fire walk with me
23 posts
Nothing will ever be the same after the death of Laura Palmer. Twin Peaks was a sleepy Washington, but like all towns there were secrets. When the body of the town's golden girl Laura is found dead and wrapped in plastic the whole town is thrown into a panic. Who could have done such a thing to that sweet girl? When a young FBI agent comes to town to investigate the tragic and bizarre circumstances of Laura's death he and locals discover more than they ever bargained for. Between other worlds and complicated interconnections between the locals Twin Peaks will never be the same, if it ever was normal to begin with. Welcome to Twin Peaks, Washington. It's happening again. Fire Walk With Me is a mature literate bio roleplay that is based of and features characters from the show Twin Peaks.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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We’re wondering how much interest is out there for the RP. We want to be sure that there are people out there eager and interested before we go any further. Feel free to drop us a note! We would love to hear from people with thoughts and ideas.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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Between school and illness bios have slowed down once again, but worry not! We are still here and working on everything. I’m thinking we might be putting Josie out next, but if anyone has any suggestions let us know!
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
It was like Harry S. Truman was born to be the sheriff of Twin Peaks. His father and brother held the office before him, and it was no shock to anyone when he sought it for himself. Harry, quite obviously, was named after the president Harry S. Truman by his father even though the Truman family of Twin Peaks had no relation to Harry S. Truman who was once president. In high school, Harry was fairly popular and was the football team’s star quarterback. He played right alongside Tommy “Hawk” Hill, who would go on to be a deputy with him in the Twin Peaks police department. Harry and Hawk started their careers working for Harry’s brother. The two were good friends and hard workers and that made the job easier for them both. During his time as a deputy, Harry and Hawk became members of the Bookhouse Boys, a society that was formed in order to protect Twin Peaks from the darkness that seemed to always surround it. In fact, it was Harry’s father who founded the society in the first place. It came as a shock to Harry that his brother was already ready to step down as sheriff and hand over the vacant space to his younger brother, but Harry had already accepted one day he would become sheriff--even if it was sooner than he had originally planned. 
Together with Hawk, Andy Brennan, and Lucy Moran, the current Twin Peaks police department had been assembled. Around that time Harry started noticing the beautiful Josie Packard. Her much older husband and owner of the Packard Sawmill had recently died, and there was something deeply melancholy about the woman. He never expected to start a relationship with her. After all, she was mourning her husband, and he was trying to run the police station and stop drugs coming in from Canada. He was a busy person, but sometimes the unexpected happens. They had to keep their relationship under wraps for fear of what the town might think and what they might get accused of. Josie’s sister-in-law was cruel, callous, and conniving and would more than likely use the fledgling relationship against Josie. 
fire walk with me
Harry never expected to find himself in the midst of an FBI case, but the death of town sweetheart Laura Palmer landed him smack dab in the middle of one. He’s starting to think that maybe he should come to expect the unexpected in his life now. At least the FBI has sent one of their best agents, Dale Cooper. Harry has grown fond of Dale, and he thinks that with his help they will be able to solve Laura’s murder. Harry is feeling the pressure now to bring the beloved young woman to justice, but at least he has Josie to ease some of his worries even if they aren’t able to have a public relationship. Harry’s altruistic nature makes him well-liked in town, so at least he is able to keep a handle on most of the goings on in Twin Peak.
the missing pieces
Harry Truman went to high school with and now serves as a member of the police force with Tommy “Hawk” Hill and Andy Brennan, as well as secretary Lucy Moran. The force is tight knit and a family in their own right. He’s also fairly good friends with Ed Hurley, who is one of his fellow Bookhouse Boys. Harry has a relationship with Josie Packard on the down low. He’s recently befriended the cheery and lovable FBI agent assigned to Laura’s murder: Dale Cooper.
Sheriff Truman is available.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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More bios are slowly but surely in the works here at Fire Walk with Me. In the meantime does anyone have any questions or suggestions? We’re ready to hear from everyone!
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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We apologize for the delay in bios being posted. We have been quite busy here in real life. We will resume writing and posting bios within the week. In the meantime are there any questions? Concerns? Is anyone currently working on an app?
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
I would love to see Shelly's bio.
Shelly’s bio is now posted and can be found here.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
Shelly Johnson made a mistake that seemed like a perfect plan at the time. Love has its way of making you naive and causing you to make unwise decisions. That was the case for Shelly. When truck driver Leo Johnson started paying attention to her, she was sure that it was true love. There was nothing about him that wasn’t perfect, so how could dropping out of school to marry him be wrong? What started as storybook relationship and marriage quickly devolved into a frightening and tumultuous situation. Leo just wanted a live in maid, someone who would clean and cook for him. It soon became evident that he had no real love for Shelly. She was trapped and blamed herself for her state. One of her few escapes was working at the Double R Diner to help make ends meet. It was there that, over the years, Shelly grew close to the owner, Norma Jennings, who had similar husband issues. Norma’s husband Hank was spending time in jail while Shelly was sure that hers would eventually wind up there due to him peddling drugs on the side. 
A couple of years later, Shelly found herself in the midst of an affair with one of the former high school classmates, Bobby Briggs. He provided her with the much needed attention that she was craving. That didn’t mean that everything was perfect at home and that sneaking around was easy. Shelly was constantly paranoid that Leo would find out about her and Bobby or that Bobby’s steady girlfriend Laura Palmer would discover their affair. And the cherry on top of the sundae of despair? Bobby was selling cocaine for Leo, making Shelly’s affair with him even more dangerous. The only person that she felt like she could trust with the information was Norma, who revealed that she was having an affair of her own with Big Ed Hurley. Carrying on affairs behind their husbands’ backs only deepened the bond and understanding between Shelly and Norma. Norma was always a source of comfort for Shelly. 
Meanwhile, Leo became increasingly abusive toward Shelly. It was like the longer they were married the more reasons he found to hit her or yell at her. Shelly wished that there was a way that she could get out of her marriage, but she was all too aware that Leo would kill her if she tried to or if he found out about her sleeping with Bobby. 
fire walk with me
The morning that Laura Palmer was found, Shelly was working at the diner just like she did every morning. When her shift was finally over, Bobby drove her home like he sometimes did. Shelly was good at pretending it was a friendly gesture on Bobby’s part because she didn’t have a car of her own and often relied on Norma’s kindness to attend work and get home. She didn’t expect that she would hear that Laura had been brutally murdered and that Bobby was a suspect for the murder. Shelly knew that Bobby was innocent and that, while he wasn’t a perfect person, he would never harm Laura in that way. However, Leo has been acting strangely, and Shelly thinks that he might have had something to do with Laura’s death, but she’s not sure and is waiting for the right kind of evidence to present itself. 
the missing pieces
Shelly’s lover is Bobby Briggs, Laura’s boyfriend. He provides her with some much needed comfort and escape from her abusive husband. Shelly attended high school with Donna Hayward, James Hurley, and Audrey Horne. She knows them fairly well since they frequently come into the diner. Norma Jennings is Shelly’s boss and has been a mentor to her, seeing as they both have one too many men in their lives. Shelly has recently met Dale Cooper, the special agent on Laura’s case and a pie and coffee enthusiast.
Shelly Johnson is available.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
Madeleine Ferguson, most commonly known as Maddy, was Laura Palmer’s cousin. The girls looked so similar that the two would lie and say they were sisters. The only things that were different was Maddy had darker hair and was a few years older than Laura. The cousins got along, and Maddy would often travel from Missoula to Twin Peaks in order to spend summers with Laura, her aunt Sarah, and her uncle via marriage Leland. Maddy was always the bookish one, and in many ways, she felt like Laura was the more outgoing and fearless of the two despite Maddy being older. Sometimes, she wondered if she was meant to be the younger one because of how sure Laura seemed in herself and her place in the world. Maddy didn’t mind if she fell a little bit in Laura’s shadow. She was comfortable there, and above all, she deeply and truly loved her cousin. The years passed, and Maddy got busy with college and landing a job not long after and wasn’t able to visit as much. She would often call Laura or text her in order to touch base and see how she was doing. 
Maddy never had any idea of the traumas and horrors that took place in her cousin’s life, so it was very much a shock to her when she received a call from Sarah telling her that Laura had been murdered. Maddy dropped almost everything immediately, leaving her job, her apartment, and her life in Missoula to travel to Twin Peaks. She believed that she was needed there more than she was at home. Her parents encouraged her to stay with her aunt and uncle for a while in order to help them grieve. As soon as Maddy entered town, it was like stepping into a dream, and she knew her life would never really be the same again. 
fire walk with me
People stare at Maddy like they’re staring at Laura’s ghost walking around town. Sometimes, she thinks that people treat her as if she was Laura, most notably her uncle who has become a little too dependent on her presence. She never wanted to take Laura’s place. She just wanted to help, but she has found herself connecting with Laura’s best friend Donna Hayward and her boyfriend James Hurley. Maddy is striving to stay connected with herself and not slip into the daydream-like existence of being a stand-in for her deceased cousin. Maddy can feel the friction that is building between her and James, but she knows that is because she resembles Laura, or at least that is what she is sure of. Meanwhile, she feels that it’s her duty to help them uncover the truth behind Laura’s murder. 
the missing pieces
Maddy is trying uncover the events that led to Laura’s murder and the identity of her killer with Donna Hayward and James Hurley. She’s becoming more and more acquainted with the people around town such as Shelly Johnson and Audrey Horne, who were Laura’s peers in high school. She knows of Bobby Briggs because he was Laura’s official boyfriend, but she doesn’t know him as well as she does say Donna or James. 
Maddy Ferguson is available.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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We’re hard at work on bios over here! Next up as per request will be none other than Maddy, Lucy, and Josie. Any others you want to see next? Maybe some of our awesome guys? Or perhaps some characters for the next batch we’re planning after this one releases?
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
maddy, lucy or josie please!
I love all those ladies! I will definitely work on them next. Thank you so much!
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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We are currently in the midst of releasing bios and I was wondering who would you all like to see released next? I will definitely take any and all suggestions into account! 
Is anyone currently working on an app? Anyone stuck on who to apply for? Go a head and shoot us an ask in the meantime!
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
James Hurley didn’t have a perfect beginning like his lovely girlfriend Laura seemingly did. Not long after James’s birth his father abandoned his son and his wife, never to return. James’s mother became an alcoholic to cope with the pain of being left. While James’s mother hadn’t explicitly abandoned him herself, it was clear that she had chosen her own grief and alcohol over her son and would leave him with her husband’s brother Ed to look after. Eventually, Ed took James in for good and was the primarily parental figure in James’s life. James was a bit of a loner, but that didn’t stop him from catching the eye of Laura Palmer. Laura already had a boyfriend, but that didn’t make any difference to Laura. The two began a relationship in secret and James gave Laura one half of a heart necklace to symbolize their relationship and their bond. He began spending more and more time with Laura and her best friend Donna. 
James knew that his relationship with Laura would be tumultuous, and he wasn’t sure if he even really knew the real Laura. He had feelings brewing inside that he was having difficulty processing, including a burgeoning attraction to none other than Donna Hayward. The night before Laura died was one of the strangest nights of James’s life and he had seen quite a few of those before thanks to his mother and her drinking. Laura was behaving erratically and confirmed his suspicions that he didn’t know half of what was happening in Laura's life, and he wasn’t the only one that was in the dark about her life. Donna was too. James attempted to take Laura home because he was worried about her mental state, but she jumped off his bike before running off into the night. That was the last time that James Hurley would ever see Laura Palmer alive.
fire walk with me
The next morning James learned that Laura was dead and with that information he became wracked with guilt. If only he hadn’t let her go into the woods that night. If only he hadn’t let her leave. Worst of all James is now a suspect in Laura’s murder and still harboring feelings for Donna that he is trying to push down, however they keep fighting their way back up. With Laura’s look alike cousin Maddy coming to town to comfort her uncle and aunt in the wake of Laura’s death he has teamed with both her and Donna to learn the truth beind Laura's sad demise. 
the missing pieces
Donna Hayward is the infatuation and friend of James Hurley. He recently met and befriended Laura’s look alike cousin Maddy Ferguson. Could this come between him and his feelings for Donna? He lived with his uncle Ed Hurley, who has been the only father figure in his life. He attended high school alongside Shelly Johnson, Bobby Briggs, and Audrey Horne.
James Hurley is available.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
Norma Jennings (nee Lindstrom) is a woman with a good heart and history of a mistakes. She was once the high school sweetheart of none other than Big Ed Hurley, but all of that came crashing down when she cheated on him with Hank Jennings. A drunk Ed decided that marrying Nadine Butler was a good idea, while Norma went on to marry Hank and work at the Double R Diner. Norma was a smart lady and eventually went on to community college and earned a degree. Not only was she smart, but she was compassionate and decided to start a Meals on Wheels program in Twin Peaks. To top it all off Norma was one of the most beautiful women in all of the town and won the first annual Miss Twin Peaks beauty pageant. She had her diner, her philanthropy, her beauty, but what Norma didn’t have was happiness. Her marriage to Hank left her feeling neglected and ultimately unloved. She still longed for the man that was the love of her life, Ed Hurley. Norma was a kind and altruistic person, but she was partnered with a man who had a taste for crime and that caused more discrepancies in her marriage. Not to mention Ed’s wife Nadine never failed to give her dirty looks and sometimes cause a scene whenever she managed to see Norma. 
While good, Norma was not a perfect person and the heart will always want what it wants. Ed and Norma couldn’t deny how they felt about one another and that eventually led to them carrying on an affair over the years behind their spouses' backs. It wasn’t difficult on Norma’s part because of Hank’s criminal ways. He was always in and out of jail and it often felt like she wasn’t even married in the first place. Nadine was the difficult part, always one for dramatics and quick to condemn Norma as the Devil herself. All the while Norma kept the diner up, making pies that everyone in town loved and often went out of their way to get a piece. Norma gave a job to Shelly Johnson not long after she married Leo and in Shelly Norma saw a bit of herself. A young woman who had rushed into a marriage without thinking and found herself caught between the wants of her heart. Norma became a mother figure to Shelly and knew that she would do anything to protect the girl and prevent her from becoming the person Norma was now. 
fire walk with me
Norma is still running the diner and was acquainted with Laura before she passed away. Laura was one of the first people to help Norma with the Meals on Wheels program and Norma was sure that Laura was nothing short of an angel, so it was shocking to her when Laura’s body was found. Norma has become even closer with Shelly and the two know all of one another’s secrets, including about the other men in their lives. Norma deeply loves Shelly. She’s become the daughter she never had. Things seem to be doing okay for Norma at the moment, but trouble looms on the horizon as her husband Hank is due to get out of jail soon. 
the missing pieces
Ed Hurley is the love of Norma’s life and it appears that almost nothing can keep them apart and from eventually coming back to one another. While Norma doesn’t have any children she does have Shelly Johnson, who might as well be her daughter. Norma keeps an eye on Shelly’s lover, Bobby Briggs, in order to make sure he’s taking good care of her girl since Shelly’s husband Leo isn’t. Norma also happens to have a troubled half sister in the form of Annie Blackburn. Recently, Dale Cooper has been popping into the diner because he can’t seem to get enough of Norma’s cherry pie. 
Norma Jennings is available.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
Robert Briggs, more commonly known as Bobby, was not always a resident of Twin Peaks. He moved there with his family due to his career military man father being relocated. The young Bobby was instantly smitten with Laura Palmer, and out of all the girls he would tease he teased her the most. It didn’t take Bobby too long to fall into his old ways, and that might be what drew Laura to him in the first place. Bobby was big into selling drugs, and Laura was a heavy drug user already. It seemed like a match made in heaven for the two, but that wasn’t the case. Laura could be cruel. The first time that they ever slept together he told Laura that he loved her. Her response? She laughed in his face and caused him to cry. The two remained a couple regardless of this. Laura kept getting into heavier and heavier drugs and eventually Bobby started to deal cocaine for Leo Johnson. This caused their relationship to be a lot more stable than it already was. Perhaps that was because Laura was getting exactly what she wanted and more. 
Getting into college for Bobby was easier than it should have been. He wasn’t a great student, but he could play football and that went a long way. He was awarded a full ride athletic scholarship, and the coach was willing to overlook that he was failing most of his classes and would likely have to stay a year or two longer to complete his degree. Bobby continued to date Laura and started a risky affair on the side when he started sleeping with Leo Johnson’s wife, Shelly. It started as a way for Shelly and Bobby to let off some steam and then grew into something more. Bobby held more affection for Shelly than he may have ever felt for Laura. It was a complicated matter and sneaking around with Shelly wasn’t easy because he had to keep both Laura and Leo in the dark about it. He never would have fathomed that Laura was two timing him like he was her, but you could possibly chalk that up to Bobby’s inherent arrogance. 
Bobby looked like he had it all, but the more Leo abused Shelly the angrier he got. If there was anyone he’d off it’d have been his pseudo boss. He wanted to help Shelly get out of her dull and dismal life with her abusive husband, but as per usual in Twin Peaks nothing was simple, and it was all about to become more convoluted. 
fire walk with me
Bobby was naturally one of the first suspects in Laura’s murder. They always look at the boyfriend. It soon came to light, however, that he was not the only boyfriend Laura had. Apparently, she was carrying on a relationship on the side with James Hurley. Can you believe that? Bobby was angry even though he didn’t have any reason to be, and with Leo hitting Shelly more and more he was starting to get antsy and feeling trapped. There had to be a way out of it all. There just had to. 
the missing pieces
One of the few people that can get to the core of Bobby is his lover, Shelly Johnson. While Bobby can come off as abrasive, he genuinely cares for Shelly. He’s very well acquainted with Norma Jennings due to hanging around the Double R Diner, which she owns. He went to high school with Donna Hayward, Audrey Horne, and James Hurley, and attended college with the latter two. 
Bobby Briggs is available.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
Darling Donna Hayward is the oldest daughter of Dr. Hayward and his wife Eileen. The Haywards appear to be a lovely family with three beautiful children. After Donna came Harriet and after Harriet came Gersten. Donna was the best friend of Laura Palmer from the time the girls were in grade school. They were nearly inseparable. Donna even met her first love with Laura there. The girls were skinny dipping with some boys from Canada. The boys subsequently introduced the girls to pot, but one of the boys named Tim also introduced Donna to love. As time went on Donna started dating Mike Nelson, though it’s unsure what attracted Donna to Mike in the first place since he isn't too bright. When Laura started to get into heavier drugs Donna grew worried about her friend. That paired with Donna’s new relationship with Mike caused her friendship with Laura to hit an understandable rough patch. The two girls were able to mend their bond, but Donna continually worried for Laura. 
Donna thought that she knew everything there was to know about Laura, but it became all too true to her that she didn’t, and the secrets that she did know of Laura’s she kept steadfastly. Laura and Donna even went to college together, following Bobby and Mike to a university a few towns over. One of Laura’s secrets that Donna kept was that Laura had another boyfriend and that boy was James Hurley. There were times that Donna, Laura, and James would go for picnics and spend time together. Donna grew quiet fond of James to the point that she wondered if she had deeper feelings for him. Even if she did have feelings for him it wouldn’t matter because he was in love with Laura. 
Wherever Laura went Donna followed. It was possible that she did it to look after Laura. Donna never could understand why Laura lived the way she did and one of her worst fears was that one morning she would wake up and Laura would be dead.
fire walk with me
Donna’s worst fears came to light when Laura was indeed found dead wrapped in plastic. The death of her best friend simultaneously broke her and made her realize that she had feelings for James after all. Everything was too much to handle, but she knew that had to try to find out what happened to Laura. It was easy to persuade James to help her in her crusade for the truth. A third person came into their dynamic though, Laura’s cousin Maddy who looks eerily like Laura. Maybe they’ll be able to use Maddy’s resemblance to their advantage in their quest for the truth. 
the missing pieces
James Hurley is the object of Donna’s affections. To make circumstances even stranger he was her dead best friend’s boyfriend. Donna attended high school with Bobby Briggs, Audrey Horne, and Shelly Johnson. She attended college with the former two. Donna has befriended Laura’s cousin Maddy Ferguson in her search for the truth behind Laura’s demise.
Donna Hayward is available.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
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one chants out between two worlds
As a child Dale Cooper was sickly, suffering from asthmatic fits, and was often bedridden because of it. No one would have guessed that this boy with his weak lungs would eventually grow up to become a special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  From the time he was young he would use a tape recorder his mother and father got him as a present as sort of an audio journal. Where Dale went his tape recorder went, and he would often pull it out to muse about what was going on at the time. That’s not to say that the young agent didn’t get into some trouble with his tape recorder along the way. As a boy he joined the Boy Scouts and as time progressed he became an Eagle Scout. It was during his teen years that he decided he would one day join the FBI, even going as far as taking a tour of the FBI head quarters with his father. Not long after it became apparent that Dale was a gifted marksman with a handgun, a skill that he would be able to use later when he finally joined the FBI. After some confusing times in his adolescence, experiencing strange visions, a bevy of girl trouble (including, but not limited to, a time where he blew up a girl’s mail box because he didn’t know what else to do with his feelings), and discovering his love for coffee, Cooper finally found his way back to his dream of becoming an agent for the FBI. 
He was ultimately recruited into the FBI by an agent named Windom Earle, who he would run into after the official start of his FBI career. Cooper had to kill a man who was robbing a bank and had taken hostages and because of this he took some time away from his job in the field and during his reprieve he spent time with Earle and met Earle’s wife Caroline. After months of desk work, Cooper was put back in the field with Earle as his partner. When he and Earle started investigating a gruesome murder Earle began to act strangely and eventually disappeared. During the time of Earle’s disappearance Cooper grew close to Caroline. Over a tumultuous next few years and Earle showing back up half crazed, Cooper started an affair with Caroline that would lead to her being stabbed to death by her husband. Cooper was caught in the fray, but his injuries were not fatal. Earle was put in a mental institution, and Cooper would forever blame himself for Caroline’s death.  
The next few years would bring about more connections in the FBI and some new interests for Cooper. After having one particularly interesting dream about the people Tibet and about their methods of deduction. This dream would help shape some of Cooper’s odd, yet efficient, ways of investigation. 
fire walk with me
When an agent disappeared while working on a case of a murdered sex worker named Teresa Banks Cooper was given the case. He spent nearly two years on the case before Laura Palmer was murdered in a similar fashion to Miss Banks. Naturally, Cooper was sent to Twin Peaks to investigate the murder of the town’s sweetheart Laura. It is there that Cooper’s life will change irrecoverably as he searches for the truth behind the deaths of two young women. At least the town has good pie and coffee if you want to look on the bright side. 
the missing pieces
Cooper is working diligently beside Sheriff Harry S. Truman and his deputies Tommy “Hawk” Hill and Andy Brennan, and sheriff’s office receptionist Lucy Moran. He’s met a lot of interesting locals so far including a Miss Audrey Horne, the daughter of the owner of the hotel where Cooper is residing. It would seem that Miss Horne is smitten with the agent, but it’s too early to tell yet. He’s been frequenting the Double R Diner in town, run by Norma Jennings and where Shelly Johnson works, due to the pie being the most delicious thing he has ever eaten. 
Dale Cooper is unavailable.
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firewalkwithmerp-blog · 7 years ago
Would you consider adding characters not shown in the original series that pop up in The Return like Diane?
We’re thinking about it. It wouldn’t be for a while though. As of now we are going to focus on characters that appear in the first two seasons of the original run. However, if we don’t have a character out that you’re fond of you can always suggest we add them and we will talk about it!
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