freethemd-marketing · 4 years
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Healthcare Marketing Trends for 2020:
It's a given that your patient's experience should always be top of mind, both in office and online. But do you know how much their online experience impacts your bottom line? With 77% of patients performing online research before booking an appointment, a patient's online experience is crucial to whether they will convert from lead into customer. If you focus on creating an exemplary online experience for potential patients, you're bound to see a high ROI.
A patient's research doesn't end at a healthcare provider's website—that's just the beginning.
Potential patients will be reviewing social media, curated content, news articles, and reviews. To ensure you're getting in front of patients, potential and current, make sure your healthcare marketing plan encompasses a robust range of content for your website, social media, and press pitches. The more high-quality content you can put out, the more likely potential patients will find (and use) your services versus a competitor.
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freethemd-marketing · 4 years
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First let me come right out of the gate by answering the most common question that I get as an SEO specialist: “What is SEO and how it works?”
SEO: is short for “Search Engine Optimization” which simply means that you are implementing practices to climb to a higher position in the search results, to improve your “Google Ranking” for particular keywords and phrases such as “landscaper,” “artist,” “motivational speaker” or “restaurant near me” through various practices such as “Keyword Research,” building “Google Trust,” “Link Building” “WebDesign” and “Online Marketing.”.
As an SEO specialist, my job is to listen to what your goals are, and then look at your website to try to determine what specifically I would type into a search engine, if I wanted to find YOU.
Then I move into “keyword research” where I create a SEO Blueprint using SEO software and keyword research tools, to find out what other people are searching, that matches your business, products, services or content. Next I incorporate those keywords and phrases into your On Page SEO.
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freethemd-marketing · 4 years
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Ben Silbermann, CEO of Pinterest said that “The future of search will be about pictures, rather than words.”
In recent years Google has changed their algorithm to prioritize sites that have both great content, along with great images on the page.
Here’s an excerpt from Google’s Blog:
“Also it wasn’t long ago that if you visited an images web page, it might be hard to find the specific image you were looking for when you got there. We now prioritize site where the image is central to the page, and higher up on the page. So if you’re looking to buy a specific pair of shoes, a product page dedicated to that pair of shoes will be prioritized above, say, a category page showing a range of shoe styles.”~Cathy Edwards, Director of Engineering, Google Images.
Visual Search is in position to really take off in 2020, so make sure you’re prepared!
With Google Lens (visual search technology) opening up a whole new world for search, it’s now become easy for users to simply take a picture to find the product they’re looking for. This offers an amazing opportunity for eCommerce businesses, as they learn to utilize and adapt to it.
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freethemd-marketing · 4 years
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📊 Boost Your Business SEO: Republishing old blog posts is a great way to improve your Google Ranking. SEO is in a constant state of change, so as Google gets better at giving people the results they want, it’s good to go back and tweak your old content focusing on implementing the latest SEO strategies. As your post becomes a better fit for the Search Intent, you’ll significantly boost the organic traffic to that page.
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freethemd-marketing · 4 years
Gaining brand recognition is one of any business’ most important marketing goals.
That’s because consumers want to buy brands they recognize.
Thankfully, social media allows for easy and effective brand building.
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freethemd-marketing · 4 years
🎯 #ContentMarketing must be Valuable.
The people who read your blogs or watch your videos must get something worthwhile out of it. They should come away feeling like they’ve learned something or that they’ve been entertained in a way that resonates with their lives and values.
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