friendlessdetective · 10 years
❝you always need everything to be clever—❞ indie sherlock (bbc) rp blog #enigmaticallylate…
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
❝you always need everything to be clever—❞ indie sherlock (bbc) rp blog #enigmaticallylate...
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
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whispers suddenly yelled at
gotta go do the dishes and go to sleep now 
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
password: johnwatsonishawt
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
imnothisdamsel replied to your post:do you know how annoyed i am i don’t own cards...
I don’t own it either, which is KILLING ME. BUT you can play it online, which is exactly what I plan to dooooo.
i have a friend who printed off all the cards she could find on the internet onto cardstock and cut them all out and that's how she owns the game
i'm probably gonna go do the same bc being on here i'm just gonna be ooc and
cards against humanity
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
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do you know how annoyed i am i don't own cards against humanity
do you
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
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doing things
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
all i want is attention but only from certain people
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
[text; unknown] Thank you.
[text; unknown] Fine.
[text; unknown] Sherlock. I expect your name as well, then.
[ text: unknown ] you are incredibly difficult, you know that?
[ text: unknown ] okay, fine, no dinner. but i’ll try one more time:
[ text: unknown ] can I have your name?
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
Once upon a time I swore I had a h e a r t                            Long before the world I knew t o r e it all apart
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
[[ wow mun rant unded the cut because english class made me really angry ]]
okay so we were discussing the role of women in the 1900s before 1960, and how they were just expected to be housewives really, yada yada yada, and it comes up someone how that I don't really like kids or the idea of having them right now. 
I'm not saying I won't change my mind. I might. I don't know, I'm only fifteen after all.
BUT THEN, this one kids tries to tell me that I need to have kids. Why, you ask? Because Canada's population is going down.
Yeah, you read right, he thinks I should have kids when I'm older so we can keep Canada's population up. As though the world population isn't already bad enough. Of course, i figured the 'my body, my rights' argument wasn't going to work on this asshole, so I informed him it's good we're going down because the world is hella overpopulated, and you know what he said?
"If you live in China, or India, or another overpopulated place, then yeah don't have kids but if you live here you need to because we're underpopulated." (I'm paraphrasing, but anyhow, this was the gist)
I'm not having kids because you think we need more people. You don't get to decide what I do. Actually, that's one of the stupidest things I've heard in my life, ALONGSIDE it being controlling and really dumb. Which one of is is giving birth to and taking care of this child. It's me. And I don't want to, so I won't. Fuck off.
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
[[ someone do something dark with me i need angsty violence ]]
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
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❝I try not to think. It interferes with being nuts.❞
-independent Leo Valdez rp blog
-multiship, multiverse, etc.
-is cool with one liners, mini para, para, etc.
-crossover, au, and oc friendly
-over a year of tumblr rp experience, and four years of writing experience
-idk i’m pretty cool i guess
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
[[ I have returned— on mobile and really just lurking, but hi I'm here ]]
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
; valentine's day | agent-wis
         Normally, Sherlock avoided Valentine's day as best he could, an event that really just comprised of sitting by himself and ignoring the outside world.
         However, this year is turning out different. This year, he's not only leaving the flat (and hopefully leaving the tendency to sulk all day there to), but he is going on a date. 
         He supposes, really, it's just like any other date, although it irks him a little he's finally been dragged out on February the 14th. At least they hadn't tried to get reservations for dinner. That would've been a nightmare. 
         They'd both agreed earlier to meet at the museum, and decided whether a meal was in order first, or whether they'd just start with the museum (Personally, Sherlock didn't feel the need to stop for lunch, but Wis might, so they were deciding there).
         So he catches a cab there, checking his phone as he gets out. A few minutes early, although not by much.
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         He decides quickly on keeping his phone out and trying to look busy until Wis gets there.
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friendlessdetective · 10 years
when i write i either take 5 seconds to come up with 3 pages or i take 6 hours to just get the first sentence feeling right there is no in between
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