featzelo · 7 years
kpop blogs could make a gif set of your entire life 2 seconds after you die
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featzelo · 7 years
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Hyuk taking care of Ravi a baby
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featzelo · 7 years
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♥ D-5 until VIXX-OTPS’s fourth anniversary: 10 reasons why Hongbin and Hyuk fans love them so much ♥
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credits: ♥ / ♥
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featzelo · 7 years
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the cutest english lesson
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featzelo · 7 years
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170909 Namjoon’s Tweet
방탄 단톡방
Bangtan group chat [1st Picture] Chat Room Title: Bangtan Member Room (7) Kim Taehyung: Namjoonie hyung kekekekeke Kim Taehyung: Please.. Jung Hoseok: Keke Kim Taehyung: I killed all the mosquitoes before going to sleep yesterday and was wondering why I heard buzzing. Kim Taehyung: Hyung.. Kim Seok Jin Hyung: The mosquito bit me. And when I stared at the mosquito, the mosquito said “why~” ❤️ (T/N: This is another word play joke. The way he described the mosquito as saying “why” is a similar pronunciation to the way mosquitoes sound)
[2nd Picture] RM: im sorry baby RM: Huh? RM: Ah, that probably wasn’t me. RM: I closed the door before I left. Kim Taehyung: I’m telling you that just because you don’t see a crevice, it doesn’t mean the door’s actually closed. You need to actually hear the click of the door closing or else it’s gonna open again. Jung Hoseok: Keke so detailed. RM: I see. RM: I acknowledge my mistake.
Trans cr: Christie @ allforbts © Please take credit when taking out
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featzelo · 7 years
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featzelo · 7 years
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380*613 don’t cut my tiny glory religious watermark. twitter 정국님의 옥체 컬렉션 @jungkook_body
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featzelo · 7 years
“wow the dream daddy bad endings are so horrible!!!”
aoba seragaki destroyed his boyfriend’s mind, turned him into a monster, and proceeded to let said monster chew on his dick
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featzelo · 7 years
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so good news, bad news. good news: hyu… they’re NOT gonna kill u~! ♥ bad news: no one’s gonna help u… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [requested by anon]
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featzelo · 7 years
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somin in april vs somin in kard ( requested by anonymous )
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featzelo · 7 years
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featzelo · 7 years
170715 officialbyzelofilm_’s Instagram Post
Sunghakie-hyung🤣 [T/N: Hoseok is the one laughing in the background.]
Trans cr: Kylie @ allforbts © Please take credit when taking out
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featzelo · 7 years
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Zelo gets scolded. Then make sure Youngjae is being scolded too.
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featzelo · 7 years
officialbyzelofilm_: 동네에서 @bangstergram
In the neighbourhood @.bangstergram
trans by transforbap ; take out with full credit
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featzelo · 7 years
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Yongguk will make Himchan regret this later
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featzelo · 7 years
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Jongup and his phone.
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featzelo · 7 years
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Yongguk giving Daehyun a personally made bouquet. 
because we haven’t suffered enough
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