Actor, Writer in LA. #love
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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My masterplan to turn LA into a ski resort. Happy hols! Jewish Journal #satire #ski #satire #funny #comic #jew #jewish #shabbatshalom #losangeles #la #winter #winterfun #malibu #socal (at Jewish Journal)
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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It’s been a 9-month edit, but finally giving birth to The Hebrew Hamilton music video this Sunday! 💫 #hamilton #hamilfan #hamiltonmusical #jewish #musicvideo #actors #actorslife #actorslife🎬 #physicaltheatre #physicaltheater #cool (at The Pico)
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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Along with so many, I have been crying. Feeling winded. Reeling. A great light just left our world. Mourning the loss of my teacher and guide @rabbisacks. He changed my life and I loved him for it. I feel gutted. It was an understatement to say he was a great man. His teachings have inspired millions of people, and in recent decades he was perhaps the most influential Rabbi in the Western world. He also loved Hamilton. Two years ago we were having tea at his house in London and he told me to start listening to Hamilton and started quoting the lyrics. We also spoke about Beethoven, Haydn and Eminem. Around the time of his 72nd birthday this year, I reached out on his behalf and set up a meeting between Rabbi Sacks and Lin-Manuel Miranda, which was due to happen this year but will now never take place. I also sent him a video of a stage performance I’d recently done of my Hebrew Hamilton song. He sent me a text. “Absolutely brilliant. Looking forward to seeing the finished version! All good wishes. JS”. I’m absolutely gutted that he will never see the finished version of the piece he inspired, a production we shot in LA just 10 days before the first lockdown. I’m devastated that we won’t be able to get together again in person. Here are three ways Rabbi Sacks changed my life: 1. I first saw him speak in 1995 (see the photo), two years into his term as Chief Rabbi. We were mesmerised. Three years later I received a Chief Rabbi’s Scholarship to study for a year at Yeshivat Hamivtar and it started my path as a Jewish educator that spanned 18 countries. 2. In 1997 I was National Education Director for the Union of Jewish Students and was struggling with community politics. We had a private meeting, he smoked his pipe and game-changing advice. 3. He called me in 2017 after I’d had a near death experience. I was in deep turmoil having passed my Rabbinical exams but been criticized by the authorities for not being religious enough. “Don’t chase titles. They won’t help you. Marcus, you are a free spirit and you are meant to be free”. Rabbi Sacks taught me to be Freed. (at Birmingham Hillel)
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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Prayers for the speedy healing of @rabbisacks (HaRav Ya’akov Zvi Ben Liba). Not only is he one of the leading lights of the generation, but he has been a great support and personal mentor since our first meeting in 1997 whilst I worked at @ujs_uk. During our tea last year he was quoting @hamiltonmusical, word-perfect. I love Rabbi Sacks for his warmth, care, wisdom, humanity and for being a great Rabbi! We wish you a Refuah shlemah, a complete and speedy healing, and strength for many more decades of vigorous health to keep bringing your inspiration to the world. Your work is making history, and history has its eyes on you. L’Chaim! (at The Beverly Hilton)
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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We hit #1 😊
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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Shalom! The Kosher Sutras new edition kindle book is free for today *only* AND if you download it & leave a review then you’re entered into the $2000 prize giveaway! Here’s the link (and the paperback is 50% off) The Kosher Sutras is the world’s only Yogic commentary on the Bible! Here’s what you can win if you get the book today: - A selection of great Gaiam yoga products will be given away! @gaiam - Two tickets to an in-person meditation HaMakom jewish meditation retreat in the UK, planned for 2020. - Yogafit CDs, DVDs, and Healing Trauma with Yoga book by Yoga Fit founder Beth Shaw, CDs & DVDs @yogafitinc - Subscription to Fit Arts Anywhere @fitarts - Subscription to yoga and meditation sessions at The Spiritual Toolbox with Lisa Vitta @lisavitta - Embodied Jewish Learning kabbalah & yoga class series - One-on-one private yoga sessions with Hello Yoga! @helloyogaofficial Full Terms & Conditions for the giveaway at
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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Missing my extraordinary LA healing team. From November 2018 I discovered some of the very best holistic medical practitioners who were unbelievably helpful in my healing journey. Lesa @unveiling_beauty_with_love, Dr Rudy @rudy_patel_chiropractor and @teresinasullo (not pictured) were generous, open-hearted, kind and full of expertise in such a way that they helped me rebuild, rebuild and rebuild strength and vitality. 😇😇😇 The City of Angels is full of angels when you are open to seeing them. I love the visuals from Nicholas Cage/Meg Ryan movie City of Angels which shows the spiritual presence in the city. Sure, LA is currently in trouble with homeless encampments beneath almost every underpass and a plague of mental health issues, but healing is to be found. 🙌🙌🙌 My friend @rabbiyonah recently wrote: “There is a principle in Judaism, that God creates the cure before the disease. "Bad things may happen," teaches Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, "but God has already given us the remedy if we know where to look for it."” ⭐️ 💫 🌟 May all those who need healing be healed. And thank you to my amazing crew (and a shout out to Acupuncturist extraordinaire @dr.kara.aculand whose expertise and dedication also helped me time after time!!!) 🙏🙏🙏 Shabbat Shalom (at Axiom health)
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freedstyler · 4 years ago
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Missing my extraordinary LA healing team. From November 2018 I discovered some of the very best holistic medical practitioners who were unbelievably helpful in my healing journey. Lesa @unveiling_beauty_with_love, Dr Rudy @rudy_patel_chiropractor and @teresinasullo (not pictured) were generous, open-hearted, kind and full of expertise in such a way that they helped me rebuild, rebuild and rebuild strength and vitality. 😇😇😇 The City of Angels is full of angels when you are open to seeing them. I love the visuals from Nicholas Cage/Meg Ryan movie City of Angels which shows the spiritual presence in the city. Sure, LA is currently in trouble with homeless encampments beneath almost every underpass and a plague of mental health issues, but healing is to be found. 🙌🙌🙌 My friend @rabbiyonah recently wrote: “There is a principle in Judaism, that God creates the cure before the disease. "Bad things may happen," teaches Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, "but God has already given us the remedy if we know where to look for it."” ⭐️ 💫 🌟 May all those who need healing be healed. And thank you to my amazing crew (and a shout out to Acupuncturist extraordinaire @dr.kara.aculand whose expertise and dedication also helped me time after time!!!) 🙏🙏🙏 Shabbat Shalom (at Axiom health)
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freedstyler · 5 years ago
Looking forward to blowing the shofar this Sunday at Bushey @unitedsynagogue. Maimonides teaches that hearing the shofar is a wake-up call for us to realign to our potential. No animals were harmed in the making of this video, well apart from the one that kindly donated his horn. Shana Tova U’Metuka, a sweet and happy New Year. Filmed by @mistersnappy in 2018. #roshhashana #roshhashanah #rosh #newyear #happynewyear #newstart #newbeginnings #shabbat #shabbatshalom #shabbatshalom❤️ (at Glastonbury, Somerset, United Kingdom)
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freedstyler · 5 years ago
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I used to complain on family holidays, “Dad why are you filming so much on the cine camera?”. After the hols I’d sit and watch him splice, tape and edit the cine films before we watched them projected onto the big screen. Later it was VHS cameras and video edits. I now realise Dad was three decades ahead of the social media curve and had a remarkable #socialgame, generating a ton of great footage. I also never realised at the time that I was studying at the Barry Freed Film School. Result. Pic taken last week. So good to be home and see the folks. (at Bushey)
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freedstyler · 5 years ago
at Los Angeles, California
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freedstyler · 5 years ago
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I struggled with how to respond to what's happening in the US. Before leaving LA I wanted to do something. The question was what? Listening seemed to be the best option, and to broadcast black voices to my friends and community. Every Passover we say "we were slaves but now we are free" but it is a challenge to remember our slavery. Not so for many African Americans, especially those who remember the Jim Crow laws, and those who do not know their heritage before the slave ships arrived in North America. I invite you to join me and listen to these voices. Here is the Youtube playlist - Please listen, subscribe, hit the bell and share the list. And let me know what you think. I am listening. Thank you to @lambomach @__gvibez @fitarts @actresspreneur @thatssoqua @j_wesley85 @brancelikefrance @mazeenriquez @darius.devine (at Los Angeles, California)
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freedstyler · 5 years ago
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Thrilled to be leading High Holyday services at Bushey Synagogue, and what a bonus to be doing it from inside the David Blaine safety box. Happy New Year! שנה טובה (at Bushey Synagogue)
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freedstyler · 5 years ago
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This time last year. Perhaps the wildest, most productive, fun and triumphant day I had in LA. I’d wanted to make this video for years but was reluctant (ok...afraid), wondering how I’d get the resources, the crew, the gear…and most of all, how on earth was I going to act, direct and produce at the same time, and hopefully do a good job. 💃🏽💃🏼💃 I nearly died in 2017, went to the gates of death, saw the bright lights, and when I got back to life I figured “what’s the worst that can happen?”. It was time to #doordie and make these projects. 🕺🏻🕺🕺🏾 I didn’t sleep for more than 2 consecutive hours in the 2 weeks leading up to this film shoot. Fear, anxiety, heart palpitations, it was a nightmare. Ironically it led me to pray; “God, I can’t do this alone. I’m doing everything I can. You have to take care of the rest”. And behold, resources appeared. @jenschulart became Production Manager, and a fantastic cast and crew assembled. 🎥 🍿 🎬 A poignant moment was on the morning of the shoot. 20+ people were at our location, the house of my good friend @barakraviv in Beverly Hills, and I realized: this thing is bigger than me. It began in my head, and now it has a life of its own. @kingalfredphoex and I wrote an early draft of the song parody back in 2003 or thereabouts, and it took me over 15 years to get it made. That may sound pathetic..but glad it finally happened. As for the fear? I can’t wait to do it again. Our mist recent shoot was The Hebrew Hamilton. Currently in this space! ⭐️ 🌟 💫 In the meantime, keep on Livin’ La Vida Kosher ✡️🕎🔯 (at Beverly Hills, California)
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freedstyler · 6 years ago
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Hi! Please join me for my book launch in Venice, next Monday 4/15 6.45-7.45pm! Link in bio. It's a brand new edition of The Kabbalah Sutras: A Yogi's Guide to Counting The Omer. Talk at 6.45pm, signing at 7.30pm and free kosher wine!  ADDRESS: Mystic Journey Bookstore, 1704 Lincoln Blvd., Venice, California 90291. RSVP: #kabbalah #yoga #meditation #yogi #yogasutras #yogini #conscious #consciouslife #jewish #judaism #torah #pesach #passover #passover2019 #rabbi #talmud #zohar #5779 #book #books #author #literature #booklaunch #la #losangeles #laevents #event #eventla #launch (at Mystic Journey La - Bookstore)
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freedstyler · 6 years ago
‪Margueritas and voiceover auditions.
#actor #voiceover #audition #alcohol‬
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freedstyler · 6 years ago
My Santa Adventure. 1 Santa, 3 Elves and a Reindeer called Corolla. Met 100 homeless folks, hugged, talked and gifted. They are angels in Angeles. To join us next year: Thank you @ranyrasta for joining the adventure, thank you to the Elves @paigemiceli and @ceramicsintertwined #homeless #homelessness #angels #cityofangels #cityofangeles #love #life #mitzvah #shalom #jew #jewish #volunteer #volunteering #volunteerism #volunteerabroad #sleepingrough #problem #solution #help #makeadifference (at Skid Row, Los Angeles)
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