random-tsuchan · 12 hours
Why would Miquella want to be a god if the previous one, his own mother, made clear that godhood won't be a solution to Malenia's curse. Really, Marika is the freacking vessel of the laws of reality, so if she cannot cure Malenia -- either because she's unable, incapable, or worse unwilling -- why Miquella would think the "Greater Will" would let him do it?
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random-tsuchan · 12 hours
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mermaid riza concept that i drew for mermay, forgot about for months, then picked up again this past week and got obsessed
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random-tsuchan · 13 hours
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young empyreans in the modern au 💙💛
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
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Ok maybe this time i got it out of my system?
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
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Underestimated the time I would put into this. Utena fanart! Worked off an on on this for 2 weeks, gif is of the in-progress work.
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
Time for more Revelations with Res
Today edition: Miquella. Rebises. Twins. Why Miquella was hosed from the start.
Here, I'll give a Tl;Dr: Miquella was never going to be a good or perfect god because he was born a twin, and a male White Queen. And then it got worse.
So, of course, twins are widely considered a single whole that was split in the womb. Which is biologically almost literally how it works, but even before we had research ability and scanning equipment, people figured out that's how it worked, they just applied it to the twins' essence or spirit. I think this is what happened with Malenia and Miquella; and at the same time Count Ymir was correct. Because Marika and Radagon were an imperfect Rebis, when Malenia and Miquella were conceived, they were imperfect parts of a similar whole, but in a different way.
I think Maradagon's problem was primarily that Marika was too red. They had the color coordination mostly right; Marika has a sort of white-gold image to her, and Radagon is very red, but... Marika's a warrior-queen; she led wars of conquest and genocide. That's all very... red of her to do. She takes a lot of action, and is more associated with gold and sunlight than nighttime and the moon; more red elements. Radagon was probably closer to a pure Red King than Marika ever was to a White Queen, but even he was probably not perfect. That said, it's likely because he was better at being Red than she was at being White that his kids with Rennala - one of the only characters in the entire game that actually seems to be an actual White Queen - ended up the "best" off, and least cursed, and Ranni seems to have had the best chance of godhood.
Then, this imperfect Rebis births... another imperfect Rebis. And when the white one came out male, and the red one came out female, they should've known they were doomed. Except they don't have the advantage of knowledge of metanarrative like we as players do.
Then it gets worse. The twins are cursed separately, and individually. This gets them stuck at different stages of purification and putrefaction, in different ways, and means that they can't ever really be compatible at re-joining as a full Rebis. They have to be on the same stage, and they're not. They're more harmonious as individuals than Marika and Radagon probably ever were, but where Marika and Radagon seemed to be physically compatible, but mentally incompatible, Malenia and Miquella are the opposite.
And Malenia isn't perfect as a Red King, either. Despite her role as a warrior being 'masculine' (red), Malenia has no actual masculine side. All of her "offshoots" - when she splits up (or rather, her psyche is fractured by the rot)... they're all female. She doesn't have a malesona to dump into a crater or a fissure or into the ocean or whatever. There are no male figures that relate that way to Malenia anywhere in the lore, except one: Miquella is the male part of this rebis... and he's the White Queen. So this pairing's Red King has very little association with red elements; in truth, she's probably more associated with water (white element), than fire (red element), among other things.
Now, Miquella needs a new Red King to complete his perfect balance. He probably doesn't know he needs a "Red King" specifically, but he does know that Radahn is a counterbalance that Malenia isn't. And Radahn is a perfect Red King. He is associated with FIRE and WAR, he's a BIG, MUSCULAR MAN, his leitmotif is men belting out baritones and tenors at a plodding, marching pace to just drive home his hypermasculinity; this is red at its most pure. He's not stuck in any alchemical phases, he's very aware of who he is and his place in the world, and is free to move through the stages as necessary.
Then, it gets worse again. Miquella begins divesting himself of his connection to his mother. He starts shedding his skin to try to become a god unrelated to her; his own deity free of the cycles she put upon the world. He starts attempting the stages: Miquella, the White Queen of a forcibly separated, fractured Rebis, casts away St. Trina.
A girl.
If red is associated with masculinity, and white is associated with femininity - what does that mean when the white one gets rid of their feminine half? Further, Trina is very passive and associated with a LOT of white elements. She's more White Queen than he is.
This pushes him back toward red. But he's not a Red King by any stretch of the imagination, Malenia holds that half of the Rebis, and Miquella never really had any elements of it.
He's not Red, and he isn't really White, now, either... so what is he?
Well, nothing. He's a failure of a divine, enlightened being. Certainly, he's not a god. He never was going to be from the start - the "roots" were rotten - and by the time he got rid of Trina he truly did seal his fate. Maybe if he had embraced her, or even if he'd made her the god he wanted to be and ceded to her, there might've been a bit of a chance - she's still imperfect, still cursed in a nascent form, but she's more in the role he was apparently born to fill than he is, and maybe a sufficient Red King would've saved some part of it; at least in the way Rennala complemented Radagon.
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
Glad to see I'm not the only one who sees the parallels between Miquella and Yaoshi
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My favorite bitches <3
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was inspired by:
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
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That look just stuck with me~
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
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“Barbatos?… Or should I call you …[Redacted]”
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
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random-tsuchan · 15 hours
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"What are you waiting for, Barbatos?
Or should I call you...
I S T A R O T H ?"
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random-tsuchan · 1 day
Specifically this moment
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random-tsuchan · 1 day
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“You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?” ⏳🍃✨
I had to do the Venti of this masterpiece
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random-tsuchan · 1 day
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God of Time Venti⏳
🍃⏳ Support a small artist? Thank youuu :’) 🫶
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random-tsuchan · 1 day
That vid from hoyofest but make it zhongven🤧
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random-tsuchan · 1 day
wakes up in a cold sweat: holy shit xiaoven alien space au
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