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Weight loss doesn't begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision."
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
What are smart tips to help you lose weight?
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If you’re looking to lose weight—whether it’s 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds or more —then you’ve come to the proper place.
This article will take you thru almost every aspect of weight loss possible, from exercise to diet, motivation to lifestyle, and everything in between.
Without further ado, here are 101 ways to lose the additional pounds permanently . I hope you discover my tips and methods helpful.
Find Your Big Why
In my experience, the primary step toward achieving anything in life—let alone losing weight—is having the proper motivation.
Without a “Big Why,” you’ll haven't any (or too little) motivation — especially once you encounter roadblocks. When you’re motivated enough, you’re during a good place. I can guarantee that you simply ’ll reduce and keep it off permanently once you recognize your Big Why.
So, What’s YOUR WHY?
Why does one want to lose weight?
Why does one want to start out exercising?
Why does one want to measure a healthy lifestyle?
Is it because you’re ashamed of your body?
Plan Your Foods
“If you fail to plan, then you’re getting to fail.” This maxim holds true whether you're the CEO of a 500-Fortune company or simply a daily Joe (or Jane) trying to create healthy eating habits.
Planning your meals can assist you take the guesswork out of the equation, and this, in turn, increases your chances of success.
The best thanks to plan your food intake is to spend a minimum of an hour every Saturday or Sunday evening thoroughly planning your meals for the upcoming week. Then all you've got to try to to the remainder of the week is stick with the plan.
Try to prepare a minimum of 10 to 12 meals and put them in Tupperware bowls, so you've got them ready for the week ahead.
Consume Water-Rich Foods
According to a study conducted at the Pennsylvania State University, eating water-rich foods cuts overall calorie consumption, as many of those foods are low in calories but high in fiber.
Here may be a list of a number of the simplest water-rich foods:
Iceberg lettuce
Green peppers
Keep a Food Journal
According to a six-month study published within the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, people that kept tabs on their daily eating habits for 6 days every week reported losing about twice as many pounds as those that didn’t keep written records.
By monitoring your daily eating habits, you give yourself a far better idea of what’s going into your mouth, this will assist you better assess your daily eating choices and habits.
Here’s what you would like to try to to . Get yourself a diet journal and begin tracking the quantity of food you consume throughout the day, including snacks and treats.
Eat More Fiber
Fiber may be a sort of carbohydrate found in plant foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. consistent with a study published within the Journal of Nutrition, increasing fiber intake by 8 grams for each 1,000 calories you're taking in can promote weight loss and stop weight gain.
Fiber, unlike other carbs, doesn't get easily absorbed by your body. this suggests that it helps you are feeling full for extended . Increasing your intake of fiber also can lower your cholesterol, and should even prevent carcinoma and other health ailments.
Shoot for a minimum of 30 to 40 grams of fiber each day . a number of the simplest sources of fiber include beans, broccoli, asparagus, oats, Brussels sprouts, apples, and flax seeds, to call just a couple of .
Never Shop Hungry
According to a study conducted at Cornell University , eating something healthy before getting to the grocery makes shoppers less susceptible to buy food .
How come this trick works is not any mystery. Shopping while feeling full strengthens your willpower and causes you to resistant to food temptations.
As a rule, never shopping when you’re hungry. Instead, eat a filling meal, some produce or a healthy snack before you hit the grocery aisle.
Drink More Water
Your body uses water to metabolize fat stores, and relies thereon for each other process also .
Water has no calories in the least and may assist you feel full, making it less likely that you’ll fill yourself up with more food.
Instead of drinking juices and soft drinks, I urge you to start out drinking more water.
Shoot for a minimum of 10 to 12 cups of water per day. Drink many water before your workouts, during your workouts, and immediately afterward too.
Make sure your body is well hydrated throughout the day. You’ll feel fitter and healthier once you do so, and dampen any penchant for gorging at an equivalent time.
Watch the dressing
Salads should be an enormous a part of your eating plan. They’re one among the simplest ways to make sure you’re eating enough veggies.
But, if you don’t keep an eye fixed on the goodies you set into your salad, they will find yourself more calorie-laden than pizza or bagel.
Many salad dressings are chock-full of preservatives, trans fats and artificial flavor, which may spell disaster for an otherwise healthy and green dish.
For more flavor, choose low-calorie, healthier alternatives. Try avocado oil, refined vegetable oil , homemade Paleo mayonnaise, a squeeze of juice , juice , macadamia, balsamic vinegar or maybe some homemade salsa.
Eat More Slowly
It takes roughly 20 minutes for leptin, the body’s satiety hormone, to kick in. Once it does, your brain gets the signal of “fullness” from your stomach. In other words, your brain doesn’t register when your stomach is full directly .
As a result, give yourself a minimum of 20 minutes to eat, then wait after you’re done. If 20 minutes pass and you’re still hungry, return and have a healthy snack. to assist you eat slowly try employing a set of chopsticks, or eat your meal together with your less dominant hand.
Use Smaller Plates
A simple change from a 12-inch plate to a 10-inch plate can cut your food consumption by up to twenty percent, consistent with the Cornell and Brand Lab’s Small Plate Movement.
Make sure to serve yourself on a smaller plate that’s roughly the dimensions of your grandmother’s china rather than one among the larger, more modern ones.
Drink Water Before a Meal
Chugging a glass of water before a meal will help regulate your appetite, because the water will take up room in your stomach.
Research shows you'll lose up to 30 percent more weight just by having two cups of water before each meal.
Another study from the University of Birmingham within the U.K. found that drinking roughly 16 ounces of H2O half-hour before a meal promotes weight loss, without making the other dietary changes.
Do you actually need to scale back your weight then 👇( check out )
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
How to lose weight fast after 40.
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If you're over the age of 40, you may have noticed that losing weight in your mid-section is a bit harder than it used to be. That's not just in your head — a combination of many different factors, including hormone changes and a decrease in metabolism, make losing belly fat more difficult as you get older.
Here's precisely what's to blame for some of the weight gains you may be seeing in your belly — and how you can fight it.
There are two types of fat in the body: the softer kind right beneath the surface, called subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat, which is harder and stored deeper in your abdomen and wrapped around organs, explains Sherry Ross, MD, an ob-gyn and women's health expert at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica.
Visceral fat is a concern because it's linked to a slew of health issues, such as insulin resistance, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk of cancer, Dr. Ross says. Belly fat is often comprised of visceral fat, and it's the kind that can be increasingly difficult to lose as you age.
So, why is belly fat harder to lose after 40? There are a few factors:
1. Age
Age alone doesn't necessarily change where visceral fat is stored, Dr. Ross says. But for many people, the proportion of visceral fat starts to increase as they age. This is because of a combination of factors, including the fact that our diets usually change, we burn fewer calories as we age and we tend to exercise less, all of which contribute to weight gain and ultimately, gaining fat in the abdominal area, Dr. Ross says.
2. Hormones
Fat gain and loss are hormone-driven, explains Kristi Veltkamp, RDN, a Spectrum Health outpatient dietitian. Storage-wise, women tend to store more subcutaneous (soft) fat in the abdominal and thigh area and men store more visceral (hard) fat in the abdominal area.
Those types of differences become apparent in puberty when both sexes increase in weight — men will typically see more muscle gains from higher testosterone, while women will gain more curves, due to estrogen.
As we age, however, and as women go through perimenopause and menopause, fat storage tendencies shift. As men age, they gain more "soft" fat while women gain more "hard" abdominal fat due to lower testosterone and estrogen levels.
3. Perimenopause
Speaking of hormones, perimenopause in those with female reproductive organs can impact abdominal fat. As the shift occurs from perimenopause into menopause, hormone levels that previously helped keep weight in check start to fluctuate, Dr. Ross says.
On a technical level, during perimenopause, estrogen begins to decrease, explains Mir Ali, MD, bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.
And because estrogen affects the fat disposition, when it goes down, it can lead to increased visceral fat stores. There are additional metabolic disturbances that occur with menopause, such as insulin resistance and glucose and lipid metabolism disturbances, per a June 2017 overview in Menopause Review. All of these factors, combined with a gradual decline in muscle mass, tend to increase weight gain in the abdomen and mid-section over age 40.
4. Metabolism
Our metabolism starts to slow down as we age, which means we burn fewer calories, start to lose muscle, and can see weight gain, Dr. Ross explains.
According to Dr. Ali, for each decade we age over 40, our metabolic rate slows down at an increased rate. That's backed up by a July 2014 review in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, which found that the resting metabolic rate decreases with age. Plus, hormones tend to continue to decrease, so the combination makes maintaining muscle more challenging, Dr. Ali notes.
5. Stress
Stress can also affect fat storage, Veltkamp says. And long-term stress over time can add up.
"High-stress lifestyle leads to increased cortisol levels in the body and the 'fight or flight response," Veltkamp explains. "Since we are usually not running from danger, having this reaction constantly firing in our system can be very detrimental. Cortisol causes fat to be stored or taken from other areas of the body to be stored in the abdomen area."
In addition to the direct impact that cortisol can have in adding fat to the abdominal area, it can also have an indirect effect — higher baseline cortisol levels and increases linked to stress lead to more fat cell development increased blood glucose, and insulin suppression, and more cravings for junk food, per an April 2017 article in Obesity.
The Best Ways to Lose Belly Fat
Abdominal fat can be reduced similarly to any approach to losing weight, with a healthy diet, reduced calories, and exercise, Veltkamp says.
It's important to remember that spot reduction fat loss is not possible, so the only way to reduce belly fat is to reduce your overall body fat, Dr. Ross says. Here's how to target belly fat, especially over the age of 40.
1. Exercise
Exercise can be one of the most effective strategies — and not for merely burning calories, Veltkamp notes. "Exercise helps to reduce insulin resistance and cortisol levels, which both lead to visceral weight gain if left unchecked," she says.
There's evidence that strength training can be effective for fat reduction, Dr. Ross notes. For instance, strength training with weights, in combination with a low-calorie diet, was more effective in reducing fat and maintaining lean muscle in adults than exercise with just cardio and diet alone, per an October 2017 study in Obesity, which looked at more than 200 adults over age 60.
While increasing your exercise levels drastically isn't always an option, changing up your exercise routine typically is, Dr. Ross notes. She recommends incorporating some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as a way of raising your game. Interval training may be especially effective for targeting belly fat. For instance, among adults in their 70s, interval training helped reduce overall body fat and central obesity, per an April 2019 study in the Journal of American Geriatrics Society.
Many forms of exercise can be used for weight management. The most important thing is to work out consistently, Dr. Ross says. Her recommendation: Find a workout that you enjoy and can stick to.
2. Stress Management
Visceral fat storage tends to be higher with a high-stress lifestyle, leading to increased cortisol levels and high insulin resistance. And because cortisol is a hormone that both increases visceral fat stores in the body and raises your hunger levels and cravings for unhealthy foods, it can lead to a vicious cycle of fat gain.
Since stress is so highly linked to abdominal fat, finding ways to lower and manage your stress levels can be a helpful way to also manage visceral fat. You could try strategies such as yoga, meditation, a spiritual practice, or journaling to help reduce your stress.
3. Dietary Changes
Veltkamp specifically recommends a low-glycemic Mediterranean diet, because it will not lead to blood sugar spikes or insulin resistance. Additionally, a Mediterranean diet is linked to decreasing levels of visceral fat, per a May 2019 study in the Journal of Hepatology.
The Mediterranean diet is focused on foods that have a lot of fiber, are minimally processed, and low in added sugars, along with lower levels of animal products such as dairy and meat. Following this diet means eating whole grains, beans and legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, and anti-inflammatory fats, such as olives, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
How To Get Rid Of 10 Pounds In A Week – 5 Tips That Actually Work
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If you’re freaking out, because you really need to lose 10 pounds in a week, I’m gonna be a good girl and share the 5 tips I have used in the past. I was able to lose weight whenever I needed and will help you too… IF you decide to use them, of course.
They do not work if you skim over them 🙂
So – if you’re planning a vacation soon, going to a wedding or you saw yourself in a mirror eating pizza, and you did not like what you saw, calm down. Read through the tips I am about to share and see what you can do to get that weight off.
A few times in my life, I simply had to lose 10 pounds in a week. Well, sometimes even in a matter of days.
10 pounds actually isn’t too much weight to lose. If you set a clear goal, you can achieve it! Make these tips work for a week or two, and the fat will basically fall off your belly.
Let all those doughnuts, croissants and sweet smoothies for someone else.
You need solid food like ham and eggs or good old oatmeal right now. Combine that with some nuts and fruit, and you’ll be all good until lunch. If you’re feeling fancy, an avocado & egg toast will be a go-to choice for you.
When you remember to reach first for water instead of food, you realize you’re almost never eating. You are simply never too hungry. You’re eating usually because of habit, or even because you’re bored.
This simple change will make you feel fully energized.
Do not freak out. I am not a gym junkie ad you do not need to either.
But do get a bit physical every day. It can be a walk or a short jog. 30 minutes is more than enough.
Stop by for a yoga or pilates class. Your face will get thinner and you will be radiating that happy glow. Trust me.
But remember – always go at your own pace. There is no need to stress.
My personal problem with the low-carb diet is that I need some balance in my life. Cannot eat just meat with veggies and then some more meat again.
I love my carbs 🙂
But – if you need to lose a chunk of fat fast, you need to make at least some sacrifice (sorry…).
But I promise you, it is just a small one.
At the same time, it is a huge thing, because this tip alone could make you skinny.
So – Do not eat carbs after 3 pm.
Do not be sad though (no pasta and pizza dinners this month). Your friends will be so jealous of your 2-3 sizes smaller body so it is well worth it.
Some people may say not eating after a certain hour is overrated. But it works for me. I can lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks doing this whenever I need to. And I love waking up with a flat stomach.
This can be considered as intermittent fasting, but I prefer to call it “not eating too late in the evening”.
When you go to bed without being able to digest all the food you just ate, your beauty sleep suffers. Not eating after 7 pm will give you enough time to digest, so you will sleep well. You can even experience with pushing this back to 5 PM if you are feeling adventurous 🙂
( Check out our Amazing weight loss plan 👇 )
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
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What is the best way for women to lose weight? Every woman is different, but recent research suggests that women may lose weight differently than men.
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There are many reasons why you have a hard time trying to lose some extra pounds, but if you understand how weight loss works, you can overcome these difficulties and reach your goal.
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
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There are many ways to lose 20 pounds in 30 days, most of them make you hungry and unsatisfied and without willpower, you will give up and gain back your weight. I will show you the right way to lose weight by improving your metabolic health, reducing your appetite, increase your fat-burning hormones. For this, you have to click on our link 👇
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
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Do people make fun of you because of obesity?
Do you make people make fun of you because of obesity: Now don't be sad. I have some easy and effective secrets for you.for this you have to click on our link 👇.
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
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Belly fat is hard to lose. Many people choose surgery as a way to get rid of this stubborn fat. But tummy tucks aren’t safe for everyone. Fortunately, there’s are some healthier ways to get rid of your belly of fat. Here are ten belly melting tips that work better than a tummy tuck.
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
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Quarantine is the best time to move towards a healthy lifestyle.
Firstly, say no to fad diets. They might help in quick weight loss but they aren’t sustainable and drain your mental energy. Also, never make unrealistic goals as you are bound to fail and get disheartened. The key is to take one step at a time. Just add one habit every week. Follow it consistently and a healthy lifestyle will become second nature to you.
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fitnessmantra · 4 years ago
If you want to lose weight quickly and keep it off, change your habits of daily routine. There are many choices that you make each day that directly affect your health and cause obesity. but here are some 5 secret Tips to losing weight in a natural way without any effect.
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Here's an amazing weight loss plan for you to lose 10 pounds a week. and will make you sexy and attractive. ( For this, you have to click on our link 👇)
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Is it possible to work 15 pounds in a month? Yes, it is possible for this you have to follow the instructions given to us.
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How to I lose weight fast after 40.
Click on the link for more information
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How I lost 10 lbs in 2 I offer you healthy weightloss plan to help you reach the was very helpful for me in the plan.
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