florinemaudet · 6 years
Video process of all my FGP
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florinemaudet · 6 years
Third shooting ---> Thursday April 12th
The third and final shooting is planed with Tomas who will play Fred for the video “Have style”
16h → Svet Hub : 
- Wearing 1st outfit
- Scene at work
- Photographies
17h → Street : 
- Walk on the street
- At the market (I.P. Pavlova)
- Photographies
17h30 → Namesti Miru : 
- Scene fast food / hot dog
- Scene on the bench
- Photographies
18h30 → Svet Hub : 
- Ordering (computer)
- Receive box
- Wearing the second/final outfit
19h → Svet Hub : 
- Wearing final outfit
- Photographies
19h30 → Street : 
- Scene man walking with new clothes
- Photographies
20h → End
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florinemaudet · 6 years
Second shooting ---> Monday April 9th
The second shooting is planed with Jon who will play Tom for the video “Privacy”
9h → Svet Hub :
- Wearing first outfit
- Photographies
10h30 → Quadrio : 
- Shoot in front of Quadrio 
- Photographies Tom around people
12h → Shop (Eco Fashion Labels) : 
- Scene of dressing-room
- Scene girl friend
- Scene cash register 
- Photographies 
13h30 → Misa’s apartment : 
- Ordering : Phone call 
- Receive box 
- Photographies of the process
14h → Misa’s apartment : 
- New outfit -> Trying on 
- Photographies
14h30 → End
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florinemaudet · 6 years
Process video save time, shooting of the 4th april.
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florinemaudet · 6 years
First shooting done !
The first shooting with Pavel as the actor was this morning, I was with my colleague Ryan to assit and help me, Kata the stylist form Genster to chose the outfits and take care of the clothes on the actor during the shooting, and a friend of mine, Lorène who took videos and photographies of the process. 
The shooting went well! I thought I will need more than 5 hours to turn but at the end I just turned 4 hours without missing anything, I hope is a good thing..
Now the editing is coming....
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florinemaudet · 6 years
First shooting ---> Wednesday April 4th
The first shooting is planned since one week with Pavel as the actor for the video “Have style”. 
Here the planning :
10h → Pavel apartment :
- Wearing new clothes
- Big plan face
- Wide shoot of the room : Art try the clothes, see his watch and run
- Photographies
10h30 → Pavel apartment :
- Shower
- Wearing old clothes
- Scene with kids (wearing and feed the kid who dirty him)
- Scene in toilets (phone call + read a magazin) (hide the bottom of the shirt for the burritos stain)
- Photographies
12h → Outside, car (Pavel’s parking) :
- Open the door of the car close to another car and gets dirty in rubbing on the car
- Eat a burritos on a car and gets dirty (do a stain on the bottom of the shirt for the toilet scene)
- Photographies
13h → Street/tram station : coffee + photographies
- Drink his coffee in running
- Run after the tram and fall down
14h → Pavel apartment :
- View of message on phone —> « Busy ? Use Genster. » (in English and in Czech)
- Ordering : Phone call
- Box
- Photographies
15h → End
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florinemaudet · 7 years
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florinemaudet · 7 years
I was close to finally ending my scenarios but I was missing something, the really catching thing. I made a lot of research but I forgot one thing very important : THE TARGET 
I had my point of view about approximately who is the target and what they want but I never went further. 
So I will take back the previous interviews made by Genster and make news interviews with a lot of different people to see which kind of people could be on a target group, see the different between these different men, have a different approach, I have to understand these men.
Genster give different messages because they are there to help all these different men to easier their life. 
The campaign could be general (targeting all men) but I have to find the thing that each of these different guys have in commun.
Or still 3 videos, still 3 different messages to reach 3 different targets. One message is more for one kind of man and another message is more for another one too. For example a bus driver has the time to do shopping but he just hate do it, while a business man could love fashion and shopping but he is really busy so he never has this time. 
----> So you men, feel free to complete my survey it could be very very nice !!
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florinemaudet · 7 years
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Concept 3 from my final show
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florinemaudet · 7 years
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Concept 2 from my final show
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florinemaudet · 7 years
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Concept 1 from my final show
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florinemaudet · 7 years
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After a meeting with the Genster team, I could shape my planning to be organize with my time.
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florinemaudet · 7 years
Researches Final Show
Researches about the client, what is the negative point in the company to improve it, what message the company want to transmit to the customer, how communicate it, how convince the viewer.
Analysis of other avertissement movies, what is the strong point, what make them successful ?
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florinemaudet · 7 years
Video to explain how the company Genster works.
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florinemaudet · 7 years
Final video for Exekutor má smůlu
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florinemaudet · 7 years
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New project for the society “Exekutor ma smulu.cz”. They asked me to realize a little animation video to illustre their work and how they help people. If this movie works well, I will realize few others. Here is the story board (validate by the client) that I done before the creation.
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florinemaudet · 7 years
Brief n°2 - Freedom Art festival in Prague
Client : The client of this project is the city of Prague.
Introduction : The city of Prague is a very cultural city who attract a lot of young people and a lot of tourists. The project is to organize a big festival in Prague during four days and three nights in different areas of Prague like “Letenská plán” or “Riegrovy sady”. The purpose is to bring people together to create what they want, painting, sculpture, photography, music.... During these few days, the freedom will be celebrate, people will be free to do what they want (artistically speaking) and enjoy at the maximum, this event has to be a reference in all the Europe, all people have to know it as the best festival of Europe, the communication on the social media has to be strong. Contests will be organize to push people to show their works and have a outside look on their artworks. Some competitions will be announced before the festival to prepare people to work and hang their works during the festival for others to vote for the best. Other contests will be just during the festival, for one hour, 3 hours, two days.. everything will depend on the contest. Concerts will be on there during the three night to celebrate this freedom of expression through the art and through th music to express us at the maximum.
Project/s Background : Prague is the capital and the biggest city of Czech Republic. This city is wellknown for its museums, architecture, operas... Prague is traditionally a European cultural center, a place of many events. Film Festival, Alternative Theater Festival, Prague Fringe Festival, Prague Festival of Writers, Prague Quadrennial, devoted to scenography and theatrical architecture.
Project/s Brief : First, research about some events or festivals, how to organize this kind of event, what is possible... Research on the graphic line that will be used (photography, illustration, colors ...). To start the creation of all the promotion, the beginning will be with the poster that will define the visual that will represent the festival, after the rest of the communication (brochure, video, visual) will be created. Create the layout of the site with the same graphic line and develop it as quickly as possible.
Audience : This festival is open for everybody of course and difference of age are welcome to mix people, culture, tradition, ideas and creativity at the maximum. But the main target stay young people, the mood will be very young with a lot of concert and bar. The purpose is to have fun ! To catch this target the campaign has to be promote on the social media for sure with video, photographies and other attractive visuals. But the campaign has also to be print (brochures and posters) to be promote everywhere in the street and to give the occasion at the people who don’t have any social media to see what’s happen and all the informations.
Tone of Voice : The mood will be on a young and free graphic line to represent this freedom of expression. The communication will be colorful to feeling the joy, the freedom and the party. People have to feel the mood of this festival before came, we must give them the desire to come, the desire to have fun and to free themselves
Requirements : Poster, brochure, social media visual, website, video, photography
Media/Format : The festival will be promote a lot on the social media and on the web because now, digital informations are very important, everybody can see them and people spend a lot of time on the social media. Of course, as every events, the festival will have posters hanging on the street, metro stations, bars etc.. These posters will give the first information of this event and people will go on the social media or on the website of this festival to have more informations. All people doesn’t have the social media and some people prefer have a physical object or paper to have the informations, so brochures have to be create.
Presentation : I’m going to present this festival by organizing a real (smaller) in the street of Bishop’s court, people will create what they want, participate in contests, play music.. what they want, and it could be great to celebrate our release from the end of this year too. All the physical support will be hung in the street, some animations will be organized with a small bar and a snack. This street will become a huge art street and people can do what they want to express themselves.
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