angelseavey · 6 years
Request here. (OR see description if ur on mobile)
See all my other audio edits here! (OR see description if ur on mobile)
***DISCLAIMER***: Nothing but the edit is mine.
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angelseavey · 6 years
corbyn matthew besson is a literal angel
reblog if you agree
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angelseavey · 6 years
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HOOKED IS AMAZING! I’m going to write an Imagine based on it but not sure for which boy yet, or maybe all 👀? Anyways if you haven’t given it a listen yet make sure to do so!
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angelseavey · 6 years
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Shawn Peter Raul Mendes is such a smol bean please protect at all cost😍
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angelseavey · 6 years
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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angelseavey · 6 years
they’re actually the most gorgeous people ive ever seen OOF
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angelseavey · 6 years
mutual || jonah marais
sooo... I sorta live for angsty imagines! request something, I haven't been able to write anything in a week because I ran out of ideas! This one is pretty fucking good, not gonna lie!
Enjoy some of asshole Zach, definitely not how he acts but it's fun to read (((;
word count:1400+
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"Look at that girl over there, she's hot right?" Jonah asked, nudging me in the ribs as I looked up from my phone.  He sat on my right as I was watching a video on how a man saved a puppy from a storm drain but my attention was quickly focused on a petite, blonde girl who stood with her friends laughing, looking at songs available to play on the jukebox.
Sometimes I feel like he knew I had a crush on him and said shit like that to piss me off.
"She's pretty." I mumbled, annoyed that he felt that need to say that to me, when he could of said it to the four other boys that surrounded us. We sat at a retro diner, like ones you would see in the movies. This place had become a favorite of ours through our time being in LA.
"Who's pretty?" Zach peeped up from my left side, interrupting our conversation and gaining the attention of all the boys.
"That blonde girl over there. Should I go talk to her?" Jonah wondered, making the boys smile but made me roll my eyes. Corbyn watched my agitated behavior and let out a snicker. He was pretty much the only one who caught onto my crush on Jonah and constantly liked to fuck with me about it.
"What are you laughing about Corbyn?" Jack pressed, looking at Corbyn along with the other boys that sat at the large booth with us.
I shot Corbyn a look and he quickly caught on to what I was saying indirectly.
"Oh it's nothing... Christina just texted me something funny." He trailed off and the boys nodded, proceeding with the conversation about Jonah's recent interest in the blonde.
"I'll be right back, watch and learn boys." Jonah interjected, popping up out of the booth and slowly striding over to the group of girls near the front of the diner. Jealously flooded through my body and I wanted to leave the scene, not in the mood to watch Jonah flirt with some girl who would most likely fall for him on the spot.
"I bet you Jonah is gonna get her number." Zach mentioned to me, in which I let out an uninterested nod in respond, along with an eye roll. Jack and Daniel seemed to notice my weird behavior because they looked at me with a concerned.
"What's wrong Y/n? Are you okay?" Daniel asked me, looking into my eyes for any sign of sickness or pain.
"I'm fine." I mumbled, looking back towards the girl clutching onto Jonah's forearm with a smile. I felt an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach but I tried to push it away. Jonah was always like this, he flirted with girls any time he could've because he knew they would fall for him.
"No you're not. You're jealous because Jonah is over there trying to bone that girl." Zach snickered from beside me and anger filled my veins. Not in the mood to deal with Zach's bullshit anymore, I shoved him out of the booth aggressively. He landed on the floor with a dull thud and looked up at me with an angry look.
"Yo Y/n what the fuck!" Zach shouted, standing up off the floor, brushing off his jeans. I glanced at the table and saw the boys sitting there with their jaws dropped. I didn't appreciate Zach's disgusting comment and now my secret crush on Jonah had definitely been put out there.
"I'm gonna go..." I trailed off, grabbing my purse and standing up, ready to walk out of the diner.
It seemed as if Jonah had the perfect timing when he ran up to us all giddy. "I got her number guys! I'm the ma-, Zach why do you look pissed off?" Jonah asked, mildly confused, exchanging glances with the table for an answer.
Daniel and Corbyn looked out the window and Jack stared down at his milkshake. No one dared to answer Jonah until Zach was clearly fed up and spoke up, with agitation.
"I'll tell you why... Y/n wants you really bad. She's fucking jealous because you always flirt with other girls in front of her face. I don't know if you're clueless to it but you don't seem to notice she's literally in love with you."
This was probably the worst thing that could have happened, I felt my eyes widen and my throat become dry. Our friendship would be ruined forever.
"You're an asshole Z..." Corbyn mumbled, facepalming himself in disbelief.
I couldn't believe Zach had the balls to be so rude and expose me like that but clearly he didn't care. Zach had no place to say that but he just looked at me with no sign of regret.
I eyed the table and saw the glass of water sitting in front of Daniel. Without hesitation, I grabbed the glass and threw the water on Zach, his clothes instantly becoming drenched.
"Y/n! What are you doing?!" Jonah shouted at me, in which I winced. He had never yelled at me and it was definitely something I did not want to get used to. He was mad.
I went to say something, but no words came out of my mouth, I gulped and tried to come up with an apology or an excuse but everything Zach claimed was true.
"I...I'm sorry. I have to go." I stuttered out, ignoring the stares from people as I stormed out of the diner. I kept my head down just so the boys didn't notice the streams of tears running down my face.
I'm not sure who that person even was out there. Why would I be so mean to Zach? He's like my brother and I felt genuinely guilty for doing such unkind acts to him.
As I was finally out of the diner, I realized I came here with Daniel, silently cursing myself for having no ride home.
I decided to sit on the bench outside of the diner and text my friend Nick for a ride home. The last thing I wanted to do was go in there and see Zach or Jonah, after all of the drama that had just occurred.
"What was that all about?" A male voice shouted, coming from behind me, laced with concern.
I turned towards the door of the diner only to find Jonah staring at me, his arms folded. I wiped the tears from my eyes, not wanting to look upset over him but he saw right through me.
"It's nothing Jonah. Let's just drop it." I spoke to him, sounding calm even though I felt otherwise.
"It's not nothing. I've never seen you so mad. Is what Zach said true?" He pressed, getting closer to me.
How was I supposed to answer that? I can't lie to him, it would just cause more problems.
“Yeah but listen, I didn’t want it to come out this way. I’m not trying to cause any problems and I don’t want our friendship ruined.” I pleaded, looking at him with despair painted across my face.
He frowned and pulled me in for a hug, grabbing my waist tightly. “Why would that ruin our friendship?”
“The feelings are clearly one sided and that’ll kill me to see you go around and mess with all these girls.” I sobbed, my tears leaking out of my eyes once again.
“Who said they’re one sided?” Jonah softly asked, grabbing my face with both of his hands and staring into my eyes.
“I just figured...” I began to explain why I had felt the feelings weren’t mutual but I was quickly cut off with a pair of lips upon my own. With no hesitation, I kissed back Jonah, a feeling of relief wash over me.
A few seconds later, we pulled away, and I couldn’t help but express a small smile at him.
“I’ll stop flirting with the girls. I just want you to see that I care about you and I want something out of this. You mean more to me than anything and I don’t want you to forget that. Now please, let’s leave so I can hear Zach stop bitching about his wet clothes.” Jonah spoke, a chuckle escaping his mouth at the end. He pulled me into his side and we walked back into the diner to get the rest of the boys.
I was happy that our relationship as friends could be something more now... but I was more happy that I didn’t have to hide my feelings anymore.
The feelings were mutual.
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angelseavey · 6 years
request something
please❤️ I’ll do my best to write what you want!
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angelseavey · 6 years
wingman ✨ jack avery
Request: 27 and Jack?
"No. Regrets."
ft. skateboarding Jack! and wingman Zach! This is definitely a little different from how I usually write but hope you guys enjoy.
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word count: 1100+
Jack's POV:
The boys accompanied me as we walked into the Zumiez in the mall in search of a new skateboard deck for myself.
Zach decided to be stupid and throw mine in the pool, completely damaging the board. It wasn't just randomly though, we had gotten into a fight because he said I had caused us to 'lose our duo in Fortnite', which is total bs.
As we strolled in, my eyes immediately scanned the wall of skateboard decks in the back of the store, walking away from my friends.
Jonah and Corbyn looked at the shoes on the wall and Daniel and Zach browsed through the Champion shirts folded on display.
I glanced up and down the rows of skateboard decks, seeing colorful decks and ornate patterns printed on the back of them.
"Do you need any help?" A soft voice interrupted my thoughts and I peered to where the noise was coming from. Turning around, I laid my eyes upon one of the most beautiful girls I had seen in my life.
She wore a white Thrasher sweatshirt with denim shorts and paired with pink vans. Her hair was down and she fumbled with the name tag on her which read, 'Y/n.'
I realized I was too busy staring at her and spat out an answer so I didn't seem like a weirdo, "U-uh I'm good. Thanks." I mumbled and she nodded with a smile. Jack, why do you sound like an idiot?
"Okay. Just let me know if I can help you with anything." She answered with a grin, strolling away back to her spot at the register to help a customer.
I got mad at myself considering I didn't make conversation with her whatsoever, which was pretty strange for me. I never had any trouble flirting with girls but today this one had me tongue tied.
"Jack, did you find a good one?" Zach asked, coming into my view from behind me. He had a red champion hoodie in his hands.
"No... I got distracted." I mumbled, instantly regretting it as the words came out of my mouth. Zach loved to instigate and embarrass me whenever he had the chance.
"Distracted by what? A girl?" Zach smirked nudging me in the rib cage and I rolled my eyes.
"No." My answer was frank and Z could clearly see right through me. I peered around the room for Y/n and saw her talking to Jonah with a smile. Of course she was talking to Jonah. I subconsciously let out a small frown.
"It's that girl that works here, isn't it?" Zach pestered, gesturing to the beautiful girl who chatted with my friend.
"She's pretty right?" I beamed, staring at her dreamily and Zach burst out laughing.
"Yeah she's hot. Did you talk to her?" Zach wondered, also watching Jonah flirt with my crush.
"Barely. I don't think I can do this one Zach. Jonah's already on it." I sadly spoke, seeing how Jonah leaned over the counter speaking to her with a smirk on his face. She blushed as he spoke to her.
"What? Just cause Jonah is flirting with her doesn't mean anything, talk to her." Zach demanded, sounding baffled that I'd let Jonah keep talking her up.
"Nah dude, it's okay." I mumbled giving him a half smile. Secretly, I felt defeated. I never had problems with flirting with girls but for some reason I just felt insecure and not sure I would be able to face rejection from one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen.
Zach looked at me quizzically and shrugged, going back to the front of the store. My focus shifted back to the decks in front of me, searching for a nice one. A few moments went by before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I figured it was Zach being annoying about the whole situation so I turned around with an eye roll.
"Zach stop bugging me ab-" I quickly cut off what I was going to say when I saw Y/n in front of me smiling.
"Your friend told me you needed some help finding a new deck. Were you too scared to talk to me? I'm not mean I promise." She giggled looking back at Zach who watched the whole conversation with a smirk painted on his face.
"I-I'm not scared. You were busy." I mumbled, not sure exactly where to go with the conversation.
"Well looks like I'm not busy right now. What's your name?" She asked peering straight into my eyes with a smile on her face.
"It's Jack. Yours is Y/n?" I questioned, pointing down to her name tag so I didn't look like a stalker.
"That's me...Jack I have a question for you." She pondered, tilting her head to the side.
"What's your question?" I answered, confused thoughts filling my mind. What did I do?
"Do you- I was wondering if you wanna...exchange numbers?" She shyly asked, not making eye contact with me. Her cheeks turned pink and I could tell she was nervous.
"Yes." I may have answered too quickly but I didn't care. I can't believe someone like her would want my number.
"Great." She looked around the room to make sure her manager wasn't watching and she handed me her phone, as I gave her mine. We exchanged information and she took her phone back with ease.
"You're beautiful, I know that's kinda weird since we just met but I thought I would let you know." I nervously told her, feeling my palms sweat slightly. In the corner of my eye, Zach stood there with a stupid grin on his face, looking like he was up to something.
"That's so sweet of you, you're very cute too. I wouldn't usually ask an attractive guy for his number but your friend Zach over there told me you were interested in me." She confessed, her smile never leaving her face.
Zach. What a fucking dipshit.
"He's so stupid but I'm glad he did." I chuckled along with her.
"Yeah, No. Regrets." She spoke, emphasizing the word 'no.'
"Y/n can you get back to work and stop flirting with our customers!" Her manager, I assume, shouted out to her.
Y/n blushed profusely and nodded, quickly waving bye to me and running to the front of the store, helping a young girl.
After she was far enough away from me, Zach ran up to me with the same dumb look on his face.
"You're welcome Jack." He called out to me, raising an eyebrow. He patted himself on the back cockily.
"Normally, I would kill you for doing something like that but I'm so glad you did." I truthfully told him, thanking him.
"Yeah I know I know. I'm the best wingman ever." Zach spoke cracking his knuckles dramatically.
"Can't argue with that."
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angelseavey · 6 years
27 with Jack?💞
I’ll start it right now !
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angelseavey · 6 years
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always a good time seeing them
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angelseavey · 6 years
nightmare || zach herron
Request: 94 and Zach please?
“I had a bad dream again.”
I tried with this one not sure if I like it tho! I just met the boys again in I’m! Let me know if you wanna see my pics!
Word count:1100+
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This whole imagine is Zach's POV:
The rain pounded against my bedroom window. The room was dark and the blankets on my bed remained a mess. The house was pretty quiet, for once.
The guys had all went out for dinner but I stayed in for the night. Y/n hadn't talked to me all day which was super weird considering her and I were basically attached at the hip.
I left her a few calls and a few messages because I didn't wanna be that clingy boyfriend that spams their girlfriend's phone. I figured she was just at work or maybe was having fun with her friends.
My thoughts were quickly interrupted when I heard a faint knocking on my bedroom door.
I know my girl's voice anywhere and there she was, awaiting outside my bedroom door.
I hopped out of my bed with a smile on my face and ran to my door.
"Hi baby." I peeped opening my door but my smile immediately faded when I saw the stream of tears running down Y/n's face. "What's wrong?" I asked grabbing her hands and leading her over to sit on my bed with me.
"Z-Zach." She cried out taking a deep breathe,
"Can you tell me something?" The mascara that she wore slightly ran down her face, and her eyebrows furrowed. I've never seen something so heartbreaking.
"What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" I felt sick to my stomach as I questioned her, seeing her like this made me want to cry.
"Zach, do you love me?" She whispered, looking out my bedroom window, away from me.
Of course I do. I love you so much.
The words filled my mind but I felt myself not able to say them. As hard as I tried I couldn't help myself but to mumble, "No..."
She tried her hardest to choke back more sobs but slowly nodded standing up.
"But why? I love you so much Zach. Is there anything I can do? Why don't you love me?" She cried, grabbing my face and staring into my eyes.
I just wanted to kiss her and say "I love you." But for some reason the words didn't come out of my mouth.
"I don't know, just leave me alone Y/n." I spat out, gently pushing her off of me and looking away from her gaze.
Why the fuck was I acting like this? I didn't mean anything I said, snap out of it Zach.
"Okay Zach, I'm sorry I wasted your time." Y/n cried out, tears spilling down her face onto my Champion sweatshirt that she wore.
I could feel my heartbreaking, why was I acting like a dick? I would never say this shit to her ever, she was my girl through thick and thin.
I woke up and felt my heart beating out of my chest. The nightmares had reoccurred all week.
I don't know why the dream was about me not being able to say "I love you" considering I constantly told her.
I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the collar of my sweatshirt, trying to calm my uneasy state.
My room remained silent, while downstairs I heard the guys laughing about something with Y/n.
I felt empty and just felt like she didn't know how much I loved her, which hurt me badly considering she was my world.
Anxiously slipping out of my room, I quietly walked down the stairs, the sounds of voices becoming louder and louder.
"Aw look! The baby is awake!" Jonah called out with a joking tone and earned laughs from the whole table of the guys and my girlfriend, Y/n.
"Ha ha very funny, Jonah." I mumbled with an eye roll, I was already in a bad mood and wasn't feeling any extra side comments coming my way.
"What's got your panties in a twist?" Corbyn joked, nudging me in the side with his elbow and I harshly shoved him off of me. He flew into the edge of our kitchen table, knocking a glass off the top. The colored glass fell to the floor with a crash and shards of glass scattered across the linoleum floor.
"Zach! Dude what the hell!?" Jack shouted, throwing his arms up glancing down at the floor and Corbyn rubbing his hip from hitting the corner of the table, he gave me a dirty look.
"Don't move, I'll clean up the glass." Y/n spoke, faintly moving around it but I quickly stopped her.
"No you don't move. I don't want you getting hurt." I softly spoke to her, walking around her going to get the dustpan and broom from the closet in the hallway.
As I distanced myself from the accident that just happened, I heard the soft conversation from the boys and my girlfriend.
"What was that all about?" Daniel asked, his voice laced with worry.
"I don't know. He's been so grumpy every time he wakes up, kid needs to fucking rest more." Corbyn groaned, obviously annoyed that I aggressively shoved him into our table.
"Go talk to your boyfriend. He seems like he needs someone." Jonah spoke to Y/n and then I heard footsteps approaching me.
"Zach, honey what's wrong?" Y/n asked with her eyebrows furrowed, she wrapped her arms around my waist, closing the space in between us.
I relaxed into her touch and looked at her,
" I had a bad dream again."
Y/n knew about my reoccurring nightmares but she never knew what they were about.
"Babe, why didn't you tell me sooner? Do you wanna talk about it?" She frowned, her eyes softening as her face remained a few inches from mine.
"I-... Well you were there and I know this sounds crazy but you asked me if I loved you. And for some reason I couldn't say it. But that's so false, so so false. I love you more than anything. It hurts me to think that you would ever believe that I didn't care about you or didn't love you. You mean so much to me and it  pains me that in my dreams you don't believe that." I spoke, stumbling over a few of my words with a shaky voice. I didn't even realize I was crying until a felt a tear run down my cheek.
She smiled but changed her reaction into a pout when she saw me crying.
"Baby, stop crying I'm gonna cry. I love you so so much and you know that." She said pulling me into a sentimental kiss. I didn't spend any time to hesitate and kissed her back with ease, resting my hands on her lower back.
I felt beyond relieved by her comment and it was nice to know that those bad dreams were nightmares that would never become reality.
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angelseavey · 6 years
number 11 ~ daniel seavey
requested: yes
this is for my boo @jackaverybabe !! i hope you enjoy, love!
summary: on his way to watch zach’s soccer game, daniel gets distracted by a gorgeous goal scored by number 11. 
warning(s): light cursing, mention of whisky
word count: 1740
author’s note: no, this isn’t a stranger things reference, but i’m not opposed to that. 
taglist: @jackaverybabe @ijustreallylovethem
Keep reading
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angelseavey · 6 years
94 and Zach please?
yes! I’ll write it right now
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angelseavey · 6 years
send me a number and a boy! I really wanna write some more imagines from this!
Drabble Challenge!
Repost this. Followers/Readers send numbers to your Ask. You write a fic/drabble using that line in your piece. Have fun! Expect a ton of requests!! 
“That’s starting to get annoying”
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“You can’t just sit there all day.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“I need a place to stay.”
“Well, that’s tragic.”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“Dear Diary, …”
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
“I lost our baby.”
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
“I’d kill for a coffee…literally.”
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“What’s the matter, sweetie?”
“You’re Satan.”
“I don’t want to hear your excuse. You can’t just give me wet-willies.”
“I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”
“Did you just hiss at me?”
“Do you really need all that candy?”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I swear, I’m not crazy!!!”
“The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
“No. Regrets.”
“How drunk was I?”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Be you. No one else can.”
“I haven’t slept in ages.”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
“You work for me. You are my slave.”
“Take your medicine.”
“They’re monsters.”
“Welcome to fatherhood.”
“Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?”
“It’s your turn to make dinner.”
“The kids, they ambushed me.”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!”
“Stop being so cute.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“You need to see a doctor.”
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
“I was a joke, baby. I swear.”
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic…”
“Safety first. What are you? FIVE?”
“This is girl talk, so leave.”
“Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
“There’s a herd of them!”
“Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
“They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
“You’re a nerd.”
“I’m late.”
“Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!”
“You smell like a wet dog.”
“I could punch you right now.”
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?”
“Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?”
“Here, take my blanket.”
“I don’t want you to stop.”
“How could I ever forget about you?”
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
“Run for it!”
“We need to talk.”
“Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.”
“I want a pet.”
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
“I’m not wearing a dress.”
“I’m not wearing a tie.”
“Quit beating me up!”
“Please put your penis away.”
“It’s a Texas thing.”
“Don’t argue. Just do it.”
“I hope I’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Hold still.”
“I just ironed these pants!”
“Enough with the sass!”
“Show me what’s behind your back.”
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.”
“Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
“Stay awake.”
“You’re not interested, are you?”
“I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”
“Tell me you need me.”
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
“I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
“It’s Christmas, don’t be mad at me.”
“You’re not going to starve yourself on Thanksgiving.”
“The store ran out of Easter eggs.”
“How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
“You can only suffer through my whining for so long until you get up and make me a sandwich.”
Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!!
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angelseavey · 6 years
i need to find more of you!! 
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angelseavey · 6 years
Worst Comes to Worst
Worst comes to Worst | Daniel Seavey
“Just breathe okay, who hurt you? -
Warning: Might be mentions of abuse.
// flashback to 30 minutes ago //
You sat on the couch in your apartment, watching some old rerun from when you were a kid. You were staring at the screen, but not watching. You couldn’t help but think about what he would say when he came home. You had seen the tabloid in the supermarket and knew that there was a huge chance that he had seen it already. You hadn’t gotten a text, call, nothing. You were slightly filled with relief but another part of you knew not to leap before you looked.
You suddenly heard a set of keys outside your door, you instantly threw yourself down in a sleeping position. You shut your eyes just as the door opened. You heard the footsteps get closer to the couch and you found yourself holding your breath. The steps seemed to go on forever, like pacing.
You suddenly felt a cool something smack onto your body, “What the fuck is that”, he yelled.
You winced slightly, pretending to wake up. You looked down to see a magazine laying on your legs, “Hm?”
“Don’t play stupid, Y/N”, your boyfriend, Griffin, yelled at you.
You looked down at the magazine, a picture of you hugging Daniel. “He’s my best friend, you know that”, you sounded so helpless.
“‘He’s my best friend’”, he mocked in a high pitch voice, “I’m tired of hearing the same old bullshit. You’re a fucking….a fucking…a fucking whore!”
Your eyes went wide at that, “What the fuck did you just call me”, you screamed back.
“You heard me! All I ever do is see you with those guys, it was just a matter of which one you were caught with this time”, he shook his head, “Don’t tell me that’s not whore behaviour?!”
“Whore behaviour? I already fucking told you that they’re my best friends, nothing more nothing less”, you tried to explain yourself.
“Get the fuck out”, he spoke calmly.
“Excuse me? This is half my apartment too”, you shouted at him, completely over the bullshit.
“Well I’m telling you to get the fuck out”, he slammed his hand on the couch, missing your arm by a few inches.
“Did you just try to hit me”, you asked, trying to keep the fierce act up, but it seemed to fade quickly.
“Yes, and next time I won’t miss. Now get the fuck out”, he shouted at you with pure anger.
You suddenly felt helpless again, timid, fragile. You put on your shoes and hoodie, his eyes boring into you like bullets. You finally grabbed your keys and purse, slamming the door as you walked out of the apartment, “You dumb fuck”, you silently cursed yourself for following his orders.
You felt lost but somehow knew exactly where to go.
// end of flashback //
You tried to compose yourself in your car as you sat across the street from the WDW house. Tears had fallen down your face like waterfalls and you were completely dishevelled. After about fifteen more minutes of waiting, you decided that it was now or never.
You sniffled, looking at your reflection in your phone screen as you rang the doorbell. Your eyes were slightly puffy but you hid them with your sunglass, which you would soon have to take off.
“Hey sweets”, Jack opened the door, engulfing you in a huge hug.
“Hey noodles”, you forced a smile as he walked you to the living room where everyone sat, including the rare sight of Christina and Gabbie. You loved them to death but they were girls, they could spot anything from a mile away.
“Look who it is”, Jack announced as all heads turned to you, everyone immediately yelling and jumping up to hug you before they all sat back down.
Daniel patted his lap for you to sit. You pretended not to see as you sat on the armrest beside him. He made a weird face before silently shaking it off.
You stayed silent, sunglasses still on, as everyone caught up. It was like the world was moving while you were on pause. “Are you okay”, Daniel whispered toward you.
You didn’t even glance at him, simply nodding in response. You knew that was a sure fire sign that something was wrong, but you had zero intention of breaking down in front of some of the only people that meant something to you.
You could practically see Daniel’s gears turning as he paid no attention to the conversation, a harsh look of thought on his face. You continued to study the room for a few more minutes before he jumped up.
“I’ll be right back”, Daniel began to walk away, not before grabbing your hand and pulling you along with him. He took you up to his room, sitting you down on the bed and standing in front of you, “You’re not okay, and I’m pretty sure everyone’s noticed it.”
“I’m fine, why would you think otherwise”, you asked blandly, showing zero emotion at all.
“These”, he pulled your sunglasses off. You prayed that the puffiness in your eyes had gone down. But there was no way forty-five minutes of crying would clear up in ten minutes, “Y/N! Were you crying”, he asked you, instantly kneeling down in front of you.
“It’s fine Dani”, you spoke, biting your lip to keep from breaking.
“No, Y/N, it’s not”, he spoke sternly, causing a tear to fall down your face, “Y/N”, he said softer. More and more tears fell and before you knew it, you were sobbing again, “Just breathe okay. Who hurt you?”
You shook your head, “It’s not a big deal”, you stalled.
“Was it him”, he asked accusingly. You stayed silent, holding back your sobs momentarily, “It was him, wasn’t it”, he asked with anger, instantly standing up.
“Daniel, please just leave it”, you held onto his hand as his blood boiled, “It was my fault….”
“The hell it was! How was it your fault? You weren’t even cheating on him! D-did he…did he hit you”, he asked, the look on his face telling you that he was prayed to God that he hadn’t.
You shook your head, causing a sigh of relief to rush out of him, “But he missed…and said if I didn’t leave that he wouldn’t miss the next time”, you breathed out through a cry.
“Fuck”, Daniel yelled, smacking the wall, “Let’s go”, he reached for the doorknob.
“Daniel, I-I can’t go back down there and pretend I’m okay”, you pleaded with him.
“We’re not doing down to catch up, we’re doing something about that son of a bitch”, he shouted as you slowly stood up. He squeezed your hand lightly to let you know he was there before guiding you quickly down the stairs.
“And we were thinking about the album but–Woah, Y/N, what happened to you”, Zach looked up at you.
You went to turn around but Daniel held onto you.
“Oh my god”, everyone voiced at your teary eyes.
“Are you okay, Honey”, Christina and Gabbie rushed up to you as the guys all stood up as well.
“What happened”, Corbyn asked quietly as the guys all stood in a group a few feet away from you guys.
“That fucker”, Daniel began, the guys instantly knowing who he was talking about, “Tried to hit her after accusing her of cheating. And then he said if she didn’t leave, he would hit her for real”, Daniel explained.
The boys all instantly filled with rage, “We’re going to go beat the shit out of him”, Jonah was heated, as were all of the boys.
“That’s the plan”, Daniel confirmed as they all nodded in agreement.
“Like right now”, Zach asked.
“Oh my god”, Jack rolled his eyes, “No, next year!”
“Just checking”, Zach defended.
“We’ll be back”, Daniel squeezed your waist lightly as he reached for the keys to the SUV.
“W-where are you guys going”, you asked, turning away from Christina and Gabbie.
“To kill that jackass”, Daniel was still beyond pissed.
“Daniel, please don’t”, you held onto him with tears in your eyes.
“Don’t get yourselves into trouble”, Gabbie spoke, looking at Jack with warning eyes.
“We won’t”, Jack reassured her.
“Seriously guys”, Christina went into full mom mode, “Be careful.”
“He threatened to beat, Y/N! He doesn’t deserve our mercy, he’s a fucking coward”, Daniel spat.
Gabbie and Christina looked at each other momentarily before looking at Zach.
“I’ll stay”, Zach told the guys, but for some reason, the boys didn’t argue with him. You were slightly confused as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly.
“Let’s go”, Daniel tapped Corbyn’s shoulder as he and the rest of the boys headed out.
“Guys please”, you sobbed, “You’re going to get into trouble”, you cried as Zach held you back.
“You guys know our banking information, worst comes to worst…bail us out”, Jonah shrugged, “Peace”, he yelled as you cried into Zach’s arms.
At this point, you didn’t care what they did to Griffin.
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