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frog-thief · 4 days ago
Some Nejiten Facts:
In the manga, the only times Tenten is shown blushing is when she's beside Neji. She blushed at him directly during the second stage of the chunin exams.
In the manga, the only time Tenten dressed in a different outfit to her usual attire and wore makeup was to cheer for Neji during his match in the final part of the Chūnin Exams.
Even before Neji changed his fatalistic mindset as a result of Naruto's words, Neji was shown to get along with Tenten.
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He believed in her abilities enough to sit under the practice dummy she was hitting with kunai,
He didn't mind her teasing him about challenging Sasuke before the first part of the chunin exams,
He trusted her to be capable of heading into the forest on her own and defending herself if she encountered any teams during the second part of the Chūnin Exams,
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He was shocked when he saw Temari counter all of Tenten's attacks during the preliminary matches of the Chūnin Exams,
Even though Tenten lost to Temari, he still chose to train with her during the month of preparation for the final part of the Chūnin Exams. Every other genin from the Leaf village chose to train with a jōnin during this period, but Neji chose to train with Tenten. During this time frame Neji reverse engineered and mastered the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms and the Eight Trigrams Palms: Revolving Heaven techniques, moves reserved only for the main branch of the Hyūga clan. By her narration of Neji's match against Naruto, it's clear that Tenten knew everything about Neji's moves and Byakugan since she was there to help him perfect them.
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It's evident that Tenten already knew about Neji's curse mark and history with the Hyūga clan since before Neji's match with Naruto during the final part of the Chūnin Exams.
During Neji's match against Naruto in the final part of the Chūnin Exams, Tenten was the only one in the audience genuinely rooting for Neji. She was also the only one out of all the spectators to be relieved when Neji came out of the crater.
In the manga, the only male character Tenten is shown alone with is Neji.
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In both the manga and anime, birds are present during the scenes where Neji and Tenten are shown alone together. Birds are significant to Neji's character, as his curse mark is a "caged bird cursed seal." Additionally, he is shown to relate to birds and wish that he could be free like them.
Tenten is shown to greatly admire and respect Neji, constantly calling him a genius.
Both times Neji was at death's door (after his match with Kidomaru and after he gets impaled while protecting Naruto and Hinata during the war) he regards those who called him a "genius" as the reason for his being. Tenten was one of the few who explicitly voiced to Neji directly that he is a genius, as well as his father and Naruto.
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Tenten is often shown inviting him to places unrelated to training, like going to see Lady Tsunade and accompanying her to the bathhouse.
They are shown to be like minded, especially within Team Guy.
In both the manga and anime, Neji and Tenten are shown finishing each others sentences often.
Both Neji and Tenten are shown feeling comfortable talking to each other about their concerns.
While Neji is very formal and strict, he is shown to be comfortable around Tenten. He isn't shown to mind when she teases him or winks at him.
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While Neji is rarely portrayed as a character who apologizes to anyone, he is shown apologizing to Tenten.
Although Tenten didn't react to Neji's death right away, she later broke down asked Neji why he left her.
They are shown constantly beside one another throughout the entire story, similar to the couples Asuma and Kurenai, and Shikamaru and Temari.
In some scenes in the anime, the animators drew them so close to each other that it appears as if they are holding hands.
Neji and Tenten have the same theme song in Part I of the anime, but Neji's theme song is more upbeat, whereas Tenten's theme song has a slower beat.
Tenten's and Neji's themes compliment each other.
"Tenten" literally translates to "heaven heaven" in Chinese, while "Hyūga" translates to "place in heaven."
In the new Chūnin Exams arc, Neji is shown holding two heaven scrolls with the characters 天天 (Ten Ten/Tian Tian). Furthermore, in an omake for the Naruto Shippūden anime, Tenten writes her name as 天天, instead of テンテン.
As mentioned previously, in both the manga and anime, birds are shown in scenes where Neji and Tenten are alone together. Birds represent Neji, as Neji's curse mark is called the "Caged Bird Cursed Seal." The meaning of Tenten's name, Heaven, can be defined as a place above the sky and Neji constantly looks at birds flying in the sky as the ultimate expression of freedom.
Tenten's weapons shop in Boruto is named 忍具転転転, which directly translates to "Ninja Tools Turn Turn Turn." Furthermore, the characters 具転転 in the name translate to "revolving." Thus, the name of Tenten's weapons shop can be a reference to one of Neji's primary moves, Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven.
During the blank period, Tenten wears a uniform that includes a dress with a flame pattern similar to the flame in the Hyūga clan's emblem.
Neji and Tenten are depicted as compatible:
The Databooks reveal that Neji is a Cancer and Tenten is a Pisces. In Western astrology, Cancer and Pisces are considered a compatible and harmonious pairing.
The Databooks list Neji's blood type as O and Tenten's blood type as B. The blood type personality theory popular in Japan considers O and B blood types romantically compatible.
Neji, during his death, is portrayed as a Phoenix on fire. In the anime, Tenten utilizes the moves "Twin Rising Dragons" and "Exploding Dragon Strike." In Chinese folklore, the Phoenix and Dragon pair symbolize perfect harmony and balance between yin (Phoenix) and yang (Dragon).
Among the Konoha 11, Neji and Tenten were the only ones who were 18 years old during the Shinobi war, whereas Naruto and Hinata were 16 years old and the rest were 17.
Neji and Tenten share the same hairstyles as Hashirama Senju and his wife Mito Uzumaki.
Steve Staley and Danielle Judovits, the English voice actors of Neji and Tenten, have expressed support for the ship on Twitter and Tiktok, respectively.
In an interview, Tenten's Spanish voice actress, Gaby Ugarte, described her character as "Tenten, la enamorada de Neji." This phrase can be translated to English as "Tenten, the one in love with Neji." or "Tenten, Neji's lover."
And here I leave you a small Nejiten edit that I made for Valentine's Day. Forgive me for making you cry, I suffered my part making this edit. They'll always be my favorite couple, even without being canon. They were perfect together and deserved to be happy! 😭
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frog-thief · 15 days ago
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Naruto and sensei ( ´ ω ` )
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frog-thief · 18 days ago
New adorable official Naruto art 😍
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frog-thief · 18 days ago
"How can you stare at me as if it's always the first time?"
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Traté de hacer algo distinto y acá estamos
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frog-thief · 20 days ago
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frog-thief · 28 days ago
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frog-thief · 1 month ago
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Well, Luffy almost got it
\( ̄▽ ̄)/
(Based on a true story - a friend tried to teach me how to make smoke rings, but I couldn't do it)
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frog-thief · 1 month ago
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frog-thief · 2 months ago
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frog-thief · 2 months ago
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frog-thief · 3 months ago
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baby Naruto, baby Kakashi and baby Gai
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frog-thief · 3 months ago
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dress warmer ⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃
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frog-thief · 4 months ago
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frog-thief · 4 months ago
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redrew the most popular post from this blog
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frog-thief · 4 months ago
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its joke
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frog-thief · 4 months ago
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frog-thief · 5 months ago
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