frostbittensprite · 5 years
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frozen and blue 
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
{// I came on here way too late tonight, more shenanigans tomorrow and hopefully drafts/inbox replies to follow in the morning. Night, Snowflakes~ }
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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         “Not closeted nor a mess. Some of us like to leave the house not looking like a homeless twink.” Banter would have continued if Jack had been a bit more subtle in his gawking, but instead Myles raises brows with a quiet really? before turning with intention to leave. The last thing he wanted at this party, that he didn’t want to be at in the first place, was to become the ‘goal’ of someone’s night. 
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        "I prefer the comfy, casual ‘twink’ category actually. Now you’re just dissing the rips in my jeans.” An easy shrug of the shoulders and a shit-eating grin followed his smart mouth. Jack followed with eagerness to stand in front of the other, his beer held up as a makeshift gate. “Ah ah, everyone who enters this frat party has to play a round of beer pong. Sorry man, I don’t make the rules— and I’m fairly sure you’re up against Me right now.”
        Granted, not against the wall like he’d prefer, but Jack could put that on his To-Do list for later.          He pointed towards the corner of the living room where laughter and hollering came in bounds around a pool table. “After you~”
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
        what bond is twined between them surpasses that of  ANY  other she has known  &&  it is as much instinct as it is  𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽  .  yet with it comes a double-edged blade sharper than any she carries  :  the desire to  connect  ,  ever-closer  && honest  .  to  KNOW  one another as well as they know themselves  ,  against the will to shield them from the pieces of themselves that have been  locked away  so  𝓿𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓵𝔂  ,  allowed to cause harm to none but the soul they are caged within  .          her story has been told before  ,  by her own words  &&  through others  .  a faded  ,  monochrome  thing compared to what she knows  .  mere  words  are an insufficient tool of which to translate a memory  &&  they only grow less  TRANSMUTABLE  over time  &&  thus to know her past so deeply is a privilege afforded only to their queen  .  in all the centuries she has walked this earth  &&  soared these winds  ,  it is not something she has truly offered to anyone  𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮  until now  .
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                                   ¨                i could  show  you  ,  if you would like  .  ¨ 
        The seconds that ticked by let doubt grasp at Jack as tightly as he gripped his staff. Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. Maybe he should have changed the subject as a way of escape for them both.          Surprise. Shock. W a r m t h—  or something akin to it blossomed in Jack’s chest at the offer. He couldn’t fathom the very existence of Tooth before all of this, but it was surely a coveted  m e m o r y; a privilege to get word of, let alone an actual glimpse at. 
                                   Should he?                                                      Dare he?
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        Tentatively, depths of blue met violet, wondering if her irises always held such vivid arrays throughout each lifetime. Tooth has- is always so earnest with him, yet there were still so many secrets held by them both. Not out of distrust, but perhaps due to their own prideful neglect and avoidance toward nostalgia. It was kind to extend such unguarded honesty.   
“ I would. ”
        Hesitance reared its head from a place of concern.                                                                      “ Is that- will 𝕪𝕠𝕦  be okay? ”
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
{ This is so terribly sweet, thank you so much. I’m honestly at a loss for words. I love them. I’m-- I can’t even ///////. }
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@frostbittensprite’s Prince! Jack Frost Icons
Icons for you to use anywhere you want! Thank’s for being an inspiration for me to even start rping!
@frostbittensprite’s use only!
I had fun draw them and thank you @faemoria for the suggestions and life long inspiration with your own art too!
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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broken - lovelytheband 
image source
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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Where does a polar bear keep his money?
In a snowbank!
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
𝓫𝓵𝓾𝓮 lips        𝓫𝓵𝓾𝓮 veins                𝓫𝓵𝓾𝓮, the color                of the planet                from far, far away
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
" You're pretty /young/ to have white hair, 'human'."
“Well if 400 years isn’t old to you, then you’ve gotta tell me your skin care routine to be looking pretty young and refreshed yourself.”
Jack tugged at his own hair with something resembling a pout on his lips. “Guess you’ve never heard the old tale of trauma stress turning hair color before- wait what did you call me?”
H u m a n.
“Listen here… Furball.” What even was this guy?
He took to the air to gain a bit of height before settling at the top of his staff to perch on. “The name’s Jack Frost and I’m anything but human these days.”
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“Are you a friend of Bunny’s because scout’s honor, I have no idea where his paint brushes went.”
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
Harvest Moon
The autumnal equinox would be upon the village soon and with it, the Harvest Moon that was meant to instill hope of bounty and fruition. Rumors spread fast on the wind of Haphishire’s crops wilting until appeasing the moon god with more sacrifice. No one knew or at least spoke about what such a sacrifice was, but the mayor’s face seemed to wear with a grimness  whenever some of the farmers asked what it would take to do the same. They humbly worshipped, with metal crafts, sewn tapestries, and part of their own stock on an altar of aged stone.
For years that had been enough... until now.
The same worries from towns over resulted in the same, parched soil, and rotting crops. This was their last chance before winter would descend. Their last hope- demanded sacrifice.
The mayor spoke of a tribute, honorable and already chosen by way of a vision. A traveling witch had offered solace to the man’s fears of his village’s survival. The announcement would happen just before the Harvest Moon where the tribute would step under the Moon’s rays and meet but not look at the god. Some were skeptical, but most of the people were desperate to make it through winter and not let their families starve. One selfless act for the good of many.
Everyone prepared for the equinox’ festivities even though this year’s harvest was at its lowest. There were candles lit, everyone dressed in their cleanest, white linen and adorned crowns of sprigs and leaves. Some meats, meager berries, and what vegetables had survived the fields were shared amongst men and women throughout the evening. No one talked about the foreboding dread that grew in bounds by the late evening. Music helped, so did drink, and for a moment the whole village shared in merriment through camaraderie, small but completely genuine. Everyone had worked hard this year and hoped to continue to reap some small satisfaction from what could be salvaged.
That moment ended when the mayor raised a hand to stop the band, one last toast before commanding the night. “We gather tonight and must look to the sky, for the Harvest Moon is almost at its fullest. The time to take up our torches and move to the altar is upon us.”
 Moving down the grassy trail, Jack moved with his sister’s hand in his flanked by his mother on the other side. The entire village stopped at the edge of the lake, surrounded by tall trees encircling the area. All eyes looked to the mayor, waiting with bated breath for the name that would leave his lips. That terrible sense of dread returned to Jack as the mayor unraveled the parchment from his pocket, voice bouncing off of the surrounding trees. “Emmaline Overland. “ 
He felt his sister’s fingers quake between his own and as her small hand tried to let go, whether it was due to the summoning or the amount of stares now directed their way, Jack clasped her hand even tighter.
No. Not happening. Not possible.
She hadn’t even been on this Earth for ten years yet.
“Everything is going to be alright, Emma. I promise.” 
This may be the one and only time Jack would be telling Emma a lie, but there was no way to paint the world with roses for her in this moment. Yet Jack held onto a small smile, for her sake, as he moved in front of her. Feeling the weight of the mayor’s gaze and his mother’s rooting him to that very spot. 
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“I volunteer as sacrifice!” He yelled with unwavering finality, louder than the mayor’s, without hesitation. His eyes bore into the mayor’s until the proclamation was answered. 
“Jackson, step forward.”
His mother answered in a quavering whisper between them, all forms of warmth and comfort pulling him desperately into an embrace before he could move further down the trail. “You don’t have to be this brave. Let me, my dearest boy, I’ve lived my life for you- for your sister. Please, a widow is a smaller price to pay.” Jack felt the wet streaks along the cheek his mother pressed so firmly against. He held tight to her fast, kissed under her eye before giving the same affection to Emma. Never acknowledging her face crumbling as he stepped away, “I’m the man of the house, I’m ready to be that now. For us.” His bravado stayed intact even as the sobs of his family tore at him, but Jack pushed on until he was in front of the mayor. It took a few seconds to realize what the rope was for between the man’s hands, the utterance of it as a ‘precaution’ only causing the boy to nod numbly. He didn’t even get the chance to look over his shoulder at what was left of his family again before he was led onto the small raft at the edge of the lake. “It is a brave deed to go in your sister’s stead. I hope that makes a difference of mercy to Him. Remember, to look upon Him would be a sin itself and lesser beings that we are, cannot fathom a proper image. Do not look directly upon Him.” It was the only advice to hold onto as he was pushed out, idling to the center where the moon’s reflection all but glowed.
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frostbittensprite · 5 years
Knights and Royalty Sentence Starters
Requested by anonymous. Feel free to change pronouns. 
“Do you need something, my liege?” 
“Get behind me, my lady!” 
“Sir knight, do come here.” 
“If I may be so bold, my lord, but is this really necessary?” 
“You sent for me, my king?” 
“I’m sorry, my lord, but I don’t trust him.” 
“You’re part of my personal guard now.” 
“No need for formalities here, my friend.” 
“I couldn’t possibly be so informal towards you, my liege.” 
“You shouldn’t run off like that, my lady.” 
“You must be a new guard.” 
“They shouldn’t speak of you like that, my king!” 
“A message for you, your highness.” 
“Running off without an escort again, my lady?” 
“Please forgive me, your highness.” 
“My dear knight, please take off your helm so I may look at you.” 
“I don’t think I’ve you seen around before, guard.” 
“Walk with me, sir knight.” 
“You were my late father’s favorite. You don’t look like much.” 
“Are you disappointed that you’re to guard me instead of an heir higher in succession?” 
“I didn’t know we hired your kind into our guards.” 
“I am merely a guard, my lord.” 
“I live to serve you. Always.” 
🗡+ your own!
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