim. Its trajectory was straight at her; however, she sat completely oblivious to the impending injury and embarrassment she was about to face. Her nose stayed buried in whatever book she was reading.
“Hey, watch it idiot!”
Before Victor had even realized it, his legs were moving and he was in front of her swiftly catching the football with a grunt before it came in contact with its target behind him.
Many students stopped what they were doing and stared at the spectacle before them causing him to feel slightly annoyed at the unwanted and unnecessary attention. He glared in the direction of the jocks who had accidentally thrown the football her way before leaning his toned arm backwards and propelling the ball back.
For someone who didn’t play the sport, he sure looked like one hell of a professional.
“Um.” A quiet voice caught his attention, and he turned around to find himself staring at two wide, doe eyes behind a pair of thick glasses.
Her cheeks were flushed, and she had a hand pressed to her racing heart, her mouth slightly ajar looking bewildered. Her book now laid askew beside her. She hastily scrambled to stand up smoothing out her crumpled skirt.
The first thing he noticed was their drastic height difference. The top of her head barely reached his chin, and she had to tilt upwards slightly to look at him. The next thing he noticed was how she dressed. She looked extremely dorky in her thick rimmed glasses, white, ruffly button up blouse, and pastel pink skirt. Not to mention her black high-top converse.
Victor thought she looked kind of cute, but he chased the thought away in an instant.
It’s just refreshing to see a woman who didn’t seem to be dishing out her body. He justified.
“Thanks for saving me. I’m Yuna.” She offered a small, unsure smile. He must have been staring for a while because Yuna fidgeted slightly under his gaze.
“Next time pay more attention to your surroundings.” Victor snapped.
He turned and walked away feeling slightly bothered. Maybe the heat of the sun was getting to him.
Or maybe it was the heat of her eyes burning a hole through his back.
Later in the day, he realized that he never gave her his name.
It bothered him slightly. He knew it shouldn’t, but it did.
Once in a while, Victor would study at the bookstore across the street from his school. Less of the university students went there because it was small and a little run down looking from the outside. Plus, no one wanted to take the time to walk over when they could use the campus library. But Victor thought the quaint interior was homey, and the place offered peace and quiet--something he could never find on campus.
The old couple who owned the shop waved to him when he entered and asked how his studies were doing. He was particularly fond of them; they were genuine and friendly people.
After conversing for a bit, he made his way to his usual designated study spot--a secluded area in the back corner of the shop that had a rustic, oak wood table that could seat two people. He didn’t have to worry about anyone bothering him while he worked or about interested women throwing heart eyes in his direction.
Normally, his backpack would occupy the second seat, but today, the dorky girl he had met the other day was there, much to his surprise. And annoyance. After all, this was his study space.
Unsurprisingly, she had her nose stuck in another book, and she was unaware of Victor’s presence. He noted that what she was reading was different from the last time.
Yuna. Her name is Yuna. He recalled. It’s not like he had forgotten.
He contemplated finding a different place in the shop to study before sighing and dropping in the empty seat across from her. Was it because he wanted to sit by her? He didn’t know.
She jumped, startled by his sudden appearance. Victor ignored her and began to pull his laptop and books out of his backpack. The air felt tense, and he was aware that she was watching his every move.
“You’re… that guy.” Yuna finally spoke.
“Victor.” He said flatly.
“Victor.” She repeated.
It was silent again, and the awkward air persisted. The sound of Yuna rustling through her backpack broke through Victor’s concentration and caused him to look over at her. She pulled out what looked like a wrapped lollipop and silently slid it over the table to him.
He raised an eyebrow at her and shot a look that said, “What the hell is this supposed to be.”
Yuna rolled her eyes. “It’s for the other day. You know, as a thank you.”
Victor hesitated before lightly picking up the wrapped goodie and scrutinizing it. The lollipop’s shape was akin to a shiba inu dog, something he found extremely childish and mildly amusing. What an interesting way of thanking someone.
“Why is it shaped like this?” Although he sounded unimpressed, Yuna didn’t miss the slight tug at the corners of his mouth.
“What do you mean? It’s adorable, that’s the best thing about it. Not to mention they’re pretty rare to find.” She waved a hand up in the air while she spoke as if what she said was obvious.
“It looks silly, no wonder you like this kind of thing.” He retorted.
“Well if you don’t want it then fine, but I do so hand it over.” Yuna huffed and leaned forward to grab the candy back.
Victor snatched it away and quickly pocketed it. He caught her wide eyes and rosy cheeks before averting his attention back to his assignments.
Yuna let out an annoyed sigh but picked her book up and continued to read.
She didn’t leave like he thought she would.
The day after that, he found her again in his designated area. And the day after that. And the following day after that.
He learned bits and pieces of her through their short conversations that began to turn into comfortable banter. Sometimes they would be small details, like her favorite snack, or what kind of pencils she preferred. Other times it would be big, like how she didn’t have a mom, or how much of an asshole the previous guy she dated was.
She was like a puzzle waiting to be solved, and he wanted to place the pieces together.
“I brought you pudding.”
“What?” She gawked.
“I was speaking English. Do you not understand?”
By this point, Yuna was already used to Victor’s callous remarks. She rolled her eyes something she did a lot around him. “This is weird. Why would you bring me pudding?”
“I happened to buy some the other day, but it was too much. Didn’t you say you like pudding?” He lifted a brow. Was it that hard to believe he was doing something nice for her?
“Um yes. Thank you then…” She timidly picked up the pudding cup and spoon and mindfully peeled back the top. He was amused to see how she handled the small treat with great care.
When she took her first bite, her eyes closed, and she let out a moan. “This is so good.” She drawled.
Victor felt heat crawl up his neck, and he cleared his throat. It was hard to pretend the sound hadn’t bothered him, but he rid his mind of any dirty thoughts.
Her eyes sparkled when she opened them again. “Victor seriously, this is delicious.” Yuna smiled happily at him and took another spoonful of pudding.
Before she could place it in her mouth, Victor leaned across the table and grabbed her wrist then placed the spoonful in his instead. When he returned to his seat, Yuna was wide eyed and blushing profusely clearly surprised by the exchange. He decided then that he liked it when she blushed.
“You’re right. It tastes good.” Victor hid a cheeky smirk behind his hand as he continued to work on his assignments.
Did that count as an indirect kiss? She wondered but didn’t say anything after that.
The next day, she brought him a cup of coffee that she brewed herself. Yuna spluttered something about how he seemed tired, so she thought maybe he would like some. She looked everywhere but him while she spoke.
He took a cautious sip then winced. “It’s way too sweet.”
He finished the whole cup anyways.
Yuna was staring at him. Blatantly staring at him.
He huffed then shut his textbook. “You really like staring at my face?”
“Are you popular amongst women?” She blurted out.
Victor was taken aback by her bold question. That definitely was not what he was expecting to hear.
He tried to hide the amusement in his voice. “Tell me why you’re asking and maybe I’ll answer.”
Her cheeks turned another shade of red. It was cute.
“I-I...I just wanted to know! I mean look at you, how could you not be popular with the ladies? You’re handsome, and tall, and smart! And even though you act like a meanie, you’re a total softie. Why do you even hang around here all the time? Your girlfriend must be worried about you.”
An inexplicable warmth filled him, and he had to place a hand over his mouth to hide the smile on his lips. He would be lying if he said her words didn’t inflate him.
“Is this your way of asking me if I have a girlfriend? It’s not really subtle.” He smirked at the way her jaw went slack.
“I just don’t want your woman coming after me because we’ve been hanging out a lot.” She spat. Yuna leaned forward to grab her book attempting to seek refuge from how awkward and very much bothered she felt.
Instead, Victor grabbed her hand and held it in his. It was a lot bigger than hers and warmer than she imagined. Her heart was pumping frantically in her chest as she raised her eyes to meet his.
“There’s no other woman.” He stated simply. Then softly added. “Only you.”
He went back to work and she went back to reading; only this time, their hands remained joined over the table.
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Disbelief // Sadness // Struggle // Pain
...MLQC are you ok?
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Weird question.... can I add you on MLQC so I can send you stamina to help me complete the Gavin birthday invite?? I have no friends who play.
This isn’t a weird question :0!! Please feel free to add me cutie, I’d love to send stamina to you lol
ID: 10214943
Also, completely off topic, but is it bad that I’ve been putting off completing chapters 9 and 10 Bc I don’t want to finish the main story quests 🤔 LOL oops
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The only mood for Mr. Love Queens Choice
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Me every new chapter of MLQC

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✨ BaiQi 2019 Birthday Event ✨
🍀 Date: 24 July 2019 to 30 July 2019 🍀
💸 During event, Main Story Stage and Elite Stage drop materials such as【Lucky Crystal】,【Gift Box】,【Birthday Card】 💸 Create a birthday gift to BaiQi by consuming gems or 【Wish Coupon】together with the above 3 mentioned materials 💸 You may redeem BaiQi’s Birthday R card, BaiQi’s Birthday Special SR card etc using the reward points accumulate
💖 You may redeem 2018 BaiQi’s Birthday SR card along with 2018 BaiQi’s Birthday R card and other rewards
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Very 👀

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I’ve been on your bloog for almost an hour reading your fanfiictions and falling in love with Gavin again 😭💕 btw they are amazing and i love your blog:’)
You’re so sweet 😭😭 Honestly, I fall in love with Gavin again every time I see him in the game lol he’s my bias (which is probably extremely obvious djdbkdnd lOl)
I’m glad you enjoyed reading, and thanks for the love and support sweet anon :’)
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Hey babes, I haven’t finished the fic for Victor yet! I took a short break from writing for a lil breather, but it’ll come soon :)
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Me: i need to stray away from jerks who are soft in the inside because they will just make me emotionally unstable as they play with my-

My dumbass:

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