forthefinalproject · 7 years
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- Jimmy
- Kate Stone who is a founder of Novalia
- Shammes Aden - Material designer
- DR Martin Hanczyc
- V&A Museum
- Natural history museum
- Science museum
- 'Body worlds’ exhibition
- A funeral hall
- All parts of our bodys
- Organs
- any materials that have a relationship with human
- Nature materials
- artificial organ
- symbiosis relationship
- Ectosymbiont
- How emerging technologies could impact the way we live in the future
- Living and non-living
- Our relationship with materials
- What if new materials could do what
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
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I had a time to put my idea into the real situation that is happening now. I looked up some articles that are related to my idea - Future material from news paper. I chose some articles that I was interested in which is about Egyitian animal mummies, 5 things to know about funeral, different ways of communication by Google, drug use of Range's restaurant, and so on. I began to dissect the articles in terms of specific issues and contents. And then I cut out and re-format the information from my chosen articles, gathering some images and text.
So there is a news head line that I reconfigured my spliced text
Dirty Little Secret
Guide to medical potential of Coke on people from eye to feet.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
Ten uses for your body after you die by CNN
I found an article from CNN.
The title was 'Ten uses for your body after you die', which was intrigued me. Actually, almost all list were donating body to test for scientists, to university, and museum. And I found the list - 'Send your body on tour' which reminded me of my childhood. I went to a 'body worlds' exhibition with my parents in Korea. The exhivition is made by Institute for Plastination. In the exhibition, there are plastination processed cadavers. The plastination is a process of posing and hardening a body so it appears life-like.
I remembered I was really scared to see them because it looks too real to try to think it's unreal. But the display style was quite intersting. They displayed sliced organs vertically and transformed some part of body. To think display style, I could be inspired by those things.
from -
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
my future funeral could be...
I would like to do self-portrait in my final degree show. I think a funeral is the best way to summarise and explain myself.
My funeral could be a place to interact with people dead(me) and people alive in my design way.
My funeral could be a conference for a future material from my body.
My funeral could be a conference for a new technology that I invented.
My funeral could be an art work.
My funeral could be made up ecological systems.
But I just realised that I should stop think a funeral for my degree show. I need to observe myself first and then I could get unexpected idea to improve.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
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What if my future funeral is a place to launch new products made of my body and organs.
What it people can celebrate my launching party and my new life in my funreal.
Beyond a general funeral, I would like to design future funeral using future material that could be my dead body. I just wondered that what package design and service design could be exisited in the future where our body can be commercialized and merchandised. I need to think what I can offer from my body if I dead, which part of my body could be commercialized, and what service I can offer in my funeral.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
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My friend Soo sent this photo to me and told me.
"This project was reminded me of your last funeral project"
I did funeral project as my self-portrait. But after I saw the photos Soo sent me, I just rethink about a feature and meaning of funeral. The meaning and structure of funeral could be changed according to the passing of time in diverse ways. The ways could be an encological funeral like the photo above, an interactive funeral, a storytelling funeral, and so on. What if my future funeral is a place to launch new products made of my body and organs. So people could celebrate my launching party and my new life in my funreal.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
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Material world: What future wearables will be made of - PAPER
Photo credit: Purdue University photo/ Vaibhav Jain, Manuel Ochoa
Researchers from Purdue University have devised a paper-based patch that changes colour to show different levels of hydration. The palm-sized patch is made from filter paper that's been laser-machined to create a radial array of strips. These are laminated with a waterproof film, forming a series of micro channels which are then loaded with a water-activated dye at one end. As sweat levels increase, the strips are activated in sequence, changing from blue to red to give an at-a-glance indicator of hydration levels.
The inventors have filed for a patent and believe that the design could be most useful for marathon runners and military personnel, though it's possible that the technology could be integrated into mainstream trackers in some way in future.
from - http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20121024-bleeding-plastic-repairs-itself?ocid=ww.social.link.email
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
from BBC:The bleeding edge of self-healing skin-like materials
Break a toe and your body will slowly fuse the bones back together; scrape your knee and your skin will eventually heal itself. The same, however, cannot be said for the man-made materials that we use to build bridges, aircraft and skyscrapers. Once snapped, cracked or bent, materials such as plastic, steel, and concrete are difficult – or impossible – to repair.
But that could soon change. Material scientists are now actively borrowing nature's capacity for regeneration and repair in an attempt to create materials that heal themselves.
Over the years, engineers have tackled the problem using a variety of strategies. But Nancy Sottos, an engineer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been developing a novel approach that borrows from human physiology. Inspired by human skin, Sottos creates plastics that “bleed” when cut and can heal themselves over and over again. Her work is paving the way for new materials that can respond and react to all sorts of environmental stresses. At a mundane level, this could cut down on costly maintenance and inspections, but perhaps more importantly it could also help prevent catastrophic – and potentially deadly - failures.
When man-made structures fail, they often do so spectacularly—with, say, a bridge collapsing under the weight of rush hour traffic. But such dramatic breakdowns often have much smaller, humbler beginnings. “When a material fails, oftentimes it’s not a big catastrophic event that starts it,” Sottos says. “In most materials, a damage event starts at a very small crack.” The crack grows slowly, unnoticed, until…bam! Bridge collapse. “The goal of a self healing material is to try to prevent that,” Sottos says, “to keep those small cracks from growing.”
In 2001, Sottos made headlines for creating a self-healing plastic that relied on “microcapsules”—tiny, self-contained spheres of liquid resin that were embedded into the material. When a crack formed in the plastic, some of these capsules ruptured, releasing the resin, which filled in the crack and solidified.
The material was a major breakthrough, but it wasn’t perfect. Among the biggest drawbacks was that once the capsules had burst, they were spent - there was no liquid healing agent left inside them to repair another crack in the same area. That's clearly a far cry from how things work in nature - you can cut your arm repeatedly, for instance, and your body will heal the wound every time.
That’s because our skin is criss-crossed by veins, arteries, and capillaries. If you cut yourself, these blood vessels deliver whatever healing compounds are needed directly to the site of the wound, wherever it happens to be. “Biological systems are very good at transporting things around as needed,” Sottos said.
So over the last several years, she has engineered materials that mimic our skin more closely and contain their own microvascular systems full of healing fluids. To create a batch of self-healing plastic, for instance, Sottos begins by constructing a thick polymer sheet that has a dense, three-dimensional web of hollow, internal channels hidden beneath the surface. Then she fills some of these channels with a liquid resin and others with a liquid “curing agent.”
Chilly chips
With her new material built, Sottos then carefully tries to destroy it, bending the plastic sheet until a crack forms in its surface. As the crack spreads, it intersects with the fluid-filled veins, releasing both liquids, which flow into the crack. When the fluids mix, the curing agent turns the liquid resin into a hard epoxy, which fills in the crack, repairing the damage.
It doesn’t take much liquid to fix a single crack, and the internal channels can store relatively large volumes of fluid. So when the next cut or scratch comes along, the process repeats itself. “If the material is damaged in the same spot, you can keep re-healing the same crack over and over again,” Sottos says. As Sottos has refined her technique, she has been able to design plastics that can repair more than 50 cracks in a row. The liquids can also be replenished as they’re depleted. “The other nice thing about vascular networks is that you can recharge them,” Sottos says. “Let’s say your material’s going to sit around for 20 years - in a vascular system you can replace your healing agent kind of the same way you replace your oil.”
So far, Sottos has used her vascular method to create self-healing hard plastics and foams. She has also developed plastic that actively pumps healing fluid to the site of an injury—much as our own circulatory systems do—rather than allowing it to passively ooze into a wound. These self-healing polymers could be used to extend the lives of products large and small, including airplanes, wind turbines, and consumer electronics.
She’s also shown that microvascular networks can be used for more than just healing. In a paper published in 2011, Sottos demonstrated that engineers could reduce a material’s temperature by circulating water through tiny, sub-surface channels. The concept could eventually be used to design computer chips and other electronics—which are susceptible to overheating—that can regulate their own temperatures. But whatever the eventual application, Sottos is driven by the idea of learning from nature.
“We want to impart this concept of autonomy to a synthetic material—self-heal, self-cool, self-sense, do all these things that we take for granted in natural systems.”
By Emily Anthes
18 November 2014
From - http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20121024-bleeding-plastic-repairs-itself?ocid=ww.social.link.email
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
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How can we use human hair waste to create new materials and design outputs?
Human hair is a natural resource that will be increasing in the future since the world’s population is rapidly rising. The UK alone ‘creates’ around 6.5 million kilograms of human hair waste annually, which mostly ends up in landfill or slowly decays in the environment. This causes several problems for both the environment and human health, releasing toxic gasses and choking the drainage system. However, human hair has many valuable properties; it has a high tensile strength, is thermally insulating, flexible, oil-absorbent and is light weight.
This project explores the pure potential of hair as a raw material, reducing waste, environmental problems and the pressure on other non-renewable materials. The project consists of a range of utilitarian objects and tools that helps create a system all the way from collection through to the end application.
A closed-loop-system
A key design element for The New Age of Trichology is the system that needs to be put into place as this is a new way to use this material waste stream. The New Age of Trichology created a method of producing a material by using other existing crafts and using a waste stream. In this case focused on the tensile strength of the human hair fibre, where spinning and ropemaking techniques are applied. The system is a closed loop system in a way that the raw material collected at the beginning remains additive free and can go straight back into nature at the end of it’s life cycle, through composting or recycling.
Other than the high-volume of hair that is available in any locality, human hair has multiple, valuable properties. On average, one human hair can hold up to 100 grams of weight, depending on the person’s diet, health, environment, ethnical background and treatment of hair. So, potentially a whole head of hair could withstand a weight of 12 tonnes.
It is not only high in tensile strength, thermal insulation, oil-absorption and flexibility it is also extremely lightweight. Looking at the differences of hair type by ethnical background, there are a few clear facts about the hair fibres. For example, Asian hair growth is the fastest, about 15 cm a year, whereas Caucasian hair grows 13cm a year and Afro hair 10cm a year. Focusing on its strength, African hair seems to be the most fragile, breaking under a strain of 60 grams after an elongation of 40%. At the other end of the scale, Asian hair is the strongest, withstanding a weight of 100 grams and an elongation of 55% for a single hair.
The products below are all made from Asian human hair waste, starting with a 2-ply yarn (minimum breaking load of 32kgs) which are then turned into ropes.
The New Age of Trichology aims to further develop other techniques and materials focusing on different properties such as the thermal insulation, oil – absorption and flexibility of hair. Areas that could be a potential context and which is most needed on a social and economic level, are areas such as the agriculture, medical, construction and engineering industry. Collaborations with more experts and professionals in the field could allow further development of this system on a more accurate and larger scale.
FROM - http://www.sannevisser.com/
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
Vimeo Sanne Visser님의 The New Age of Trichology.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
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Light enough to permit flight and thin enough to accommodate flexibility and strong enough to protect its host, natural insect cuticle—found in the rigid exoskeletons of houseflies and grasshoppers—provides its host protection without adding weight or bulk. Researchers at Harvard University’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering have developed a new material called Shrilk to replicate insect cuticle’s strength, durability and versatility. Shrilk—so called because it is composed of chitin commonly extracted from discarded shrimp shells and fibroin protein from silk—could be used to make trash bags, packaging and diapers that degrade quickly. As an exceptionally strong, biocompatible material, it might also be used to suture wounds that bear high loads, such as in hernia repair or as a scaffold for tissue regeneration. COURTESY OF WYSS INSTITUTE, HARVARD UNIVERSITY
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
2 Crazy Materials Shaping the Future
1. Micro Lattice ; created by Boeing this is the lightest metal in the world. We can compare it to a HUMAN BONE. Rigid on the outside mostly hollow on the inside making it strong and very lightweight. It’s a hundred times lighter than styrofoam yet is as rigid as metal.
2. Programmable material ; created using intelligent materials that build themselves. For the fashion industry there’s textiles that transform their shape like their newest offering alled bio/logic which is your garment that responds to body’s heat and sweat. And the funiture manufacturers there’s some groovy smart wood.“They allow us essentially to make robotics without sensors wires or actuators but robotics in materials.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
9 Futuristic Materials - sources collection
9 Futuristic Materials
Aerogels http://www.aerogel.org/?p=3 http://energy.lbl.gov/ecs/aerogels/ http://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology... http://www.britannica.com/science/gel
Invisibility Cloaks http://science.sciencemag.org/content... http://time.com/4042506/invisibility-... http://bgr.com/2016/03/15/invisibilit... http://www.nature.com/articles/srep21921 http://www.cnet.com/news/invisibility... http://www.techtimes.com/articles/864...
Super Waterproofing http://phys.org/news/2015-12-superhyd... http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10... http://www.businessinsider.com/a-new-... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/... http://www.bbc.com/news/science-envir... http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/...
Bulk Diamonds/Aggregated Diamond Nanorods http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/... http://www.esrf.eu/news/spotlight/spo... http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/n... http://www.iom3.org/materials-world-m...
Metallic Glasses http://engineering.jhu.edu/materials/... http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v1... http://www.zmescience.com/science/che... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/... http://discovermagazine.com/2004/apr/... http://physics.aps.org/story/v15/st20
Metallic Foams http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/... http://www.metalfoam.net/ https://link.springer.com/article/10....
Transparent Aluminum http://science.howstuffworks.com/tran... http://www.tssbulletproof.com/optical... http://ceramics.org/wp-content/upload...
Light-transmitting Concrete http://illumin.usc.edu/printer/245/tr... http://www.cement.org/for-concrete-bo...
Regenerating Concrete http://www.theguardian.com/sustainabl... http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/14/tech/bi... https://www.researchgate.net/profile/...
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
The Secret Life of Materials
The Secret Life of Materials
- We are surranded by a tons of materials. Everything within our lives is made of diverse materials. Even those things are changing and deverloping, which means our relationship with materials are enhancing.
- In the video, the most interested future materials are water supplies is inspired by human body, espicially ‘Aquaporins’ that filter water and only water molecules,“The whole idea came in the context of biomimicry,which basically means that you use principles from nature to apply them in industrial environment.” and the 'Protocells’ that resist the revages of time. “We are thinking ahead to new kinds of materials that one might be able to in the built environment to make building, and homes that are more resoponsive are more integrated into the environments.”
“One of the future visions for making new materials with like proleries is that you would have a structure that is self-repairing, perhaps self-growing even self-reproducing even.”
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
3 Crazy Materials Shaping the Future
1. Micro Lattice ; created by Boeing this is the lightest metal in the world. We can compare it to a HUMAN BONE. Rigid on the outside mostly hollow on the inside making it strong and very lightweight. It’s a hundred times lighter than styrofoam yet is as rigid as metal.
2. Programmable material ; created using intelligent materials that build themselves. For the fashion industry there’s textiles that transform their shape like their newest offering alled bio/logic which is your garment that responds to body’s heat and sweat. And the funiture manufacturers there’s some groovy smart wood.“They allow us essentially to make robotics without sensors wires or actuators but robotics in materials.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
11 Exciting New Materials Designers Should Watch
11.14.16 THE FAST COMPANY INNOVATION FESTIVAL 11 Exciting New Materials Designers Should Watch Flexible batteries, Velcro metal, colorful conductive inks, and more. ReWall Ceiling Tiles 1/19 ReWall Ceiling Tiles BY JOHN BROWNLEE5 MINUTE READ Andrew Dent, vice president of library and materials research at Material ConneXion, is like a sommelier. Presiding over the world’s largest library of materials, his job is to listen to the requirements of his clients–a list which includes Armani, Chrysler, Calvin Klein, Hermann Miller, Disney, Nike, Toyota, and many, many more–and come up with an innovative material that suits their needs. His level of obsession in this field is such that he makes Apple’s Jonathan Ive, a fellow Brit, seem like he’s never done his homework. During Fast Company’s Innovation Festival earlier this month, we caught up with Dent during a tour of Material ConneXion’s materials library, and asked him to identify a handful of the cutting-edge materials that he thought would be important to designers over the next few years. Graphene Nanocoating One hundred times stronger than steel, amazingly light, nearly transparent, and capable of efficient heat and electrical conductivity, graphene has applications in solar power, electronics, biomedicine, and more. But it’s a relatively difficult material to work with and mass-manufacture in its purest forms. Graphene nanocoating allows other materials to be coated with the material, giving them most of graphene’s best qualities cheaply and efficiently. One possible industrial design use is using graphene nanocoating to help make thinner, lighter, stronger smartphones with better battery life. Karta-Pack (Cotton Fiber) This 100% post-consumer material, which has the feel of cotton but the rigidity of plastic, is made from recycled cotton fibers, sourced from the likes of discarded jeans and T-shirts. In addition to helping recycle millions of articles of clothing per year, Karta-Pack feels fairly luxurious, making it an interesting choice for high-end packaging. Imagine unpackaging a gadget from what feels like rigid cotton. Dent also suggests that furniture designers could end up using Karta-Pack to create molded furniture designs that feel like fabric, even though they’re strong enough to support a person’s weight. Colored Conductive Inks Although we’ve had inks that can conduct electricity for years now, these inks only come in two colors: silver and carbon. It gives conductive inks an aesthetic, says Dent, that has “no real beauty for non-engineers.” A new breakthrough, however, has finally made it possible for conductive inks to come in any color you want. One potential use is in smart clothing and wearables. Imagine a jacket with an attractive design printed on the sleeve that also functioned, when you touched it, as a way of controlling your iPhone. ReWall Ceiling Tiles ReWall Ceiling Tiles are made from recycled beverage containers–a mixture of cardboard, plastic bottles, and aluminum–using a method similar to the way oriented strand board, a construction-industry staple, is made. The result is a material that has the same structural integrity as strand board and can be cut and screwed into like wood, but which has much better resistance to moisture, so it can be used as a ceiling tile. It can also be exposed to the elements. ZrOC The process of coating most decorative metal items, like your sink or your hubcaps, for improved hardness and scratched resistance is called physical vapor deposition, or PVD. ZrOC is a new coating technique in which a mixture of zirconium, oxygen, and carbon can be deposited on metal, plastic, wood, glass, or textiles. Depending on how those elements are mixed, you can get chrome in any color you choose, as opposed to the stock reflective silver. “It was actually invented for coating kitchen implements, but I can definitely see someone coating a smartphone or a smartwatch in ZrOC soon,” says Dent. Tethonite 3D-printed objects always look and feel inferior to objects made with traditional manufacturing processes and materials. Tethonite is different: It’s a 3D-printed ceramic compound that, when fired and cured, looks identical to ceramic made by hand or industrial machines. Not only could Tethonite push the boundaries of the ceramic arts by making increasingly intricate designs possible; it also potentially has wide-ranging consumer applications. “Companies like Apple want to figure out new ways to use ceramics, because it’s such an incredible material,” says Dent. “It’s so hard, subtle, and luminous, but unlike metal, ceramic is also brittle.” It breaks, which is why you don’t see it in many gadgets (although the Apple Watch Edition recently introduced a high-end ceramic model). Tethonite could let companies like Apple intimately combine the best qualities of metal and ceramics to create resilient new devices. ThermalTech A patented lightweight smart fabric made of 100% stainless steel mesh that is coated with a solar selective coating, ThermalTech could be a boon to makers of athletic gear. The fabric excels at absorbing heat in the form of ultraviolet light, then dispersing it throughout the entire material to dissipate. Imagine athletic gear that keeps you as warm as wool without the bulk and you’ve got an idea on why companies like Nike might be interested in ThermalTech. These companies, says Dent, “have already figured out materials to eliminate odors and sweats. Temperature regulation is the next holy grail.” Paptic Blurring the line between paper and plastic, Paptic is a new material that is easy to print on, easy to recycle, and perfect for packaging. “It might not change the world,” Dent admits, but he thinks we’ll soon start seeing it everywhere, because while it feels and looks like paper, it’s as strong and tear-proof as plastic. RE>CRETE Concrete is a composite that is basically made up of a bunch of junk–mostly sand and gravel–bonded together with cement. RE>CRETE isn’t that different, except instead of using sand and gravel, it contains shredded newspaper and junk mail, ground up packing Styrofoam, home electronics wire, credit cards and CDs, salvaged house paint, dryer lint, Portland cement, and fly ash. It’s basically construction scale recycling: With RE>CRETE, tomorrow’s buildings will be built with today’s trash. Flexible Battery Imagine wearing an entire suit that was just one big lithium-ion battery. Jenax Inc. Flexible Battery could make that possible. “The difference here is that while normal batteries come in solid pieces, this battery is spun from fibers which make it more flexible,” explains Dent. Flexible Batteries can apparently be flexed a couple of thousand times without affecting their performance, making them a perfect choice for tomorrow’s smart clothing, e-textiles, wearables, and transforming or flexible gadgets. Grip Metal Think Metal Velcro, and you’ve got a good idea of what Grip Metal can do. It’s a patented barbed metal sheet that allows virtually any two, or more, sheet materials to stick together without being glued, welded, or bolted. When stuck together, the two pieces can become up to three times as strong as they were individually, making it a perfect material for furniture design, manufacturing, and construction. All of these materials are available now, but they’re not yet commonplace. Expect to see them in the months and years ahead. To hear Dent tell it, they are the new stars of the materials science scene.
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forthefinalproject · 7 years
9 Futuristic Materials
Sources: Aerogels http://www.aerogel.org/?p=3 http://energy.lbl.gov/ecs/aerogels/ http://www.nasa.gov/topics/technology... http://www.britannica.com/science/gel Invisibility Cloaks http://science.sciencemag.org/content... http://time.com/4042506/invisibility-... http://bgr.com/2016/03/15/invisibilit... http://www.nature.com/articles/srep21921 http://www.cnet.com/news/invisibility... http://www.techtimes.com/articles/864... Super Waterproofing http://phys.org/news/2015-12-superhyd... http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10... http://www.businessinsider.com/a-new-... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/... http://www.bbc.com/news/science-envir... http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/... Bulk Diamonds/Aggregated Diamond Nanorods http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/... http://www.esrf.eu/news/spotlight/spo... http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/n... http://www.iom3.org/materials-world-m... Metallic Glasses http://engineering.jhu.edu/materials/... http://www.nature.com/nmat/journal/v1... http://www.zmescience.com/science/che... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/... http://discovermagazine.com/2004/apr/... http://physics.aps.org/story/v15/st20 Metallic Foams http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/... http://www.metalfoam.net/ https://link.springer.com/article/10.... Transparent Aluminum http://science.howstuffworks.com/tran... http://www.tssbulletproof.com/optical... http://ceramics.org/wp-content/upload... Light-transmitting Concrete http://illumin.usc.edu/printer/245/tr... http://www.cement.org/for-concrete-bo... Regenerating Concrete http://www.theguardian.com/sustainabl... http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/14/tech/bi... https://www.researchgate.net/profile/...
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