frankiespoetry · 1 year
But we appreciate it so much more - when spring comes after a long winter.
You can see it in my smile, I swear. Springs shy sunshine and the first time you can go outside without a jacket still make us feel like kids.
And then some days it rains again or gets colder still. These are the days when we jump into the lakes again, searching for ourselves.
And somehow we all end up content, singing for six hours in our friend's car about how time is slipping through our fingers and how much I love you.
Somehow I always appreciate home more after I've been away. The way my city feels and how familiar all the people seem.
And some days we will still be lonely.
Those will be the days when I'll take my little Fiat and drive to Italy, not telling anyone where I'm going.
And somehow we’ll all end up content again. Time still slipping through our fingers and always in love.
As I had predicted I am falling in love with myself…
F.B. ~ april’23
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frankiespoetry · 1 year
a part of a beautiful book still needing to be written :)
-12.05.2022 somewhere near a waterfall <3
I wasn’t prepared to see waterfalls and riverbeds, robins and moos covered trees. Not prepared to see it all with you. Spring hung in the air -fresh and sweet and I wasn’t thinking anymore. A couple of hours ago you were a stranger, not yet part of my story. Oh, how quickly that changed. With us it never needed getting to know one another. When we met, we already knew. When we met, we were already there. Made for each other, like rivers are made to flow through Scottish forests. Made for each other, like the wind in our hair. So easy to live and to do no more than enjoy the sensation of being glad to exist. When the sun shines like this and you smile at me like that, happiness runs through my veins like a drug. My head’s dizzy in a most wonderful way and laughter’s falling from my lips like rain on summer days. Rubberboots on your feet, through rivers you run. You conquer an island, 2 meters in size but huge in our minds and you give me a kiss and hold me so tight. „I will always think of you now, when I return to this spot.“ Is it your warm words or your deep voice? I can’t help but smile „This is our island now“ you whisper, a kiss following. Had I known the signs I might have seen a lot earlier what a lovestory had just begun to unfold before me. Me on your back my dirty shoes around your waist you carry me back off our island. Kiss me between trees. And then do nothing for awhile. We sit and we chat bout first kisses and ours, bout grandparents and loss and I don’t question that it feels like I’ve known you forever. Rather a lost part finally found, than a new one discovered and I know, I know that you feel like that too. For nothing has ever felt this naturally beautiful.
Of course I race you up the hills after. There is nothing I can’t make a challenge out of. Back in the car we fuck and we lie blissful in silence for awhile. Maybe there’s not much to say because everything I could say is already understood. And maybe talking to you is so nice because everything you want to say, I love to hear. The radio’s on and we listen to country music and the frightened rabbits. You stop at the first restaurant you see. Being happy makes you hungry. Your hand never leaves mine, a nice waitress, a little table in a corner, a burger and curry, my head on your shoulder. How can this be so simple, I wonder? You talk to our waitress. „We only just met yesterday can you believe it?“ She can’t. I smile. „Feels like I’ve know her forever“ you say. She agrees that we look like a couple in love for a while and I steal some of your fries.
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frankiespoetry · 2 years
somehow knowing that we won’t be looking up at the same stars anymore was enough, …
a story not told. A novel - plot still pending.
I came without fear and you left without regets
-a telling of lies is art nonetheless.
I showed you love, while you taught me lust.
“daddy? I ask into a space you occupied once.. can you consider home to be person but place?”
Silence echoes loudly over oceans inbetween.
The waters cry and a sirens song goes unspoken - the ocean doesn’t like separating lovers.
F.B. ~ December ‘22
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frankiespoetry · 2 years
She is drunk and positively in love with life.
Freddy is playing loud in her small kitchen while she leans over the balustrade of her miniature balkony and laughs life right in the face.
She’s positively drunk and beer never tasted like it did with a runny nose in the apartment of her dreams, in love with the only person she was ever supposed to love.
The glow of a thousand fairy lights behind her brightens the dark road underneath.
She is in love with life and positively happy with everything thrown at her.
Munich smiles as she tries to sing louder than Freddy.
„I feel like no one ever told the truth to me, bout growing up and what a struggle it would be“
Dancing in the dark she wonders, why no one ever notices how much fun it is to hurt.
A little drama brings out the colors of the night far sharper than any love story ever will.
Red and yellow fight for attention.
She is drunk and she feels like she hasn’t smiled like this the entire year.
Decembers quite late for the best moments to still occur, but December it is.
“In my tangled state of mind I’ve been looking back to find where I went wrong.”
And all of her missteps make her chuckle.
She is drunk and positively in love with life.
She would never tell how breaking hearts helped her fix herself.
Small trees, apple juice, cinnamon and mistletoes.
The air is cold beneath her fingers. And as queen finished “Too much love will kill you” she is sure that she is right where she’s supposed to to be.
She is drunk and positively in love with herself.
F.B. ~ December ‘22
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frankiespoetry · 2 years
enchanted kisses
lullaby’s made out of touch
our last day was great
our last evening as intoxicating
as the streets of marrakesh
- are we
We‘re laughing / crying
afraid to somehow disappear
while goodbye is what we cannot run from
you bring me to be here and now
and sweet whispers form
- a promise
that I beg my heart to hold on to
„just know that somewhere in this world, there is always going to be someone who truly loves you. not as family. Just someone that loves you for who you are. There is going to be me“
My mind wonders off to dreams
As this I am convinced must be one as well
Too perfect are you
,is our love.
Right now I see no difficulty.
If you‘d ask me now I’d tell you I’d run away to the other side of the world with you.
F.B. ~ August’22
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frankiespoetry · 2 years
Frühmorgen Tau auf Possenhofens bald bunt Forst.
Unterbrochene Tropfen, weil Strommast und Banhof und Zug bremst und fährt an und Türen gehen auf.
Genau wie mein Herz.
Gefühle so weich wie herbstlich einsame Seen.
Gefühle Für dich.
Welchen Zug wirst du nehmen?
Wenn Türen schließen, Reifen quietschen, Tau an Wintertagen gefriert, dann verlasse ich süß Feldafing.
Kehre dir Schulter und Arme und Rücken zu.
Will dich verlieren und doch eine Nacht länger in deinen Armen liegen.
Wälder werden von Städten ersetzt.
Deine Gefühle für mich von Freunden ertränkt.
In zu großen Städten werdet ihr warten
In zu voll Zügen wirst du fahren.
Unter Strommasten und unglückstrachtenden Dezember grünen Wiesen.
Werde ich merken, dass ich dich vermisse, wie das Blaue des Sees.
Das Blaue in mir.
Unterbrochene Tropfen, weil Strommast und Banhof und Zug bremst und fährt an und Türen gehen auf.
Meine Gefühle für dich verlieren sich im Frühmorgen Tau.
F.B. ~ September’21
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frankiespoetry · 2 years
“It is magic with us” she said and he smiled down at her.
Lifting her chin always lifting her chin when with him. Such strong hands covering hers. Leaves are falling - run under low hanging branches with me.
She’s a foreigner to the city she grew up in. Because of him.
Because of him - unseen beauty and colors so different when viewed through shades of love.
You’re going away - will you take all my blue like you do when we’re spinning on castle ground. “Everyone should be spun in places like these” and she’s falling again. Finding easiness in laughing in supermarkets and excuses to hold onto him.
His girl is nothing and everything.
Autumns beige embrace is catching us as we crumble into each other. Time blurres when you lite red candels in my kitchen.
It’s you that’ makes this place a home.
Kiss me gentle one one time. Love me rough once more.
The leaves are falling and she’s finding reasons to raise her chin and smile at him once more. He’s going away. His hands and his warm touch are all that count on warm fog filled October days.
“I suppose it is magic with us” he answers.
F.B. ~ October ‘22
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