Five Fics Only
86 posts
NO LONGER ACCEPTING REC REQUESTS - As of 2022, It is unlikely that I update this blog again. Maybe one day I'll come back to it, but for now, I want to let it function as an archive of some of my favorite fics. Thank you to everyone who followed this blog and gave me the opportunity to share some of my favorite stories, and thank you to the authors who wrote them. I love this blog, I love this fandom, and I'm glad we could all share in our love for tua and for five together! 
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
five-fic-recs · 3 years ago
Help plz?
I remember a few years ago reading this fic where an older Five goes back in time,kidnaps his kid siblings from Reggie,and raises them himself.My problem is that now I both can't find it,and can't remember if it was on Ao3 or this ringing any bells?
technically I'm not updating this blog right now but I'll make an exception because I'm pretty sure I know which fic you're talking about -- you're most likely thinking of I'm The Daddy? by TUA (IAMS), @mynumberfivethings on tumblr! I just reread it myself, and it's still a great read!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Gosh! This blog is like a gold mine of fics!!
Glad to hear you’re enjoying it!!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Hiya I’m looking for a fic where five comes back from the apocalypse and has an issue with eating food so he takes vitamins but the family thinks he’s taking drugs (I think Klaus tries to give him a self help book)
I remember reading that fic! However, I did some searching and was unable to find it -- I’m sorry to say it may have been deleted. If anyone knows of this fic, please, let us know!
Sorry I couldn’t be more help!
Edit: As @sharkneto and @screechingeagleturtle pointed out in the comments, this sounds an awful lot like There Are Stones in my Stomach and Worms on my Plate by TheArchaeologist! 
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
hi, glad to see u back! I'm gonna request any good five-centric fics that focus on his time at the commission and his complicated relationship with the handler and the people there, maybe the serial killer DNA etc, basically anything about the commission that u think is good. just something i'm craving! thank!
Oh, this is a great request! Here’s a few that I know of: 
and it’s the thousandth that’s it’s even bolder by HeyItsEmmett - (420 words): Snapshot of Five and the Handler on a mission. 
Five Years by Jace_Diaz_Of_Hell - (1257 words): Focuses on Five’s relationship to the Commission. Very interesting take on the Handler’s deal. 
Monetary Value by liions - (3457 words): Outsider POV, the Commission (and Five) from the perspective of an employee. 
don’t look for excuses (I don’t deserve them) by golden_redhead - (1789 words): Luther asks about how Five justifies his time at the Commission. Five doesn’t have a good answer. 
Of course, I kept running (for a soft place to fall) by chromaticality - (53275 words, 15/15 chapters): Five, Luther, and Allison get kidnapped by the Commission in a story with some of the best whump and world-building I’ve seen in fanfiction. 
And here’s a couple of AUs for good measure!
swinging rats for injection by hagewashi - (3964 words, 2/? chapters): Intriguing ongoing story where an extremely confused Five is made into a human Commission experiment. Off to a promising start!
The Anomaly AU by MYSTERYstew - (15456 words, 3/? works): The Handler picks Five up six months into the apocalypse. Details his training and readjustment, and makes his relationship with the Handler feel creepy in a completely different way from canon as she becomes his mentor.  
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
misinformed. blocked. day ruined. your blog says five fics only and yet there are more than five fics here. there must be at least fifteen, america explain
you got me. I’ve been lying to you all. take me away, folks.
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Heya, i sent in a req for some fics earlier, just wanting to make sure it didn't get lost or anything.
It did not! Honestly, I take forever to put together any kind of list, so it might be a little while before I get around to answering, but I have seen your request, and I am working on it! I’m sorry for the delay!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
hi!! i read a fic maybe a month ago (???) about Five getting into a car crash, I think with Luther and Diego, and I’ve tried searching for it on AO3 in so many different ways but I can’t find it?? If you know any fics like that I’d be grateful ❤️ also have a nice day and don’t worry if you can’t find anything!!
Hi!! I’ve been searching for this fic, but I haven’t been able to find anything. Someone contacted me a while back also looking for a car crash fic I was unable to find — I think it’s possible this fic has been deleted. I’ll admit that car accidents are one of the few whump tropes I tend to avoid, however, so if it has been deleted, I wouldn’t know where to look. I’ll have to crowdsource this one — if anyone knows of this fic and wants to help out, please say so in the comments! Thank you, and good luck!!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Asks are now open! If you’re looking for a specific fic or a certain type of fic, let me know!
Please make sure to check the blog key for already requested lists, and keep in mind that it may take some time for me to get to your request!
Thank you, and happy reading!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Update 12/17: I should be turning asks back on soon, so if you’re still interested in requesting a rec list or want any help locating a specific fic, start thinking! I’ve added links to all the lists I’ve already compiled to the blog key, if you’re wondering what’s already been sent in! Thanks again, and I hope to get back to y’all soon!
Hey! Just wanna let y’all know that if you’ve sent in an ask, I’m not ignoring it! Life is pretty hectic for me right now, but I will try to get to the backlog of asks as soon as I can!
Thank you all for the requests, and thank you all for your patience!
Update 10/21: I’m turning off asks for the time being, just so I can try to get a handle on the many requests I already have! Again, I’m so sorry this is taking so long, thank you for bearing with me!
(If you’re looking for the blog key, you can find it here!)
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
any stories were five is kidnapped or something along those lines? (specifically where one of the siblings help him)
I know a few!
Personal favorite is probably I kept running (for a soft place to fall) by Chromaticality (53275 words, 8/8 chapters), where Five gets kidnapped by the Commission to be experimented on while Allison and Luther serve as hostages. Fantastic, action-packed, filled with whump and good writing. 
I’ve got you, brother by Stardustwrites17 (1735 words) has Diego taking Five back home after he’s been held captive for a week. Short and soft!
i wanna get in trouble, i wanna start a fight by the ever-reliable Ford_Ye_Fiji (2819 words) has Five and Klaus kidnapped by the Handler. 
There are a couple of extremely good fics that I want to add to this list, but the fact that Five gets kidnapped at all is somewhat of a spoiler, so you can view those under the cut if you’re okay with knowing that in advance!
The Chronos Saga by Devilbaby (59470 words, 3/? works) is one of the most well-planned fanfictions I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading -- its take on time travel is fascinating to watch unfold, and in each chapter, especially after the first work, it seems a new, incredible plot twist emerges. Begins as an exploration of the detrimental effects of time travel on Five’s mind as he succumbs to dementia, but quickly turns into an intricate sci-fi story that’s absolutely captivating. Five being kidnapped by the Commission is a large element of this series, and explaining it further would be spoiling it even more, so I’ll leave it at that!
Five doesn’t get taken until the later chapters of Echoes by chiiyo86 (79224 words, 11/11 chapters), which is an excellent fic in and of itself -- perfect for anyone looking for Allison and Five bonding, and Ray fans will appreciate getting to see him interact with Five in this re-imagining of season 2 that reunites Allison and Five before anyone else. But both the kidnapping and the rescue mission get quite a bit of time in this fic, and it likely fits this ask the best of any of these!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Can I submit some of my own work for recs? I'm trying to get feedback and also you might like them
To be quite honest, I would prefer that you didn’t. If you’re looking for feedback, you’d have better luck looking for a beta reader, as this blog recommends works rather uncritically.
I’m always happy to receive submissions and I will review any that are sent in, but if you’re looking for feedback, you aren’t likely to receive it here.
Thank you for the ask, and I’m sorry I can’t be more help!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
— More from main blog
are you still doing fic recs? :o if so, how about stories that focus on the age difference between five and his sibs? As in either stories where five is significantly younger than them and the others get to be protective older siblings/parental figures or the other way around, where the sibs are younger (like five travelling back to their childhood) and five gets to be the older brother. thanks for the other recs so far!
I think the fics that most deal with the age difference between the sibs are probably you from yesterday by questors (4971 words), in which Five realizes how much his family has changed from the children he knew, and It’s Getting Colder, (It’s Getting Hard to Breathe) by crowmunchies (3417 words), in which the siblings realize how much Five has changed from the child they knew (it also features Five having quite a few old man habits that are a joy to read about). 
Older Brother Acquired by Ninjagokata - (3490 words, 2/? chapters) is just starting out, but involves a sixteen-year-old Five travelling to two weeks after he left home. 
I’ve mentioned it before, but the wonderful looking for a place to start (everything seems so different now) by emavee - (62341 words, 19/? chapters) follows Five jumping a few months before the apocalypse. Eventually leads to his siblings banding together to essentially raise him in an adorable and well-thought-out story. 
(This may seem a little out of left field, but the Hunger Games fusion series, the odds were never in our favor by aletterinthenameofsanity (52322 words, 15/15 works) comes to mind as well, namely because in this AU, Five is actually thirteen. It doesn’t come up much, but whenever his age is mentioned, it always carries weight. Maybe not exactly what you’re looking for, but the age difference in this series has always been particularly memorable for me.) 
Sorry for the wait, and I hope this helps!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
— Filled a couple late asks on my main blog, adding them here!
if you're still doing them, how about fic recs for stories with protective hargreeves siblings? :D basically five's siblings protecting/saving/taking care of him and five realizing he now has people to fall back on!
I hope you’re still looking for fics like this because believe it or not, I didn’t forget about this ask!
you are (not) alone by unluckyolive - (7452 words): A new favorite of mine! After the Hargreeves travel into the Sparrow-less 2019 timeline post s2, Five finds he’s gone blind from sheer stress and is forced to rely on his siblings more than he ever could have wanted. 
Blood and Steel by e_va - (6944 words): Diego gets shot, Five gets his hand slashed, and neither is equipped for the emotional conversation that happens after. Poignant and painfully in-character. 
6 Times Five Helped Out His Siblings... by kbaycolt - (8402 words, 7/7 chapters): And one time they helped him! Each chapter contains one sibling subtly realizing Five could use some help, culminating in a final chapter when they’re all able to give it. 
And I Will Run Fast, Outlast by beastboy12 - (27345 words): TW SEXUAL ASSAULT (non graphic): After Diego and Ben save Five from being attacked, the Hargreeves start to worry. Soon after, they realize recent events aren’t the only thing they should be worried about. Lots of protectiveness all around, as well as reckoning with Five’s prodigious amount of trauma. 
let me back down in a place i know by NumberFive - (1799 words): Five’s overdone it and won’t admit it. Luther forces him to take a rest for once. 
Safety by maddienole - (989 words): Short piece, Five is drunk and introspective, his siblings take care of him. 
Hope this helps, and sorry for the delay!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Arsonist’s Lullaby by @veteranklaus (5092 words)
Complete AU where Five lives alone with Reginald and his android creations, including Number One. Subject to frequent cybernetic modifications and forbidden from leaving the house, Five grows bored and suspicious of the life he knows. Tense little story that will leave you aching for this world’s Five, who’s every bit the angry spitfire we know him as.
(This fic is a rather self contained part of a larger Detroit: Become Human AU series, but as someone who knows next to nothing about D:BH, I can agree with the author in saying you don’t need to know anything about the game to read this!)
“He doesn’t even know what Reginald did to him-
Five isn’t sure if he’s still human anymore.
As a sick child, Reginald treats Five himself. Years later, Five wonders if they were ever treatments or just experiments, and how much of himself is even left.”
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
(the day you) rise from the darkness of the well alive by PaperKatla (2936 words, 1/? chapters but can be read as a one shot)
The Hargreeves hole up in a cabin post s2. Domestic with a dash of melancholy as Diego reflects on Five’s vulnerability. In-character and captivating.
“Five’s fever had spiked again by the time they pulled up to the cabin. Luther grabbed most of the luggage while Diego leaned in the back door, hands held out in surrender to a particularly feral-looking Five. “Promise you won’t bite me?” he asked.
“Why would I promise that?”
The Hargreeves hide from the Sparrow Academy and kidnapping charges, and try to get their shit together in rural Montana.”
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Do you know if there are any fics that explore what would have happened if actual 13-year-old Five time traveled to Reginald's funeral instead of right after the apocalypse?
Unfortunately, I’m not sure I know of any fics that fit that exact description, but here are a few that might be close!
Your best bet would probably be looking for a place to start (everything seems so different now) by emavee - (62431 words, 19/? chapters), a personal favorite of mine. AU where 13 y/o Five stops jumping through time at July 1st, 2018 instead of April 1st and ends up stuck in the non-apocalyptic future. Eventually gets to the canon timeline, with baby Five at the funeral with his adult family!
Another fic that might work for you is The Butterfly Effect by jessfangirl - (33286 words, 10/? chapters). Canon Five dies from his rewound bullet wounds once the sibs reach the altered timeline, while his 13 y/o self jumps into a very different future, where all his siblings (except Ben) have been replaced by strangers. A cool exploration of the altered timeline!
Finally, in tempestaurora’s one shot into the unknown - (3459 words), Five is able to travel back from the apocalypse when he’s 18 instead of 58. Includes a very lovely reunion.
Sorry I don’t have a perfect fit to your request, and for the delay! I hope this helps!
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five-fic-recs · 4 years ago
Hi! Can you recommend a fun five-centric fic, maybe with him and the siblings spending some time together?
To be quite honest with you, anon, most of the fics I know fall more in the whump and h/c category. That being said! I have read a few more light hearted fics, and in honor of the literal months it took for me to answer this ask (sorry), here’s pretty much every happy TUA fic I know:
In The Early Hour by livtontea - (2003 words): Five wakes Diego up far too early to go to IKEA. Fun and domestic!
The Hargreeves Take The Bahamas by TheGirlWhoWearsBlack - (7605 words, 3/? chapters): Post S2, Five’s joke about going on vacation gets taken way too seriously.
inhibitions (or, high five) by spritewrites - (2053 words): Vanya notices Five struggling to relax and realizes an old gift from Klaus might help. Just Five and Vanya hanging out and laughing way too hard.
When All is Said and Done by theboywantscoffee - (3113 words): Post S2 Hargreeves family celebration. A little bit of angst in the beginning, but eventually leads to everyone dancing to ABBA.
Mall Pretzels, Bad Fashion, and Other Suggested Brotherly Activities by homosexual_having_tea - (775 words): Five and Klaus just having a good time at the mall!
Perhaps not the most light hearted fic, but I adore Razor Burns and Other Lingo by TheArchaeologist - (3193 words) too much to leave it off a family bonding list. The Hargreeves brothers catch Five shaving and refuse to leave him alone. A little sad, but like every fic by this author, wonderfully in-character and well done!
Finally, Leave Notifications On! by Skaurple - (12844 words, 5/5 chapters) is a rare exception to my general avoidance of chatfics. Wanders into a crack territory on occasion, but Klaus explaining the dangers of autocorrect, Luther’s inability to accurately type on his tiny phone keyboard, and Five’s desperate attempts to leave the groupchat never fail to make me laugh!
I hope this list is helpful, and again, I apologize for the wait!!
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