#marketing executive
fenokami · 1 year
Publishing Post: One year in my new role
It's been a while, but I'm back! It's been well over a year since I started my new marketing role, so I thought I'd let you know how it's been going. #WorkinPublishing #JobsinBooks
Hi, hello, bore da, it’s been a while since I’ve written about my place in the whole publishing industry; but I thought since it’s been a whole year since I started working for a publishing house in Bristol I better let you know how I’ve been doing. When I started looking for my new role I knew that I wanted to do something a bit different, I wanted to move away from a traditional publishing…
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virtualpalondon · 2 years
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deanpinterester · 5 months
having sally yell at baby percy feels so fundamentally wrong. i didn't mind when she got frustrated with him in the pool because that was just one instance of sally losing her temper but now it's like oh. this is just how the show version of her is.
like. idk. one of sally's defining traits was that she never got mad at percy. that didn't mean she was weak. that was her strength. that she could pull through tough times by putting a smile on her face, so that she didn't scare percy, so that she could protect him.
i just feel like it would have been a much more well-defined scene if we got to see how sally manages to talk percy out of the car by. being nice?? coaxing him??? explaining the situation in a way he would understand instead of just saying "there are things i have to do that you don't understand" (if you say that to a kid they are 100% not going to listen to you bc. yeah they don't understand!! so you have to explain it in a way they WOULD understand!!)
if sally had already been dating smelly gabe at this point, she could have leveraged this. she could have put a funny spin on it and said "i'm just trying to get you away from smelly gabe's stinky gym shorts." if she wanted baby percy to not feel like she was abandoning him and separating him from the rest of society, she could have said "the kids in there are just like you." she could have given him a keepsake, to show she will always be with him. there are SO many ways the writers could have spun this and they just didn't. they went the easy way out.
all of these flashback scenes are painting a very unfortunate picture that percy didn't actually have a good relationship with his mom. and i know that's not the vibe the show is trying to go for, but they've got to understand!! that not everyone who's watched the show has the read the books! we don't all automatically know that sally and percy have the bestest mother-son relationship ever! if you only show sally being frustrated at baby percy, we start to think oh dang, maybe this whole time percy doesn't actually have a good relationship with his mom!
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abnormalpsychology · 6 months
“the dessert you don’t have to feel bad abt!” “guilt-free snacking!” “all the flavor none of the regret!” skill issue
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anartisticdreamer0 · 2 months
(pomme gets a sketch because she’s not 1 year yet, but rest assured she will get one next month <3)
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Tallulah got a redraw of the first fanart I ever made for her. I’m actually somewhat confident I was the one of the first Tallulah fanartists <3
Happy (belated) One Year Querida Amapola
And Happy 11 Month Birthday Querida Manzanita!
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flowerakatsuka · 11 days
i think it'd be funny if all of the side characters got new outfit designs in s4 while the sextuplets get nothing, they just get to stay in their crusty ass hoodies.
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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Awful AU where everything’s the same except grime and hop pop are bitter exes. This changes nothing, it’s just really funny
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aakash3201 · 5 months
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Mastering Website Ranking: The Ultimate Guide to SEO and Digital Marketing
In the fast-paced world of online business, achieving a high website ranking is the key to success. With millions of websites competing for attention, it's essential to leverage the power of SEO and digital marketing to increase your visibility and drive traffic to your site. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how SEO work, website design, website development, responsive design, digital marketing, increase ranking, and increase traffic can all play a pivotal role in elevating your website's prominence in search engine results.
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omgrandomwords · 6 months
ok so today’s episode
as enjoyable as it was i feel like these emotional scenes are coming off too strong
y’all forgetting percabeth was sloowwwww burn. everything regarding the themes, their fatal flaws, the unravelling of the petty and toxic nature of the gods, that took five books to fully flesh out.
and we have it all pretty much just told to us after half of a season at this point.
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that-left-turn · 18 days
sorry to vent but let me just say how annoyed i am right now. i've unfollowed the twd account everywhere because, well, no need to explain the reasons why, but yesterday i decided to read the comments on a rare tweet about Carol and i was so disappointed at the amount of hate and mocking tweets. i just can't take it anymore. i mean it's exhausting to fight people hating on her for no reason and i fear this might affect the promotion as well! what do you think about that? i mean why can't people just avoid what they do not like? why do they feel the urge to be edgy? i've read jokes about sophia, izzie, henry, laurent... i'm tired of this fandom
Female characters are always held to a much higher standard than their male counterparts. Men can be flawed, complicated and morally gray, but women have to be perfect. Unattainably so. I find Carol fascinating and relatable because she struggles. I don't want her to be perfect—perfect characters are boring, and just like a good story needs tension and conflict to drive the action, good character development needs an arc. It has to 'take a turn' before it gets somewhere. As a character, Carol more than provides.
Like you said, problems arise when people with whom she doesn't resonate keep commenting in a negative way. It fosters a toxic fandom, and perpetuates sexism and ageism. The spinoff isn't about Carol—this season might focus more on her, but as the title tells us, it's not her show and TPTB have been treating the larger TWD pool of viewers as their target demographic. That invites this behavior. The anti-Carol part of the audience sees something they don't want and are vocal about it, in a destructive/abusive way. That could be one reason why AMC hits so hard on the 'best buds' aspect of the messaging.
Part of it is that there's clearly competing agendas in the promotion and a different strategy is employed by the studio/network vs. the non-acting EPs. The relationship among executive producers on a show isn't equal; it's based on function within the production and what kind of deal the individual EP struck with the studio. There's usually a lot of internal politics and jockeying for power going on within ranks. Like any other workplace, I'd imagine. It's competitive (the job market is particularly harsh right now) and from what I can see, these particular EPs are trying to position themselves in a way that ensures their continued livelihood.
The acting EPs are "safe" because they're the face of the franchise, so pay attention to the discrepancies in how they position the characters and plot arcs in comparison to the N/A EPs. Who and what actors hype during the promo circuit is tied to their work environment. From the looks of it, Gimple is trying to make some power moves to ensure his continued relevance to the franchise (which is a whole other ugly discussion—I have plenty of thoughts on that photoshoot at Tribeca lol) and the way in which Norman and Melissa position Zabel when talking about the plot arcs and character development suggests that they're attempting to block Gimple from reaching his goals.
When whatever's going on backstage has settled, one way or another, the audience should see a more cohesive approach to the promotion.
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
to all the creatives striking in california right now: you're doing amazing sweeties 💖💖💖
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perilegs · 1 month
uuultrac is like if they made yaoi for bisexuals
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virtualpalondon · 2 years
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deancasforcutie · 1 month
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Kripke knew. that’s the post. Kripke knew
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uldahstreetrat · 3 months
I actually have, like, work tomorrow. and probably more consistently work coming up?? which is nice but weird for me lmao
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bielobog-kun · 19 days
interest rates on savings accounts are a fucking joke now?? last time i had money was ss death benefits from my stepdad and my mma had like 5% apy. mma at the same place is now hundredths of a percent per year. literally losing money hand over fist to inflation. short term CDs have 5% but a fourth of the returns go straight to our murdering government via taxes so that's fun.
i thought about buying an empty plot of land in rural walton county or sth as investment but property taxes are actually ruinous. this shit is for real rich ppl only
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