fiboni · 7 years
Easy Ways for Teens to Make Money
Easy Ways for Teens to Make Money
We all know that during the teenager’syears’ money is a little hard to come by.  Between the constant life stressors of school, parents, and girlfriend/boyfriend’s life can be pretty busy.  Up until this point your parents probably just paid for you anytime you went out to eat or wanted to go to the movies.  Now all of the sudden a magical age hits and you are expected to start paying for food…
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fiboni · 8 years
Highly Effective And Natural Weight Loss Tips
Highly Effective And Natural Weight Loss Tips
One of the most effective going natural weight loss strategies is using a meal plan to determine the amount of calories that you are going to consume in every meal. The amount of calories in every meal that we eat is determined by: 1. The amount of food we eat 2. The food preparation methods used, 3. The ingredients used in preparing the food we eat Even when we are trying to lose weight our…
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fiboni · 8 years
5 Ways to Avoid Overmedication and Go Natural Instead
5 Ways to Avoid Overmedication and Go Natural Instead
According to countless reports, overmedication is one of the most insidious problems of our medical system, especially when patients from ends of the age spectrum are concerned. This issue concerns all Americans, but it can become especially problematic in the healthcare of elderly patients, as well as in children’s healthcare. This phenomenon is too complex to tackle here and is subject to…
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fiboni · 8 years
8 Golden Suggestions for freelancers to Increase Returns from their Work-From-Home Endeavors
8 Golden Suggestions for freelancers to Increase Returns from their Work-From-Home Endeavors
As a budding freelancer, you decide to keep your rates fixed as increasing them would also attract raised eyebrows from your clients. Guess what? Although this is a good call when you are starting out as a fresher, your revenue directly influences your growth. So how exactly do you increase your returns without aggravating your buyers? By following this actionable guide of course! We’ve put…
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fiboni · 8 years
Green collar careers – giving wings to your desire of doing something for the environment
Green collar careers – giving wings to your desire of doing something for the environment
With a plethora of burning environmental issues plaguing the world, and multiple nations across various continents investing heavily in ‘green initiatives’ such as recycling, replacing with eco-friendly materials and resorting to renewable natural sources of energy, green collar careers seem to present an extremely promising picture. If you are seriously interested in jumping onto the green…
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fiboni · 8 years
A Primer on The Causes And Cure For Sleeping Disorders
A Primer on The Causes And Cure For Sleeping Disorders
Daytime fatigue, headaches and morning crankiness are some of the telltale signs shunning light upon the fact that you had a rough, restless night earlier. With long working hours, night shifts and increasing work pressure, sleeping disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnoea and snoring etc. are quite common among people. But these seemingly “normal” disorders can heavily impact your performance…
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fiboni · 8 years
Your Guide To The Blessed Organic Life
Your Guide To The Blessed Organic Life
The world today is full of so many modern facilities that have made our lives easier than the yesteryears, but at what cost? The growth of technology and the ever increasing lifestyle standards have taken a toll on nature. It’s ironic, how development of mankind is almost directly proportional to the destruction of the environment. It is high time we realised our actions and started rectifying…
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fiboni · 9 years
Regular Exercise: The Secret to A Fitter and Healthier You
Regular Exercise: The Secret to A Fitter and Healthier You
Here’s the question which everyone must have asked themselves at least once: why, oh why, must we exercise? The answers are numerous, with some being grave, others quite hilarious. Asked about this, our readers claimed reasons as varied as “I snore too much, and I heard exercise helps with that”, “I have no sex life because of my obesity”, “I get tired climbing up the stairs to my apartment” and…
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fiboni · 9 years
Health Impacts of Water Contamination Everyone Needs to Know
Health Impacts of Water Contamination Everyone Needs to Know
Water pollution is caused by several factors- the unabashed dumping of chemical waste, unintentional dumping of sewage waste, oil spills etc. The harmful pollutants not only disturb the ecosystem of water bodies, but also have adverse effects on human health. The diseases caused by the affected water-bodies depend on the nature of the pollutant. Apart from water borne diseases, polluted water is…
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fiboni · 9 years
Jumping from out of the world – head over to Bloukrans Bridge Bungy Jump
Jumping from out of the world – head over to Bloukrans Bridge Bungy Jump
Bloukrans Bridge is the highest commercial bridge bungee in the entire world. Located in South Africa, Bloukrans boasts of several world records. In 2003, Bloukrans Bungy was recognized as the highest commercial bungee jump and in 2008, the site managed to break two more world records.
Safety Concerns
Undoubtedly, the bungy jumping point boasts of amazing natural beauty. The operators of the…
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fiboni · 10 years
What you need to do to get motivated
What you need to do to get motivated
Everyone one of us has had days where we wish we could just be more motivated. Whether it’s starting a new project, cleaning the yard or even starting a business–sometimes motivation seems to be just around the corner yet it feels so far away. Nonetheless, there are so many seen and unseen advantages to being motivated. First off, if you want to be awesome, you must be motivated. When you’re…
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fiboni · 10 years
A day out diving at Sodwana Bay – unadulterated adventure buffet with marine nature
A day out diving at Sodwana Bay – unadulterated adventure buffet with marine nature
The region of South Africa boasts of numerous diving locations, but none of them can compare to the wonder that is Sodwana Bay. This site boasts of breath-taking natural beauty in the form of colourful reefs that are capable of holding attention of both the international divers as well as the locals. The tidal pools offer tourists to the bay the opportunity to experience an amazing snorkelling…
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fiboni · 10 years
A date with the raw side of nature – Kruger National Park
A date with the raw side of nature – Kruger National Park
The Kruger National Park, the second-largest game reserve in Africa and the largest in South Africa, is South Africa’s first national park and was established in 1926. The Kruger national Park is the flagship of South African National Parks, spanning a whole 360km from North to South, and 65km from East to West. This serene park has the scenic beauty of Limpopo, situated to the west, Mpumalanga…
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fiboni · 10 years
A very powerful message to humanity This video contains a very powerful message to humanity. Its message is timeless and it is probably more relevant today than when it was written back in 1940.
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fiboni · 10 years
Our Sun in HD by NASA
Our Sun in HD by NASA
For five years, NASA has put a very sophisticated webcam into space and aimed it at the sun. This space probe or satellite was launched on February 11, 2010 and is called “The Solar Dynamics Observatory” (SDO). The SDO is part of the Living With a Star (LWS) program which studies our sun. Since its launch in 2010, the SDO has made some very fine pictures of the boiler of our galaxy and NASA is…
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fiboni · 10 years
Saviors of the Earth - the most notable efforts to solve water cris
Saviors of the Earth – the most notable efforts to solve water cris
Water shortageis an impaling menace for the entire world, especially for the third world countries who cannot afford to go for expensive means to get their citizens even a meagre amount of safe water for human consumption. Therefore many-an-agencies, often nations collaborate to fight this evil assuring the people earn their very basic resource for living. And therefore the three most influential…
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fiboni · 10 years
Rhino Pooping. Holy shit.
Rhino Pooping. Holy shit.
Get the scoop on Rhino poop, because this rhino was caught in the act pooping aka deficating. Also referred to as clearing the traffic jam on the hershey highway, or just plain taking a crap. Luckily, this nature’s beauty was was not embarresed at all and was willing to show us his or her private moment.
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