fishwriter · 4 years
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[hands you these] part 66
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fishwriter · 4 years
I noticed/delighted in this too!!
“The field and the flooring are a few micrometres apart—maybe the Ninth could make a very very weeny construct to go through that gap,” said the Seventh helpfully.
Harrow said, in bottom-of-the-ocean tones: “The Ninth House has not practised its art on—weeny—constructs.”
(Gideon the Ninth, chapter 20)
This bone you unfolded into a seething web of phalanges and nuggety clumps of palm bones, pressed into the door; then those distal tips you turned into fluid, and this fluid you turned into liquid ash a micrometre thick, a very—weeny—construct.
(Harrow the Ninth, Chapter 31)
This callback absolutely delights me. It’s so minor and ridiculous, but that makes it all the funnier to catch. I like to imagine that it’s Gideon distantly ragging on Harrow, because she’ll never let her forget the time Harrowhark Nonagesimus said “weeny”.
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fishwriter · 4 years
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fishwriter · 4 years
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Need them to do this
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fishwriter · 4 years
pls reblog if you’re an 18+ writeblr
I have nothing against teens working hard!!!! I just don’t feel a) comfy talking to minors, b) confident, I feel late to the game at 20 yo oof
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fishwriter · 4 years
Moony Eyes
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Keep reading
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fishwriter · 4 years
You know when you can’t write that one scene and it’s stopping you from writing?
I give u full permission to skip that scene. Just skip it. Who cares?
Write the next scene! That ones way more fun any way.
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fishwriter · 4 years
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10 years of destiel in numbers
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fishwriter · 4 years
fake dating stuck together grand gesture dream dismissal secret royal adopted by LI’s family misunderstandings love breaking a curse “i’m just not ready for a relationship” just friends journalist/subject celebrity/noncelebrity kiss in the rain forbidden love near miss kiss right person in front of them the whole time second chance at love private party/dancing yelling first kiss going back to the ex “the bet” unexpected kid sexy warpath (destroy living environment en route to sex) running to the train/plane left at the altar meet-ugly first love meet-cute modern reboot of a classic tale drunken vulnerability love confession with an audience
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fishwriter · 4 years
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redrawing my old pynch art is done ✔️
other vers and previous art in insta
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fishwriter · 5 years
Hey we know from It Devours! that Carlos can be touch-averse and is very specific about how he's comfortable being touched so like. You know this part?
"One year later. One year since he arrived. He put his hand on my knee and said nothing. And I knew what he meant. I felt the same. I leaned my head on his shoulder."
Carlos has only just initiated this relationship, but of course he knows Cecil. Carlos has been listening
Over that year, he'd been scared and in a new place and dealing with strangeness that defies scientific explanation. He has been unsure about Night Vale. But he knows how Cecil feels and he feels similarly and he's finally decided to approach these things
And one of the first things he does is to initiate physical contact with and accept physical contact from Cecil
Carlos already trusted Cecil enough for that
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fishwriter · 5 years
i don’t think i could have a bodyguard w/o falling in love with them
open doors for me
focused on my well-being and safety at all times
tall + good posture
lean down to whisper at me
will not hesitate to punch creeps
can and will literally shield me with his whole body
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fishwriter · 5 years
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His feelings for Adam were an oil spill; he’d let them overflow and now there wasn’t a damn place in the ocean that wouldn’t catch fire if he dropped a match.
The Raven King by maggie stiefvater
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fishwriter · 5 years
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@booksociety’s LGBT+ pride event: Red, White & Royal Blue
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fishwriter · 5 years
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i had to turn it into a meme so as to not make myself sad
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fishwriter · 5 years
I wanna talk about the difference between Crowley’s reaction to Aziraphale describing his actions as “kind” in 1942, and his reaction to Aziraphale calling him “nice” on their way to see Sister Mary. It’s been bugging me since I first watched the show. Why are his reactions so drastically different? Aziraphale is expressing pretty much the exact same sentiment in both instances, but in one Crowley’s reaction is just to simply shrug it off, and in the other, he gets extremely frustrated and slams Aziraphale into a wall to yell at him. 
Something must’ve happened between 1942 and the present, that changed Crowley’s reaction to Aziraphale calling him nice. I mean, something had to have happened, for Crowley to go from shrugging off “kind” and flipping out over “nice”–there has to be a reason. 
And, assuming the show didn’t hide anything from the audience, there’s really just one major thing that happened that changed their relationship: “You go to fast for me, Crowley.” 
“You go too fast for me,” is simultaneously the moment Aziraphale rejects Crowley, and the moment that Crowley realizes that Aziraphale has romantic feelings for him. It isn’t simply Aziraphale saying he doesn’t feel the same. It’s Aziraphale saying that he does feel the same, that he loves Crowley, but that he’s still afraid, still stuck on the fact that they’re supposed to be enemies, that it’s against the rules. 
Essentially: I love you, but you’re a demon, so we can’t be together, yet. Or possibly ever. 
So, Crowley is now acutely aware how Aziraphale feels, but also that Aziraphale’s love for him doesn’t outweigh his fear, or his ingrained belief in the righteousness of heaven. It doesn’t matter how kind or nice or good Crowley is, Crowley is still a demon, and they’re still “enemies” technically. They can’t be together. 
I think, from Crowley’s perspective, when Aziraphale calls him “nice” it’s a bit of an emotional slap in the face. It’s not just Aziraphale teasing Crowley to get a rise out of him, it’s Aziraphale (probably unknowingly) poking at the very wounds he’s inflicted. He’s reminding Crowley that, yes, he does see good in Crowley and care about Crowley. But it’s not enough. 
Crowley angrily reminds Aziraphale that he’s a demon, and that he’s not nice, and it’s as if he’s saying “you’re not allowed to say I’m nice! isn’t the whole reason you turned me down because I’m a demon? Because I’m evil?” 
At the end of the show, Aziraphale calls Crowley nice again, and this time Crowley responds by calling Aziraphale a bastard, in the most loving way possible. It doesn’t bother Crowley to be called nice this time, because now they’re on their own side, Aziraphale isn’t holding back anymore, isn’t afraid anymore, and Crowley isn’t going too fast anymore.
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fishwriter · 5 years
Why are you not wearing any clothes?
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