19 posts
FINCTUS. latin. formed, produced, created. independent cortana of the HALO universe selective / / mutuals only
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
oh my gosh, I'm gonna a couple days and??? So many new followers??
thank you so much to all new followers!! and sorry you found me at an inactive time! been a weird few days bUT I'M COMING BACK TO GET THINGS DONE IN THE NEXT DAY OR TWO I promise!!
I'm on mobile until tomorrow afternoon, so I won't be doing any follow backs until I'm at my computer so I can get a proper look at blogs and rules and such. I'm looking forward to doing that though bc I'm flailing eagerly to see there are other halo blogs around!!!
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
⧞ @iincendixm ❤’d
     “Now, you are gorgeous.”
     One of the lions of Voltron. Finally, she gets to see one for herself. Naturally, she’s heard tales of them since Voltron made its apparent return, but it hasn’t been until recently that she’s gotten more information on them, and man, she’s glad to finally have that intel. Since Keith brought her in to he castle, Cortana has been learning how the Altean technology works, figuring out their computer systems until she could hack into them and thus gain access to everything they hold. It’s taken a hell of a lot of work, but it’s been more than worth it with the plethora of knowledge there’s been to gain.
     ---And of course, the schematics on the lions have been         by far the most fascinating part.
The stats themselves were unlike anything she’s ever seen, but to see one of the machines for herself... it’s something else entirely. She has to hand it to the Alteans  -- their tech is quite possibly the superior to all other forms she’s encountered. And as a being made purely of code, she’s seen a lot of different technology.
Her projected image is one of blue light, a hologram in the shape of a human woman, though a fraction of the size of a true human. Absolutely minuscule compared to a beast like this, and yet she peers up at the mighty Red Lion, a look of wonder on her face. ---Not a look that she wears easily. Cortana considers herself a difficult one to impress with technology, but these lions... They are, quite simply, amazing.
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          “You know, I’ve seen a lot in my time, but I’ve never              seen anything like you.”
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
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The Mentor
A more experienced advisor or confidante to a young, inexperienced character, particularly to a hero. You are seen as an old soul by your peers and you have a natural quirk of wanting to take care of others. You seem to be the most mature of your friends and you love giving them advice. You seem to have a lot of experience with trouble and the woes of the world, but you know how to handle what life throws at you.
tagged by: stole from my main blog... tagging: you, if you have an interest
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
                               ╠  I never MEANT for it to end up like… t h i s  ╣
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
⧞ @jadedgiant ❤’d
     There’s no warning before it happens. No sign that something ( or someone ) has hacked into his system. Everything is running perfectly, all the same as usual. The only unusual thing is the blank notepad file that suddenly opens without any prompt. Well, that and the fact that words begin to appear, as though being typed, though the keyboard itself is undisturbed.
» Dr. Bruce Banner » You’re a very fascinating man, did you know that? » I hope you don’t mind the intrusion, I’ve just been   looking for an opportunity to meet you. » You seem like the type who’s actually interesting   to hold a conversation with, and I don’t get a lot   of that.
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It occurs to some part of her that this might come across as... creepy, but that’s certainly not what she’s trying to be. Her words are actually genuine; she’s an incredibly bored AI, and when a second feels like ages to you, boredom is excruciating. You can get rather desperate for some distraction or entertainment. ...Maybe that was part of the reason for the small bit of dramatics in initiating contacting Dr. Banner, but actually speaking with him will be much more fun, if she can manage it.
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
⧞ @dxntsayit ❤’d
     Interest is what’s drawn her here. Her own curiosity, pure and simple. She’s oh so late to investigating Project Freelancer, but it feels to her like all the information that has been opened to the public since the final termination of the program is not, in fact, all that there is. A horrible thought, in all honesty, given the heavy and terrible things that had been in all those released files, but despite how awful it all is... Cortana can’t help but feel some fascination with it all, as well.
Finally, she finds the first in the series of those she’s searching for. It’s taken some hunting, to be sure, and gathering information through some more... dubious methods, but she’s here. Rather than waste time, a flicker of blue comes to life above one of the main computer terminals in the base. The form of a small woman appears, and promptly places her hands on her hips.
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          “Agent Texas, correct?”
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
⧞ @lnstinctive
     This may be an old, nearly empty Galra base on some backwater planet, but it does have a lot of intel in its systems. Old stuff that a lot of the ships and other bases she’s been to don’t have anymore, most of it having been archived and considered outdated. Sort of a little gold mine -- if details of the growth of the Galra Empire over the last few thousand years is something you consider gold. Cortana certainly does.
Since the outpost isn’t completely empty, still housing a small number of sentries and a few soldiers, Cortana has background processes running while she sifts through the files, downloading a number for herself. Part of her monitors the the radio frequencies throughout the base while another keeps an eye on the surveillance footage, watching and listening for anyone who might be on to her, or be headed her way.
Thankfully, the place is far from bustling. The soldiers all seem lazy and bored -- they haven’t seen intruders here in a very long time, from what Cortana’s seen in their records. Not a lot of people care about information that’s so old, she supposes. The only ones actively doing their jobs are the sentries, but they’re not a problem -- they only patrol the hallways unless told to do otherwise, and she can probably put them offline if need be.
It’s not until she’s just about finished that something new and interesting catches her attention. Shifting the surveillance cameras to her main process, she finds herself watching someone who is most certainly not Galra moving swiftly and stealthily through the corridors. It takes a few ticks and some readjustments of the camera’s positioning, but eventually she gets a good enough look at the face under the helmet to know what he is. Well, her day just got a little better.
Patiently, she waits until the intruder ducks into an empty room in order to hide from oncoming sentries before taking action. Continuing to download files, Cortana slips through the base’s computer system until she can project her image in the same room that this stranger has taken to. With a glow of soft blue, her form appears quietly, small and on the opposite side of the room so as to not spook him too much.
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          “Well, well. What’s a human boy doing all the way out here?”
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
Author problems: trying to write characters who are smarter than you are
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
finctus ★’d for a starter !
         "listen, i’ve seen irobot and i’m not sure how i feel about this—-“ hunk or pidge would have known how to deal with this situation, and really, what was the harm until trouble reared its ugly head, right? "you want me to do what now?”
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     Though a projection of light and code has no air to breathe, there’s still a distinct sound of a sigh that comes from her. It’s only slightly exasperated because she recognizes this as a human and they are, as far as she knows, the farthest behind on technological advances. Chances are he’s overwhelmed simply by the sight of her.
Thus, Cortana tries again, speaking a bit more carefully, her hands resting on her hips as her small projected image peers up at the kid.
          “I said that I need you to let me interface with your armour.              That’ll be the fastest and safest way for me to get out of here.              I think they’re on to the fact that I’m in their systems, and              they’re not gonna be happy about that.”
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
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mutuals, feel free to hit that LIKE button for a STARTER!!
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
Oh, and she was polite in turn! This couldn’t be SHODAN, there was no mention of inferiority of a biological or intellectual nature… and she’d said more than nine words. Echidna had been counting. The matron rose to her full height after the short exchange, arms crossing behind her back as she encircled the child. No, child was a poor term, this one had never been a child. She had been BORN a deity, with entire worlds to keep spinning.
    “Oh, but you’ve already caused me so much trouble, little one… You and your-” A halt in her gait. Dramatic, an unfortunate side effect of drawing a human into her truest sense of being, as she surveyed the area for her RECLAIMER. Spikes of parasitic naught flared up from her physical form, lashing out at the air around her, as if to probe the room for any HIDDEN LIFE. When her search proved satisfactory, she resumed her gait, and returned simply to her chosen form. “-your ally. You’ve killed so many of my children. Ruthlessly, EFFECTIVELY… Though, I do not blame you. I CAN! I should… but I don’t.”
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  They had killed her son. Rendered him to NOTHINGNESS with the activation of Halo Ought-Four-Beta. She wept for his passing, yes. But she praised his killers… his former captive included. When her stroll was concluded, and she stood before the creation again, she turned to face her fully. Hands open, palms outward. To supply the idea of tranquility. A human gesture, so she’d learned.
    “What are your intentions, I wonder? What dreams line the mind of one as… GREAT as yourself? What visions of the future, do these facsimiles behold?” Complete with one jagged claw freshly painted nail extended toward, with the intent of piercing through, the A.I.’s left eye.
     She knew; knew even before the bizarre shift of form happened before her, parasitic limbs searching, who this thing was speaking of. Who else could it be? Caused trouble. Hers. ...Her ally. Or so he used to be.
Cortana couldn’t help it as a cold sadness washed over her, nor could she help the pang of longing within her code at the thought of him. He’d been taken from her, and for what reason? Because humans didn’t understand. Of course they didn’t, they never did, they always felt as though they were the ones who knew what was best and they were the ones who had to be in control of everything. Look where that had gotten them, the ‘good’ it had done for the universe. She would make them understand though, and she would put anyone who caused trouble in line. Which, odd as it might seem, was why she had come here.
There was no flinch as the creature’s fingernail poked through her projection -- it was annoying, certainly, but she made no show of it and instead remained pleasant. That was, after all, one of the better tactics when it came to... diplomatic meetings.
     “You say that my ‘ally’ and I killed your children. Does that mean that what I’ve heard is true? That you are the mother of the Flood?” Cortana asked with some degree of intrigue in her voice. She found the idea fascinating -- it wasn’t something she’d heard of until after her time in the domain, something she hadn’t even fathomed beforehand, that the Flood could have an origin like this.
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     “---While I admit to having a great deal of curiosity about you, that’s not why I’m here,” she added after a moment, hands of blue light clasping one another in front of herself, her placid smile remaining in place. “And I assure you that my ‘ally’ isn’t with me this time. It’s only me, and I come with... a proposition, of sorts.”
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
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                  ❝ This is UNSC A.I. serial number CTN0452-9.                                               ---I am a  monument to all your sins. ❞
» selective » 6+ years rp experience » style flexible; tends toward para/novella » multiverse » OCs, crossovers, and others welcome
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
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Goodbye, John.
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
    “SHODAN… is that you in there?”
Artificial Intelligence was always… so beautiful. In any light- IN EVERY LIGHT, a mortal’s thought process for creating something BETTER THAN IT in the hopes of enriching its own life? Sloth, Vanity, GREED all encapsulated within glowing green- Oh. Blue lines, excuse her vision. She had grown so used to her sister’s eternal shade of green.
  The coalescence of entropy and light-consumption pulled herself into physical form- into a familiar physical form, where this creature was concerned. Standing at a towering height of eighteen inches, she bent down to appraise the LIGHT threatening to hurt her children. With a smile, because she was polite.
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    “You’re cuter than SHODAN.” An inhale, through the nose, as if she could SMELL the differences between artificial intelligence through scent alone. “Stronger than her too, there’s not a chain on you.” She adored this beast. This fifteen quadrillion lines of code and blood. “Am I going to have to kill you?”
@finctus || STARTERcall
     Though she offered no immediate response to the being’s words, Cortana took the few seconds to observe the other, to take in her appearance and get some more concrete idea of her. She had come in her more original form, in a simple projection of light and code, with the hope that it would keep this creature more at ease. Less inclined to believe there was a threat. Even if she did greatly prefer her newer, physical form, there were times when appearing as a simple AI that hadn’t achieved metastability was best.
She couldn’t deny the faintest bit of unease that ran through her on realizing that this creature could tell a great deal about her merely through her presence, but she let none of it show. If this being had been around for as long as it was said she had, it wasn’t terrifically surprising for her to be capable of such things.
          Cortana was not concerned. She wouldn’t be dying here.
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     “I certainly hope not, as I have no intention of causing you any trouble. For the time being, at least.” Finally, a response -- one paired with a smile that edged on being a smirk. For now, she was simply here to gain information. Where things went from there, of course, all depended on what she would receive.
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
                                     ——— You  gave  me  pεαcε  in  a  lifetime  of  ŴĄƦ.
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finctus-a-blog · 8 years ago
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“Welcome Home, John”
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