fightertris · 5 years
Probably the weirdest part of having their own garage was also having their own office. Kris had never dreamed of having an office, and almost felt like a little kid playing make believe. They hardly felt like they were the type of professional adult to have an office. Kris much preferred to be physically working on cars. The day was almost over, so they had retired to their office to go over the spreadsheets. Business was going great but Kris wasn’t even close to the amount of money they needed to pay Rasha back for buying the garage. They glanced up from the papers when a knock sounded at the door. “Hola, preciosa. It sure is. Good as new.” Kris smiled, getting out from behind the desk to get Tris her keys. “It was an easy fix, luckily. You had a faulty fuel pump that needed to be fixed.”
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tristin was so happy that her baby was finally fix that she couldn’t hold back her excitement. leaning in, she wrapped her arms around kris and captured the other’s mouth in a deep kiss. it only last a few seconds as tristin caught herself and pulled back with a smile. “thank you,” she offered them a smile. “you’ve got my information, whatever the cost just charge it to my card.”
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fightertris · 5 years
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“hey, no! none of that here. i want to watch some family guy, you know that shit retarded and too damn funny. but if you’re not feeling it, then put whatever. just make sure it’s funny.” tristin reached the remote out for margot to chose herself.
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                    “ so what exactly are you FORCING me to watch ?? ”  plopping down on the couch, margot adjusted herself. a long leg was pulled up, arms wrapping around to hug her body part comfortably to her chest. “ i get bored easily, remember. ”  a warming, almost playful with the grin curling at her lips. 
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fightertris · 5 years
Ira smiled at Tristen before making the meal that she ordered. “Double chocolate and caramel iced latte coming right up!” Ira echoed with a beam as she made the iced coffee easily, drizzling caramel in the cup before pouring the iced coffee in, and drizzling some more on top before adding a double chocolate donut into the paper bag. “That’ll be $5 dollars.” It is a bit more expensive than Dunkin’ Donuts, her rival, but her food was homemade, organic, and had a lot more extravagant flavors than Dunkin.
“How’ve you been Tris?” Ira asked with a smile.
tristin waited for her order while playing around in her phone; sending texts to her coworkers and some friends she wanted to see later on that night. looking up once it was all done, she offered ira a smile. “yum, i’m so excited.” she beamed. she didn’t care for the price, all she cared about was enjoying whatever she was intaking. “this is going to be so amazing, thank you.” tristin paid for her stuff before taking it from the counter, wasting no time in sipping her latte. “i’ve been pretty good. work has been pretty slow as of late, so i’m just enjoying all the downtime. what about you, babe?”
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fightertris · 5 years
me getting robbed on an elevator: that’s wrong on so many levels haha :)
me: honestly? the fact that u dont appreciate,
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fightertris · 5 years
Mason thought she was seriously going to ask for some help with something and thought maybe she was in some kind of trouble? So when she at last asked for what she wanted he hit her gently.  “ I should say no now, because you made me think you really needed something.”
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“but i do need you,” she giggles. she always did enjoy teasing her friends and they just seemed to make it so damn easy. “no, but really, will you help me cause i might just break the glass and it was pretty fucking pricey.”
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fightertris · 5 years
He nodded his head in agreement. While their jobs were completely different, he definitely understood busy. His life was definitely a busy one. “Busy, too. Honestly, it’s been the same old shit different day.” he chuckled slightly with a slight shrug.
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“oh, c’mon.” tristin scoffed. “i don’t believe for one second that there hasn’t been anything exciting happening in your life lately. you’re you, there’s always something.” if she remembered correctly.
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fightertris · 5 years
It was too crazy for Hana that she actually accepted a party invite. She hasn’t that much social phobia as it seems. She tried her best to look comfortable and still be fitted in the environment that she was about to enter. Using a black dress was good enough? She couldn’t answer that. She was expecting the other reaction to see if it was really a good idea. Her hair was tied up as usual though. As soon as she got her text, Song just made sure that she was ready to go by looking at herself in a mirror, then headed to her building lounge, where they’ve planned to meet. “Hey, did I take too long?” She asked as finally seeing the other woman. Which she got pretty stunned by her beauty and had to blink a few times to get off this daze.
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as she waited on hana to finish and meet her downstairs, tristin took it upon herself to order their ride. she didn’t drive as she planned on getting pretty shitfaced and wanted to be somewhat responsible. especially if she’d be watching over someone too. when the uber application notified her that the driver would be waiting outside in just a few, hana finally came down and a smile curved up on the corner of tristin’s mouth. “hot mama,” she chuckled. “no. you’re actually just in time, the uber is about to pull up.” she walked up to hana. “but before we go, there’s just one thing missing.” tristin reached out to gently pull hana’s hair out of the ponytail. her fingers then messing her curls just a bit. “fuck yeah, now we’re ready to head out.” she grabbed hana’s hand and pulled her to the car, hopping inside and letting the woman follow suit before asking. “are you ready for tonight?”
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fightertris · 5 years
tristin made her way to the glazed and confused shop. her biggest taste for when it came down to sweets was always for donuts and a latte. smiling at the friendly face of @irastein​, she walked right up to the counter. “hey, hun. can i get a double chocolate donut and caramel iced latte.”
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fightertris · 5 years
Two coronas, she simply nods her head at the easy request and pulled to glass bottles from the mini fridge, opening them up and sliding them towards both of the patrons — a slice of lemon being sat aside for each. “You guys doing an open tab or is someone buying this round?” Jessica questions, still completely oblivious to the fact that the two customers were strangers to one another. 
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tristin waited for the stranger to pay for the beers, but what she didn’t expect was for him to leave the tab open for her. 'whatever she’s getting, i’m buying,' tristin found herself laughing at the male, but she was definitely appreciative. “want something? it’s on him.” she offered the bartender on duty.
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fightertris · 5 years
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fightertris · 5 years
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ELLE Australia (2017)
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fightertris · 5 years
ok i feel like i’ve gotten everyone’s starters up, but maybe not? i’m definitely trash though so if i’m missing someone or if someone just wants a starter from my also trash baby like this or shout at me through the message thingy.
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fightertris · 5 years
“don’t be mad, okay? but i sort of, kind of, really need your help setting this table i drunkenly bought. it looks easy enough, but you know i’m trash with instructions after a few drinks in me.” she pointed at the bottle of vodka in front of her, pouting at @nicofraizer cause she really needed help.
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fightertris · 5 years
trisin walked up to @astridengstrom and didn’t hesitate to tap the blonde on the shoulder. “hey, beautiful. hopefully this doesn’t scare you away, but my friend thinks you’re pretty and was wondering if you were taken.” she couldn’t keep a straight face as she points at her coworker who is sitting on a park bench nervously looking at them.
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fightertris · 5 years
“alright so i’m in need of some serious help. okay. you ready?” tristin sighed dramatically. “am i in the mood for some wine and pizza or beers and wings?” she looks @mrfrakenanny with the most serious face she could muster.
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fightertris · 5 years
tristin was in the mood to party and who better to call up than @playeronehana? she hadn’t really spent much time with the woman and decided it was the perfect night to change that. throwing on the sexiest outfit she had in her closet, other than her lingerie, she then fixed her hair into beautiful curls before heading hana’s way. ayoooooooo! i’m here; she sent a text.
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fightertris · 5 years
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“somebody call the cops, because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!” tristin giggled to herself after the words came from her lips. she enjoyed messing with @conncrwoods​ every single time she saw him around. she’d even flirt with the man, knowing damn well nothing would ever happen between the two, but it was always fun to tease.
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