sparklingchim · 1 year
oki but what if i write a drabble abt jk fucking oc in his jersey ... 🫢
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nonadhesiveness · 2 months
rewatching the episode with The Hat
it will never not make me laugh
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doriandrifting · 2 years
Im thinking about how the first killing happens the night before Will’s birthday right? I’m wondering if with each killing Vecna is able to shift the timeline a little. If that’s how everyone’s forgotten Will’s birthday. Or if it has something to do with the Upside Down being frozen in time.
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sophsun1 · 10 months
I'm trying to track down qaf scenes I can't remember via the haircuts they sported for each season lmao 😂😂😂
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lewisunlight · 1 year
what's going on around here now
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bumpintheroad · 10 months
I would definitely respond to you!
how kind of you! too bad i don’t know who this is lol
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kindahoping4forever · 5 months
AshtonIrwin: It’s always been you against the world 🌎 🪽💪
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lovereadandwrite · 4 hours
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a nightmare from which there will be no waking up✨
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diorcities · 2 months
i like how all my sunflowers moots have a version of haechan they like as a pfp. we're talking about the same person but in different fonts. the haechan verse.
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tampatom12 · 2 months
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Tampa Bay Buccaneers Team Reporter Casey Phillips: So you and Gronk got your 90th touchdown connection against Atlanta [Tom: Yeah!], which puts you second all time in the NFL. Why is he the guy you have this connection with?
Tom Brady: He's hard not to have a connection with...he's so easy to like, be his teammate, to throw the ball to 'im, from a quarterback aspect. Just like, the connection we had since the beginning of our relationship, you know what I mean? He got picked when he was pretty young to come play together with me in New England and I think that position [the tight end] is so like, critical to the success of a quarterback because that throw to him is always available; you know, he's always a tough matchup to defend and then you put his incredible athletic ability and athleticism, uh, his speed; all the things that matter, but then there's an intellectual part that people don't see because they always think that Gronk is soft all the time but Gronk is a very very smart player, [and] person; he has very high awareness of everything, so we've been able to play together for a long time and do some really great things together and ummm...he just continues to blow me away. I mean, with all the stuff that he does as a player and how I seen him like, you know, go from a 20-year-old, 21 year-old kid to now, you know, he's just...he's so mature, [is] such a professional and...he LOVES football. He loves playin' and competin'. I think we're all...this team loves him as they should because he's just an amazing guy.
Tom Brady talking about his Relationship with Rob Gronkowski // via the Tampa Bay Buccaneers YouTube Channel // Sunday, December 19th, 2021
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shonenkun309 · 3 months
Okay so...there that one face Koga made in Kuya's route and ONLY in Kuya's route...
And that's not all, my dear potatoes!!!
I went to read Kuya's route in the JP version and there's no such a scene where Koga made THIS face!! 😦😦😦
EN version (After Futaba said "Dice...?")
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JP version (After Futaba said "Dice...?")
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But that face isn't anywhere in the JP 😨😨😨😨
After investigations, scrutiny, examination, etc, I realized several things!
I know Koga's facial expressions one by one and Koga didn't made this face at all! Not even in his own route and his sequel in the JP which means that this sprite doesn't exist in the first place 🤨
Then I made a comparison between him and the fella who this sprite showed up in his route and the result was :
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Then I had a thought, what if that face Koga made was actually a glitch in the EN version and it originally belonged to Kuya??? 🤨
But tbh?? 🌚🌚
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THIS!! Is the best glitch I've ever seen in my whole life, even the glitch that send you to the backrooms can't hold a candle to this at all 😌🤌🏻✨
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essentialalls · 11 months
Let's put some juice salt here, shall we?
I don't even know whether to consider them theories, maybe it's just something I hope to see happen episode by episode - after all I was born as an Agatha Christie fan, what I know I owe to her.
What are your expectations for Only Murders s3?
I am well aware that our little cells have already started turning with the most interesting theories.
So here are my top three speculations:
- What if Loretta Durkin (Meryl Streep) is mostly innocent (a little suspicious, but innocent) but dies totally suddenly, DIFFERENTLY from how the killer killed Ben Glenroy, bc probably she saw something IMPORTANT? Even better if she hadn't actually realized that she had seen the killer in the act doing his/her malicious plans??
- What If there is something like Orien Express all around? See, Ben Glenroy was an awful person (well, we could just assume it) What if he made life sucks as hell for more actors and actresses? To more and many people in the show buss? What if this theater troupe isn't so random? Maybe Loretta has the plan but they ALL into it and try to kill Ben, until they finally succeed.
- And last but not least what if it's Ben Glenroy's past that comes to claim him? Someone is in disguise as an actor just to approach him and take revenge after years (this theory does not include Loretta, however).
Now tell me your thoughts, lm super curious.
We need to go full Olimabel here!
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theeleventhhour · 4 months
I know it’s probably nothing but I tried to search the band’s insta like @icouldntfindquiet did before.
I’ve found the posts changes between countries, which could be absolutely normal due to countries restrictions probably, being less posts.
What I found curious is in the german(? one (I think is that if not correct me) is that there is one more post that the oficial account has uploaded. Like why it would have one more?
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cafeacademia · 2 years
Imagine this!!!!
Steven wakes up early in the morning to go to work at the museum but he doesn´t want to ´cause he wants to stay home with you but then he´s sees your jumper that you where wearing the day before and he´ll be like... I need it to survive today so he kinda steals it and puts it on.
At first he tells himself it´s just for now at home while he gets all the stuff he needs to go to work. ´cause you´re still sleeping and he and marc might have made it a long night for you so he knows you won´t know he wore it. You´re still sleeping soundly ans don´t know that he´s wearing your jumper. Marc is softly laughing but he thinks it´s cute. Steven just glares at him and fineshes packing his stuff.
Then it´s time for him to leave and beforz he can open the door Marc says to him: "Um Steven, the sweater..."
Steven freezes for a second nit knowing what to do. He want to keep wearing it ´cause its warm and yours and smells like you but he thinks you might get upset with him when you find out. "But I need it." He wispers softly.
So he takes a deep breath and walks out the door. On his way to work. In your sweater. Trying not to think about how upset you´ll be when you find out. "She won´t be angry" Marc try´s to reasure him when they walk back home. Steven knows but still he´s worried.
Hmm I swear I was just gonna send two or three sentences hahahah 😅 oops hahahaha
"But I need it." Babyyyy 😭
But imagine you wake up and you're getting dressed and you try to find your jumper but it's not there. You know exactly where it's wandered off to and it brings a smile to your face while you dig out another jumper from your wardrobe.
Steven and Marc come home later in the day and I bet poor Steven is so nervous to walk into the apartment with your jumper on but as soon as he does, you just greet him as usual with a big hug and so many kisses which always makes him feel so 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
"Did you miss me?" You ask completely serious. "I hope this kept you company today." You say as you gesture at your jumper that he's wearing.
"A bit, well quite a lot actually, yeah." Steven nods.
"You can always borrow my jumpers if it helps, Stevie. Now, come and wind down with me."
And he just 😍😍😍 Marc laughs to himself like "I told you she wouldn't mind"
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toobusybumbling · 6 months
"That's my husband!" I say, pointing at a picture of a grown ass fictional woman
Pr0ship/c0mship DNI
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bumpintheroad · 1 year
I always think about you
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