♗ :A kill you have been known to boast about.
"I ddon’tt don’t boaastt aboutt—I hatte it I— nno I, I don’t boastt about anythhing likke thatt." The words are accompanied by a lot of head-shaking and just plain shaking in general.
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shepard-no-more · 10 years
"Are you serious? They usually send more than one of you to come get me."
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friendlessdetective · 11 years
; valentine's day | agent-wis
         Normally, Sherlock avoided Valentine's day as best he could, an event that really just comprised of sitting by himself and ignoring the outside world.
         However, this year is turning out different. This year, he's not only leaving the flat (and hopefully leaving the tendency to sulk all day there to), but he is going on a date. 
         He supposes, really, it's just like any other date, although it irks him a little he's finally been dragged out on February the 14th. At least they hadn't tried to get reservations for dinner. That would've been a nightmare. 
         They'd both agreed earlier to meet at the museum, and decided whether a meal was in order first, or whether they'd just start with the museum (Personally, Sherlock didn't feel the need to stop for lunch, but Wis might, so they were deciding there).
         So he catches a cab there, checking his phone as he gets out. A few minutes early, although not by much.
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         He decides quickly on keeping his phone out and trying to look busy until Wis gets there.
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