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Theatre person, academic, craft enthusiast.(Formerly riddikulusglory, consolidating identities across platforms 😊)30s, she/her
Last active 3 hours ago
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figtree34 · 27 minutes ago
Honestly I can tell you finding out art was made by AI really does immediately, legitimately sour it for me, like people will trot this out as a Gotcha for anti-AI people but it's just making it clear they don't consider art to be the conversation that it is lol. It's similar to the way Harry Potter immediately soured for me because engaging with it while knowing the kind of heart Rowling is writing from changes the way the work feels; there isn't any moralizing or whatever that I have to do, it's easy to drop it because it's rotted in my hands.
"Oh but you LIKED this song before, nothing changed!" The conversational partner did. A very large portion of what is interesting to me about art is thinking of why the creator chose that instrumentation, or what made them want to make the thing in the first place. Finding out I've been talking to a wall completely removes an entire third of the force that art is to me, and I can't argue that anything about art or its consumption is Objectively Correct but I can argue it's fucking boring lmao
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figtree34 · 1 hour ago
Practice makes perfect:
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figtree34 · 2 hours ago
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figtree34 · 2 hours ago
i think villains in general provide better, more epic romances because they're allowed to go to extremes. they're allowed to put their love over the greater good. they're allowed to be selfish. the best a hero can offer you is number two, because their duty comes first. villains, though. villains will burn down the world for a last kiss goodbye.
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figtree34 · 3 hours ago
that specific brand of vampire media that’s like “you’re a late 90s-early 00s vampire in a leather jacket and sunglasses in some sleazy underground goth club that’s playing electro industrial/aggrotech/goth rock music” ruined me on all other vamp media, I too want to be a vampire in a leather jacket & sunglasses in some sleazy underground goth club that’s playing electro industrial/aggrotech/goth rock music
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figtree34 · 9 hours ago
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Hope for the democratic party?
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figtree34 · 10 hours ago
So yesterday I was thinking about how femme clothes fit my sibling weird sometimes cuz of their lack of tits and then I randomly remembered this nonprofit that knits and crochets prosthetic breasts for cis women that have had mastectomies due to breast cancer ( lol) and their patterns are free! So I am knitting them some tits which I find very amusing.
For those that want breastforms, the patterns are free. Takes sport or DK yarn. There's a DPN version and a knit flat version and a crocheted version. You can find them on Ravelry under the name Knitted Knockers but make sure you have mature content enabled
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figtree34 · 12 hours ago
The ages people are using as references for what makes it improbable that someone would know a given specific term in responses are WILD. I’m very nearly 35 and, yes, only actually use micro labels in very specific drunk deep dive conversations about identity contexts - it wasn’t part of our vocabulary when I was coming of age, and frankly even as someone who talks about queer stuff for a not-insignificant part of my job the nuances of my identity just don’t seem particularly relevant for most people around me to know unless they ask, so I’m not arguing the post’s thesis - but the idea that “older” people in the contemporary era wouldn’t have ways to learn words or a possible interest in doing so is bananagrams. And also some of this “new fangled” language being touted as unrealistic for someone to know is older than anyone who isn’t getting asked about their secrets to longevity for their local press.
A shred of historical context along with our critiques, I beg.
he would not fucking say that but it’s he would not fucking talk about his queer identity like he was reading out of a college campus lgbt center brochure
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figtree34 · 13 hours ago
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Not what I expected coming from John Green
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figtree34 · 13 hours ago
Okay but also I have had other people watch me take apart a piece of furniture and had the item I was missing appear later (well past when said witness has gone) casually on/in said piece of furniture when no one else was around to have put it there. Some things have feet.
Other people: I lost this item because I put it away somewhere safe and forgot where
Me: I lost this item because I was physically holding it in my hands when my consciousness clipped through the dimensional wall, and when I returned the item was no longer detectable anywhere on this entire plane of existence.
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figtree34 · 13 hours ago
man i have GOT to do this thing. *doesnt do it*
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figtree34 · 20 hours ago
y’all really recommend books like: title, there are gay characters, enemies to lovers, young adult, written by poc
not once do i ever see a summary
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figtree34 · 20 hours ago
"You're so funny" thanks! I cry when I'm angry.
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figtree34 · 1 day ago
Truly the only way I ever want to learn anything is by someone who’s obsessed with it monologuing at me about it.
Sorry for infodumping about my special interest out of nowhere, you said a keyword and it activated my unskippable dialogue
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figtree34 · 1 day ago
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figtree34 · 1 day ago
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figtree34 · 1 day ago
an important component of getting AGAB language out of your vocabulary as much as possible is that it forces you to think about what you actually mean. when you get the urge to refer to someone's AGAB or to a "AFAB/AMAB" experience, I challenge you to take a step back and fully process what you're trying to say and what you mean. what does it imply about the way you think about gender? what does it imply about the way you think about human bodies, human experiences, etc? it's not just about me policing your language. it's about me encouraging you to think deeply about the ways you imagine sex and gender
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